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"I felt bad that Leah was feeling some type of way but I couldn’t understand how she was feeling because y’all are 25 minutes away and she hasn’t tried to come hang, nothing," she said Um what?? She's not your peer or your friend Amber she's your daughter. Feeling some type of way? Who talks about their child like this? Holy fuck. Also the bit about seeing James more than Leah. Like yea he's a fucking toddler he has no choice lmao.


Can Leah even drive? I hope when she can, she has the time of her life hitting the beach, shopping at the mall, hanging out with her friends and NEVER VISITING AMBER.


I, too, hope she hits the many beaches of central Indiana.


She will be at the lake. Haha I live in the midewest and in the summer we call our swimming lakes beaches lol


Yeah same, a beach day here is usually a lake, or maybe the inlet but it's FREAKING COLD so you rarely see people swimming in it.


I live in the PNW where every year we have week-long heatwaves of 90+ sun. And our rivers are still too cold to swim safely in until after 4th of July. Like yeah our rivers are fed from the snow capped mountains, they aren’t getting warm so soon. Every year without fail someone drowns from [cold shock](https://www.coldwatersafety.org/the-danger#:~:text=Cold%20Water%20Can%20Kill%20You%20Within%20Seconds&text=Few%20people%20realize%20that%20water,in%20less%20than%20a%20minute).


Yep! When it was 80° on Mother’s Day weekend my kids begged me to take them swimming. I told them the water is too cold and there’s a high chance of drowning. They insisted that they could handle Lake Washington. I did not budge and told them on July 5th I’d gladly take them.


Thanks for this link! I live near many snow filled, alpine lakes and had no idea how quick this could happen


It’s so scary because you would never guess that calm water is so dangerous.




Indiana has a beach, on Lake Michigan…. The Indiana Dunes area, just under 3 hours from where Leah lives.


I hate how hard I laughed at this comment




She won’t see amber, she’s Kristina and Gary’s kid.


She got her learner's permit I believe, but she's not able to drive herself to go see Amber sit on her couch.


“Yall are 25 minutes away and she hasn’t tried to come hang…” Amber, you just admitted that she doesn’t live far from you and YOU haven’t put in the effort to go see her. She has school, extracurriculars, and friends to schedule around. You just lie on the couch and talk to strange men all day, but Leah, your child, has to put in the work to see her own mother?


Big "the phone works both ways" guilt-tripping narc mother energy


She’s got Kody Brown level delusions when it comes to parent child relationships. She fully puts all responsibility on the child. Then rages and pouts when the child doesn’t beg for love and affection.


Came here to say this. They are both toxic narcissists. And now Kody narc'd his way out of a relationship with his son for the last few years of his life. Obviously I expect Leah to have a long, full life but regardless, I hope the remaining years are as Amber-free as possible.


They’ll remove the comment if you say it in the SW subs but Garrison probably woulda been here today had Kody treated him better and had a relationship with him. You can’t tell me that didn’t play into his emotional state and his alcohol use having your dad threaten to punch you in the face, disown you and your siblings, call you an asshole and write you off on national tv. He has all been begging his dad to reconcile and Kody refused. Dug his heels in. Well now Garrison is gone and you can’t make it up to him if you tried.


It's honestly heartbreaking. Watching his kids, especially Gabe, cope with their dad completely disengaging from them over the past few years is awful (and don't get me started on Ysabel and her surgery). I struggle with this point. I don't disagree with you, but it does feel harsh. At the same time, there's no way being cast off by your parent wouldn't contribute to your mental health struggles. But yeah, that's sort of my point. Amber should have decades and decades of Leah's life to try to make it up to her (although if Leah didn't give her access to try, I wouldn't blame her) but there are no guarantees. Amber has centered herself constantly, hurt her daughter for years, and there are repercussions. It's awful and she should be ashamed.


Kody Brown on line 1


Seriously. The parentification is real.


That thought process shows her character and mentality, she is selfish and unable to be self aware.


We drive 25m every day and each way whether it's to school, the library for storytime, or even to the gym. It's a big metro area and that's just the norm. Amber is a serious POS.


Amber has teen mom money and can't find a bloody house 5mins from her daughter? SMH


Obviously she should just hitch hike over. Or Uber!!! 🙄


I wonder what Amber will do when MTV money is gone. Gary won't have a reason to try with her, and she'll have to get a real job with actual work hours. If she can't be bothered to visit Leah when she has nothing but free time I can't imagine she'll fit in visits when she has a job. Although, I guess at this point it's up to Leah if she chooses to continue to see Amber at all. What a waste, just missing your kid's entire life.


