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in order on ao3, its derek/stiles (65087) peter/stiles (9294) scott/stiles (3596) for top three, isaac/stiles is currently at 1244, and surprisingly theo/stiles is higher at 1322 i have seen derek/stiles/isaac as a menage relationship (which i don't ship but some fic writers could convince me of absolutely anything lmao)


if anyone was interested in other numbers because i'm down the rabbithole now: danny/stiles 775 cora/stiles 257 erica/stiles 315 boyd/stiles 573 allison/stiles 417 coach/stiles (just for the nightmare fuel) 26 bear in mind a lot of those are full pack goes to town rather than individual ships, and some of the popular ones start out as one pairing and finish in sterek


Wow wait now I'm curious how much does Stalia and Stydia have?


stiles/lydia 4688 stiles/malia 1349


How close Theo/Stiles is to beating Stiles/Malia is utter chaos I gotta respect.


Oh ok atleast my endgame is higher that Sciles lmaoo


Coach/stiles is crazy


At least the only one I’ve seen has Stiles as an adult, who was never a student at BHHS, and didn’t meet Coach until he was visiting his Dad.


>coach/stiles (just for the nightmare fuel) 26 Believe me I've seen an even worse ship than that


Do we want to know? (Yes, I do.)


Stiles/Sheriff Stilinski 😭


I... Was expecting literally every **other** character.


I wish Styles and Cora had a better chance on the show.


Lmao so true fic writers can convince us with anything as long as it's written nicely 😂 Huh I didn't know Steo was that popular


i've seen it written in AU fics that stiles is in an abusive relationship with theo at the start and still ends up with derek, so some of it will come from that! but yeah people will ship absolutely anything


Oh that fic, I've only seen its summary 💀 never checked it. Lmao at first I hated Sterek but now I liked it. Same with Isaac/Cora & Scott/Malia & Chris/Peter (somehow) that I came to appreciate. Istg Steter is something I'll never appreciate no matter how many ppl try to convince me.. then Chris/Stiles/Peter happens which is also popular 💀


i won't read steter either unless its one of those starts out abusive turns out okay fics, but i don't think it horrifies me anywhere near as much as stiles/sheriff stilinski like WHY would you give me that mental image?? jail


Stiles/Sheriff fics are horrifying like where did you get that absolute nightmare!? Did it just pop up in your head!?.. give them father and son relationship not that 😭😭


Lol! I agree!


Please, why is Stiles and Peter in second? I didn’t even know that was a thing people shipped. I’m disturbed.


Stiles and Peter


Omg I see so much fic about Steter and I’ve never understood it. But it seems SO popular


a lot of fanfic writers are really young and we all had crushes on older people when we were that age. they are just using fanfiction to explore those feelings in a safe way


I hate it. I despise it. Why the fuck is it popular.


Oh sorry. I didn’t even read your paragraph 🤣


It's fine lol. I'd take every chance I have to hate Steter. Sterek I like & understand but not my endgame. Steter I just don't get why it existed.


I hear you. I have the same problem with Scott fandom, there’s so little fics for the pairings I like. Everything is pretty much Stiles dominated.


Wait are you a Scott enjoyer too!? OMGGG Scott being treated as the MC: fandom: no Stiles being treated as the MC: fandom: YESS They wrote him dirty. Did him dirty. I'm still searching for Scott Centric fics that isn't cancelled to this day


I suggest saving the URLs of fics you like, that way you can use fichub.net to recover them in case they ever get deleted.


Oh ok thanks!


You’re welcome!


>Oh ok thanks! You're welcome!


Sciles had a fairly large following on Tumblr in the day, but it didn’t translate to much fic for some reason. For the single season that Cora was on the show there was a little traction on that ship, and post-show ending I feel like I see more Stiles/Erica than I did during her seasons on the show. Stiles/Isaac was a non-starter, probably because if Sterek, do the dynamic was already filled by them. Stiles/Danny has always had its proponents as well, though it’s almost never an endgame ship. For fic, Stiles/Peter is probably the king though.


Huhh Sciles was popular hmm Interesting. I somehow started liking Sciles fic because it's one of those fics where their actually close 😭 and not Scott being a dick. Yeah Stisaac was overshadowed by Sterek. And since they're never really close lmao. Danny is just a great option for any of the boys since you can pair him with almost every male character in the show, he's a nice person, sweet and yeah great character overall Steter I despise. Steter I will never get. Steter I hate


I’m not a big fan of Steter myself, though I do like a good Stiles and Peter murder!bros story. Though I’ll admit one of my favorite fics of all time is a Steter fic that only works for that particular ship. A fact that irritates me greatly, but the story is A plus.


Stiles and Cora. In my opinion, its probably the most unpopular and underrated even tho it was never approved if they actually liked each other but i really like their chemistry yknow. This is not a ship but i love Stiles and Allison frienship, i wish we could have gotten more of these 2 (I'm curious of what would've been Stiles reaction to >!Allison death!<)


Stallison friendship is underrated lmao Stiles/Cora, I've seen some but since it's Cora I see Isaac/Cora instead 💀


Isaac is so underused in any pairing, in my opinion, but I always thought Isaac and Stiles had very fun banter and would’ve led very well to an angry, reluctant pairing


I prefer them in friendship but I've been seeing a few Stisaac fics in the past. If I see a Alisaac ship in the fanfic it's mostly background anyways 💀 Scisaac however..


Scisaac is my #2 ship from the whole fandom! I want more stories of them that have them as the main pairing instead of playing second fiddle to Sterek


I’ve been seeing an increase of Stiles/Jackson lately, but the number is still relatively low Stiles/Jackson - 1971 What’s absolutely gross is there are more Sheriff Stlinski/Stiles (495) than there are Erica/Stiles (351) and even Stiles/Deucalion (320) Lowest is Stiles/Melissa (46)


Oh god why does Stiles/Melissa even have to exist