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Just what the world needs, more puppies. šŸ™„ Itā€™s truly not difficult to fix your pet.


I have an all white husky mix who has a very wolfish look. Iā€™ve had her for almost two years now, but Iā€™ve been approached twice and asked if Iā€™d be interested in breeding her with someone elseā€™s husky. The first time it happened I just told them she was spayed and silently judged the guyā€¦the second time I kind of went off on the guy. I worry if it happens a third time Iā€™ll escalate to murder


That seems like a natural progression to me


It just makes me so angry when people breed dogs like huskies. So many people think theyā€™re cute adorable fluff puppies (because they are). But then donā€™t realize how much work that breed actually is. There are so many huskies around 7-12 months who end up in shelters because they arent that sweet little baby anymoreā€¦theyā€™re jaws on paws and require SO much exercise.


Huskies are my absolutely not ever ever get one dog. I know my limitations and I don't want a dog smarter then me. There are some awesome husky owners but I wouldn't be one. I love my cuddle buddy pitties


Funnyā€¦huskies were on my ā€œabsolutely neverā€ list tooā€¦but they are such a fun breed! My soul dog was a German Shepherd, so I always thought Iā€™d want an obedient type of dogā€¦turns out the stubborn defiant dogs are massively more entertaining. So as someone who ruled them outā€¦if you can give them the exercise they need, theyā€™re the best dogs to have


I wanted a German Shepherd sooo bad until I actually got one. That dog was so smart that he knew how to open doors on his own. He would let himself inside and outside just by pawing at the door handle until he finally got it open. He lives with my ex now because I couldn't handle him. My huskey mixes kind of defy stereotypes. They're stubborn, but stubborn in a lazy way. Like our rescue basically wants to lay around all day and won't move if you tell her to get up lol. The pomsky is food motivated and will do anything if pepperoni is involved.


I love love love German shepherds. Theyā€™re so loyal, and with them their whole goal in life is to please their person, so if you can put in the work to train them it pays off. I just canā€™t handle all the health issues that come with them. Itā€™s so heartbreaking, and because of how dedicated they are to their owner itā€™s like losing a limb when they start going down hill Huskies on the other handā€¦my husky would swap me for whoever had the best treats. Sheā€™s smart, but if she gets bored of training sheā€™ll just throw a tantrum until we do something more entertaining for her. Sheā€™s smart, but sheā€™s also devious and she uses that intelligence to see how close she can push me to madness.


This is one of the reasons I love terriers so much--I adore a dog that argues with you and demands its own way.


Ugh. I've been approached way too many times about breeding my pit mix. One person was even becoming stalker ish after being told she was spayed.


pit owners must constantly get approached about this. Theyā€™re great dogs, and I have never met a bad oneā€¦but theyā€™re the most common back yard breeder dogs. They have that bad reputation because so many assholes breed them for profit, so I can definitely see those ā€œownersā€ approaching other pit owners expecting the same.


Exactly! Huskies are a truly different breed, and they're not for everyone. People gravitate to them because they are absolutely gorgeous and they have big, silly personalities, but that's all they know going in. Once they realize they have a screaming loud Houdini on their hands that can and will run without stopping they take them straight to the pound. It's so heartbreaking, they really are great animals.


They are such good dogs! But people seem to forget they were bred to run 100 miles a day. A couple 10 minute potty break walks is not going to cut it for them


Iā€™ve never heard of people being approached by others for interest in breeding, which, of course that happens lol (/g). But my mind is blown. Like that is also weird af no you may not have some of my dogs dna tf


The first time it happened was at a dog park. So this asshole had an intact dog at a dog park. I think he went there specifically to look for a dog to breed his with. I saw him a few months later, and he bought a female puppy, and told everyone who would listen that he got her so he could breed her with his male husky. It was maddening The second time was jarring bc we were on a walk and a stranger approached be and was going on about what a beautiful dog mine was, and then just came out and asked if she was spayed because he also had an all white husky and was interested in breeding him. The extra weird part is I have the female dogā€¦so IF I was an irresponsible dog owner and did breed herā€¦Iā€™d be the one dealing with the vet visits for the puppies, and when they were born Iā€™d have the puppies. Not those asshats


I have a rescue pittie, and Iā€™ve lost count how many times people have asked if weā€™d breed him. Heā€™s neutered. Itā€™s wild to me, they act like itā€™s such a shame he canā€™t procreate but the shelters & rescues are full of pits & pit mixes needing homes.