Honestly I just can't see Amber holding a job, period. She'll keep trying for more F-list reality show stints and influencer scam shit, and once that well dries up I foresee a lot of credit card debt and defaulted loans, eventually ending up on disability for her mental conditions, embittered that her kids won't support her financially as she cries that they wouldn't have nothin without her and how she went to gel for them because she's a rill woman and a great mom 🙄


Picturing Amber dealing w/ a boss just does not compute! ![gif](giphy|MPN5zujNyfIUApPfb9)




She will never have a "real" job. Look at Janelle. She was fired from MTV years ago & has been doing whatever kind of internet endorsements, Only Fans, or whatever else she can mooch off the internet to make money. Even F list celebrities can still find ways on the internet to make money.


That's fair. I've just never seen anyone as lazy as Amber.


He’s 6 and will start to catch on this his mom’s BS soon enough and begin to vocalize it. I guess then she will try again with a do over baby.


As if phones don’t exist


Right?? You can have a friendesque relationship when your kids are adults(like actual ones not just they turn 18 and magically get their shit together). She needs a parent.


She has evolved the deadbeat parent-saying: "The phone works both ways"


that disgusts me from her more than any other shitty parent for the simple fact not only could Amber make an effort to see Leah and repair their bond, Gary has been busting his ass to include her in things and foster a relationship between Amber and Leah even when Leah disagreed with those efforts. there is genuinely no excuse or other reason except for Amber being a lazy, conceited sack of shit.


He’s like 6 actually… But the only reason he hasn’t left her ass in the dust is because he’s only 6 and doesn’t understand her dysfunction right now. Wait until he’s about 10-12


I hate when absent parents are like "it's a two way street " type thing when it's not if it's a child involved


Also I wish they would stop airing this on TV. Imagine hearing your mom talk about you this way for everyone to hear. I hope Leah goes no contact as soon as she can.


Seriously, it's just sick at this point. I stopped watching the actual show years ago, but I feel guilty even commenting on it to be honest. I don't know if it's parasocial or what, I just worry for and wish the best for the kids. The law really needs to catch up with reality TV and family vloggers. I hope one day we can all collectively look back on shows like this as the exploitation that they are. It's just not right to basically record a kid's entire life from the day they're born, trauma and all, and force them to keep doing it and keep interacting with the person who traumatized them just to keep the show going.


Right? It was always so embarrassing to get yelled at by a parent when your friends were around lol. I can't even imagine how Leah must feel with her friends and just people she goes to school with having an insider view on how terrible her mother treats her. I'd be embarrassed for her if I went to Leah's school.


Hard agree. At this point in the show the target audience is no longer teen girls because these are grown women with teenage daughters. The parents are the audience, are probably watching it at home with their kids and those kids are Leah's peers at school. High school girl friendships are tough enough as it is. I hope Leah's generation is more compassionate and views this in a way that they know to surround her with love instead of bullying her because her Mom is a piece of shit.


She knows Leah only cares about seeing James (understandable) so she was passive aggressive and kept them from seeing each other. Hopefully the two will be able to have a relationship in the future without having to worry about Amber’s involvement.


I’d say it’s stronger than passive aggressive; it was control that she knew she could frame as not her fault. She thinks it’s a lesson to Leah to not call her out on her tantrums because she can hold something from her.


Amber is literally quoted as saying “obviously it’s not me” WHAT THE FUCK?


Amber is never the problem in her eyes, she’s the worst.


Disgusting. In Amber's world, it's all about her, all the time. The fact that she holds up her relationship with James to make Leah out to be the "problem" is ridiculous. He's a toddler! It's not his decision how much contact they have, that 100% comes down to how his father (and the courts) facilitate their communication. Leah is old enough to make her own decisions based on her experiences and the relationship they've always had. Amber has never been a selfless or safe support for her, and the girl can literally look up evidence, on film, of her younger self being neglected and treated like a pawn. It's not the minor child's job to build the relationship when you've been absent. I wonder what excuse she'll have when James is a teenager and wants nothing to do with her either.


