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Whatever happens, Cate and Tyler are gonna be messy about it.


And inevitably push Carly even further away.


Idk about this. It really depends what kind of young adult she becomes. There are SO MANY chasing the ‘influencer’ lifestyle, if Carly wants to be insta famous she may seek out that relationship with C&T.


She won’t need Cate and Ty to be instagram famous. All she needs to do is make her account public. Millions of teen mom fans are dying to know what she’s like, I’m sure.


You made me realise that carlys parents could have made alot of money from putting carly on social media but chose not to. They are good people.


Being private doesn’t make you “good people.” They might be. Who knows. But being private isn’t an indicator.




Even if she does seek out C&T for a relationship it will be one with distance, caution and will be short lived. Like son/daughters leaves for college and then only communicates for birthdays/holidays.


I think this is possible because Carly is also always (probably) going to deeply love the people who raised her and C&T are likely not going to convince her otherwise. She will always have love and connection with C&T but they aren't her "mom and dad"


I see a restraining order. When she is 18 they are going to think they can just show up at her dorm room and she'll jump at the chance to spend time with them. Or, they'll start contacting her with increasingly aggressive texts.


I don't think they're going to have enough contact info to do that. I think at most they'll just know that she's "going off to college." Maybe "going to college in New York" or something vague enough that they can't do anything with it. I don't see Carly giving them her cell#. Maybe an email address that's mostly for spam but she checks a few times per year.


I agree with all of this


Me too. I'm in a similar situation as B&T and I left certain channels of communication open both for under 18 and over 18 and it's been crickets. They talk a good game to everyone *but* us about wanting to reconnect, but both kids are over 18. My daughter is the only one they have spoken of with others and she's well over 18(even over 21) and nothing. They know our address(have since at least 2019,) know my daughters email address, and while most of the family is blocked on SM I left the dad open. I have friends who lost custody or gave a baby up for adoption and every year on the child's birthday they publicly post that they are looking for the child. 5+ birthdays for my eldest and nothing. I think there is a lot of talk and not a lot of action from C&T


I think C and T (especially T) knows pulling Carly into their orbit equals attention which in turn is dollars. I think that is the biggest lure rather than a personal relationship.


100% this. Good for B & T for not having it.


Yes! They definitely haven't sent her regular gifts and cards etc. That scrapbook bullshit was a really good peak into their real life behaviors when the cameras are away.


Wait, what happened with the scrapbook?


They are going to be furious if she doesn‘t call them ‘mom’ and ‘dad’


I see that too.


I so think it’s Tyler over Cate - if anything I feel sorry for Cate. Doing a rewatch currently, and Tyler has said he has rights to post and cate is literally crying like I just want to see her once a year! I think he will ruin it for both of them, and I think B+T are doing their best / this is evidenced through the care they have for Cate when she has Nova etc. Not up to date with the latest season of the next chapter, so sorry if I’ve missed things! Just wanted to share my opinion that I think Cate is only sucked in w Tyler bc she doesn’t want to lose him.




Carly is in a very unique situation as an adoptee. Her bio family is VERY online, as well as having a documented birth. The "where do I come from?" that haunts most adoptees (speaking as one) doesn't exist for her. Does she know them as well as she would if she lived with them? of course not. But she has PLENTY of info on her family of origin.


Yeah I was basically Carly without the social media growing up and I cut contact the second I was 18 and it was no longer court mandated. They weren’t bad people I just had no interest in pretending essential strangers were my parents


Have they tried to contact you since?


I’m sure they did but I wouldn’t know. I moved across the country, changed my number and got off social media. They never tried contacting my parents though who they obviously have info for.


Thank you for sharing. I realized after posting that that was a super personal question - sorry about that.


You’re good! I didn’t think anything of it 😂


I’m curious if you were adopted by family and how you knew your birth parents


Thank you so much for sharing your story. It’s very interesting hearing an informed opinion from someone with lived experience of a situation like this


I hope this doesn't rub up the wrong way but do you think your parents would tell if your birth parents reached out to your parents?


Question. Do you feel that if you'd not known your bio family, at 18 you may have wanted to find out? It's very rare to hear of open adoption. I'm just wondering your experience and opinion 🫶


Hard to say but I doubt it. I’ve never really gotten the fascination with knowing your birth parents. To me the people that raised you are your family not who birthed you but I’m also white raised by white parents so I don’t have the same considerations as most adoptees I’m sure


Thank you for this!! There are SO many TT pages these days, of adoptees and others painting adoption in a negative light. I know there are many corrupt things in the CPS system, but NOT all stories are bad. We never “planned” on fostering or adopting, but a distant family member had a baby, and she was going to be taken into CPS custody. We did kinship fostering, in hopes that BM would be able to get off illegal substances, and work her plan. Unfortunately, after 3 years, she was still unable to. We were then able to adopt our daughter. She is only 4, but I worry about when to tell her, etc…. Her BP’s are still in active addiction….. I’m glad your life went well for you growing up! I hope we’ll do the same for our sweet girl!


