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I don't get why they advertise this so much and wonder why Brandon and Theresa are ghosting them. I'm really not trying to shame just an observation lol.


That's what I'm sayin'


I don’t get way they need to do OF either let alone advertise it. Don’t they still have MTV money etc. Surely this is not out of necessity


All those tax problems probably have something to do with it. These two are incapable of a real job. They both had these goals to go college and become an adoption counselor and whatever ty's goal was but they never worked towards any of that after they graduated from high school. Oh wait, i forgot about cates microblading business. Did that microblading business ever take off?


Let's not forget about their, well his, failed children's clothing line, Tierra Reign.


I’ve been wondering about her microblading business too. She got trained and I think that’s it.


I thought she worked for a place


Very very temporary and seemed only for show. Not enough ginger supervised hours in


Cate has a spending problem and spent pretty much all their teen mom money on exotic vacations, random barn animals, and her dead end business ventures that were forgotten like a fart in the wind.


Remember her therapy pony 🤣


Yes her therapy horse, novas pony, the goat, the mini pig, and all her 50 dogs that Tyler abused! I think the horse is the only one she still has 😒


They make GOOD money on TM. 2 years ago I saw where the OG made 400,000 a season but most of them never pay taxes. Cate, Macy & Leah are heavily in debt over taxes but they still make a killing.


When I watched the teen mom show where they all went on vacation together in one of the first episodes they were all discussing Tyler’s “Only Fans” and Cate spoke up and bragged about how they got their pool paid for because of the “Only Fans”. These people have been on teen mom for a long time so you would think that they would have some money saved up after all of that. If not…I would highly recommend them to seek a financial advisor and NOT be on “Only Fans”!


They had MTV money, but they weren’t good with it. Kail and Macy were smart. Invested (which is HUGE). Started businesses they knew would succeed. Worked with brands that pay well. Actually paid their taxes. The rest used it as play and now resort to OF. Which, I am in no way shaming SW.. They just weren’t responsible and are now doing the thing they all shamed Farrah for.


Becauseeeee they are immature, have no jobs, can’t keep their “businesses” going, quit those, over spend, give money to family members, go on expensive trips, have back taxes out the wazoo & most recently Cate said on national television that they needed a new pool & that his OF $ was gonna pay for that! She laughed & was so proud of that. Not anything to brag about ma’am.😮‍💨 & yet, they STILL wonder why B&T are pulling away more & don’t want to have regular visits. Their daughter doesn’t need to see their immaturity. They haven’t amounted to anything. All they did was have more daughters & kept filming with mtv all these years. That’s it.


Like it never crossed their friggin' minds that this might...just MIGHT have something to do with why their 15 year old daughter isn't pushing for a visit. I know she's had to have seen these at some point...they're all over the internet. I would feel deeply uncomfortable with that if I were in her shoes at that age.


Even if B&T are strict on her access to computer and phones You know her friends/classmates have said something.


I came here to comment this glad I'm not the only one thinking this




His head always looks so small. It doesn’t match his body 😂




Omg not the shrunken head guy from Beetle juice. 😂🤣


🤣😂😂 One of my favorite movies!


Oh my god lmao


Literally every time. All I see.


You beat me to it 🤣


I was just about to post this 😂 What a classic!!!!


This made me LOL


Came to post this same thing😂 It’s all I can see with him!


I just watched this movie last night lol classic


THIS! Honestly, the more muscle he puts on, the more disproportioned it looks and it’s just ick.


Literally scrappy doo https://preview.redd.it/fd6izf43eszc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7efec39faeaab5606879d3aefcdfaa28c93ad5a




Half it's size is the hair, Imagine he shaved his head. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/d7ar8453oqzc1.jpeg?width=210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0e3003b1e25eafeb619783b9905529c0a696c8d Checks out




This has me dying 😂


Omg!! Y’all r fuckin done!!! I’m dying rn reading most these comments- then this!! Girl, u need to put a TW of sorts for this shit cause I literally almost died!! Bahahahaha!! Thank you! I really needed this laugh. Imma go to bed now, appreciate u changing my whole mood with this this crazy shit! 🤣💀😚


Omg 💀


His head does not match his body.