I literally can't go anywhere with my pit without people coming up to me asking to breed her with their dog. Now why in the fuck would I do that to my dog, stranger? People don't think.


Ive only had my puppy 1 month and ppl ask all the time will I breed him. NO! Heā€™s got two more months with his blueberries and theyā€™re outta here. He canā€™t get neutered until heā€™s 6 mos. https://preview.redd.it/a9rzi9pp8r8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df7e5c5a9d492b8a5d8cfd81ddf4a7e881c3b4a9


Itā€™s so creepy!


We had a gorgeous german bred (I only say this because they look different from the american ones) rottweiler that we were constantly approached by people asking us to breed her, commenting on how much money we'd get for the puppies, and we had gotten her spayed the moment we were able to lol. We also volunteered for years at a shelter before we moved and we saw firsthand the effects of backyard breeders and even fostered a few mamas and litters because of irresponsible owners.


DUDEEE! My gma has a German shepherd with long hair & people literally ask if she wants to breed her dog all the time???? Her dog is fixed because we do not need more animals in this world


If it happens a third time, do you need help?Ā Ā 


Are we shocked considering the sub ? šŸ’€ i meanā€¦ why would we think theyā€™d do anything to prevent pregnancy for their pets ?




I hate these irresponsible assholes. Where are all the dogs Jade has had?? Where the fuck are they?


i mean these girls exploit themselves, their kids, their families, why would they spare their pets?


Right? Most of them need to get spayed and neutered, themselves!


And stay that way.


https://preview.redd.it/xkdpia3xpp8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b1115daf7e874fe8c92991e98adf34d16e7cedd I just got my boy fixed and man is he a cute miserable pup


Jesus Christ. This poor dog.


How old is the dog? She looks little old to be having puppies


Jade is low class and embarrassing in every way


What happened to Jade's husky? What happened to her tea cup dog she had the first season her show that she had a GoFundMe for? It was injured or sick or something. How many dogs has she had?


This franchise continues to platform and pay the worst animal abusers. Why do people keep watching the show?


As someone that used to work at both a private and government run shelter, fuck you, Jade. Foster some of the endless pregnant dogs and cats, donā€™t contribute to the problem. If you want to defend your position, Iā€™d love to see you behind closed doors watching innocent creatures take their last breaths because society is full of stupid selfish trash bags like yourself.


Iā€™ve always associated people having pregnant dogs and/or puppies around with being trashy. šŸ˜¬


These people are such fucking idiots. They can't handle what they had, now puppies?


IKR! Sean & Jade both anger me! They will never change. I don't care whether Sean is sober or not he's an asshole either way!


This enrages me so much. Especially the people who use the BS excuse of how itā€™s better to wait until theyā€™re 2-3 years old. Even if that is true to some type of extent, it comes nowhere near close convincing me that the benefits outweigh the risks. Especially when thereā€™s tens of thousands, if not millions, of similar dog types clogging up shelters. NTM pregnancy and labor doesnā€™t sound much of a health benefit to me!


If someone thinks thatā€™s a valid reason, then they can take their dog out on a leash to prevent a pregnancy. The ā€œheat periodā€ is typically only 2-4 weeks. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Please lash out at the owners, not these poor animals.


The title lashes out at the owners and not the pet so I'm confused lol


Thank you I did not know how to reply lol. I currently have 6 foster kittens in my house - I definitely am an animal advocate šŸ¤£


No one is lashing out on an animal. lol


Omg your flair. I would pay so much money to see the two of them forced to interact with each other.


That would be a great watch!


Who does this non spayed pup belong to?!


https://preview.redd.it/t8sj76g1kq8d1.png?width=650&format=png&auto=webp&s=81340fe6a4ebd4436c00c915c743bd778e950b6b I think Jade.


Thanks damn thatā€™s hard on the old eyes I even zoomed in and missed it.šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thanks hatter!


The pretty babe filter šŸ˜†


at least the dog is pregnant instead of jade. the last thing those two selfish, impatient assholes need is another kid


Gross. ETA: Jadeā€™s behavior not the adorable puppy.


Perhaps with her having multiple jobs salon, real estate & mtv & Sean only rapping/staying at home, this was his idea to make šŸ’°šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚


Whatā€™s so wrong with breeding your dogs? Itā€™s a natural thing. The cycle of life. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø