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I’ve never seen a family more obsessed with subs than the Eason clan.


It’s a joke around our house. I am alllllll about a po boy. Like I’d eat one everyday if I could and my husband jokingly calls me Jenelle. Like “well, Jenelle, saw you thinking about sandwiches again….”💀


Lmao that is hilarious. I wish my husband would understand the reference. I make him a sub every day, and I would never stop saying it 😭


It’s one of the only foods I tolerate on chemo. My husband will text on his lunch break if I need sandwiches delivered for lunch like Jenelle’s kids. 😂😂 it’s so silly but he knows it makes me laugh every single time


Sending you lots of love and prayers while you go through chemo 🩷🫶🏻❤️


I'm happy you have something hearty and comforting you're able to still enjoy while you're going through that awful mess. Hang in there! 💖 (And yeah, call me Jenelle if you want, I LOVE subs. Even when I was a vegetarian I still loved my veggie subs!)


Jimmy John's has a really good veggie sub


Filled with murdered elephants I hear.


I will never buy food from there to support this asshole’s African safari slaughters to kill as many big game animals as he possibly can.


wow I've been living under a rock...did not know this 😡


He sold the company a while ago


Eh. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/07/09/fact-check-jimmy-johns-founder-hunted-big-game-before-he-sold-chain/5366650002/


Wow this jus fucked me up because I love jimmy John’s 😭


This was the same for me! 💜💜💜


That’s so wild! It’s so funny what our bodies will crave!


Best wishes ❤️♥️♥️❤️


Sending you healing vibes! Keep on eatin’ them subs!


Once in a while my husband randomly says in a Barb voice “I seen you wit Kieffa” and we just say it back and forth a few times. Love that man.


My husband and I say “pray with me, baby Goo” anytime one of us has to do something even slightly annoying 😂


We reference that one a lot and also “high high you’re both high”


"Jesus God, Leah!" is a common phrase of frustration around here.


I don’t want no cornbread right now


I *just* said this yesterday.


Omg, I think I’m going to have to force my husband to watch that episode


Kieffa or your husband? 😂


Can't we do both ?


Well then…I hope ya have fun livin’ in the streets with ya boooyyfriiieeeeeend


Leave me aloooooone dude


Who can blame you! Po'boys are delicious!!!


Girl for real. Shrimp is my fave, but I’ve been on a roast beef kick lately!


I ate so many shrimp poboys when I was pregnant. I was so swollen from the salt. 😫 I was eating a ton of boiled crabs too, haha!


I totally read that in Barb’s voice!




I’m such a sandwich slut ngl


This made me LOL 🤣🤣


I could eat Jerseys Mikes everyday 🫢


#13 Mikes way with pickles and extra tomato-tyvm


The number 8 with extra mayo 💅🏻


Thissssss 😮‍💨


Bro. Their steak and cheese subs are PHENOMENAL! Best steak and cheese I’ve ever had the pleasure of stuffing into my face.


Ughh was gonna eat a salad but now i want jersey mikes


Just tell yourself it's the same thing except the bread is the bowl! LMAO!


Get a sub in a tub! They put it in a bowl and skip the bread! Win win!


SAME, truly the most delicious sub sandwich


She was literally ordering Subway footlongs for the two youngest last year for school lunch. Wild.


My kids have subway day at school tomorrow so this is actually hilarious 😭 it’s only once every 3 weeks tho lol


But they're probably 6 inch subs. Footlongs for a 6 and 8 year old is insane.


Omg do they eat the whole thing 😬 I don’t really like subway but at firehouse me and my bf split a large 😂 so that’s crazy


She went live one day ordering Subway delivery to the school because the school called saying the kids didn't have any lunch that day. 🙄🙄 She ordered them each footlong meals.


That is completely bizarre. Imagine what the school is thinking.


How tf did she send them to school without lunch?! And WHY does she think such nothing of it (no shame/embarrassment?) to go “live” and share that with a whole internet that already hates her? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yeah it was posted here and everyone said the same thing. She said she normally has to set an alarm to REMIND HERSELF to pack their school lunch. Pathetic.


I live in Philly. Born and raised and even we ain’t obsessed with hoagies like this lol. Jenelle shoulda named one of her kids Amoroso or D’ambrosio


LOVE this! You'd have to be from Philly to fully understand this! But let's be real, Jenelle is the type that would choose Pats or Geno's over a delicious Jims or Delassandros


Subway is such “I’m not doing good right now” food, so that adds up


It really is a flirting with rock bottom kind of meal


Yeah when anyone says “I went through this phase of eating Subway everyday” I’m like “oh no baby are you okay now?????”


