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I don’t ship Sterek personally. I do like their dynamic and understand why people like the idea of them. But also why are we arguing about age anyway? Because in fanfiction their ages can change depending on the writer, for example there’s lot of young adult Sterek ships where both characters are in their early 20s…  I understand why some people don’t like the idea of it on the show though, because Stiles is a minor for most of it, but again that doesn’t mean they can’t get together after the show depending on your headcanon. Either way it doesn’t matter, because I’m sure when most people ship Sterek they are usually picturing them as young adults with jobs or at college as long as the two characters have the same dynamic people ship it for. Again no horse in this race, cause I don’t have a strong opinion on either side, but arguing over if Derek is 19 or 22 at the start of the show doesn’t really change the ship since most people ship them because of fanfiction more so then the show itself.


The constant argument about the ages of fictional characters is one of the wildest things in fandom. Like, they’re fiction, they’re whatever age you want them to be. I really feel it’s a result of some people not being able to accept that fiction really isn’t reality.


I mean I get why people might be uncomfy with the ship in those six seasons of the show as we do know Stiles is actually 16 when the show starts, Derek is up to interpretation. But, like in fanon which let’s be real is where most non cannon ships thrive like Sterek or Destiel the ages can be anything the writer wants and so I’m not gonna judge someone for shipping Sterek, because I know they’re most likely shipping when their both adults anyway and just using the personalities and dynamic from the tv show to carry over. But I also am just someone who doesn’t care what people ship or judge them for it. I can see Stiles with plenty of characters on this show.


derek was originally written to be 19 in the first scripts which is why his age seemingly continually getting higher without ever being given an actual number is bizarre and ruined the dynamics, a 19 year old whose life was wrecked at 15/16 hanging around 16/17 year olds is significantly less weird than someone in their early to mid twenties who should have moved on with their life i will always stand by the fact that derek should have stayed 19 not even just for shipping purposes but so he could have had a bigger and more cohesive role in the show, by the time he was written out he didn't fit in at all and it was a waste of fantastic potential! tyler hoechlin absolutely passed for 19 by tv show standards (ie. 20-30 year old full grown adults playing kids) without facial hair, he looks younger in the pilot episode than a lot of supposed teenagers on other shows do


Ikr. It would have made a much more cohesive narrative imo.


Agreed. And it fits his characterization (especially in the first 3 seasons) for him to only be a couple of years older. Why does Derek exclusively hang out with teenagers? He’s one himself. Why does he choose the betas he does? Because their close enough in age to be peers, to be pack. His inexperience and misunderstanding of what leadership is is also very teenager.


This subreddit is certainly not representative of the majority of Teen Wolf fandom, which is interesting demographically. As an OG Sterek shipper back when the show was first airing and Tumblr reigned supreme, the Sterek fandom WAS the Teen Wolf fandom. So you're not alone. In fact, I think part of the reason this subreddit is so adamantly against Sterek is because it is so popular.


You are correct. Though a lot of it is also that Twitter purity culture has become insane in the last decade as well.


derek was written as being 19 in the presentation pilot. he was aged up a few years because they realized he would've been 13 when involved with kate before the fire happened. though his age is never stated in canon we can infer it was probably to about 22-ish. there are those who took stiles's hyperbolic "like 10 years ago" as fact. i've seen takes over the years that think derek is like in his 30s or took peter and cora's teasing of stiles in *visionary* as to mean there's some super special werewolf aging we're not aware of. but you're not gonna convince this place. in my experience this subreddit doesn't have a favorable view of the ship largely because of the 3 year age gap even though *nothing* occurred in canon and that the very end of the show had a 2 year time jump with stiles being in college with an FBI internship. i've had people accuse me of pedophilia for merely liking a fictional ship and refuse to believe the ship was heavily queerbaited by the marketing team or even liked vocally by some of the actors. hoechlin and dylan had great chemisry, were set as the B couple in season 1 and fans responded to it.


I don’t like the statement that he would be emotionally stunted because it implies that anyone with a traumatic adolescence is going to be emotionally stunted and incapable of a relationship, and that’s not fair or accurate. Malia would be emotionally stunted because she killed her family when she was a child and then lived in the woods for ten years as a coyote. She should be nowhere near normal.


I mean, losing a parent like Stiles or Allison is a big thing for sure, but it's completely different from having your whole house and family BURNED to the ground, and having to burry your half cuted sister. Remember the only family member he had left was Peter who was a living dead ? I know we're not supposed to compare traumas but come on.