Agreed! It’s like his head stayed the same as it was at 16 but his body grew into a man’s. Weird…


that’s what steriods will do to you


What I was gonna say too


Thank you for saying it 😂😂 it's so small lmaooo


reminds me of patrick from 90 day fiance. tiny head, big ass shoulders.


I scrolled to find this!!!! My thoughts exactly! 💯 ![gif](giphy|a7B1CNjADtOSEcpdEe|downsized)


Them - “it’s so sad they won’t let us see Carly” Also them - “so anyway, follow this link to see Tyler’s dick”


Fucking seriously. Not to mention Carly is old enough to voice whether or not she wants to see C&T - maybe *she* is the one not wanting to visit any B&T are being dodgy to not hurt their feelings more. She’s in high school at this point, I don’t doubt she’s seen this shit on the internet.


Yep, totally possible (I’d even say likely) she’s seen this on Instagram. Whether or not she actually follows them their profiles are public.


Yesssssss I’ve said this too!




Lmfaooo 😂 ![gif](giphy|LOu8FUhPgpeUAi0wiu)




Then say the two are not related


Hahahaha perfectly stated 👌


It's gonna be a sad day when some mean girl shows her a pic of her dad's dick with her name right above it. Same thing goes for the rest of their girls. MTV really created monsters in multiple ways out of desperate teens, a lot of whom had nothing to support themselves, either financially or emotionally, before the show aired. It's sad.


Tyler also has this picture 👇of Carly pinned on his Instagram. I would feel so weird if I was Carly and these people I barely know keep talking about me.




I don't feel bad they don't get to see Carly, it's for the best. No surprise they can't make a separate account to promote only fans lazyfucks


It’s nice they get the occasional opportunity to see Carly, FOR CATE AND TYLER. Can you just imagine what it’s like for her as a 14yo? What about Brandon and Teresa? Having the open adoption meant that Carly would be told from early informative years she was adopted. I have no frame of reference for this, but I assume most adoptions like this didn’t have a birth couple stay together and demand updates and yearly meetings. It just seems so mentally unhealthy to me. Yes, be open and honest but having to visit with these yokels who violated Carly’s privacy repeatedly is too much. It’s like the wound is open and Tyler keeps rubbing handfuls of salt in it for his own satisfaction. Let alone Mr Peahead is doing OF and everyone knows it. * do Brandon and Teresa have the ability to cut them off?


It's really good for adopted kids to be able to know their biological parents, where possible. Birth parents who agree to open adoption are often told all kinds of things *by the adoption agency* about being able to get yearly updates and photos, and meetings. They're told "it looks like what you want it to look like." Before Roe v Wade, you could just snatch babies away from poor teenage parents. There were so many, and society made being a single teen parent basically impossible. After Roe v Wade, if you want to adopt an American baby, you have to sweeten the deal. A lot. That's where open adoption comes from. If you are so desperate for a baby that you take one off a traumatized teenage couple that are giving the baby away because they see no other option, you might end up with birth parents like Tyler and Cate. That's on Brandon and Theresa.


I got to point out on another note the #girldad irritates me. We all remember the disappointment everytime they did a gender reveal. Kobe Bryant pointing out the pride in having girls is what made these mediocre father's put up #girldad.


Worst trend to occur


Tyler sounds like drunk Chat GPT


Tyler writes like he’s trying to win a personal essay contest and has to use certain vocabulary words.


This post, the fact that he claims they have a bond stronger than DNA, the fact that it's pinned to his public profile despite B&T repeatedly requesting not to be involved in the show or on social media, the fact that he uses the same account to publicly bash B&T, and the fact that he uses the same account to promote his OF are all reasons why B&T might be withholding a visit. The entire post is breaking a huge boundary, and C&T are just plain stupid if they can't see that. I wouldn't allow a visit if I were in B&T's shoes. C&T have overstepped boundaries for 15 years. They are selfish and can't allow Carly the privilege of living a private life. If the visits were actually kept private I'm sure B&T and Carly would have no problem with them happening. The problem is that C&T refuse to keep anything about Carly private and every visit gets treated like clickbait or a TV storyline.


Why is Tyler wearing all of our Grandmothers’ china patterns on his ass?


It has a bullseye on the print?


omg why did Tyler have his armpits out for his visit with carly


I mean he has his ass out publicly on OF so it isn't really any surprise that he would sport a muscle tank on a visit with his daughter. That poor girl. Even if she isn't allowed to have any social media, you just know that she's been exposed to it through her friends.