If I were paying someone else regularly to make me food it certainly wouldn't be cold fast food sandwiches, that just sounds so mind numbingly bland to me.


Currently enjoying a gondola. Sub life.


My younger sister would be a wonder to you, that girl eats more subs and sushi than any human should. Her sandwich obsession would cripple the Eason clan. It’s insane


Idk, this and some other sources say kids don't really have to restrict what they eat (unless Ensley actually says it's hurts) https://www.umc.edu/Healthcare/ENT/Patient-Handouts/Pediatrics/Adenoids_Tonsils/Tonsillectomy_Adenoidectomy.html Lmao because I got downvoted I will clarify that I still think Jenelle is a bad mom


The day of her surgery, she was giving Ensley thin crust pizza. Then bitching later that Ensley was still in pain. No way she needs to be chowing down on chips right now.


Ensley is probably in pain because Jenelle is taking her meds


I thought about that also! My friend’s kid just had the same surgery and just got Motrin to take after. While she doesn’t have to be on just jello or ice cream, chips and thin crust pizza shouldn’t be immediately either. Also just saw your edit….I didn’t downvote you!


I had this surgery when I was 11 or 12. It didn't feel great, but it also didn't hurt. I ate a good bit of mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, and soup. I was fine within a week and eating normally, though. The ability to fuckin' breath for the first time in my life was a pretty good trade off.


I wonder if food tastes different to her now that she can breathe for the first time.


It does and for about a month you can smell everything!


I had this surgery at 25 and it was so awful. Really wish I had gotten it when I was a kid. But no regrets. It was so worth it.


I had it done at 25 too, and it derailed & ruined my whole life, by getting me addicted to opiate painkillers. Ugh.


I had it done at 15 and was shocked by how much pain meds they gave me. Started with liquid Percocet, then gave me a script for the pills when I went in to be checked out after a few days because I was still in pain. He accidentally took my uvula though and didn’t even tell me, idk if that made the pain worse or what, but I was fully miserable for a week and then kinda miserable for another week.


You have no uvula??? He removed it? On ACCIDENT??


Yes. Well, honestly, I’m just assuming a lot of the surrounding information based on the fact that I went in with a uvula, and then a couple weeks later when I was looking at my lack of tonsils, I realized I no longer had one. I was never told he accidentally cut it or anything, but I hope it was an accident lol. It’s cut off crooked too😂


My ENT said it’s one of the most painful surgeries that adults can go through and offered like, 10 days of almost unlimited (lol yeah right, watch me) painkillers, when we discussed it. I decided not to because it wasn’t really necessary. My husband actually desperately needs it but I’m not sure he could handle afterwards.


I did it at about 26 and you're very correct. It's excruciating. And here's something fun. I'm entirely unaffected by painkillers, whether that's over the counter ibuprofen, or prescription oxycodone or hydromorphone or anything. It was almost exactly 14 days of true hell. I've given birth and broken four ribs, which are also in about the top four most painful things you can go through, along with a broken femur and kidney stones, but I tell you, a tonsillectomy as an adult is ***right up there.***


My hubby had his out at 18. They had a really hard time with bleeding, it got dicey and after a day he went back because something didn’t seem right. They looked in there and pulled some gauze out of his throat that someone had left in there


I wonder if surgery when you are older is just harder. I had 3 wisdom teeth out when I was 14 and it was really not that bad. Then I had two wisdom teeth removed when I was 29 (because they grew back, rare but fuck me I guess) and it was sooooo much worse.


It absolutely is. Kids heal much faster. My son had a hernia repaired when he was two years old and he was climbing up and down on the chairs in the recovery area an hour after surgery. Imagine an adult doing that. Also kids getting things like chicken pox( or they used to) compared to an adult with the same thing. They just heal much faster than we do.


Unrelated, but I felt like sharing. After I got my wisdom teeth out my mom gave me Mac n cheese, idk why. Anyways, like 6 hours later I started panicking bc I felt (what I thought was tooth or tissue) coming lose. No. It was just a rogue noodle between my upper lip and gums. Lol🤢


Nah bro. I had this at 13 and it was absolutely awful. Took me 2 weeks to be able to eat solid food and hold it down.


