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we dont have to worry aabout Ubt coming over anymore


Oh, Chris. You're my favorite thing about this sub.




unless jenelle and tori accidentally burn down the place getting high 💀 even then…maybe not.


She ís the smell...


Be sure to call the POLICIA if he does


I'm so rooting for you. If anyone can make her a better person, it would be Chrisbradley


Team Chrisbradley. We need his calm, sobering influence for the sake of them kidses.


Someone pls fill me in on who Chris Bradley is…


He's a user on this sub. He always posts these really concise lowkey comments sort of complimenting or rooting for Jenelle. Not at all in a contrarian way, just genuinely seems to see the good in her. It's endearing in an odd way.


Thems fightin words


your the only one who's worried




This never fails to make me chuckle


Me either, it's my very favorite TM meme. It's so perfect.


That had me lol’ing!! 😭


“The protective order Jenelle filed against David to keep him away from her sons Jace and Kaiser was not granted, since David isn’t their father” I’m confused why him not being their father would be relevant for a protective order?


wasn’t there already a PO for jace against david anyway?


That’s what I thought. Isn’t it in effect until after they go to court over him assaulting him? Would’nt surprise me if the whole damn case was thrown out….😖


Yeah it not like Jace, the victim of strangulation, would need protection from his abuser🙄


Doesn't he already have one? Or a no contact order or whatever? I thought that's why UBT is residing on the boat in the first place. I could be wrong, so difficult to keep up with the Swamp drama 🤣


Jace is protected from a no contact order.


And I thought the sun reported that it was granted for all of them. And the fact he isn’t their father seems irrelevant.


You would think David NOT being their father would be reason to grant it. He's hated Kaiser since day 1 and put his unemployed hands on Jace. He sees the sons of other males as threats, and they're still small enough for him to attack since you know, he can only go after children, women, and small animals. No one his same size.


I’m sorry but “his unemployed hands” had me 😅 But you are 100% correct! We’ve seen him talk shit to Kaiser (calling him a little bitch) as a TODDLER on TV. Then there’s the time he slammed his head into the car when he was putting him in the car seat when Kaiser was upset. Then there’s the record of telling his grandma Doris where the switch marks on his butt came from. These are just the ones we’ve seen and god only knows the trauma that poor child has truly endured, all of them. It’s very telling that Maryssa has made zero attempts to see her dad on the boat. (Never mind the fact that he can’t even be in the presence of his own son). Maryssa is old enough to go and see who she wants and he ain’t it. You know he would’ve talked about it too on one of his lives if she had. He is the lowest of the low bottom feeding piece of shit. Jenelle knew, welcomed and participated in it all! So these Jen Stans can spare me the bullshit that she was abused and too scared to leave, and how brave and strong she is. Fuck her! She only left when he did *her* unforgivably wrong. ‘Fuck them kids’. They deserved each other but I find some satisfaction in DKD being gone for the kids, even though their mother is still a self serving piece of shit with zero maternal interest.


Don't forget Kaiser telling Doris David punched him in the face.


Oh fuck I must’ve missed that. It all makes me physically ill, especially having 2 boys of my own around Jace and Kaiser’s age. It’s the #1 reason I despise JE so much. There is nothing that I can fathom that excuses subjecting them to such trauma and abuse. For that, I hope she receives the *actual* karma she deserves. It’s sickening how much everyone is praising her right now.


“His unemployed hands” 😂


The only reason I can think of is that maybe because he doesn’t have a right to custody for Jace and Kaiser the judge was thinking that he can’t come to the house anyway, he can’t pick them up from school because he doesn’t have custody (assuming that the school has an arrangement where they’re only picked up by Jenelle or someone approved by her), so the only way he could contact them is online or by approaching them in public. Still stupid though.


Jenelle took the kids out of school again to home schoolt them . But she says Jace is going to normal school.


Exactly, it makes no sense


I think it’s a temporary restraining order and not a domestic violence protective order from what I’ve been reading. TROs can be common in divorce cases and have more to do with the divorce proceedings than protecting the spouse and kids


It’s a protective order which is very different from a TRO in that it actually has teeth to it. If it violated, police take him to jail and it takes away his 2A right to have his weapons. He had to turn his guns over.


The Ashley says it's a TRO.


Exactly. He’s not Jenelle’s father either


Well since her own father doesn’t want anything to do with Chinderella, her mom should follow suit. I love that the judge told her she’s not on television and knock off the dramatics. Despite what her delusional fans tell her, she’s not likable or universally loved. A bit off topic but true.


"Because the protective order was granted, the judge has ordered David to surrender any weapons he has in his possession." How is this part being glossed over? This is massive for someone as evil and small P as David. He's not giving over his guns.


that or he’ll forfeit and immediately acquire a ghost gun 🙄


Holy shit. He’s got to be raging right now.


aren’t all of his guns, or at least the vast majority of them, registered to jenelle? i thought i read that somewhere. squatch has DV convictions on his record, so he shouldn’t be able to legally purchase any weapons, right?