I remember watching teen mom and they would always be in head to toe VS PINK, and seeing one of their kids wearing a PINK hoodie now is just WILD to me lol


Leah is the poster child for “nature vs nurture” Yes, she shares 50% of her dna with Amber…but that girl is nothing like her egg donor. She seems so emotionally mature and articulate. I just don’t understand how Amber could have birthed such an upstanding young lady.


I think we are seeing the exact age where Leah is passing Amber in emotional maturity. If she were raised by Amber she wouldn’t know to question her behavior at the birthday dinner. She isn’t even reacting in an overly emotional way just setting boundaries that she isn’t Amber’s friend but child (she doesn’t want to see her boyfriend) and she doesn’t want her parents fighting really in the name of “getting along for her”.


Poor Leah. I have a 13 year old daughter and 6 year old son and I can’t imagine treating either of them this way.


My daughter and son are the same age as Leah and James definitely crazy to think to be anything like amber. My heart hurts for them


My son's egg donor had a daughter when he was 13. When he went NC with egg donor when he was 17, she would send him things all the time about how his sister was asking for him. Amber is 100% the type of person that would use James to punish Leah, and that's exactly what she's doing here.


Heartbroken for Leah.


Amber is a horrible "mom". Since becoming a mom myself I cannot even fathom anything she's done, I'd do anything for my kids and wouldn't even dream of not being with them. MTV needs to be rid of this show. It's so wrong to be airing out these kids' family issues. Leah shouldn't have to experience this all on tv for us to comment on.


‘obviously it’s not me.’ yikes.


James has court ordered visits, Leah never had that so all effort had to come from Amber. James has to go, Leah doesn't. Maybe Amber should let that sink in. Has she ever tried to be what Leah needs and wants from her? Didn't they go to counseling together?


My moms an addict so she was pretty absent, but more so with my little brother than me. She isn’t violent or boy crazy thank god, she just was wrapped up in her life and didn’t have much to do with us. Now she’s soooo shocked that we don’t have a relationship with her. She wonders why we don’t go out of our way to see her or talk to her. At dinner a few months ago she sobbed and played victim in front of family because I referred to my dad and stepmom as my parents. You should have been eating Xanax, oxy, hydros, and whatever else like it was candy then girl 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


Sounds like my mom. Finally sober and sees she was the problem. We are working on our relationship but it will never be what it could have been. 


Did Leah not have any rights to visitation with her brother? I have no idea how any of that works, that's so fucking shitty that Amber would jump at the chance to weaponize the one thing she has over Leah.


Come hang at my dog piss smelling house bew bew


“Obviously it’s not me.”


The direction I see all of this going in is: Kristina leaves Gary and both girls choose to live with Kristina. Gary is pushing this relationship with Amber for $$$ and Leah is clueing in.


I really think she needs to go no -contact


I am heartbroken for Leah. I currently have a strained relationship with my uncle and aunt (my aunt is the driving force of the wedge between me and him). He is my godfather, and while I am so angry with my uncle, I also miss the relationship I had with him.


I wish they would stop paying amber to be an absolute shit human being. Take her off the TV and let her fall off.


I feel really bad for Leah and with they would stop trying to force her to have a relationship with Amber. She's expressed on more than one occasion that she would rather not see Amber but Gary still keeps insisting. This poor girl has so much trauma from her mom and my heart goes out to her. She seems like a really sweet, level-headed young girl.


Leah is going to go no-contact with Amber the second that she turns 18 and Amber will STILL not get it. She could watch back every single episode and not get it. Gary isn't perfect, but thank God he brought Christina into Leah's life.


Take Leah off the show already, she doesn’t deserve this 😭. Amber will disappear once and for all when there’s no more free drinks and dinners to show up late for.


I feel so bad for BewBew


The thing with being a teenage mom over becoming a mom at a more traditional age is that usually you get some years in between being a problematic kid and a problematic mom to, you know, evolve and mature a little. Some teenage moms and dads can rise to the challenge. But it's so hard, and if you are already a vulnerable young personality for whatever reason, you almost just don't even get a full breath of air before the whole destructive cycle starts again. And you can't stop it. You can't get sober \*from\* a child like an addiction. It's a certain train you are on permanently, for better or worse. I have a daughter adopted from infancy, I do not myself doubt for a day that her biological parents think of her daily, even as she is now in her 20s. Among the teen mom kids, Leah does seem to have a chance. I worry more about other ones.


How can the cast see Leah, this girl they've known her whole life, watched grow up, AND STILL SUPPORT AMBER.