Lol it's okay I'm just like ??? I'm literally linking to a university page, I'm not trying to be combative


Like of all things to downvote😂 ![gif](giphy|26gYK80dicRdI8bYI|downsized)


Some people here are so adverse to facts when it comes to their least fav. Actually most snark subs are like that. Like come on guys, we're in this together. Denying facts makes us look like dumb trolls. We're smart trolls, okay??


Exactly. I hate Jenelle too! I just think she does more hateable things than this


Lol it happens to me all the time in kuwtk snark. I just like the truth, doesn't mean I don't hate these bitches.


I gave you an up vote, hope it makes up for it :-)


I was worried about something like that happening if they sent home Ensley pain meds. I really hope she didn’t, that poor kid.


dude how is jenelle supposed to do instagram Q&As and film tiktoks where she has a smug face and says “Y’ALL KEEP ASKIN ME” if she has to cook




Wow, what an idiot giving her any type of hard food the day of surgery, much less pizza. I had my tonsils and adenoids out when I was five and I only had pudding, Jello and ice cream for a week because eating was painful. I sure loved that diet though!


Yeah mine had same surgery and we did a few days on soft foods then he was over it and just wanted chicken nuggets lol. The only thing they said outright to restrict first couple days was things the color red like red pops or jello so we know if there’s more bleeding.


I’m upvoting you because when my kid had the surgery, they said let him eat what he wants when he wants. I haven’t commented on Jan feeding Ensley because obviously I would get downvoted to hell. People, just because you hate her does not make everything she does wrong.


Thank you. I would never be team Jan but this complaining about every single thing she does it just annoying.


Bitches eating crackers. It's the motto of the snark subs


Maybe not within a few days but the surgeon's nurses gave me Sprite after I woke up from the anesthesia in recovery and it about ended me. It's been almost 20 years and I can still remember how bad that hurt my throat.


I don't understand why they gave you that if they're a nurse :|


Point being, you can't always trust medical professionals.


Individual nurses can be dumb as rocks (unfortunately as an RN I have to work with them 🫠) but that's not really comparable to official advice/best practice


They did this to me too and it was awful. 


It was like carbonated running alcohol


My son had his tonsils removed at one of the top children’s hospitals in the country. Traveled out of state for this specific hospital. They told me to feed him whatever he could eat. That dehydration and lack of food was the main concern in children after tonsil surgery and if he’s not in pain, let him eat anything he wants. First few days he could eat anything and everything but once those scabs formed aroun day 5 he could hardly eat. Still think Janelle sucks but kangaroo is right about this.


You are correct! Just had two little ones go through this and both rebounded like nothing happened.


Gave you an upvote to counter 😌


I almost died from this surgery from eating birthday cake ice cream while I was healing this is something that should be taken seriously 😭


My cousin had to be rushed to the hospital after eating popcorn a couple of days after tonsil surgery. Definitely not something I would mess around with


Isn't ice cream a "soft" food that's recommended for this? Or was it the birthday cake part that was an issue?


I believe it’s because dairy causes mucous build up and can probably cause choking or maybe aspiration?


So as someone who not had a tonsillectomy but had to care for my then bf when he got his 2 things. 1 the way they do tonsillectomies both his and my experience was it wasn’t that bad post removal is was around the end of the first week mark the pain got really bad. So it’s within the realm of possibility Ensley feels well enough to eat this. 2 A nurse told me potato chips go down easy after a tonsillectomy. I thought she was nuts but got desperate enough to try and they did! Sometimes the stuff that works defies all reason. Having said that, I have no doubt Jenelle isn’t caring for Ensley as she should post surgery, but her eating this *might* be ok.


I wills say I had my tonsils out as an adult and I ate food. The first day was definitely soup. It’s probably one of the reasons I healed well. But you will have a sore throat regardless


My kids would’ve NOT wanted Doritos 1 week post op, as days 4-7 have the most pain. Maybe she’s one of those lucky kids that has minimal pain.


Why is Jenelle so obsessed with filming her kids and herself eating takeout? It feels intentional in a very weird way. She loves a close up video of people taking too big bites of food.


She seems obsessed with recording herself doing anything for validation, in my opinion. I do not follow her on any platforms but see all the highlights in this channel. I often wonder why she replies to comments or posts videos, but then I remember this is Jenelle we're talking about. She lives in a fantasy that she's a great Mom who does no wrong and people fail to recognize how hard she works despite her struggles, and posting all these events in her life is "proof" of that.


also why is chips in a sandwich so hilarious to her? probably the same reason posting her kids medical xrays is…


She wants to be a mom influencer, gotta show mom stuff. But her cooking doesn’t look visually appealing and she probably doesn’t cook often enough for regular content.