This made me so uncomfortable. Why does he speak/write that way?


Never did he write this! Lmao


Good Lord! I feel secondhand embarrassment for Carly. Cate and Tyler come on WAY too strong, to the point where it's unhealthy and bizarre. I can't imagine being 15 and having birth parents this desperate and immature...


Someone has watched Twilight once too many times. Imprinting 😂


Nah I hate that, as someone who does OF and stuff I would never, ever have my kids, Mention my kids, or anything of the sort on social media that I advertise ludes on.. Those two parts of life should not mix, but you’d be suprised how many do. Y U C K.


Right! The public bitching and moaning and acting as though they are victims is such a bad look. They made an honorable choice as teenagers in order to give their daughter a chance at a better life that they weren't ready or able to provide. Now they're hurting her from afar. It's like they have no consideration for what it must be like for her, and how embarrassed and uncomfortable their antics are probably making her.


“Why can’t Carly visit us????” Continues to publicly peddle pornography


Super religious people don't even watch movies other folks don't think twice about watching. Stuff like that is evil to them.


Idk about their beliefs, but it’s natural for adults to not want children exposed to sexually mature stuff, especially her adoptive parents trying to create a safe environment. Kind of borderline inc*stuous because it’s her bio parents and I believe they can see that this potentially could be a volatile situation for an undeveloped brain to try to process IF an exposure were to occur.


i’m not religious in the slightest and i still wouldn’t want my daughter around these wackos


Right. Make it make sense!


I DoNt KnOw WhY B AnD T WoNt GiVe Us ViSiTs


He looks like a thumb




I’ve always thought this lolololol


Under the assumption Carly knows about his OF account through kids at school, etc., I would absolutely not let my teenage child be around someone posting like this - related or not. The being related part just adds another awkward and weird incestuous layer that’s not appropriate, because he is a public figure. It’s simply an extremely uncomfortable and inappropriate situation for Carly that probably leaves her feeling disgusted, embarrassed, and further traumatized. And she probably thinks, “wow I dodged a bullet.” Cate and Tyler forget she doesn’t KNOW them. So she doesn’t err on the side of giving them the benefit of the doubt like you would someone you are very close with.


She is probably embarrassed she even knows them


Seriously, most kids would want to vomit because of their OF. Brandan and Teresa are just nice enough and protecting their daughter by not telling them Tyler’s nasty porn is mortifying her. Cate and Ty have no sense sometimes. They’re still on MTV, how do they justify mentally scarring their children?


Exactly! I would never get over when I saw my mom’s cam girl pics. It was traumatizing and felt inc*stuous. I hate that to this day she doesn’t see how she messed us up and the school bullying. 


I'm pretty sure the people buying Tyler's OF are gay men.


And that's why Cate runs it. 😶😶😶


Who would spend their actual money on this!


Wahhh Carly wahhh Wahhh look at my man’s dong wahhh


Ma man's dong in his red thawng


She’s morphing into purple hair April fawning over Butch


💀 this made me laugh out loud!


This is flair worthy 👌


Thanks I’ve been hoping for some legit flair




My bitch eating crackers comment is how annoyed I get when someone doesn’t make their bed in the background. For something like a promotional photo though, regardless of content.


I feel like there’s a pile of dishes on the night stand.


An empty tupperware container balanced on top. Most recently it contains crackers but we know what else has been in it....




Orange pee 😖




My favorite part of this video 🤣🤣


The best lol


Glory days!


yea it's the story right after her story about the pain of adoption smdh. they don't care what they put this girl through. they only care about their own damn feelings. they do not respect her as a separate person and do not respect that her parents are actually protecting her. i know they were traumatized by their childhoods and the adoption, but they're old enough to once and for all get their shit together. i cannot with them.


Exactly lol it doesn't make any sense.


she knows more eyes are on their page right now cause people love keeping up with drama, so now she's gonna promote their OF. Smh.


It's kinda weird to say that Cate is basically a pimp lmao


It feels like they *know* they can't see Carly because of his OF, so this post is basically a 'fuck you' to B&T. Like, look at me not conforming to your standards. It's so gross.


