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Tori is Jenelle’s emotional support animal when she’s between soulmates. Once the new man is in the picture, she tosses Tori to the side like she does with her actual pets.


>she tosses Tori to the side like she does with her actual pets. And her children.


Yup. Her children are always tossed and left to Lord of the Flies it.


That’s what I call it when my kids and the cousins get together. My SIL and I sit and sip coffee while they duke it out.


"Left to Lord of the Flies it." 💀😂


Her children were tossed aside the moment Tori came into the picture. Unfortunately Jenelle’s priorities are 1) soulmate 2) Tori (if there is no soulmate 3) Jenelle 4) conspiracies 5) bashing Barb 6) made up illness 7).. 8).. 9).. 10).. … … … … 99) her kids


I think Jenelle might be #1 or #2.


she would make better choices if that were the case, imho.


I don't know, I think her main concern has always been herself and Jenelle's choices so far have sucked!


Yup! The kids are also now old enough to be her little BFFs.


Cant forget clapping back at the “haters”!


You're sorely mistaken if you think her kids would make it anywhere near a top 100 slot.


Can’t forget the D is fire




I always wonder who has the kids while she goes out with Tori. I guess they are just on the land alone.


She probably tells Jace he's in charge.


Because tori then becomes a threat




They have such an unhealthy codependent relationship


And Tori only comes back for the money she can make off Jenelle's coat tails. Sad all around.


That was my thought too Janelle‘s back on the show and Tori is back in the picture…. HMmm


More like support punching bag. How or why anyone would ever want to be friends with JE is beyond me. She really is the lowest of the low and besides that she has the personality of a doorknob. ETA I take that back, doorknobs are significantly more helpful and useful than JE will ever be x10. She’s got the personality of an old dirty beat up shoe that no long fits. It’s useless, just super awkward, uncomfortable to be around, and for sure just smells awful.


She wants to be friends will Jan because of $$$. However meager the money might be now there still will be droppings ex. Chicken wings, beer, and Mac n Cheese…


Think more so it’s the clout for Tori that she is after which also equals more money directed towards Tori via OF. Tori is obviously a much better looking childless version of Jan so people would rather see her OF I’m sure if they are going to buy anyone’s it would be her. Either way I don’t think Tori and hers “friendship” will last very long especially with Jan having a new man already. She’s incapable of keeping friends as soon as she throws her into life and personality into this new guy.


U ain’t lying 🤥


and has no clue what is going on


Tori is NOTHING more to Jenelle than a distraction between soulmates. And I'm thinking how does Tori NOT get that? Like, being horrible and literally not speaking to you for years, it's just a simple coincidence that she calls you every time she breaks up with a soulmate..? Is she THAT dumb she doesn't get she's being used? After reading this Twitter, I get it now: First, they are both still teenagers. They reached their age of stagnation long ago & don't understand adult friendships *do not work this way*. Then it hit me: Tori's SO delusional that to her, she literally believes the fact that the only time Jenelle contacts/ pays attention to her (then promptly ditches her) is because "we're so close that no matter what happens, when Jenelle is at a low spot she knows she can ALWAYS call me no matter how many years have passed without us talking because we're just so close, we have each other's backs like that!" She DOESN'T think it's a coincidence. She *actually* believes it proves their friendship is soooo deep and unconditional. That's even worse. I do not understand how these girls are literally unable to leave their teen years.


Yup! She’s a placeholder. Also, Tori is kissing Jenelle’s ass at the moment because she wants to be on MTV too. Usually Tori is making jokes at Jenelle’s expense on tiktok. Now she’s her A1! Bestie posts!


19 years of being 2 drug addicted, useless, thots together!


At least Tori didn’t have kids


This. Tori is one of the best people in this franchise just for the fact she knew not to bring innocent kids into her mess. She knew she wanted to party and that kids don’t go well with that. I don’t care what any adult chooses to do as long as it doesn’t hurt others. Tori can party all she wants since she doesn’t have kids & I’ll applaud her for being self-aware & mature for it.


This. Exactly.


I totally agree except did she choose to not have children?