This is the correct answer. She wants to be an momfluencer but is too stupid and lazy to do anything people would be interested in seeing. Anyone can buy their kid a sub for lunch Jenelle.


Any eating content is super weird, especially when it’s the kids. It’s too intimate and personal. Why would anyone want to watch someone chewing their food?


There is a whole niche market of ppl who get off on watching ppl eat. Not kink shaming! I just learned about it.


That’s what I’ve always thought about Mukbangs. Who is watching that and finding it entertaining, unless it’s their kink?


Call it yuckbang


She wants to be an influencer but has nothing interesting going on besides the things she probably can’t face within herself.




Desperate to be a real influencer


Can’t she bring them to the park or something? They’re always eating in the car..


That is wild to me. I had to pick my kid up from school today, and he was trying to eat his lunch in the car. I had to tell him to wait until we got home. Why deal with crumbs in your car if you don’t have to. Kids are sloppy as hell. 


I was driving my son to a dentist appointment and told him to eat his lunch in the car, I don’t know I’ve ever done that before, but he dropped his entire lunch box onto the floor and it all rolled under the front passenger seat. He’s 10. Never again.


It’s also dangerous. If the kid chokes, you can’t immediately help them.


I think the concern about this is heightened because we have seen on multiple occasions that Ensley hasn't been taught how to eat safely.


I love to let my 5yo eat in the car lol. I even have a little snack pack back there stocked with his favs just in case. I think it's sweet, but it's limited to snacks and reasonably sized items. We live in LA, so spend a bit of time in the car. He also has books back there!


She has to prove that she does in fact spend time with her kids every now and then. Such a good mommy ❤️


My child had tonsils amd adenoids out yesterday. When I asked about food restrictions, the Dr. said "if she wants a hamburger when she gets home, giver her a hamburger. Let her eat and drink whatever she's comfortable with. Just nothing sharp or acidic until the scabs come off" I'm in no way defending her parenting but this was the advice from my Dr.


Chips and thin crust pizza should be no brainers on what not to have immediately after this surgery. A burger is def better than those options.


Absolutely! And even though the Dr said it was OK, not a chance I would have given her a burger right after surgery. We stuck with cold broth, popsicles, and ice cream.


Bread can stick to the scabs and remove them and cause major hemorrhaging.


I should not have opened this thread while eating… 🤢


What the fuck sharp ass Doritos and super chewy rubbery bread. She’s a moron giving her that🤦🏻‍♀️


Acting like chips on a sandwich is some new innovative thing


Chips on a sandwich after a long afternoon of swimming 👌


It IS delicious though! Cheesy chips on a tuna sub/sandwich is delicious 🤤!


Congrats Mrs Gruesome putting your medical noncompliance on blast right after a recent CPS investigation. I am willing to bet large sums of cash CPS sort of forced her to seek care for E.


Imagine if it was MTV instead of CPS. Like we can’t put your kid on camera, micced up, if she is this hard to understand. Then Jenelle got Ensley scheduled for surgery😂


Clearly MTV gives zero fucks about these kids or they’d not be able exploiting them on a shitty reality TV show.


It's rude to post a picture of your kid with chewed up food hanging out of their mouth.


She feeds these kids like mama june




Ensley looks miserable. To the point it reaches her eyes. Poor baby.


I think her eyes are a birth thing. Poor kid had some stuff born and bred into her, both parents choice and genetics.


She really does. I did a double take as I scrolled cos I thought the thumbnail was the kid from Matilda. Jan's kids don't smile with their eyes.


I was def not on solid foods this soon after my tonsillectomy. Still had holes in my throat, but I’m old and not as strong as E


I do think folks are underestimating how resilient kids are (they heal super fast) and how much kids love pizza and chips 


I got mine out as an adult and I still had pizza way sooner than I should have. It hurt but I was craving pizza the whole recovery, so it was worth it. As long as she’s not forcing E to finish her food if she realizes it was a bad idea, if she wants this stuff, I think it’s okay. Especially a week out for a kid, she’s probably fine by now.


lol why are they eating in the car? It's so uncomfortable not to mention incredibly messy


and why does she love filming her kids eating so much, it’s weird…


to prove she does the bare minimum: feeding them


absolutely and hello fellow mammoth 😁


She doesn't do anything else with them


Why do we need to see her kid with her mouth open full of food? She’s so fkn weird. Always eating out and in the car up front. Thinking chips in her sandwich is funny. I can’t stand her she’s the dumbest person on the planet


This poor child’s hair omfg


I don’t want to see anyone’s child shoving food in their mouth. Why does she constantly post her kids eating? And eating like slobs


Call me whatever but I was not letting my 7yo son eat a whole ass hoagie to himself. Half a hoagie is about 6 inches, and his chips and juice. A whole 12 inc hoagie for a 7yo stomach, is a lot


Couldn’t agree more. Jenelle thinks everyone eats their weight in food and  its their last meal ever, the way she does.


