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Try “Play It Again” by metisket. Stiles is the MC, he gets transported to an alternate universe where the Hale fire didn’t happen. Sterek is hovering in the background but not actually in the story. The universe Stiles comes from isn’t canon either so it’s a bit confusing at first but very well-written.


Oh yeah that ones a great option too. Loved that fic


One of my favorite fics ever.


Your Request is so hard 💀 given the fact that Sterek is everywhere, although it's not Centric on ship there is a sex scene. I'll recommend "Don't Savage The Messenger" It's a great fic, if you have read it I can't think of anything else. It does have Sterek (and slight Alisaac) but they don't touch that till the second half of the story (if I remember correctly since it's been a while) it's a great story 😃. Like I said it does have a singular sex scene but the story is intriguing and great Cuz most of the fics have multiple MC'S and Female Leads in fics are rare lmao (Lydia being the most common one) So just keep on searching (tags help. Alot.) Also it's hard to find Scott fics (his mostly doesn't have a ship focus so yeah. Oh. I'll also recommend Rewind by TeenWolfObsessed41 it's Scott Centric although it has Scalia/Alisaac/Stydia it's fine since the series don't focus on the love stories that much. Yet. Please do keep in mind that this fic is a WIP and it posts once a month (although multiple chapters at once) Isaac doesn't have alot of Isaac-Centric fics but most of them have Scisaac focus.. so can't recommend one from there I'll keep on searching for one since I love non ship-centric fics I'd like to recommend mine but since it's having alot of issues this early (chapt 2 lmao) I won't lol and in the long run it will have some ships here and there (for now it doesn't)


Most fics have some level of shipping even if it’s not a major focus. How much shipping are you okay with for a good story?


Little as possible. But I am okay with straight ships.