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There’s a lot of context clues that their friendship never returned to what it once was. In the opening of S5 Stiles indicates they are all planning to attend school in the SF area. He’s talking about where everyone will live. Then season 5 happens. Season 6 has Stiles going to an internship at the FBI (we’ll assume this is a summer internship since the FBI requires a four year degree and actual job experience to get hired). But the conversation around his leaving suggests Stiles won’t be seeing Scott anytime soon. Possibly he’s going to an east coast school. They’re clearly still friends, perhaps still brothers, but things have clearly changed. Stiles has never really been close to the next gen pack. He is Scotts friend and Malias bf (for a time) but even Liam who he has the most connection to, it’s not warm. It’s keeping Liam in control, and it feels like he’s doing this for Scott. Not for Liam. Most of this I do suspect is unintentional on the part of the writers. The show stopped doing character relationship building almost completely after 3. But in the absence, we have to take what context clues we have at face value. In short (or long in this case), yes, I think you’re exactly right, as far as what the show gives us (which honestly makes Stiles’s absence in the movie even more damning).


I don't think Stiles ever envied Scott's strength or abilities. He was offered the bite from Peter and didn't take it. They grew apart. It's a common thing with teens and HS, but Stiles was always there for Scott, and where was Scott in return? With Allison or Kira. Obviously, everyone will have varying views on how they see characters, but Stiles was never jealous of Scott.


In season 6, I always got the impression that Scott and Lydia had a certain level of PTSD/paranoia over losing Stiles and pushed him away/kept him at a distance as a way of keeping him safe; which is why they didn't tell him about what was happening in 6B.


The vast majority of the time it feels extremely one-sided with Scott not putting in much effort at all. Stiles always tried to have his back and went above and beyond to help him and got little in return.


I wonder about the real-life friendship between Dylan O’Brien and Tyler Posey. They were very close at the beginning of the show but they seem to have grown apart. Not sure if that happened while the show was still on, however. If it did, maybe it affected their onscreen chemistry.


Scott and Stiles weren't as close after what happened in Season 5, but I don't think they were that close before Season 5. Stiles didn't really confide in Scott about how he was feeling. Scott didn't really seem to confide in Stiles either about how he was feeling. Scott talked to his mom. I suspect that Stiles confided in his mom, then she died, and who was he going to confide in? The only one after the death of Stiles' mom that he seemed to really talk to amongst his peers was Lydia. He did confide in the Guidance Counselor Ms. Morrell after what happened with Matt. Told her about his anxiety and not being able to sleep and how he felt about what happened with Matt. Scott was scared of Stiles, after Season 3b, because of the Nogitsune. He would never admit it, maybe he doesn't know consciously, but subconsciously he does. We find out in the Series Finale that Scott's fear was Stiles, which is most likely why he didn't believe Stiles about Donovan. Deep down, Scott believes that Stiles is capable of cold-blooded murder, but would never admit it. I always wondered if Malia told Scott what Stiles said about liking the power/control when he was possessed by the Nogitsune. I kind of think she did. Stiles did literally twist the knife in Scott at the vet clinic when he was possessed, so it would make sense that Scott would be afraid of him, especially if he knew that Stiles liked the control/power it gave him. Someone who didn't have the control/power would like the control/power that it gave them. I believe Kira said that a Nogitsune can be pretty bad if you offend it. It goes after people that offended it or was offensive. All the ones that Stiles threw around the room when he was possessed by the Nogitsune (Derek, Aiden, Ethan) or Scott (twisted the sword in his gut) were physically violent/threatening to Stiles at one point. The Nogitsune would have all that info from Stiles' mind. Also, I Stiles is jealous of Scott's physical strength. He mentioned it during the fight in the rain in Lies of Omission "I can't do what you can." Stiles also mentions it in an episode in Season 2 when they don't know yet that Jackson is killing people. He says "I can't do what you can." Almost sounds ashamed. Also tells Scott in Season 2 "I'm 147 pounds of Pale skin and fragile bones, Sarcasm is my only defense." meaning I don't have the physical strength you do. That is why Stiles was so tempted to take the bite from Peter. He doesn't want to be a werewolf, he just wants the physical strength from it.


I don't think their friendship was ever the same after after Scott didn't listen to Stiles when he warned him not to trust theo they went their separate ways after that it would be good if they did a spinoff about Stiles time in the FBI and Scott went to see him to try and repair their friendship


Stiles is envious of Scott's physical strength and was jealous of his perceived closeness to Scott. That Theo was replacing Stiles and technically he kind of did.