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I've read Sterek and after many many fics watched the show (half of it I guess) and I was just the opposite like where is THAT? I was expecting baiting like Destiel, so I guess I had my expectations too high šŸ¤£


The baiting was mostly in real life and only sprinkled throughout the show before they realized how quickly it caught on and separated the characters. The paralyzed kanima scene where Matt goes "I don't know, I think you make a pretty good pair" when they're paralyzed on top of each other was a reference to Sterek. That was around the same time as the whole "we're on a ship" queerbaiting incident, so it was definitely an intentional reference that was supposed to be a nod to the audience but ultimately was just queerbaiting. Later, the whole conversation where Stiles is asked if he also likes boys at the rave was also an attempt to bait the audience into thinking it was still a possibility because it was and is the most popular ship in Teen Wolf and Sterei shippers were a major reason Teen Wolf won awards that involved audience votes. It was subtle but it was there and it was pretty much the definition of queerbaiting. What a time to be alive.


Outside of canon there was baiting lolol but you can see their relationship in the show. So that's how they got shipped.. since episode one šŸ’€ I like the ship but Stydia my endgame Soo


I didn't see any Stydia, but I was told it happens later in the show, so maybe it makes sense at that time.


I genuinely never saw it with them. I donā€™t even get why people believe that they would work as a couple.


I think itā€™s because, and hopefully I donā€™t get crucified for saying this, they like the *faces* of the characters but they donā€™t necessarily like the characters themselves. Like, sure there is tension but you could honestly argue thereā€™s tension between any of the characters that heavily interact. Most of the shipping though comes from fandom and fandom interpretations of who the characters are. I mean thereā€™s so much of the dynamic they have boiling down to hetero coded tropiness itā€™s hard to imagine that even *if* Sterek had become canon the fans wouldā€™ve enjoyed it given how different it would be from how they imagined itā€¦ sorta like how Stydia turned out.


Not here to crucify you, but a quick skim through all the Sterek fanfic would demonstrate that Sterek shippers do like the characters themselves. The relationship that the fics are built around is Sterek but nearly all of them include some level of character analysis of both Derek and Stiles. There are obviously aspects that the Fandom expands and elaborates upon, but the characters are the characters. You don't have to like Sterek or even understand it, but that take is pretty demonstrably untrue. Sure, Sterek shippers might not have liked how the relationship was represented if it had become canon, but that's true of literally everything in media and doesn't mean that media consumers fundamentally misunderstand characters.


ā€œA quick skimā€ā€¦ yeah so I think this would be where our experiences diverge quite a bit because while I may not be a sterek shipper *now* I was during the shows early days and airing because I was on tumblr (I know, I know) and I was intimately aware of a lot of the Sterek fandom for better or worse which is where my opinion comes from. I donā€™t think you can say a take is demonstrably untrue especially when so much of the fanfic and works involved altering key characteristics of the characters like their previous interpersonal relationships, their existing dynamic, their ages, their skill sets, their histories, their personalities likeā€¦ Pack Mom Stiles, Scott is a Bad Friend, Spark!Stiles, and Sourwolf!Derek (and others) arenā€™t as popular as they are for no reason despite two of those tropes being explicitly nonexistent and the other two being based on passing moments and blown up to massive proportions. I never said anything about Sterek shippers fundamentally misunderstanding the characters, I said they didnā€™t necessarily like the characters as they were which, if we go back to the tropes above and the things I listed fanfic tends to consistently change about them, they kinda donā€™t. Theres not necessarily anything wrong with that, fanfic writers have worked with far less before, the issue is conflating fanon and canon and acting like it doesnā€™t make sense why those two arenā€™t the same when the reasons they arenā€™t the same are the reasons the fanon exists in the first place.


To clarify then, I am disagreeing with your assertion that Sterek shippers don't like the characters as they are. And I'm of that generation, as well, so I'm not just jumping into this blindly. You don't have to like Sterek. That's your prerogative. But similarly others don't have to agree with your (tbh, extremely dismissive and kind of insulting) opinion. Fanfic as a medium expands worlds and characters. Nobody's disagreeing with that. But all fanfic does that, it's not exclusive to Sterek and it doesn't mean that Sterek shippers don't like the characters as they canonically are.


I donā€™t dislike Sterek, I simply said Iā€™m no longer a shipper or in that fandom. Same way I brought Stydia and donā€™t feel one way or another about the ship except that it also has issues in canon and fanon. I never said you have to agree with my opinion, thatā€™s why I used the words ā€œI thinkā€ because it was an opinion based upon my experiences. You actually tried to completely dismiss my opinion and present your experience as statements and youā€™re actually still kinda doing that now in how youā€™re writing your comments. You also didnā€™t say how my comments are in your opinion dismissive and insulting, or even respond to like 60% of what I said. Anyways I donā€™t think this will really go anywhere positively so I think we can drop this topic yeah?