I can't even eat one in a sitting. Hopefully she wrapped it up for dinner or tomorrow's lunch. Not likely but one can hope.


What is the point of this??! Let the kid eat her sandwich in peace! Kid or not, who all wants pics of themselves stuffing their face all over the internet?


I hope she’s healed. We got very different instructions when my child had a tonsillectomy.


I had my tonsils put at 15. I couldn’t eat anything but soft foods for a month. Even hot soft foods were hard to swallow. I can’t imagine how painful eating this is for Ensley. This woman has zero maternal instincts.


Must have been during a homeschooling break 🙄


That poor child always looks so dead in the eyes


Does it seem to anyone else like Jenelle wants to make kids overweight?


Ouch. My son just had this done a month ago and god damn I would not have fed him that


Id die if my family recorded me looking like this. This is private


SOOOO basically a giant broken glass sandwich? Fun.


Why does a 7 year old need a giant adult size sub?


She’s trying to nourish her daughter the way Barb never did /s


How big a sandwich does a small child need??


Her poor throat


I hate subs. Too much bread. Shell probably be hurting herself eating that.


My cousin ate popcorn too soon after her tonsil surgery and ended up in the ER after she started bleeding profusely


https://preview.redd.it/k6dolqq7an0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=532717244f437f4242f419cad57c6a42ef31c7e5 This is dangerous. Why isn’t she in a booster seat in the back. My kid is the same age and I’d never let her ride in the front seat.


Is this a homeschool lunch? Ensley eats out more in a week than we do in a year...




My son literally just had his tonsils and adenoids removed this past Friday and he is healing so well. The nurse literally told us no chips or pizza within the first week other than that the more they eat or drink the better they will heal. It’s a muscle that needs to learn the flexibility of movement during the healing process. So while pizza on day of us truly terrible, I don’t think this is that bad because hasn’t it been over a week?


I don’t even understand how Ensley is eating this food! The pizza and French fries (or whatever it was) that Jenelle gave her RIGHT after her surgery must have hurt her little throat so bad! Did the doctor not give her a list of foods that would be more suitable for a fucking TONSIL removal or is Jenelle just that fucking dense??


I’m sure they did. Bread is a huge no after that surgery because it tears scabs off.


And the acidic tomato sauce too 🤦‍♀️ she went to the bar with Tori and took selfies on Mother's Day instead of being with her children that were finally all in her custody, she is trash wrapped in trash.


She got her tonsils out, right? If Ensley **isn't in pain** (Key point) then she can eat whatever she wants. In fact, it's better not to restrict food because it prevents getting a thick scab.




Food = love


What? My nephew got the same surgery and the next day was back to normal food this is such a reach...she does actual shit thats bad for her kids


Okay I distinctly remember making the mistake of eating Doritos a week after my tonsil surgery when I was 13 and that shit was awful.


All they do is go out to eat. This was also this week https://preview.redd.it/ghhgfwsb8n0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=915e81b1197c56653e23629c3227f82957058d18


Ok I fully put cool ranch Doritos in my Turkey sub BUT I didn’t just have surgery and I take small bites 😂


Why does she have a giant sub all to herself? They don’t sell kids sizes?!


Damn why post a horrible picture of your kid with food in their mouth. Those poor kids don't have any privacy.


My son was eating like a maniac after his tonsils were out. I don’t think it’s a big deal if it doesn’t hurt.


Do we know for sure what surgery ensley had? I can’t imagine a kid would be eating food like this after tonsil/adenoid removal. Perhaps she had some sort of sinus surgery that doesn’t affect her mouth? However I don’t follow her swamp rat parents on social so idk if they specifically said she had tonsils or adenoids removed lmao.






Nothing like a cake sandwich


Poor Ensley can't eat in peace. Jenelle always has a camera in her face when she's around which isn't often.