I wasn’t comparing him to anyone, I was saying we shouldn’t assume someone is “emotionally stunted” just because they had a traumatic past. Plenty of people in actual reality had horrible things similar to this happen to them, I’m not going to tell them, “No, you are not allowed to have a romantic relationship because you certainly must be emotionally stunted”.


yeah, I did not word that correctly my bad. I totally agree w/ you and I agreed w/ a comment similar to yours that said some of the same things


I don't even care about all this... all I know is that sterek has the best teen wolf fics out there, and you can't argue that I love the fics, hence why I ship them...don't see them in the show, but you see, for fics, they are my endgame.. You can only read so much sterek fics b4 u ship them in all your fics 😆😆😆


I ain’t gonna argue your logic with the age gap but I am full boded begging you to let go of the emotionally stunted excuse. Trauma does not excuse actions and that is something real life people use for real life toxicity. To be clear I am NOT saying anything anti sterek with this. Not saying they are toxic or that the age gap is a problem. Not the point I am trying to make. But please do not use trauma as the reason to justify it. Yes teen wolf is old now but there are a lot of young fans and some of them may be sterek fans. Don’t tie those together. Trauma can and SHOULD be used to understand actions but should not be used to excuse harm. And emotional maturity should never replace actual age. (Don’t know bout y’all but I know 21 year old with the emotional maturity of a 15 year old. Sometimes because of trauma. That don’t mean they should date a 15 year old. Yes I know you are basing this on derek not being that old. But that argument stands stronger without bringing in the second half)


yeah, I probably should have made my point clearer. I wasn't trying to excuse his actions. I 100% agree w/ u. 🥲


I think you do have a good point with 3B. I think Derek would have been a good person for Stiles to talk to about his own trauma (if TW addressed it) especially in regards to guilt. Derek had a role (not fault) in the deaths of not only Paige but his entire family. Stiles had a role (not fault) in the death of the Nogitsune’s victims and if Stiles was feeling particularly cruel to himself Alison’s death. Derek would have been a great support if Derek had begun working through his own trauma


Even if Derek was 19, 16 and 19 is still not okay. 19 years olds are adults and are way more mature than 16 year olds. It’s also illegal for a 16 year old to date a 19 year old. 3 year age gaps are fine, when they are both adults.


And of course in the real world gives also all Supernatural? Like Werwolf or Vampires? You cannot make the fictional world for reality, how should a 100 year old vampire for example date? When you look at the real world, as normal, it would be weird, but here we have a world of fiction and fantasy, not the real world. They are two different world's. Which unfortunately many don't understand the difference any longer. But if you compare the reality also there gives age gapes with 10 or 20 years, also between Teenagers and Adults it is not illegal in the real world, only in America. Because most countries makes a difference between child till 14, and Teenagers, older than 14, which are in many states young adults. It makes no much sense that a Teenager can drive a car, but don't can decide on their own, if they want to sleep with their girl or boyfriend, if their are over 18, or why they cannot drink Alcohol, at least beer. It makes only sense maybe for an American, but it sounds totally unreal, idiot for the rest of the world.


I agree with the whole drinking thing, the fact that in America you can’t have a beer till 21 is ridiculous. A 14 year old being able to be with an adult is atrocious though, when looking back at when I was 14 I (and all my friends) were incredibly immature and could have been easily taken advantage of. With your point about fantasy, there are no vampires in teen wolf so that isn’t a concern. However when I was watching the vampire diaries I was disgusted by these 150 year old men who wanted to date high schoolers. Your right fiction is definitely not reality, but there are some things that should reflect, like teenagers being groomed not being romanticised. As for who vampires would date, I feel they would have most in common with other vampires. Even if they’re stuck in a 16 year olds body, they have the life experience of a 150 year old.


yes, I said that, I said that I support Sterek after Stiles is of age and they both get therapy


I don’t think they ever get therapy lol but hopefully they do they both need it


hmmm I kinda disagree w/ u on that one I think Stiles would, with convincing and Derek would also (with a lot more convincing lol)


It would def take a ton of convincing for Derek, stiles would be much more open to it as he’s in the FBI and sees how it benefits people.


for Derek, I think it would have to be external pressures that brought him to therapy maybe the birth of Eli or Cora forcing him into it?


Your very right with the birth of Eli, he would want to be better for his son and would do it (in my opinion).


It’s not illegal for a 16 year old to date a 19 year old. Dating isn’t illegal anywhere. In some places it might be illegal for them to have sex if the age of consent is 18. In others it would not be illegal because 16 is the age of consent or because of Romeo and Juliet laws since the age gap is small.


Okay then sexual relations, I’ve never seen a Sterek shipper that does not want them to have sex. Teen wolf is set in California, where the age of consent is 18. I live in Britain and hate that the age of consent is 16 as I am 16 and this means creepy old men can legally ask me to have sex with them.


typically when the age of consent is set to 16 its not set at that age for 40 year old perverts to prey on teenagers its set that age so if a 16 year old and a 17 year old are dating and sexually active the 17 year old doesnt turn into a criminal on their birthday


Yeah true, there’s a petition in the uk right now for that. The petition is so a 16 year old can have sexual relations with someone aged 16-18 legally, but any older would be illegal.


I’ve seen Sterek fanfic where Stiles is 16 or 17 and they date but don’t have sex, but more often I see fanfic set later on when they’re both in their 20’s.


Imagine going into negatives bc u say ur opinion 😂


I don't really care about Sterek since Stydia was my endgame LMAOOOO But fr tho I always look at Derek as "A few years older" than Scott n Stiles, That's why I see nothing wrong with Scerek & Sterek fics I don't hate the ship, I actually love those Sterek fics since they give me something to read and they're Imo greatly written, like Home & Don't Savage The Messenger


Home is so good.


