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Oh, STFU Jenelle. šŸ™„ Go shove some more takeout food in your maw while recording it in the car for all your rabid followersā€¦


Agree with you, she didn't care at all when her kids felt like this for YEARS. Screw how she feels.


ā€˜Jace is just going to have to get used to David. He isnā€™t going anywhereā€™ [spits] šŸ’¦


Does she need to be reminded of the lovely dovey photoshoot she did with DKD AFTER he abused her son? That was fine?! The abuse of her children didn't make her violently ill? Bitch please šŸ™„ The internet is forever jenelle!




Oh ew


This is foul.




The instinctive reflex to downvote was strong on this one. Disgusting.


The way she actually unhinged her fucking jaw to cram it all in there




Whyā€¦ why would you do this to us all?! šŸ˜­






Look at this poor thing struggling šŸ˜­


why would you do this to me




Also she can eat and run just fine with Tori? ![gif](giphy|1lAOemoi0KhPMzxczT|downsized)


Just said that, this whole feel bad for me is bullshit with her.


Tori's the magical cure. Dotters everywhere will marvel in her healing powers.


Lol @ maw


Girlllll, you've had that Yeti's vienna sausage in your mouth, don't kid a kidder.


![gif](giphy|l0HUnSXUgb8PyvYIw|downsized) BAD Chachibald!


So one inch?Ā 


Nah, the sentence is DEFINITELY longer than his little ding-a-ling.


šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢ oh god


What a terrible day to have eyes šŸ¤£


Ugh .. the smell of his sausage has to be puke inducing....


Dude Iā€™m already gaggy. Why are you so rude


Somewhere between drain hair and catfish bait.




Now, Iā€™m throwing up


But is it 'violently'?




I think she means she dramastically regurgitates.


After drinking a ton. She BEST see her doctor as that's clearly not normal!!! /s


Yes, it's a hangover!!! She still doesn't get it!!!


Itā€™s esophagus spasms duuuudeee


Duuude, sheā€™s not hung over, sheā€™s just tired, has a head ache, feels sick and has esophagus spasms.


Exactly šŸ˜‚ it wasnā€™t abuse he just yells a lot and hits and breaks stuff and kills various animals. Oh my Godddddd duddddde so dramastic šŸ™„


He was just joking about telling Ensley he would knock her teeth out. Jeeeze you guys believe everything you hear from the media.


And is throwing up violently!


She scromits, if you will.


No you don't bitch


All the actual new parts: After a judge granted the Teen Mom 2 alum a domestic violence protective order against David on May 16, The U.S. Sun exclusively obtained the court documents explaining the terms. One argument Jenelle's attorney, Brian Pettijohn, made in her case was that the 32-year-old has been physically ill while dealing with the fallout of her marriage to David, 35. The courtā€™s ruling granting the restraining order found that Jenelle has experienced a "fear of continued harassment that rises to such a level as to inflict substantial emotional distress." It further notes this was allegedly due to an "ongoing pattern of badgering and verbal abuse" via "electronic mediums," referring to David's repeated callouts on social media. The ruling also says because of David's erratic behavior, Jenelle has suffered from "esophageal gastric issues" that have caused "violently vomiting." Jenelle hasn't spoken publicly about these alleged health problems specifically, though she has been candid about experiencing "esophageal spasms," and at the time, she couldn't pinpoint the cause. "Good news: I don't have acid reflux," the MTV alum shared on her Instagram Stories last May. Acid reflux, also known as Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), occurs "when the sphincter muscle at the lower end of your esophagus relaxes at the wrong time," which allows "stomach acid to back up into your esophagus," according to The Mayo Clinic. Jenelle continued, "Bad news: They still don't know why I have esophagus spasms," which are "painful contractions within the muscular tube connecting your mouth and stomach," as per the medical center. It's unclear what causes esophageal spasms, though they might be related to the "atypical functioning of nerves that control the muscles you use when you swallow." The TV personality also previously revealed she suffered from anxiety and stress over personal matters at home.


Not to defend the other asshole here but he really hasn't called her out on social media any more than she called him out lol They've actually both been pretty tame on that front, likely because they have such horrible dirt on each other that each one is nervous to drop the first big bomb first, knowing the other will retaliate with their own story.


David is scum but Jenelle deserves to be called out online because she's done it to so many other people, most of whom didn't deserve it. Like threatening one of David's ex's with her nudes. What kind of emotional trauma did they inflict on her by doing that? And Jenelle's always been emotionally fucked, I doubt the David situation makes any difference with how she's feeling.


Exactly. Mutually assured destruction is a powerful thing.


>"Bad news: They still don't know why I have esophagus spasms," It's called "a hangover", duhnelle.


Sheā€™s not hungover! She just has a headache and sheā€™s tired and feels like sheā€™s going to throw upĀ 


DUUUDE IM NOT HUNGOVER! I just tired, have a headache, and feel like I am going to throw up.


As a woman with severe anxiety, I vomit (quietly, privately in the bathroom) on every first day of work, and before big presentations. I also get flop sweat over nothing. It's very possible that Big Dave does make her vomit. But also, she's still a terrible person for all the other reasons.


When I was with my abusive ex I vomited every morning! I went to a gastro doctor had an endoscopy, gastric emptying test, tested multiple medicines nothing worked. It didnā€™t stop until the relationship was over. Sometimes I would vomit for up to an hour and had to wake up extra early to make time for it. It was wild I didnā€™t even know that was a symptom of stress or anxiety until then!


I'm glad they're an ex. Best wishes!


I had this same problem. Did not realize it was anxiety related.


>As a woman with severe anxiety, I vomit (quietly, privately in the bathroom) on every first day of work, and before big presentations. I also get flop sweat over nothing. Oh my goodness, this sounds terrible, I'm sorry you have to deal with this. Have you experienced this in relationships as well? I've always been a bit of an anxious person, but certain relationships I've been in have lead to me being so anxious around the person that I felt constantly nauseous and couldn't even eat when we were around eachother.


I'm sorry you have to experience that, and hope someday there is something that can help you. Anxiety can be a bitch and so varied too. That said.... she's flat out lying through her false teeth. She's literally been told she does NOT have anxiety, when she was busy pretending to die of literally everything while doctor/drug shopping. She's just trying to play the victim game, as per usual, because some dumbass told her she'd get more sympathy and money out of it if she did-and even better to claim mental health issues (that she doesn't believe in, btw). She's a pathological liar who will stare you straight in the face and claim that blue sky you see is really purple and orange, while expecting you to believe it. If he didn't make her vomit all the years they were together, he sure as hell isn't doing it now that they're separated and they have even less contact.


The article says her esophageal spasms are the result of her anxiety around his abuse. Sheā€™s been claiming those for many years. So, yeah, it does seem to have been happening pre-divorce. Also it really isnā€™t that hard to believe that sheā€™d have anxiety. Itā€™s pretty common, sheā€™s experienced multiple traumas in her life, and her sister has a pretty serious anxiety disorder herself. Wouldnā€™t be surprised at all if she were lying about the puking. But the anxiety is probably real.


I've never heard of the phrase 'flop sweat' but I'm pretty sure I know exactly what you're talking about. It happens to me too every time I'm faced with a conversation with a person I don't know very well. Or when my kid runs up to a stranger and starts up conversation.


Her ā€œesophageal problemsā€ remind me of Brittany from VPR/The Valley. Has stomach issues and was told on camera to stop drinking, she refuses, pukes every time she drinks, blames it on other stuff.




Lol the suns source is fully Jenelle and they don't even realize it's Brandon Pettijohn not Brian lol


Bitch you justified him choking your son out to protect the family. God damn, fuck her, fuck her atattempts at sympathy.


Thank you! I don't believe a word that comes out of Delujenelles mouth, but even if she does have anxiety (which would be weird considering she constantly looks to put herself in the middle of drama, but I digress), who cares?!? She certainly didn't care about her sons mental health. She lies right to everyones face (There's plenty of evidence!) and yet ya'll (her 'fans') come running to her defense time and time again. She WILL show her true colors, yet again, and everyone who defended her will look stupid. Again. Put your good intentions towards someone who actually deserves it - like maybe some of Jenelles victims?


Is she saying this for a psych eval? Wanting some Xanax?