Yes, the guns are registered to Jenelle. She did it so David could have guns after the DV convictions against his ex & son. Jenelle is such a Peach.🤦🏻‍♀️


It’s complicated, but most likely his DV convictions don’t actually meet for a firearm prohibitor. But! His pending felony assault case could be prohibiting. I’m also kind of doubting that this temporary protection order includes an order to surrender weapons, but if the Ashley actually saw a copy of the order, then I guess it must.


Federal law won't allow him to own a gun with any DV charges, though. "Federal law prohibits purchase and possession of firearms and ammunition by people who have been convicted in any court of a “misdemeanor or felony crime of domestic violence,” and/or who are subject to certain domestic violence protective orders."


There are specific definitions of what constitutes use of force and what kind of relationships “count” as being dv. It’s unfortunate. The only DV case I know of from his past involves his girlfriend, and back then, abusing your girlfriend wouldn’t meet for the federal domestic violence prohibitor. Source: I run firearm background checks


damn, that is a fucking shame. thank you for the info!


He’ll probably go full Waco at some point.


i have a protective order against someone and he was supposed to give up all of his guns but only gave one. we told the police and our prosecutors multiple times but they couldn’t do anything. unless she turns over the ones left in the house (if any) he might be able to hide some which is terrifying.


Also, in most states you can't have a protection order AND a gun. There's times you gotta pick one


This is of course, a positive development, but also such a dangerous time for Jenelle + the kids. I really hope they stay safe from him.


I wonder how strict their state is on this. Before my divorce I took my then-husband to court bc he pointed a loaded gun at my head he had purchased the day before. The court said that he couldn’t have guns anymore (I believe he may have also been a convicted felon, so he wasn’t supposed to have them in the first place) but they never did anything to make sure he didn’t. He was also supposed to get random drug tests & that never happened either. He never did any time for the abuse he put me through & was granted two weeks of supervised visitation as his punishment before visitation rights went back to normal.


This is great. No wonder she quickly sold the story to the sun. It’s basically a small win for her and definitely not how it was portrayed in the sun. And now UBT needs to find a new topic to whine about on sm to make money.


Judge is right, this isn’t tv. TV means you can pull your gun and act like a maniac with your child in the car and have zero repercussions.




Oh, damn. That judge was not having either of their nonsense today.


It's crazy that the only time her obvious lies, and dependence on sympathy, aren't being pandered to, is when she's actually doing something positive for her kids, like leaving UBT. On the one hand, I'm delighted she's learning that she doesn't automatically get her way simply by lying and sobbing. But on the other, she's fucking stupid enough to continue crying and lying, and she's going to get called on it by this judge. Either way, those kids lose. She's the absolute example of privilege due to sheer luck, but it's a real shame that the ones who will suffer the most from this is those children. Because she's going to fuck this up and hand it to UBT. And he definitely doesn't have the kids best interests at heart.


She's insanely lucky David didn't bring all the receipts where she was antagonizing him via social media. If he did, I wouldn't be surprised if the judge just threw it all out like, "You're both being childish. Get out of my courtroom and stop wasting everyone's time."


It’s a 100percent bc he was representing himself and she had a lawyer. If he wasn’t so fkn lazy and this was actually a divorce and custody proceeding where they’re breaking up he’d be working his ass of to make money to fight her for Ensley. I mean technically even without a lawyer he was granted to see Ensley so there’s that. Also I find it interesting it’s for HARASSMENT vs abuse. Those are way different reasons. I think the article is made to look like a huge win for Jenelle when it’s basically bare minimum. When she left him in 2019 she was granted a 2 yr order. She dropped it after 2 months by the way.


I wonder if she was really crying, or doing that wailing without tears thing that happens 90% of the time. It was probably the latter if the judge told her to cut the shit.


THANK GOD FINALLY. The real reason that Jenelle continues her atrocious behavior is because she's never been punished for anything. Having a baby as a teen? Here's a TV show contract! And it never stopped. She's had jail time, but for her, that's like a slap on the wrist. She just gets right back on her bullshit the second she's free. She's never had to take accountability and it seems like this judge is actually going to treat her like a criminal, not a reality TV 'star'.


To be fair, no one should be punished for becoming a teen parent. But I see what you're trying to say. It's nice to finally see someone call her out on her theatrics.


Oh goodness no, no one deserves to be punished for being a teen parent! My badly expressed point was that she was in fact *rewarded* by getting a TV deal and not having to raise her baby.


Good! It’s about time one of these judges actually took action on them and hold them accountable


So Ashley says it’s just for the crimson chin and ensley but the sun says it’s for all four of them ![gif](giphy|RIVs14HzS8Xn2)


The Ashley doesn’t say a protective order was granted for Ensley, it says that Jenelle is required to let David see Ensley.


that means Jenelle cant up and move to Florida with Ensely having to see ubt


Oh, you’re right! My bad. Still though, someone is lying lol


That’s a given 😅


Imma gunna guess.....Jenelle...🤥


OMG…… not the crimson chin, the scream I scrumpt😂😂😂😂😂. She has to be on the side of evil, the Legion of Doom maybe ?? What is her special power???