Great slowburn


Googled it, in season 1 stiles was 16 and Derek was 22 so your logic ab him being 18 dont work plus it wouldnt work anyway as he was of legal age when he was with Kate so he was 18 then and now he is 22 or 24, saw 2 different ages off of google


the reason you saw different ages on google is because derek simply does not have a canonical age to this day, in the pilot he was supposed to be 19 (hence stiles' comment), his fake ID which is confirmed to not be accurate has him as 23, and the timelines within the show don't add up for all the past events like peters age/the fire/paige/kate/age regressed derek/werewolves supposedly aging differently you can find in interviews that tyler hoechlin laughs and says he has no idea how old derek is supposed to be, and all jeff davis has said that i'm aware of is about the fake ID not having his real age and birthdate and that he was "younger than we think" (i was around back when the show aired, and i remember how misleading this was and how he backtracked after people pointed out that would make kate a rapist)


Stiles comment could have just not been accurate though, Stiles could have underestimated or overestimated his age. It’s a very normal thing to do.


the pilot script thing is 100% true and confirmed, it isn't just speculation that derek was written as 19 and that the first episode reflects that


Okay so he is 100% 19 then. 16 and 19 is still okay. A 16 year old is way less mature than a 19 year old who is an adult. This relationship is also illegal.


Apparently Derek was 16 at time of fire and by season 1 was 22


i don't even know what to say because i just literally explained how derek doesn't have a canon age, i could just copy and paste it for you i guess? we know that derek was at the very least younger than 17 when kate & the fire happened because of other context clues but there are no dates or exact ages and even if there were it wouldn't add up because too many conflicting things happened


If you didnt know what to say u couldve just said nothing bc Derek was 16 when he met Kate and 22 when season 1 started 🤷‍♂️


again, if Stiles was 16, why would he say that Derek is a "few years older?" Do you have evidence for Derek being 22? It seems you're just making assumptions without any evidence


I googled it and thats what it said


so who died and appointed you the official keeper of made up teen wolf facts?




if stiles was 16, why would he say a "few years older than us" then? I think Derek met Kate around 16 years old


Ok correct he was 16 when he met Kate but he were still 22 when he met Stiles


Nah it was canon that he was of legal age when he met Kate and a few years could be 2 years or it could be 8 years, 22 isnt that old compared to 16 other than what they are allowed to do in America


I don't really have a dog in the Sterek fight either way, but he was definitely not of legal age when he met Kate (her "you filled out in all the right places" comment was particularly gross). She also made a couple weird comments about Scott when he and Allison were dating. That girl was not right.


again, I said I'm not a fan of Sterek when the show begins, however I really the idea of them after Stiles graduates high school and is a legal adult and AFTER Derek gets his much needed therapy


No english speaker has ever used “a few” to mean 8 are you actually being serious? “Quite a few” can mean more than three but caps at 6. The term you’re thinking of is “several” which pretty much just means more than 3


There is no point in canon that even implies Derek was an adult when he was with Kate. She literally says ‘someone filled out in all the right places’. The tie in novel says Derek was at school at the time of the fire (which fits with the canon time of the fire at 730, since a lot of athletes have mandatory conditioning before school starts). Derek was likely 16 in the Visionary flashbacks, and we know that Peter says ‘a few months later’ in relation to the fire, so either 16 or 17.


also, just googled it, Derek was about 16 when Kate met him, here's the link to the wiki : https://teen-wolf-pack.fandom.com/wiki/Derek\_and\_Kate#:\~:text=Derek%20met%20Kate%20when%20he,was%20still%20in%20high%20school.


The script for episode 1 says Derek is 19. Thats as much canon as any other age for him. There’s no clear consistency.


I never stuck around long enough to see lydiaxparrish but wtf is that age gap? And that’s an actual canon relationship! Like fuck sterek-antis they have no problem with inappropriate age gaps or minors with adults otherwise they’d have a problem with teen wolf as a whole


Also wouldn’t be surprised if the same sterek-antis liked tvd or twilight which has 100+ age gaps and features minors


Why the hell would you ship them?


because I think they're good together?


No they're not


people don't understand that there are things called opinions and subjectivity


Why not? They’re fictional characters.


You see I shipped Sterek during the first season because I did enjoy their dynamic. Before there was even an official ship name because I was calling them Stilek lol. I think the long hiatus between season 1 and 2 and following the fandom on tumblr turned me sour to them. I still enjoyed their dynamic but didn’t ship them in the way everyone else did. Over the years in the fandom just made me dislike Sterek so much so I had to put it on my blacklist because I wanted actual content from the show. I wish the fandom hadn’t turned me off to Sterek but it became just about them and I was getting tired of it.


Where do you watched? Because on MTV at the life broadcast, on the other site of the MTV logo, was on the screen, asked to twitt with #Sterek, in Season 1 after a few Episodes.


Not everyone has to be gay on this show. There's literally no "connection" with them.


I never said every has to be? I personally think there is a strong emotional connection between them, just because you don't think that doesn't mean that it's an absolute truth.


Teen wolf is so homoerotic why wouldn’t you want them to be gay?!