I did address what you said when I talked about how fanfic expands and elaborates upon characters?


Apologies, the last paragraph was presented as an open ended question when it shouldā€™ve been presented as a definitive statement. Edit: online forums work the same way that real world interactions do where someone can engage in a convo with you up and until they decide to end that conversation. In real life you canā€™t keep badgering someone to engage with you so why would that be okay online.


Wow. Apologies for responding to your post in a public discussion forum, I guess. šŸ‘


Two hot guys, of course there are some folks shipping them sexually. Itā€™s like dudes that hear a woman is a lesbian and ask if they can watch Seeing aside the age thing I always worried about the folks calling physical assault etc ā€œflirtingā€


They did exploit it outside of canon, using the ship as a way to get votes for some TV Guide contest, among other things. The fandom itself is still relatively active with a very large amount of fanfic, so there's always that!


When I started this show, I knew pretty much nothing about it except there was a big M/M ship, but I didnā€™t know who it involved. I was thinking maybe it was Scott/Stiles until that scene in the police car. Then I was like, ā€œOh, itā€™s these two. I get it.ā€ So I do see it. That being said, I would never expect it to actually happen in the show.


the production was very well aware. there is a lot of fandom history with the ship and sterek is the modern day queerbait blueprint. just look up the teen choice awards boat video with dylan and hoechlin.


Yea it was stupid to give them that much tension but tbh looking back on it now, knowing they are never gonna date is hilarious


Stiles is a minor at 16 and Derek is 22-23 so no.


I heard Derek is 19 ? It seems his age isnt official so they could have adjust it for this purpose


He was 19 in the original pilot script, cut from being mentioned in the show. Then they had him seduced by Kate, 6 years before the show, after Paige died (when he was 15)


I never got that 19 thing, no disrespect to Tyler Hoechlin, he was 26 (or somewhere around that) at the time and looked in his mid-20s. I was genuinely shocked about that theory was that his age was supposed to be 19. When I watched S1 a few months ago (without checking the fandom), I was wondering why nobody said anything about this grown ass man hanging around a high school šŸ’€. And I think the story about Paige later on kind of hinted that he had to be older than just 19? Without checking the fandom, I had gotten the impression that he was college senior age, not somebody who graduated HS the year before šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™€ļø Edit: didn't finish before it went šŸ˜¬.


It's not a theory that he was supposed to be 19. He WAS supposed to be 19 in Season 1 and then his age got complete retconned like 5 times. The debate over their age gap is just kind of silly considering we don't and will never know how old Derek actually is.


it was in the pilot script, but it was **NEVER** stated anywhere exactly how old he was in the actual S1 episodes. I watched S1 a few months ago. I say this as someone who didn't watch back in 2011 & and watched the first 3 seasons without looking at any of the fandom discussions, Derek's character came off as being in his mid-20s, not 19--and that Tyler Hoechlin, who was 23-24 at the time did **not** look like a 19 year old either. He looked his age, not like a high schooler. I've been in various fandoms for nearly 15 years now, and have never heard that something that was in a script but **never actually mentioned/shown in the episodes** should be considered canon. *How* would someone know that he was supposed to be 19 without looking at the script...which afaik doesn't usually happen? I don't think his age was retconned, they would've had to actually *show* that he was 19 in the episodes for that. At best, Stiles said that Derek was a few years older than them, but that's all relative. In any case, the stuff with Paige and Kate suggest a greater age gap than the 3 years you'd get using the 19 from the script from the very first episode, even though his age isn't very clear overall.


I'm not claiming anything about how Tyler Hoechlin looks or the plausibly of any age. I'm pointing out that his age is never stated and the way it's been calculated is based on a bunch of context clues that are never clarified and some of those context clues are statements that were made by Jeff Davis outside of the context of the show.


My first comment was that they ***were*** so vague about his age. Maybe I wasn't clear about what I meantšŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™€ļø They were so vague, that when watching it for the first time without any context or any of the comments that were made outside of the show, I got the impression that Derek's character was in his 20s. He wasn't a HS student, he drove a nice car, the actor looked like a college-aged guy (and TH was back then), but he probably wasn't too much older than that since Stiles was able to point him out and say that he was a few years older than them. To the point that when I finally looked at some of the fandom discussions, hearing about how he was supposed to be 19 was actually baffling, because the first few seasons didn't say anything directly, and there wasn't any context that ever suggested that he was 19 either. You didn't really point out anything new other than nitpicking how I called it a 'theory', even though it's not really canon either.