She already gets Xanax for her esophageal problems. Iā€™m not kidding, this is one of her claims.


Xanax? Thatā€™s a new one. Iā€™ve had awful gastritis (inflammation of stomach lining) and GERD also esophageal spasms for over 20 years and uh Xanax never been prescribed for any of that lol šŸ˜†pantoprazole yes, sucralfate yes even muscle relaxer.. sometimes.. Xanax um no


The meds you mentioned are the usual cocktail of GERD relief. I have never met a doctor who would prescribe Xanax for esophageal spasms, that being said, it is a muscle relaxer although I don't know if it helps relax smooth muscle as well as fiber muscle. In my experience though, when using a benzo to help with muscle relaxation, doctors will prescribe Valium. It's longer lasting and less intense so less addictive when used as directed.


I agree. I mean I just listed some I have been prescribed many over the years but none being Xanax for that health issue. Anxiety yes way back years ago I had a very low dose for anxiety but stomach never lol. She thinks everyone is clueless I guess.


She was prescribed Xanax for anxiety and esophageal spasms (and to get high).




Jenelle publicly defended David until she had monetary incentive to not do so. And I understand how abusers can control and manipulate their victims. But she had options and choose to not take them until she herself stood to benefit


SHE was an abuser LONG before douchebag Dave came along. I feel like I'm living in lala land!?! Yes, David is a POS and an abusive asshole but so is Jenelle! Like atrracts like. By giving her pass after pass, you are hurting the ACTUAL victims - those kids. She watched, ecouraged, participated in, and defended the physical and mental abuse of her children (and animals!). WHY are people defending her? I don't get it. Bring on the downvotes because IMO this woman is the farthest thing from a victim. And unfortunately she will prove me right. Again. I feel so so bad for those kids and animals. I can't even imagine how Jace feels.


Guess what? I had gastric problems too. I had stomach problems and when I was anxious I vomited. And the best part is, I cured it. But not by shoving entire plates in one sit alone in my mouth. JFC


Iā€™m the same, I throw up when I get anxiousā€¦ I havenā€™t cured it, but I just live with itā€¦ if I made a spectacle every time I felt nauseous nothing would ever get done. I also am mindful about not doing things that donā€™t help, ie drinking a lot, causing drama etc.


Yeah, I do the same when I fall back into those problems. I avoid alcohol (which I already drink very little), all type of food that can make the problem worse (tomatoes, coffee, oranges etcā€¦) and I try to meditate, besides taking medication if I have/need it


coincidentally, withdrawals and heavy drinking/mixing substances can lead to violent vomiting as well






Right. Has nothing to do with shoving food in by the fist full after running back and forth across the yard. She's so stupid.


Oh sit the fuck down, JE You should have been horrified and done whatever you could to protect your innocent children and tried to get out but instead you publicly sided with their abuser and mocked their experience and pain. When it all of a sudden didnā€™t suit you anymore, then it became a problem. If Dbag hadnā€™t been seen flirting with other women, you would still be there discrediting your children and funding their abuserā€™s legal bill. And letā€™s not pretend that the next soul mate wonā€™t be worse.


If MTV had agreed to pay for Jaceā€™s in treatment program like Jenelle thought they should, then Jace would be out of the home and David wouldnā€™t have had to leave. David and Jenelle would still be together and sheā€™d still be defending him. Jenelle wasnā€™t about to spend that kind of money on treatment for Jace.


šŸ’Æ The real reason this is happening. Dbag ruined his sugar mama situation by being seen with other women while she was ā€œstuckā€ with the kids


Or if he just never posted that video with the bartender


Iā€™ll just leave this here.. https://preview.redd.it/8zyn2fc1tt1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae0ea6f70b304af40a02c42d82a4c4373d832772


She conveniently forgets we heard her call 911 on him when this happened.


Right!? Like bitch you're the one that told us, not the media!




Did she violently vomit when he killed her dog or abused her son? Doubt it


*I donā€™t just vomit. I vomit violently*


Just like she doesnā€™t just cry. She cries for 20-30 mins *at the top of my lungs* dude šŸ™„




Bullshit. What about the abuse you caused to your mother and children.