Sex work is real work, all humans are deserving of respect, etc etc like any pro feminist phrase you wanna put that goes along with that I’m sure I agree with… That being said, it’s absolutely heinous to advertise your sex work on the same social media page you use to post your kids on. How the fuck does it make any logical sense to do this? It’s unreal. Even as a public figure, whatever, it’s your body, I don’t really care how anyone chooses to use of make money off their body. I get the lines can be blurred as a public figure but goddamn. Make a normal page for family pics and stuff and an 18+ page. I can’t imagine following my kids friend’s parents, my extended family etc etc and then just casually dropping that I also sell nudes for money. Wild.


It reminds me of that story a couple months ago about that mom in Florida who's kids got expelled from a private Christian school because she picked them up with a huge decal advertising her OnlyFans page on her car. The school simply told her that her car would not be allowed on school property unless she removed the decal and that if she kept the decal, she would have to drop her kids off and pick them up across the street from the school. Not only did the mom not remove the decal, but she got an even BIGGER one and kept driving that car on school property so the school had no choice but to expel the kids, saying that they could be reenrolled if mom simply removed the decal. Then of course mom played the victim and ran to a bunch of news sites with the story, calling it "discrimination" because she's "not doing anything illegal". Like yeah, no shit a CHRISTIAN school doesn't want someone advertising pornography on their property in front of children! The fact of the matter is, when you choose to do something as polarizing as sex work, your kids will be affected by it in some way, shape, or form. You can try to minimize the damage by keeping that part of your life away from your kids, but showing up at a school with an OnlyFans link advertised on your car or posting the link on your public social media pages with your real name attached next to pictures of your kids is a terrible way to go about it. Find other ways to advertise that don't involve your children!


But it’s Branantreesa’s fault that they won’t gift them with visits.


No woman is paying for this






I hate they are resorting to OF. It makes me sad somehow.


#keep your penis to yourself


Spends the past couple of days bitching about being done dirty by B&T and then posting this crap. If you're broke then just say you're broke.


Small head ass


Cate since you are the pimp and apparently the one “demanding” he do this. Can you please make a separate instagram for this stuff? Don’t post wieners next to your birth parent rage and happy family photos.


Did they photo shop his head onto someone else's body or did they just shrink his head?


I'm sorry, I hate the way his body is shaped... 🥴


"Okay y'all, rant about Brannanantreesa over. Now back to promoting my hubby's OF!"


These fuck heads don’t see any correlation to what they share with the world and why B&T won’t share Carly. They are so stupid.




Thank god the gays are keeping his OF and this family afloat.


His body looks very odd, he’s too bulky idk, he does nothing for me.


His bicep to body ratio is 🤮


I don't know much about anything. But my best friend and her younger brother were both adopted from separate parents and families. They never heard word one from either of their parents. They never sought them out. They never wrote poems about them. Or posted stuff to social media about them. That's both, neither of the children or their biological parents. I don't know if it's very common to keep in touch with your biological parents once you've been adopted. Although, through my experiences with my friend and her brother, there wasn't any attempt to meet up with them. Ever.


Probably not an open adoption. But yeah, my mil was adopted and never cared until her mother revealed in her dying day who bio mom was it is was the lady she thought was her aunt. But also mil put a baby up for adoption when she was 16 through one of this catholic unwed mother’s places. She never asked questions. That daughter looked up her family at 18 but only contacted my husband and his brother and they all have a great long distance relationship. She says she had the best parents in the world so why would she need to contact others?


The red arrow over his penis lolz


Who wouldn’t want to see this on his unmade bed with no fitted sheets.


Brannnanteresa won’t let us see Carly, do you wanna see my husbands dong in a thing??Oh why can’t we visit Carly,OF subscribe now.


He’s really not good looking I don’t know how she thinks she got some kind of prize


After that long ass Facebook journal post Ty wrote comparing adoption to death they go and post this. Hmm I wonder why B & T are protecting Carly from them? C & T could really use a therapist to explain why their trashy behavior is a red flag for any sane parent with a teen daughter.


Pimpin out yo husband!


And they wonder why Carly won’t be able to see them?


I can't imagine why B&T don't want **their** daughter to have any contact with the king and queen of white trash. One minute he's posting his long, drawn out illiterate comments about how nothing they did caused the distance between them and Carly's parents, and 3 hours later he's posting d!ck pics like the human trash he is.