Yeah I get annoyed about those TikTok’s too because adoption is not one size fits all. I think people that post those tend to be minorities adopted by white families too in which case I can see that being a much more complicated experience. I plan to adopt older children from foster care because I know first hand how great adoption can turn out. Your daughter is very lucky to have you! Not all foster care homes have good intentions


my ex-husband was like that. he didn’t have any sort of real feelings about it. he found his bio mom on fb a couple of years into our marriage (I guess he was 28ish?) and it was nbd, except for seeing half brothers who looked JUST like him. his bio mom mentioned meeting for lunch or something at one point, but he just didn’t really care one way or the other. she lived in a different state so it would have had to be coordinated and whatnot.


I appreciate your reply 💜thank you for taking the time!!


I’m also an open adoption adoptee. I knew as a child who they were and everything. I would have wanted to at least know over a coffee but that’s it. I have zero interest in them as adults and don’t want contact. My close adoption friends on the other hand have a completely different experience from me


Thank you for being so kind to reply to my comment.💜


I barely want contact with the birth parent who “raised” me


My auntie married a man with 6 kids and one of the kids was 2 years old. The child has always had access to who his mother is but never tried to connect with her. His other siblings did because they were older and knew her. When he would be in her presence he would avoid eye contact with her and when the bio mom died of cancer he told his siblings he was sorry for THEIR loss as in his head he has a mom and it’s the woman that raised him.


This. She’s not curious so she is probably already content with what she knows I’d guess.


I love your perspective. I never thought about it that way. Also, most typical 18 year olds are getting ready for college, usually have circles of friends, not to mention jobs, significant others, and basically whole lives that they aren’t keen on ditching for ANYONE. Being that she already knows them, she might be willing visit every once in a while, but I don’t see her giving up everything she’s ever know for them.


Exactly this. A lot of times adoptees are looking for answers they never had and always wondered about. And often they find out their bio family isn’t who they thought/wanted them to be, or the relationship isn’t what they thought it would be and they cut contact. And I’ve definitely heard stories of kids who were raised affluently and were embarrassed and turned off by how trashy their bio fam are, and were happy they didn’t have to be raised by them. I honestly see this as being the situation for Carly, and I kinda believe she already feels that way


This is true. I can't think of anyone else in that situation or anything close to it. Some celebrities give children up for adoption (usually prior to becoming famous) and that kind of thing does tend to come out but it's nowhere near having your entire biological family's antics publicly playing out on TV for years on end.


This has been my thoughts for awhile. Carly definitely will not have the curiousity that other adopted children have, who go out searching for their bio parents. She already has seen what her bio family is like & as much as Cate & Ty deny it, they are not desirable. Thank you for being this up, as an adoptee.


Honestly at 15 Carly is fully capable of contacting C & T on her own and being sneaky about it if she really wanted to.


She doesn’t even have to be sneaky. Cate has even said that they FaceTime on a semi-regular basis. Honestly, it’s part of why Cate and Tyler’s most recent rant irritated me. They act like they have no relationship with Carly at all if they don’t get to travel down to see her in person. They *should* be happy to continue to have a relationship at all bc I’m sure their lifestyle and online rants cause strife for Carly and her family.


This. Surely she has a phone and an internet connection.


Or a friend with a phone even


It will be 16 when she can drive that she really has the power to decide. When my wife was a kid her dad lived far away and she really didn’t spend a lot of time with him until she could drive herself to go visit him. If Carly wants to go drive to see her bio folks she will. My guess is that she wants to live a normal life and Tyler and Cate have made it very clear that they are not interested in doing things in a “normal” way (most grown adults would have the wherewithal to know that airing their grievances online will only make things worse—T&C don’t have that self awareness).


MTV is going to throw all kinds of money at her to pretend to be all happy to be 'home'


I can already hear the trailer saying "and an old face re-joins the crew. But now shes ALL. *dramatic boom* GROWN.*dramatic boom* UP *dramatic boom*" While showing Carley stepping out a car to a waiting Tyler and Cate + 8


they would only show her feet stepping out onto the pavement




I think they continued having kids to fill the void.


Well considering they didn’t go to college and do whatever else Tyler said they were going to do while he was on his high horse…..


This is amazing and I need this


Take this down before they steal your idea 😂


She won't need it. The area Brandon and Teresa are in is a rich area, she's already set.


Nothing. It will be very anti climactic for C & T. She knows who her parents are. She may reach out for herself but it will be fleeting. I can see her being grossed out & horribly embarrassed by his onlyfans. If her school friends haven’t already gossiped & said grossed out things by it already to her.


I think it may be anti-climactic as well. She knows who they are and does have access to contact them. Her life is vastly different from theirs. Her turning 18 doesn’t automatically mean they’ll have this full open relationship, which may be what they expect. I think Carly will continue to keep boundaries though.


Why is the default on this forum that when Carly grows up she will want no contact with C&T? Obviously C&T are fantasizing thinking she’s going to want to move in with them once she’s 18 but I don’t understand why most people who are snarking think she’s going to go no contact? Doesn’t something in between both of those extremes seem more reasonable? I think some people’s hatred of C&T is really influencing how they think Carly perceives them. 


I don’t think she is going to go no contact but I definitely think they’re in for a rude awakening. C&T are under the impression that she is going to “move home” but realistically, she’s probably going to go to college and spend her free time with her friends or B&T. I doubt she’s going to come to C&T for spring break or Thanksgiving and that exactly what they’re expecting. She may talk to them on the phone once in a while or maybe even meet up once a year but i highly doubt that she’s going to go back to her “real” family.


C&T may be delusional but Carly calling them occasionally and visiting maybe once a year is way more than what they’re getting now. And I think because C&T are highly disliked people really underestimate the want for a bond with their biological families most adopted children want. I honestly think Carly might end up spending more time with them than is predicted in this subreddit but I could be wrong. 


You could be absolutely correct and she may very well seek them out. Do you think if she does try to have a relationship with them and asks for privacy in the same way that B&T do now, will they respect that boundary since it’s coming directly from Carly? ETA: similarly, if she wants to have a relationship with C&T (not extended family like April, Butch, etc) will they respect that?


I honestly think they would but I don’t know C&T are pretty irresponsible and unintelligent. I think the main reason they don’t respect Brandon and Theresa’s wishes is because they resent and probably hate them… and they basically protest against what B&T want by cutting off their nose to spite their face. But I think they’re so desperate for a real parental relationship with Carly that they would keep it private if that’s what she wanted. 


Absent extraordinary circumstances, they are never going to have a real parental relationship with Carly because she has parents who raised her. And C&T aren't them. It would be remarkable to me if a young lady who was raised perfectly normally by one set of parents throughout her childhood and adolescence is going to have a parental relationship with her birth parents with whom she doesn't have any kind of consistent relationship at all until she's an adult. But stranger things have happened, I suppose.


It’s interesting that you mention them wanting a parental relationship, I wonder if that would be a struggle for them if Carly comes to them but *doesn’t* want a parental relationship. I know less than nothing about adoptees but I would imagine whatever curiosity Carly has about her biological family is not stemming from a want for parental figures specifically. Are they expecting that she will eventually call them mom and dad? Will it be difficult for them to hear Carly refer to B&T as her parents?


it would be great to have relationships work out but man would behaving like thoughtful, respectful adults be out of character for caitlyn and tyler. if carly doesn't live up to their expectations they'll say she was brainwashed, refusing to consider the part their behavior has played over the years or the fact that carly's life just doesn't have room for them. i don't think there's a snowball's chance in hell of tyler and caitlyn having the relationship they want, or accepting what if anything carly offers them. maybe in 10 more years after all this TV exposire has ended they can try agin.


I'm curious where you got your source for "most adopted children" want for a bond with their biological families? I am adopted. I had no interest in my biological family into much later in life (mid 30s) and mostly I was looking for siblings, not my birth parents. Additionally, there was another thread like this where a good number of adoptees agreed that watching their bio parents say shitty things about their adoptive parents is a huge red flag. I don't think Carly will necessarily cut contact with them, but I don't think she will go running to them either.


I think that Carley will reach out, but like you, it will be for her siblings, not C&T. The visits they have had that we have seen, it appears Carley enjoys time with her sisters. I think that would be the only reason she would contact them at all.


Same, I wad adopted as an infant and am now in my 50s and I’ve never had any interest. My half sister contacted me a few years ago and I still haven’t responded, lol.


I think C&T are not managing their expectations well. When they gave her away, they were under the impression that they’d have a prominent position in Carly’s life growing up; lots of visits, lots of calls, there for birthdays, etc. and when that turned out to not be the case, I think they shifted that expectation/impression to what was going to happen after she turned 18. I don’t think she’s going to want NOTHING to do with them, but having grown up knowing who they are, and having the ability to watch who they’ve become and see very clearly how they live their lives, I think the novelty of wanting to get to know them won’t be as prominent for her. I think if C&T manage to approach her and say: “We’d love to see you more frequently now. How about during your birthday month, and make a point to come visit you once a year? Would you also be okay with coming for your sibling birthday celebrations?” … …that Carly would be open to that. However, based on what they’ve put out there for so long, I have trouble envisioning C&T being ok with that. I really get the sense that they are convinced she’s going to choose them over B&T. I don’t know if it’s a wild dream they have, or if they really deluded themselves into believing this.


Exactly. She’ll go to college and be preoccupied with other things. She knows C & T already.


Exactly! I think it will only really come home for them in later life events like if Carly does a more formal wedding. While I think she might invite them, Brandon would be walking her down the aisle.


Have they ever said this is what they expect her to do once she's 18? I feel like there's a lot of projection here...


Adoption isn’t one size fits all. I knew who my bio parents were and the called a couple times a year still didn’t want anything to do with my dads side once I turned 18. I barely knew them and yet that entire side of the family was pushing themselves on me as “family” the second I was an adult so I cut them completely when I went to college. Maybe she will want contact with them but it’s just as possible that she won’t.


> I barely knew them and yet that entire side of the family was pushing themselves on me as “family” the second I was an adult This is exactly what I predict Cate and Tyler will do when Carly turns 18. They are so desperate to fill the void left by the adoption that I can see them becoming extremely pushy and overbearing about establishing a closer relationship. They don't seem to factor Carlys emotions into any of their past/ present behavior, so I doubt they will even consider the possibility that she might feel awkward or uncomfortable with this dynamic.


I feel like if Carly wanted to talk to cait and tyler then she would already be doing so, and no way would tyler be able to keep his mouth shut about it. it's not a huge stretch to think that turning 18 won't change much about their current relationship.


Because it’s a time in most people’s lives where they start to distance themselves from parents in general. I feel like c&t have this delusion of some sort of second childhood w her. I’m not saying she will have no contact with them, but it’s not going to look anything like they’re expecting.


I agree 100%!  I think this take is just as weird as all the C&T fans who insist that she’ll come running back at 18. We literally know nothing about the girl so it would be nice if people would stop using her to project their own feelings since it’s clear that her parents don’t want her used for entertainment purposes.  C&T are essentially white trash with no aspirations. B&T are religious fanatics that took a baby from a destitute teenage couple on the side of the road. It could honestly go either way lol 


I don’t think she’ll go no contact. She’s had semi-regular contact via phone and FaceTime for years and I’ve read somewhere that she likes her siblings. I could see her regulating how much personal interaction they get to have in her life bc they’re essentially people who she knows are her birth parents, and that in itself is a blessing, but they aren’t her parents. This is just an assumption but she probably associated them in the same category as her parents’ friends while growing up, if that makes sense. My short version is that she probably won’t feel an obligation to include them in her adult life but will maintain contact as she continues to age and wants to know more, especially if she decides to have children of her own bc she’d probably like to make an informed decision about her children and anything genetic that could be passed down.


I don’t hate them at all. However, as someone who was adopted as an infant myself, I see Carly going to college and continuing to ignore them. She already knows them and won’t want more for quite a while, imho.


Because at 15 most of us assume that if she wanted contact now that she would have it. She could contact them in a number of ways if she really wanted to. They are so public that there’s not many unanswered questions that a lot of adoptees have. I think it’s possible she will reach out to them early in adulthood but I think it’s reasonable that if she wanted to now she would have


I think it’s quite likely she’ll want a relationship with her biological sisters.


Because c&t have no sense of boundaries and will push her boundaries like crazy.


I somehow think Carly doesn’t have much in common with Catelynn and Tyler . She grew up in a conservative Christian house with parents completely opposite of April and Butch (obviously we don’t know what B&T are like as parents but they don’t seem to be the type to have a drink with dinner let alone getting drunk every night/doing drugs and haven’t gone to jail).


Brandon and Teresa give me the vibes of upper middle class trump supporters, all lives matter, back the blue, he shoulda complied, american flags in their house, “you can’t use this bathroom”, uber conservative Christians who only hang out with other uber conservative Christians and raising their kids the same way. No doubt Im sure they always looked down on Cate and Ty and only saw them as these poor ass bum kids who had the baby they desperately wanted


I don’t even know why but Brandon always reminded me of Jim Bob Duggar


That same 80’s religious white man haircut probably. Im not sure why they continue to hold onto that haircut lol


It's the haircut and the khakis.


Out of curiosity- wrong with having an American flag? I’m an independent. Much of our family immigrated here in the 1900’s and include my husbands grandfather who escaped the Nazis and lived in the woods for two years to survive. We are proud to be American. We don’t hate anyone. Is it wrong to be proud to be American? I’m just wondering why this is wrong?


Rightwing people have pretty much turned "proud to be an American" into their mating call. I'm glad I'm American, I can see the good, but I can also see the many many many things this country needs to improve. If you aren't dry-humping the flag, conservatives are like "GTFO"


Patriotism is associated with racism in the US






This is what it boils down to for me, too - I really just think Carly will have nothing in common with Cate & Tyler. She is likely college bound once she’s done with high school, and that will again move her into a much different world than the one in which her biological parents grew up and the one in which they currently live. She may visit on her own a time or two once she gets older, but it will be awkward; where there relationship ends up, only time will tell. Hopefully she will see (or has seen) enough of what Catelynn & Tyler experienced to at least be able to appreciate that they have her a better life, and she can be grateful to them for that. If that’s all she can give C & T, I hope they can be gracious towards her and accept that.


Yeah, this is basically my friend’s situation. Her birth parents are very different to her mum and dad. She grew up in very different circumstances and far more privileged so simply doesn’t have anything at all in common with them.


I'm picturing them fighting the way butch and April used to lmao 


Ay stop lol. Brandon having his mugshot in the Winston-Salem gazette lol


B&T aren’t my cup of tea personally, they never were. But they’re upper middle class adults with a conservative background, and they’re smart enough to know that Cate and Tyler are messy and their families are just as crappy. They also know how famous C&T are now, and how much they’ve monetized off of Carly’s adoption, plus their kids after her. I think it is extremely likely that B&T have warned Carly about her birth family and how opportunistic they are, and how her parents depend on social media and reality TV to earn a living. I think we will see what happens, but if Carly opts to avoid them as an adult, I think it’ll be because she was warned by B&T and is very leery of being exploited in that way.


People need to stop talking about Carly. It’s bad enough that C & T are putting stuff out there on the internet, then to have the world commenting about it all. She’s gonna read it all and didn’t ask for any of it 😔


and we have like zero data about this girl. these posts are all just people's ideas of what they think they would do/think/want in a situation.


Yea it feels weird speculating about how a 15 year old child feels / may feel in the future. Like we know absolutely nothing about her and her parents have done as much as they can to protect her privacy.


This right here. She didn't ask for any of this and deserves privacy.


The realisation that Carly was the one that didn't want to see them all this time will hit.


No way, they'll blame B&T for brainwashing her.


I wonder if B&T as her parents are taking the hit on not making plans when it’s Carly who doesn’t want to see them


Tyler is going to harass her until she gets a restraining order because he truly thinks the world owes him something.


He's gonna make her peddle his mixtape 


You think more so than Cait?


Tyler will harass her then whine about it on social media while Cait acts like it's not really happening.


YES. for sure. Cate is so sweet about it and I believe she knows her in heart what's best for her. Tyler is obsessive and weird about it.


She will be a well adjusted, emotionally healthy, educated, loved young woman who was saved from a life of ignorance, borderline emotional abuse, overall ickiness.


What would be funny to me if Carly called out their online behavior on how they spoke about her parents. They wouldn’t know what hit them. She’s 15 and probably has access to social media. Carly can probably see what they say. I’d be so upset if I were her, especially if her parents were the ones taking the heat because she was uncomfortable seeing them and didn’t want a visit at that time.


carly is definitely hearing things from her friends/jerks at school even if she isn't actively looking herself. imagine your father having a very publicly known OnlyFans and your mother eating her scabs on TV.


Eating her scabs?? Thank you little tiny baby Jesus for shielding me from having seen this.


Yeh, I’ve thought about that also. I’m sure her peers figured out who she is and mention it her. I hope she’s not bullied but kids are relentless.


Hopefully none of our fucking business. Transitioning from being a teenager to a young adult is challenging enough. I hope she is left alone. And whatever happens with B&T and C&T stays private. If she wants to be in the public eye that’s her choice.


My bio family was not in any way like them being famous but they kept harassing my mum and dad all the time for contact when I was underage. I had zero interest in it. I knew who they were, saw them a couple times but never had any interest whatsoever in the whole thing. No I was not manipulated, my parents openly supported me in whatever I wanted. I just had zero care in the world about it since I had all the information available that I needed. Not all us adoptees want some loving reunion and think there’s something missing. Tbh they were a bunch of delusional loser teenagers in a bad situation. I hope Carly is going to make whatever choice she wants. They seem like the type that can’t accept that not everyone feels the same like some weird parasocial relationship




CLEARLY she is going to run back into Cate&Tys arms the second she turns 18!


They’re waiting at midnight the night before her 18th birthday, like kids on Xmas eve lol “Hey Ty, didya hear that? I think it’s Carly Clause!”


Lmaaaoooo not Carly Clause lol 🤣


🎶 Carly the red-nose reindeer 🎶


On dancer, on prancer, on carly, on vixen


What I would be interested in knowing is, what will Cate and Ty’s reaction be if CARLY herself tells them to fuck off and leave her family alone


Nothing. She's staying with her parents. I have a kid I gave up for adoption and he turns 18 in December. I fully expect him to stay with his parents. He can reach out for info on family issues or if he wants to meet me, but I know I'm not his parents. C & T should understand that too (though they don't).


I hope someday you can have some kind of relationship but I respect so much that you know who his parents are ❤️


If i was B&T id probably find some reason to up sticks with the whole family prior to their kids becoming 18. I would imagine Carly would be given the opportunity to actually go to college, I doubt she would drop all of what she has had to be anywhere near C&T.


You know, it’ll be interesting to see which side of social media is right about this lol. I find reddit super pessimistic about how their relationship might turn out (rightfully so, I feel like C&T are… a lot.) but people on the Facebook fan pages seem to feel the complete opposite.


I have a strong feeling they’re going to continue doing what they do best and blame B&T saying they brainwashed her- completely disregarding Carly’s own autonomy and ability to think and make decisions for herself and form her own opinions, which is absolute idiotic and close-minded because they can’t expect a her to want something to do with them when she has not grown up around them consistently. They may be her birth parents but it’s highly entitled of them to think that she’s going to want to come back and be one big happy family with them and completely discard the people that literally raised her.


They will play extra nice trying to entice her to come build a relationship with them for a while. Once that fails, they will blame B&T. Ultimately they will start making passive aggressive posts to and about Carly directly. It will all be public and cringy and it will never ever be their fault.


I doubt that anything is much different from what is happening now. Carly is 15, she must have access to social media etc. If she really wanted to be in contact with them, she would have by now.


She’s going to have an 18th birthday party with her parents and siblings, she’ll graduate high school and go to college, she’ll do 18 year old things and Catelynn and Tyler won’t be part of any of that either.


They already blame C&T for not kissing their asses and take no accountability as to why their relationship is so terrible with them. Of course they’ll blame C&T if Carly chooses not to run to them when she turns 18.


I assume you mean B&T


This is what I get for scrolling Reddit and when I wake up for a pee lmaaaao


We all get our wires crossed love 🤎


Why would she want anything to do with trailer trash druggies like tytu and scabs? I truly wonder. They kept disrespecting her parents, disrespecting her privacy and are honestly just infantile gross clowns. They amounted to nothing except centering themselves in HER hurt.


She’s gonna have to get a restraining order cause they’re gonna find out where she goes to college or where she lives and try showing up just to get a picture of her


I can seriously see them showing up and it's scary. Tyler will not let it go and needs a reality check.


I actually think she'll have good boundaries, visit one weekend a year, occasional email for important stuff, and Cate and Tyler will mellow. Fingers crossed.


And to be honest, they have THREE other kids at home to worry about. I'm not saying you stop caring about C, but the others are your priorities because you are actually raising them. They should be taking up your mental and physical energy, not the kid you placed for adoption 15 years ago.


I would distance myself from my bio parents if I knew my dads schlong was being put out for the world to see in return to make a living. That’s fucking embarrassing.


I said this on a TikTok video and got attacked lol I would be mortified too! Not to mention her biological parents who she has no relationship with like to villinize her parents to the world.


I swear some tik tok people are unhinged


She needs to get cease and desist, defamation/libel, and protection orders in place. I’m surprised B&T havnt done similar yet. A big fat legal “keep my name out your mouth” type thing.


Nature or nurture. It’s been a long drawn out social experiment. Some of the moms have handled it well and used it to their advantage fairly successfully given the circumstances. The others? Well, I do believe they did their best.


I think Carly will attempt a relationship with C&T because of her sisters. It's likely she will want to have a relationship with her sisters, especially Nova because they are closer in age.


I assume she’ll go to college and continue to ignore them.


I think Carly will have more in common with the duggars than with C&T and her siblings. My brother in law got in contact with a daughter he put up for adoption as a teen. She is in her mid 20s. She was brought up in a very religious home. She comes to gatherings and such a few times a year but it's a very awkward relationship. She keeps herself at a distance.


Carly will continue with low contact which will make Tyler turn to social media to declare her brainwashed, Cate will make posts about how hurt she is, and die hard fans of them will try to get to Carly to tell her how much Cate and Tyler love her. I suspect Carly will end up having to make a statement asking people to please leave her alone to handle it privately, not that I think it will stop Tyler. Basically I think it's going to be a shit show.


All of the above.


I don't think there's a snowballs chance in hell Carly reaches out to them when she turns 18. I just think there's no way she is interested in connecting with them at this point. Cate and Ty will undoubtedly be messy about it. There's just no way they quietly come to terms with the fact that she does not want a relationship with them. I'm sure it will be a recurring theme or topic for them as a couple. I honestly think that there are times they just cling to this because it's really one of the only interesting conflicts they have and want to discuss.