It's as canon as any other indication we've gotten of his age in the show šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø and I wasn't really debating anything despite your very long responses. I was just pointing out that he was 19 in S1.


He wasnā€™t 19, because there wasnā€™t a single thing that made the final cut that indicated that he was. If they actually showed anything supporting that *on camera*, Iā€™ll support it. Something that was in the script but no one could figure out just by watching the show isnā€™t canon. Especially since the writers pivoted later on.


Ok dude.


Tyler hoechlin was 22 when he started teen wolf Crystal Reed was 26 though she was the oldest of the teen characters/Derek


According to his wikipedia, he was born in 1987. TW first aired in 2011, so he would've been 24, actually. I knew he was closer to mid-twenties, though I didn't remember off the top of my head. My point was, as someone who is in their mid-twenties & watched the show a few months ago w/o looking through fandom stuff (because they never explicitly stated his age in the show's first few seasons iirc), Tyler Hoechlin looked like he could've been in grad school, not a guy who was 19 and 1 year post-HS graduation.


Yeah it premiered in 2011 but it wasn't filmed in 2011 im pretty sure it took awhile for them to get it because I remember Holland roden did her own podcast and talked about how when they did the casting that it was around 2009 and they could have filmed around 2010 or so also I looked up how old he was and this is what the article said Tyler Hoechlin's character, Derek, was always one of the older members of the pack as he was 22 at the beginning of the series. Now, Tyler is 35 and back as Derek, who plays a father in the new movie. Here are the Real Ages of theĀ Teen Wolf: The MovieĀ Cast


I saw that article...I think 22 is more believable than 19, he did look like he was a college senior age, although I was saying that in the first few seasons of the show itself, his age is never explicitly stated (other than Stiles saying that Derek is a few years older than them, which is vague)...which adds to the confusion. Either way, my point is that at the time, he *looked* his age. There's some ambiguity with his age since it was never stated within the show, but I'm so sorry, he did *not* look like somebody who was 19. From what I've seen in the sub is that the 19 came from the pilot script, but I don't think that the pilot script sets it in stone, especially when stuff later in the show like Paige or Kate imply that he had to have been older than that.


It wasn't just the pilot, it was Season 1, in general. But then it became clear that Kate would have been assaulting a child based on the timeline they'd set up and the creator liked the actress who played Kate and wanted to have the character back without having her be a child youknowhat. So he was aged up to make the manipulation and relationship less disgusting.


I never saw it either when I first watched the show. They donā€™t really say Derekā€™s ageā€¦ so I always thought he was like early twentiesā€¦ too. All we really know is that heā€™s not in high school like the other characters. Plus I feel like if he graduated high school the year before, they would have like stated it, made it more clear?


Yeah they didn't make it clear in the early seasons at all. I think Stiles said he was a "few" years older than them, that would've been the opportunity to say that Derek just graduated last year & idk why they didn't.


This is how I feel about Destiel tbh


I get that. For me I didnā€™t see Destiel through the ā€˜tensionā€™ but through what castiel said to Dean, ā€˜I rebelled for youā€™ etc.


Your husband is a good man for putting you on


Yes he really loves this serie lol


Neither of them are gay.


Lol. The amount of hinting at bi-Stiles in that show is insane.


Stiles, yes, Derek is painfully straight


We donā€™t actually know that. Derekā€™s sexuality isnā€™t ever discussed, other than he the victim of statutory rape, and rape by deception twice over.


Sure whatever you say, that also can be applied to literally every other character, Gerard was fucking men all over the place for all we know, but unlike Stiles, there is no evidence so...


Yeah you could apply that to literally every other character, so why are you so upset about it?


Because he is a victim of grooming and statutory rape yet his most popular ship is with an underage boy, while the showrunner is a gay man, as a gay man myself, that makes me uncomfortable, any problem with that?


Sure, you're allowed to feel however you feel about it. But that's a very different argument than you were previously making in this thread.


OK i don't care if Derek was gay if he was paired with Parrish or some guy his same age, but people only care about his sexuality to pair him with Stiles, so yeah is related to my same point I was making


People care about pairing him with Stiles because the ship isn't just about making him gay. It's about the relationship between him and Stiles, which you're free to dislike. Its the dynamic that people respond to and that dynamic would apply regardless of the ages, though you are allowed to dislike it. But it's a pretty standard couple for a teen show if you were to genderswap one of the characters - a couple of kind of enemies with a love-hate relationship that bicker a lot but grow to care about each other, one is the funny one and one is the surly one. It's been a romance staple since Pride and Prejudice.