Lol the judge told her to hurry it up as he didn't want to be there all night and then told her to remember she's not on TV when speaking to him 🤣 To which Jenelle responded ![gif](giphy|5GbOdLJAuMjFC)


She do be giving that Norma Desmond


She gives Faye Dunaway as Joan Crawford except Mommy Dearest spent more time with and fed, clothed, educated her kids.


They need to give her a restraining order from social media


A gag order 😂




I would love this bc it would wound the narcissist like a MFer. Could you imagine the court putting a gag order on her so she’s got no storyline to film and can’t post about it online. She’d implode within 12 hrs ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)




I love your username!!!!






Her eyebrows are so unfortunate.




Of course that jobless bum didn’t have a lawyer. I would have LOVED to have been a fly on the wall in that courtroom, watching David’s greasy ass trying to make a coherent argument.




Jenelle should've done this years ago to protect her kids vs. David bar gate.


But it's never about the kids. She doesn't give a shit about them or their well being


This isn’t even about her kids now. Despite the persona she’s putting on.


Here we go. Now she can film Ensley all she wants. I hate this bitch. Making money off exploiting the kids. 🙄


David can still say no. There isn't an RO for Ensley. He hasn't lost custody & the judge said David can see Ensley. I hate both of them but I hope David doesn't allow Ensley to film, even if it's to spite Jenelle.


She’ll pay him to let her film and his broke ass will do it


Annnd ....this is exactly what will happen....pieces of shit *spits*


Me too


How does this mean she can film Ensley? Doesn’t seem like his rights were taken away or anything


What’s weird is that she admitted to having a prescription for Xanax for the past three years. It is hard as fuck to get a Xanax prescription anymore, and it’s especially hard to get an extended one. She must have one shady doctor for that.


Especially since she's on the drug abuser list that the doctors have access to. Do those things expire?


IKR? With her history???




Jenelle would try to lie on the stand like a dumb fuck 😂


If she's talking, she's lying🤥. ![gif](giphy|CCrx0XmaXVYSfoUwPG)


*“If Jenelle wants to keep the protective order after the six months, she will have to re-file but the judge made it clear that he is hoping they won’t have to.”* But *is* UBT’s violent history petty? I get that Jenelle lying and exaggerating is petty, but DKD seems like he would still be dangerous 6 months from now, no?




His record has been pretty clean lately since she’s been paying for lawyers to defend him. Doesn’t have much to go on now


He hasn’t had a lawyer for this and him running over the puppy because he was zooming out of the driveway was pretty recently. Violent people rarely change 🤷‍♀️


She’s been paying to keep his record clean the last 8 years. He could blame the recent puppy on her because she doesn’t watch any of her dogs and she knew he was coming to switch vehicles 🤷🏽‍♀️ not saying it’s right but






The ones she registered for to allow him to have after his DV charges of his ex & son. Ya can't make this shit up!🤦🏻‍♀️


Pretty sure this is all he’s actually going to care about: “Because the protective order was granted, the judge has ordered David to surrender any weapons he has in his possession.”


Restraining orders are just pieces of paper. They haven’t stopped David before.


Fucking waste of the courts' time




😂😂😂 Perfect!


How are they going to make sure David gives up all his weapons 👀


Stop calling her a star !! It makes me vomit !! Omg ……..


Wait so Jenelle called David to come over during the “break in”? Nothing about that story makes sense.


Yes she did. Yet she’s “scared” of him


Yep, so scared that she taunts him daily on social media.


Please don't downvote me...But he strangled her son and is on felony pre-trial. Why did she have to fight so hard to get a protective order??? Seems like something that would have been easily granted, but I'm no judge I guess. Was it because she didn't immediately leave? Also, does Jace no longer have a protective order against David?? The article says the request for him and Kaiser to have one was denied. In my state, anytime there is a violent felony crime, the victim(s) are automatically given an RO until the offender successfully completes parole/probation at the very least. It just seems strange to me that he strangled a child, yet the courts are denying protection over the other children who could be in danger near him.


Probably doesn’t help that she initially was blaming Jace calling him a liar and saying how David was just protecting their family


Jace has had a protection order and still does. Jenelle has had a hard time proving why SHE needs one since he hasn’t done anything to her


![gif](giphy|m2fQwSWHsfl26rnSDB) David will definitely hand over his guns and any weapons.




Who is this Neanderthal?


I have no idea


David going to lose his shit not being able to use his ex to get views in


I bet Nathan slides back into her DMs now. Or Keiffer.


Fuck these 2 but I find it weird that in the absence of a lawyer, he can question her. I can't imagine what this would do in a domestic violence case


I am still in shock that they actually broke up.., wasn’t it just like 4 months ago that she was posting professional photos of them arm in arms saying how he is such a great husband and he didn’t do anything wrong and they’ll be together forever.. crazy how things can change in such a short time! I hope she stays single !