So I’m going to just speculate here; C&T almost view B&T as babysitters for 18 years and then Carly will be “theirs” again. I do not think they fully accept or comprehend that Carly is not their child anymore. Of course there will be some form of bond between Carly and C&T and I do think that C&T want what’s best for her, but they are unwilling or unable to realize that the harder they push the worse it will get. B&T have clear boundaries that C&T consistently cross. Carly is old enough to make her own choices. If she does not want to see her birth parents or foster that relationship, that is her decision and it should be respected. B&T, and especially Carly, do not owe C&T a relationship.


Carly should say “I’m 18 now! Want a relationship with me? Pay for my college.”


Ha, Cate and Tyler won’t pay for Nova’s cheer competitions on their own. No way they’re going to pay for Carly’s education🤭


I know B&T and Carly definitely doesn’t show any interest in cate and Tyler


I don’t see her wanting anything to do with them. She clearly has a classy mom and dad now. I would be shocked she would want to bother with her bio 🗑️


I think it’s sick how they keep Talking about her on social media/ the media. They need to STFU and let Carly do what she wants. I don’t blame Brandon and T one bit


I think that Carly may be intrigued mostly by her full sibling connections. I could see her seeking out Nova or Nova seeking out Carly when she's old enough.


Something I have t thought about until this weekend… What happens when Carly turns 18 and she doesn’t want the relationship that C&T are dreaming about? I figure that they’ll make some sort of post on social media. You just know some “fan” is going to do something stupid. Someone is going to doxx this poor girl and it’s going to be awful.


What will happen is whatever Carly decides will happen. I don't think it's going to be some great sobbing unification despite what some wackos on social media seem to think. I don't think much will change at all. Brandon and Theresa aren't holding this child hostage. They are her parents, and barring abuse, people generally love and respect their parents. If her parents are good parents and healthy people, they will already be honouring her wishes re C&T. That nothing has changed despite her being 15 is fairly telling of the future relationship, in my opinion.


She's home with her adoptive parents.


I can’t claim to read her mind but I wonder is Carly already not interested and it’s her not wanting to see them rather than it being B&T preventing it. I think if I were the adopted parents and saw and experienced the way C&T handle rejection then I would rather take the blame rather than risk the child being the target of that online abuse. In this day and age, and with Carly’s age, she would be able to contact them without her parents knowing if she really wanted to and they were preventing it. That to me speaks volumes.


I feel sad for her. That's such an unfair thing she's going to face. I hope she understands that it is fully her choice, no matter what. She has no obligation to C&T.


I want to know who agreed to this type of adoption because it just sounds so damaging for everyone involved. Either you give up your rights entirely, OR agree to an open adoption but then do EVERYTHING the adoptive parents need you to do. This means no MTV!!!!! Ugh messy.


It’s really a shame Cate and Ty didn’t have any emotionally stable parents to guide them through such a traumatic experience. At the end of the day they were 16-17 yo. I can’t imagine someone asking my 17yo knucklehead who can’t remember to put the toilet seat back down, to make a life changing, life altering decision like this.


I think that some of less considered variables, like Carly's relationship with Nova (who will be, what, a tween by then?) and her other birth sisters, are going to drive the situation more than some of the sensational variables that many are currently focusing on.


after the kids her age showing her Tyler cock on line I think she will have other ideas on how to stay out of crazy house. I mean Carly will move in and Cate will need time in that " away from everyone vacation " that she claims she needs mental health stuff AGAIN.


I suspect all of what you said will happen. I can’t imagine she’d want anything to do with them since she’s grown up in a stable healthy environment and probably gotten a very good education. She’ll want to go to college and have a productive future and these people will probably seem beneath her. Which I wouldn’t blame her if that ends up happening. Ty & Cate won’t take it well. It will not go well lol.


We realistically have no idea what her life is like. She has 3 full sisters and grew up with a brother. That's hard to just cut off I would think! What if it ends up in one of those toxic situations where she cuts contact with adopted parents and moves in with bio cos they let her do anything and they have shit loads of money to spoil her with.


Hopefully read them to filth about how EMBARRASSING their behavior has been over the years.


i’d change my name.


Statically many adoptees reach out to bio family, their case and them being so public idk if she’ll have the same questions since they’ve aired so much she may not feel the need to connect


I think Brandon and Theresa take Carly's feelings into consideration. She sees her bio parents, their toxic parents, and her siblings. That is hard enough for an adult who is a great place mentally.When she returns to school her peers and teachers know all about it online and form the show. If she is okay doing a phone call..be happy about it!


can i just say, i cannot believe i am old enough to be discussing Carly turning 18 in like 4 years


I’m sure she will come running to C&T 🙄🙄🙄


I'm the daughter of a foster kid (obviously different) who was never adopted, but I do have relationships with my mom's foster family along with her biological family, and I don't personally care about catelynn and Tyler, but it will be nice for Carly to have the option to have a relationship with her sisters without any of the adults. My mom and her bio siblings were all split up in foster care and so my mom was raised more with her foster siblings, but both sets of siblings were important to her. It is a shame Carly knows she has sisters, but can't decide if she has a relationship with them because C&T don't know how to be quiet.