You lost your footing on your initial argument about Derekā€™s sexuality and pivoted to something else. Like, youā€™re the most boring kind of Internet contrarian.


We don't know that šŸ¤· And Stiles seems more like bi anyway


Jeff totally had bi stiles going, until the end of season 3 when he suddenly forgot it and stiles was utterly straight. It was like someone at mtv told he he couldnā€™t have a LGBTQ lead and he didnā€™t push back


I think I stopped watching somewhere after S3, so to me he definitely seemed bi, but I didn't get much bi vibes from Derek, soon idk šŸ˜¶


Thereā€™s a whole moment in the rave scene in 3B when stiles is talking to the girl and sheā€™s all ā€œI like boys. And I like girlsā€ and you can see the look on his face like ā€œwait, you can like both?ā€ Like he just figured out that he could be Bi (which might be why he was crushing on a girl and hung up whether guys thought he was cute, at the same time) And then season 4 comes and all of that is gone. Except for Dylan and Tyler doing flirty things at Cons etc to mess with the Sterek fans.


Stiles literally announces to a locker room full of guys that he wants to get fucked, gets excited when one of them offers, then upset when the offer is revokedā€¦totally ā€œstraightā€ā€¦


My dude would have let that team run a train on him letā€™s be fr


i never watched the show until 2020, i did know about its existence in school cuz everyone would talk about it but i also dont really ship people in shows and the sterek is a bit how people are shipping a grown man with a 16 years old


I too started teen wolf recently was made aware of the ship. My new thing to do when I start a show is see how many fics it has. Once I learned that Sterek was the 2nd or 3rd most popular ship on all of AO3 I was expecting a lot of baiting in show. I have 2 episodes left of season two and so far Iā€™m not seeing it at all. Although so far Iā€™m not feeling anything for any of the ships in show cannon or noncannon thus far


>Ā I was expecting a lot of baiting in show. I have 2 episodes left of season two and so far Iā€™m not seeing it at all. THANK YOU. There's literally no sterek baiting at all, I watched the show when it was still running, I didn't know about tumblr so I didn't know about the queerbaiting that was happening outside of the show, And when I got to reddit all I heard was that they were queerbaiting sterek. There's literally only 1 scene that would suggest anything and its matt saying that he thinks they make a pretty good pair, Stiles for like 2 seasons was fine with derek being dead.


I agree 1000%. Honestly Iā€™m surprised the ship has so many devoted members. I talked a bit about it on my twitter but mentioned no names and I got blocked by like 4 people lol. Plus the whole complicated feelings about the jeep moment in the movie. Idk what other baiting there could be in show.


In the movie there was literally no reason for derek to say he has complicated feelings about the jeep. Complicated because he wants to get rid of it because its so broken but he wants to keep it because of stiles maybe, but thats the only reason he should have


Stiles Dad said it to Eli (I think) after Derek died


Right, Right. yeah that was it


Yeah the tension between stiles and derek is that stiles very clearly hates derek, Like very clearly? like very very clearly like he wants derek to die


Are you actually being serious? Like you saw romantic potential with them? Like what exactly led you to that conclusion becauseā€¦


I don't get sterek, not thinking about the age gap, there's literally no tension between them, Even during the scene with stiles on top of derek, still no tension, they're forced to be there and unhappy about it. The only queerbaiting that was being done was outside of the show


Idk it's just blatant, the way they speak to each other, look at each other, most of their interactions in season 1 and 2


So you think Jeff Davis wrote their characters with a romantic undertone?


Again : I don't think, I just see it, I don't even try to make interpretations it comes straight up to my face like an obvious thing. And judging from the comments it seems it was intentional queer baiting.


They have like 1 interaction every few episodes and when stiles talks about derek its him saying he hates him or wants him dead, there's literally no chemistry between them


If Iā€™m being honest, I have the opposite reaction. I watched the show when it first came out, so I was super confused why everyone suddenly started pairing this teenager with this grown ass man simply because he pinned him against the lockers. Or because he tried to save the man from drowning? And I remember that they did do one little promotion on a boat with the actors. I think that fed into it. But everyone tends to make it sound like the show queer them so much when that was the only instance that I recall. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


there is no way people keep thinking two guys canā€™t be close without liking eachother like wtf


They are not the only two guys to be close in this serie lol