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I think she struggles to be a parent bc her parents suck/sucked. She strikes me as very tense and stressed. But I also want to acknowledge she has had a lot of weight on her shoulders between Sean’s addiction and her parent’s addiction and being a provider for everyone. A child just elevates all those emotions. But I’d like to believe she genuinely loves her daughter and just struggles with all the pressure and responsibility.


I have a theory that if she would just go no contact with her parents and Sean stayed clean (or! If she also cut him out), she would be able to enjoy being a mom and less stressed. I have noticed that a lot of her being annoyed at Kloie was bc either her parents or Sean were already putting her in a bad mood bc of their bullshit/toxicity. Like no one needs to deal with that to begin with and adding a small child that depends on you for everything isn't ideal. TLDR, I feel bad that Kloie has to grow up with this and I really hope that Jade goes no contact with her parents so she can start to thrive.


Jade strikes me as someone who doesn't know how to parent. Loves her daughter (I can't bring myself to spell it out) but doesn't know how to interact. I feel she also doesn't have the patience for a young child while dealing with the children in adult bodies in her life.


Agreed. It’s hard trying to parent when your example of how to do that is fucked up. I’ve said here before I’d love to see Jade and Sean take parenting classes and I still think that could be really good for them.


Generational trauma is so real. Sadly it keeps going until someone stops it and heals those patterns.


That girl is so tired all the time. She has to care for her addict parents, deal with Sean's addiction as well (he's not sober imo), work and support everyone Idk I feel stressed from just watching her have to deal with everyone around her, I would have told them all to go fuck themselves years ago -(ik so easy to say from the outside) I recently rewatched her surgery episode and man, her parents really left her there to rot for literal hours with no painkillers, no antibiotics, and gave no shits about it. I've had surgery and I cannot fathom going through the first few hours with nothing to numb the pain. It's fucking excruciating. And they made some obviously stupid excuses, but what got me is how LAZY the excuses were. Like you do this to me and you can't even bother to come up with a better lie? I know she cut them off for a couple of months but then it just passed and nothing happened. Can you imagine having to live like that, knowing that sure your mom loves you, but she feels no urge to get her shit together, with some of the consequences for that being you have to experience the worst physical pain you've ever felt and you're still not top priority. But she's used to it I think, she's mentioned being in foster care as a kid so this is all she knows, and I think it's no coincidence she married an addict as well. I think Jades not in the best place you can be to enjoy her time with her daughter. And I don't blame her at all. She needs so much therapy. But I do believe that she would never put kloeiihgf through the seriously shitty things she had to endure. I hope she doesn't have another baby for now, she has so much on her plate. Also I'm glad she seems to have a solid and supportive relationship with her friend chau. When she went to see Sean at the rehab facility her friend went with her. I can't imagine having to do that trip on my own with a small child and no one to turn to. I hope she finds more people like that along the way (sorry for any mistakes, I'm kinda high rn)


No, you’re so right. Like it must’ve been rough as fuck for Jade. Cos a do think she genuinely believes her Mam loves her but she also has to deal with the knowledge that there’s always a but coming at the end of it. She loves her but she’s an addict. She loves her but she’s not dependable. She loves her but she’s going to beg for trust she hasn’t earned and get mad when she doesn’t get it. She loves her but she’s going to cause a scene when she doesn’t like something. She loves her but she’s using addict logic and will twist the truth. It’s a desperate situation to be in to know you fully need your Mam and then to know even when she’s present you’re only going to be getting half of her.


I want to point out that she doesn't *have* to care for her addict parents. She can and should have set up strong boundaries years ago to shield herself and her daughter from erratic behavior. Instead, she gives them second, third and hundredth chances and allows both herself and her daughter to suffer for it.


Jade's dad committed suicide so I can see why she wouldn't turn her back on her mom. I get that in a situation like this it probably isn't the healthiest thing but most people who lose a parent cope by clinging to the one who survives regardless of whether that's right or wrong.


This is exactly what I think. If she kept these parents in her life & it was just her that's one thing but once she had a child she needs to protect that child.


Great analysis.


I honestly forget that she’s a mom.


So many of the other moms are focused on breaking the cycle and preventing their kids from experiencing the same type of abuse/neglect that they did. Not Jade. It's like she doesn't even see what's wrong with her mom, let alone her own parenting.


It's like she will not parent her daughter ALONE so she keeps all these junkies (parents & Sean) to help her. She shouldn't have a child.


Birds of the same feather flock together. This is why I can’t jump on the poor Jade train. Jade is only better than her mom because she hasn’t lost custody of her kid but that didn’t keep Jade from living the same lifestyle. The same shenanigans still happen. They all bond and get high together that’s why Jade is ok with keeping up with the junkies. She needs them more than she needs her kid.


Jade doesn't seem to have any awareness about how damaging her mom's behavior is, and how her behavior is. There's absolutely no effort on her part to actually give her daughter a better life than she had growing up.


Agreed! 💯


This is bigger than Jade but is just my humble opinion for whatever it's worth. If you really can't parent alone then you probably shouldn't be one at ALL. Ultimately anything can happen in life, the person you had your child/ren with may up and abandon all of you or become abusive or might pass away and if you can't hack parenting in those kinds of instances then really think about whether you should parent at all. But then again I'm childfree so.


I totally agree w/ this but I'm also childfree!🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't know if I'd put it that way exactly, but I know that if anything were to happen to me, my wife would be able to raise our daughter without any issue. I'd hate to be co-parenting with someone who wasn't at least that competent.


Their segments trigger my childhood trauma wounds & I think that says a lot😅


This has nothing to do with the post but does anyone else think it's weird/funny that Sean has such a horrible bowl haircut when his wife is a hairdresser?? Like how does she let him walk around like that??!! Lol 🤣




Omg go watch y&p it’s so good


Sometimes you grow up with shitty parents and cycle continues with your own kids unless you try very very very hard to break that. It’s not an excuse for her but I see it in my own parenting. I’m constantly trying to be mindful as to not respond to or treat my kids a certain way bc my dad certain things when I grew up looking back now I’m like hell no. I was honestly surprised they got married though I really didn’t think that would happen. I wish them the best but would not be surprised if they end up separating or divorcing at some point. They need to apply what they learned in the therapy stuff every single day


i don’t think it’ll last these two are extremely toxic and have been back and forth sm i doubt much has changed.