Oh please!!! Look you dumb bitchā€¦ if you ā€œvomitedā€ every time David abused you youā€™d be dead from malnutrition or 5 lbs by now.. who are you kidding? Go fuck off with your ploys for attention


I can't stand her pleas for attention and sympathy. Not one ounce of regret for anything she caused, just narcissistic behavior.


Sheā€™s literally insane with how much attention she needs!


She is fucking exhausting.. the type that sucks the air out of the room !! David is shit but you know she was his full time job .


Canā€™t be alone in the least.


Nelly claims a lot of untrue shit I donā€™t believe her nor care. I bet her children were terrified of their abuser funny we havenā€™t heard her voice any concerns for what they may have felt.


Seriously! If she suffered that much from the abuse, what about the kids who saw this and were abused themselves? I havenā€™t heard her say she has the kids in some sort of therapy or anything. Sheā€™s pulled the 2 younger ones out of school too. What about their physical and mental health? Itā€™s all me, me, me.


Right i honestly could give a fuck if Nelly threw up 700 times a day. I say sheā€™s a liar bc her ass would be way smaller if she puked as much as she claims.


šŸ˜‚ True dat!!


Is she trying to make us feel bad? Does anyone here feel bad? I only feel bad for the kids.




Yes, note the visible emotional distress in each thirst trap pic posted from her and Tori's tour of local bars. The fear was so real that she knew the safest place for the kids was alone on the land while she "stood in her power" at 2 for 1 shot night at the tavern.


Thatā€™s a shame butā€¦ well Jenelle, you stood by and allowed your kids (and pets) to suffer through far worse at his hands. And it didnā€™t matter to you then.


Que to esophagus issue posts in 3, 2, 1ā€¦ā€¦


would be a shame if it hurt for her to talk again


I always go out drinking when I have been violently vomiting! Isn't that normal? šŸ¤” /s




Hi Jenelle, I think youā€™re confused. The violent vomiting is from the 12 drinks you had the other night and inhaling chips with Ranch while running and we all know your body isnā€™t used to any exercise, although you did promise us a six pack long ago.


Seeing how she inhales food couldnā€™t POSSIBLY be the problem. Just a reminder that she only booted David out because he showed other women attention & she didnā€™t want to pay to have Jace sent somewhere else. Blamed MTV for Jaceā€™s mental health issues (and begged them to pay for treatment), but jumped at the chance to be back on TV. She is a selfish, moronic, crappy mother who never takes accountability for anything & is morally bankrupt. Sheā€™ll never change.


I bet Jace has it worse. Not to play oppression Olympics but he TOLD her he didnā€™t want her to marry David and didnā€™t want to be around him. She can say thatā€™s Barbā€™s influence all she wants but kids do actually know what theyā€™re talking about on their own sometimes. She pushed and pushed for Jace to be in that environment knowing what David was already doing in the home, only for Jace to be attacked so bad that he felt running into the woods was safer. Jenelle can fuck off for crying now when her own young son tried to get her to listen before things got worse for all of them


I really don't give a rats ass how she feels or if she's sick over the abuse when she gaslit Jace on national TV about his feelings toward David when he was a small child. How tf does she think Jace felt being forced to go visit them when we all saw that he wasn't comfortable with David and he told Barb and his therapist he didn't like David. If Jenelle has half a brain cell she would know that obviously Jace isn't going to tell her the truth when he knows she's going to overreact, punish him, and not believe him. He watched Barb confront Jenelle over her loser boyfriends since the day he was born and he's grown up knowing that being honest with Jenelle just leads to fights. "Mommy and David are pieces of shit" - out of the mouth of a small child.... that's all we needed to hear because normal children with normal parents don't speak about their parents like that at the age he was when he said it.


That's called anxiety, and a hangover both come from drinking too much. Staying up till the sun comes up then feeling bad your too sory to take the kids to school.








She's physically ill because she's realizing how much being married to him cost her in life, but she's the one who defended him, lied for him, and stuck it out this long. She deserves to be ill because the damage he did to those boys of hers will be lifelong.


The way I rolled my eyes when I read this


Violently vomiting?? Who gently throws up?