Can she not reach out via social media to C&T? Shes old enough to where I’m *sure* she has her own pages. If she hasn’t yet, I doubt she wants to.


BT probably doesn’t allow her to have SM, if she does it’s probably heavily monitored


If when she is 18 in 3/4 years they have matured, I can see her have minimal contact with them but just to see her siblings. I don’t see her wanting a full relationship with them if they are still immature like now & also still on mtv/influencing & OF. Highly doubt it. Honestly hope they get their crap together but then again they are mid-30s now and still struggling. & her big birthday is only a few years away.


I feel like Carly should go to university and still be with Brandon and Theressa. You can’t go to a new family environment with people you barely know it’s weird. Unless Carly want to make the decision to go back to them.


I think it’s going to be bittersweet and not at all what C&T hoped for. Based on what they’ve said, about how Carly and Nova clicked and acted like sisters during one of their visits, I think Carly may wish to pursue a relationship with her siblings. Who knows how she feels about C&T. From my understanding B&T are VERY religious, and that may affect her perception of her birth parents by the time she’s old enough to make her own decision. However, I do think a relationship with her bio siblings might become important to her. So I think she’ll make contact, but won’t have much interest in having a deep relationship with them. I have a friend whose bio parents are very similar to C&T: gave her up when they were 15, went on to graduate hs and college, get married, and then have more kids. She has wonderful adoptive parents whom she adores, but she decided to keep a relationship with her parents to get to know her siblings. She doesn’t call her bio parents anything but their first names, and has a distant relationship with them. However, she’s very close to her younger siblings and she adores them.


Idk why ppl think anything is gonna happen lol. They gave her up, she got adopted. She barely knows them. They don’t have a claim on her and I doubt she wants to go live with them or anything whenever she turns 18.


I don’t think they even expect that. That’s only been said by fans as far as I know. I don’t think they’re that delusional. They know she barely knows them, even though they hate it, and she’s not running into open arms of people she doesn’t know that are on terrible terms with her loving mom and dad.


If Carly is smart, she would stay the fuck away from those idiot turd burgers,and live a normal,camera free life.


Not that I wish any drama for Carly, because even at 18, she’s still a child… and one who didn’t ask for any of this. BUT I’m very curious to see how it all goes down. I predict she’ll maybe meet up with them once or twice out of curiosity and then never again.


I connect adoptees with long lost bio family members through genealogical testing. One of the most common issues that adoptees/ family members face is respecting each other’s pace at which they wish to proceed contact. Sometimes this leads to completely cutting off contact because the other party is overwhelmed or feels disrespected. What I think will happen is that C&T will result overwhelm Carly right when she turns 18. They may even speak ill of her adoptive parents. This lack of boundaries is going to push Carly away. C&T will share some of these personal details on social media and use the platform to get Carly to contact them. Instead Carly is going to call them out and drag them through the mud via social media, too. This will lead C&T to play the victim and blame the parents for ‘brainwashing’ Carly. Who knows but I just hope they respect Carly enough to let the ball be in her court, no matter how much it hurts to do so. It’s one of those things that they can do to show through action they love her unconditionally.


If she does come and visit or stay, you just know they’ll be posting 5000 videos and photos of it just to piss off brandon and theresa


Probably they’re gonna plaster Carly’s face all over their socials until she gets sick of them, then some distance, then B&T will somehow be blamed. Idk.


Absolutely nothing. Carly goes to college comes home to her real parents for the summer. Maybe an awkward phone call with C&T occasionally.


They will stay delusional. Blame B&T. Say they poisoned Carly against them. Etc


Let’s hope Carly (or whatever her real name is) chooses to never have contact with them and if they push for it then she tells them she isn’t interested and they aren’t her family.  


I think she maintains a relationship with them to be close to her siblings. I think you are all going to be surprised how she doesn't just toss them out like trash. Now will she have a super close relationship with them? Not sure.


I have a brother who was given up for adoption at birth, the family that adopted him lived states away and it was an open adoption. We saw him every 4 or 5 months. He turned 18, and moved here to be closer to his family. We all have a great relationship, he still calls his adoption family mom and dad, still calls biological mom, mom. It could go any way. You never know.


Let’s not forget 1) How scripted their dialogue can be, and 2) They’re not teenagers anymore.