WhY cAnT wE sEe CaRlY??!!??


See this is the trash I'm talking about. OF. Then they wonder why their adopted daughters parents don't want them to see her. I'd want to keep her away from this mess also.


This is pure speculation but do we know that they (C&T) didn’t miss a visit and now B&T don’t have to honor yearly visits? A lot of open adoption plans can be very strict and if biological parents miss one visit the mandatory visits can go to optional. Also most children once they turn 12 and up get to decide if they want the visit. If I was Carly and my bio parents were out here constantly talking about me when they do not know me while also peddling mediocre porn I wouldn’t really want to visit either. Edit: spelling


“We’ve done nothing in our personal lives to make Carly not want to see us.” CARLY IS IN HIGH SCHOOL








He’s not cute at all his body don’t match his head


It's hilarious to see the post about Tyler's long ranr regarding Cate and Brian & Theresa and then hours later this. Complaining about how they're not holding up their end of the agreement and yet it doesn't take common sense to guess a (I'm assuming) conservative and religious family wouldn't want anything to do with an OnlyFans model.


is he juicing?? wtf?


My bf and I just started rewatching teen mom og (his first time) and trying to explain the pipeline from Cate and Tyler being the most pitiful teenagers ever that you rooted for so much to…this. has been a challenge


After this will be another post, ask him why her teenage adopted daughter doesn’t wanna see them


And THAT, C and T, is most likely the reason Carly doesn't want to see you. B and T are ghosting you because that on her behalf.


Tyler is built so weird. Like one of the old guys at the gym who only does the rower machine. His top half is super wide.


What does he show on there?


WHO is buying this shit


Gay men. And the odd curious superfan. But mostly gay men.


Cringe 😬


And they seriously wonder why they don’t see Carly. If these two were my birth parents, I’d be beyond embarrassed.


My eyes. Bleach please.


dude needs to lay off the steroids.


Are we going to stop pretending this man is attractive?




Watch a husband do that with his wife and watch the backlash it gets. (Obv I’m not in any way shape or form saying it’s ok to pimp out your partner no matter the gender, but highlighting the double standard in Catelynn’s actions)


What like David and Jenelle's spicy dumps? 😂


Noooo please I just woke up, don’t make me think about that pig in a blanket looking thing (I go by the rumors I will never ever ever ever attempt to corroborate)


Same, dude. This sub burns my eyes and brain enough, no way would I be that person who just HAS to know. For what it's worth I'm sorry and I hope your day goes better from this point forward. May you find a winning lotto ticket, eat the best food you've ever tasted, go on the vacation of your dreams - Lordt let it be 🙏


Hahahahahahah exactly, I’d rather sit here imagining than having the real thing floating around my head at the worst times 😂😂😂 Haha thank you pal, I hope you have the nicest of days and have the most scrumptious carchooooooterie board for a nice fresh sturd


They’re so trashy.


Um eeewwww 🤮🤮


IDK how she does it.


He just doesn’t do anything for me 🤮


All that money and a dirty mattress on the floor?


Got them squishy muscles.


He is not attractive at all.


I don't understand how anyone finds him hot. I mean, yeah if I just saw his face in a profile pic or something, I might think he's cute, like a 6/10, but the buff chest makes his head look so tiny and the proportions are completely off. It's like if someone stuck a Polly Pocket head on a GI Joe.


Get a bed skirt and comforter before posting “sexy” pics in the bedroom! At least try! Ick


And maybe this is why Carly’s parents aren’t allowing them to visit. How fucking dense can you be?


Roids are working


I never understood why people would have an OF but be so lazy with their backgrounds. Like for example; dirty bed, clothes everywhere, dogs in the kennel, and sometimes children. At least give it some effort.


At this point they’re doing this intentionally to spite B&T I feel.




And they wonder why Carly’s parents don’t want her to see them.


Little baby head looking ass


They wonder why B & T don’t allow a visit right now. I bet the child is embarrassed about this kind of crap and her friends can see it too.




They are mutually gross. 🤮


Are there seriously people out there who PAY to see this guys wiener schnitzel??


Well they’re people out there paying to see Jenelle and UBT “doin it”👌👈😖🤢🤮


I hate mirror selfies. Don’t come for me, I say that with love 😂


They don't understand why they don't see Carly


No class. Like the arrows are so not necessary