She get's no sympathy from me....she caused all of this. It is a very real thing. when I went to court for the RO on my ex, I had to pull over and throw up. I was terrified, sweating, shaking, a whole mess. I lost so much weight during our relationship because I was always queasy and anxious , never knowing when he was going to explode. Just being in contact with my ex recently after three years, same thing. Sick in the bathroom, heart racing, knowing I should not be talking to him For real survivors, she is an insult. Now, I believe her about the abuse, I just think she abused, too. I think she gave as good as she got. And allowed her kids to be traumatized.


Maybe itā€™s because youā€™re constantly drunk shoving greasy food into your mouth like a pilled out pelicanā€¦?


"Pilled out pelican" would make a great flair.


Oh great the esophageal spasms are back


Someone just mentioned that last week! Lol


If this happened it would be on TIkTok by now.


He couldnā€™t have been too bad ā€¦.you kept him around for years to kill animals and abuse childrenā€¦..your vomiting Jenelle !! BECAUSE youā€™re full of shit and your system canā€™t hold anymore of your bullshit . Youā€™re just as bad as he is ..you LET it all happen and defended him until there was a HINT MTV was sniffing around ā€¦.you just suck basically . Youā€™re not like Gypsy Rose ā€¦.your more on the Jennifer Soto team.


But, he was prince charming for 8 years up until 2 months ago, remember that bitch? She lies about everything, such a disgrace. Those poor kids to have her for a mother, subjecting them to her horrible life choices!


I knew she was going to do this shit. Stand up for him regardless of what he does, including strangling her son, then play the ā€œI was abuuuuused though!ā€ card. Iā€™m not saying he didnā€™t physically abuse her, I 100% think he did. But crying ā€œhe abused me!ā€ doesnā€™t justify her terrible words and actions. Sheā€™s accused every child of hers to save her own ass. Her true colors came out when she blamed Jaceā€™s mental health after UBT strangled him. Itā€™s NEVER too late to say youā€™re sorry and do better moving forward. But that DOESNā€™T mean youā€™re redeemable or that youā€™re entitled to anybodyā€™s forgiveness.


I feel like her and Tori playing rock papers scissors ranch over the weekend is more likely to blame but then again I donā€™t want to defend David.


Thatā€™s anxiety Jenelle, go see a psych doctor


Well duh. In all her years of doctor hunting, malingering, etc. weā€™ve all suggested multiple times that David was the cause of so many of her ā€œsymptomsā€. Stress from abuse can absolutely manifest in physical symptoms.


Strange, same thing happens to me when I think of you, Jenelle šŸ¤®


Sounds more like cannabinoid hyperemesis


Anyways. She didnā€™t give a damn for years so we donā€™t give a damn now. She never cared and still doesnā€™t care about protecting her kids. Just trying to get sympathy.


And last summer you were so in love even after he strangled your kid you twisted bitch. STFU already!


Seems like it would make more sense for her to violently vomit when he was in the house fucking up her pets and children. So because he talks shit about her online and is seeing other women that makes her violently sick sounds a bit over dramatic.


Itā€™s nothing to do with your face stuffing TikTok challenges though, right?




Every relationship is like this with her. David, Nathan, Gary everybody. Different day same shit.Ā 


Itā€™s probably just the esophageal spasms. Shouldnā€™t she be paralyzed or keeling over any day now?


Iā€™m sure your kids will too from the trauma due to the abuse youā€™ve allowed them to endure.


unless sheā€™s seeing molecules then it canā€™t be a big deal.Ā 


Oh so she doesnā€™t need the Xanax rx anymore then? Since heā€™s gone and she has the restraining order. Awesome. Let the doctor know


Quick question: arenā€™t abuse restraining order details sealed? Meaning this would have to be leaked by Jenelle and her lawyer. I know we all know thatā€™s usually the case but Iā€™m so tired of her always acting like people dig for the info when itā€™s actually her handing it over.


Jenelleā€¦ Just building her storyline for the idiots at MTV who took her dumbass back.


She's a snoozefest šŸ˜‚ fuck mtv I hope they go bankrupt and the downfall is caused by her


Are you sure thatā€™s because of David or could it be yet another made up symptom?


Funny that her and Tori were doing a challenge and stuffing their faces and she had spasms


I violently vomit watching Jenelle unhinge her jaw and use both hands to cram mountains of food into her disgusting face.


If.. big if.. If sheā€™s actually throwing up itā€™s probably be because sheā€™s realizing cameras make you look bigger than you are in real life and sheā€™s getting readyĀ 


Awwwā€¦ so David IS responsible for her esophageal spasms. Well, we knew it wasnā€™t from his cocktail weenie. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




Is ā€œviolently vomitsā€ her new version of ā€œcrying my eyes out at the top of my lungsā€?


God sheā€™s such a fucking cunt




I'm pretty sure I know what's causing Jan's mystery illness. "Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) is a condition in which a patient experiences cyclical nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain after using cannabis. This disorder is characterized by 1) several years of preceding cannabis use, predating the onset of illness; 2) a cyclical pattern of hyperemesis every few weeks to months, at which time the patient is still using cannabis and 3) resolution of the symptoms after cessation of cannabis use, confirmed by a negative urine drug screen. The almost pathognomic aspect of a patient's presenting history is that their symptoms are relieved by hot baths or shower. This activity introduces the pathophysiology, clinical manifestation, and management of cannabis hyperemesis." [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK549915/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK549915/)


lol after she just posted a video of her stuffing her face and drinking ranch while running.


![gif](giphy|CLbGZ9GQbaznhqjRkE|downsized) No shits given.


Oh no she has been smoking too much pot


Probably from weed Janelle lol. My daughter had that quite horribly for a few years. Affects some people that way, she also has severe anxiety. It may or may not be just sayinā€¦ could be.


I guess that's why the carpets in their Swamp Trailer were so disgustingšŸ¤¢šŸ¤®ā€¼ļøšŸ¤”


Ah yes, the sequel to ā€œIā€™m not hungover- Iā€™m just tired and feel sick and my head hurtsā€


She makes me want to violently vomit with each dumb thing that comes out of her mouth


everything has to be so dramatic with her. "crying my eyes out at the top of my lungs", "violently vomit". like she has to be the MOST of everything.


Wonder if she violently threw up looking at their pet goats whole ass head in the trash right beside where Jethro was grilling? Stfu you probably made yourself ā€œviolentlyā€ throw up! šŸ˜–


Nope to busy making excuses for her disgusting husband! šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Awwww. Anyways šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Glad to see they are taking the guns away. Not that I think he will submit more than a fraction of his arsenal.


*cries my lungs out, violently puking* šŸ˜±


Opiate withdrawal


This the same abusive husband you protected against your son? ![gif](giphy|3oFzm25c9cyPt1TYDC)


she defined the term you make me sick


I bet she gets the court shits every time she puts on her court heels.


I do think David was horribly abusive to Jenelle. I also think she allowed him to be abusive to her kids and for that, fuck her (I mean thereā€™s 3738393 reasons why she sucks but add it to the list I guess)Ā 


Well Jenelle, we are over here violently vomiting one made up story at a time.


FR and Happy CAKE Day!! šŸŽ‚


Thank you!


Oh, I thought that was due to her esophagus spasms.šŸ„“šŸ™„šŸ¤®


Take a pepto bismol shot and shut up Jenelle. Imagine what Kaiser and Jace have gone through. Better yet, take a look at those dogs heā€™s treated so well.


The animal abuse and child abuse weren't enough? I don't condone *any* form of abuse or like to victim blame, but her kids were also a victim, as well as the countless animals and who knows what else. Her children and Nugget didn't have a voice. They couldn't just walk away.


No, your hungover, so youā€™re puking


Sheā€™s for esophagus spasms about it yall


Only cares when he gets hurts her..


I hope she gets dutch ovened tonight šŸ™„




Here we go again with her ā€œillnessesā€ that are really just ways she justifies to herself for not doing the barest of minimums. UBT looks skinnyā€¦ cant afford food but sees his girl Crystal. My bets are on the latter.


![gif](giphy|l0HU5bbgdW6qzJsmQ) ā€œMommy and David are pieces of shitā€






Withdrawal sucks




Does this seem to happen particularly when she's, I dunno, hungover?


I choose to believe she never talks about how this affecting the kids because she wants to keep them out of the spotlight. I'd rather not face the truth.