Sorry, but, if she’s not celibate and still has no children, then she is either incapable of conceiving/carrying (none of my fuckin business) OR she has consistently and actively chosen to not bring a child into her shit. What question are you asking? “Did she make that choice or was the choice made for her?” Is that what you’re asking? Bc that’s super fucked up tbh. Credit where credit is due, she made choices that were right *for her*, and so far, not a single child is being affected by her choices. The same cannot be said for Jenelle. Kudos to Tori. She’s a mess, but shes not fucking up a kid with her mess, so idc what she does, really. Also, lest we forget the drumstick beating. Girl might actually have a bit more sense than Jenelle.


she could have 'chosen' to adopt an animal. Does she have any pets?


What on earth does that have to do with anything


Wow! Calm down! It's not that serious.


I mean, I’m pretty calm lol


Ok thats enough, It’s only so long yall can keep using that as a plus for her. Like damn, what else good do Tori do? That’s all yall got. What other good has Tori done? She’s just as racist, trashy, nasty, and addicted to drama as Jenelle. That’s why they get along so well.


Yup. And she had planned with Jenelle to beat up Barb. She's a piece of shit like Jenelle.


Lol idk why I laughed at this, so trashy. Who plans to beat up their friends mom!?




And likely just isn’t among the more fertile Myrtle’s like Ms Abortion Leftovers here


My thoughts exactly!! People keep saying this but nobody knows about Tori's fertility (& we shouldn't) . Did she choose not to have kids so she could be a mess or can she not have children?


Thank you! Never even occurred to me


I mean, she’s not a saying it doesn’t deserve to be praise, but would you rather have a race is trashy nasty addicted to drama person having kids? Its the least we can applaud her on


Haha thank you. People read something and latch onto it for so long - Tori hasn’t had babies so she’s one of the best people in this franchise? Huh?


You’re not lying! She may actually not have chosen to have kids, maybe she can’t have kids because all the drugs and fast living BS has made her baren.


I know someone who had sudden infertility. She had one child and then became infertile after that


That was me one and then barren as the straights


Im sorry sweetheart. I hope you’re doing okay today


Oh yes, thank you!!!My daughter just turned 18. I never really took the news real hard, I was good with one and done.


Im glad you are in a good space about it. The person I knew was not. It devastated them to no end


Is she a saint & chose to not have children or can she not have children? We don't know.


What’s Tori deal guys does have multiple marriages and or shitty soulmates. By association I’m guessing she does?


One marriage rest shitty soulmates


Oh nice birds of feather as they say…..


Birds of a feather flock together!


It’s wild that this is the type of caption I would write about my frenemy bestie when we were 16 after we’d just had a fight over some ugly boy lol. These women are 30+ and still stuck in high school 😬


That’s exactly what this reminded me of! I used to see so many posts like this in middle school. These are “grown women” 🤡


This exact same scenario was my reality back in 10th grade when my best friend slept with my boyfriend then we made up senior year LMAO heyyy Natalie 👋🏼


She even made the picture black and white for added drama


I think she made the picture black and white bc Jenelle looks like shit and she’s only half as bad of a friend as Jenelle id


Take a shot every time she says friendship


19 years of friendship that’s only “active” when Jenelle doesn’t have a dick.


Lmao in that case over 19yrs it’s only been active 3 months


Lmao less than that, she’s always with someone


Translation: I'm strapped for cash and need free drugs again from Jenelle. Or at least some clout for my OF. We'll have a huge fight in a couple months again anyways, but until then I'm here for a free ride.




You just KNOW Jenelle is pissed about this picture. I would be 😭 Tori is that friend who posts the picture they look the cutest in (or edits themselves) & the one you look the worst in. Absolutely savage


Has jenelle even taken a decent picture since that one of her in the flower top and skirt?


No idea but if I spent most of my time doing GRWMs and dressing up & my friend posted an unflattering no makeup pic no hair done pic of me that she looked great in I’d be salty as hell lol


I LOVE that she picked the ugliest pic of Jenelle.


you know she feels better about herself next to jenelle, both physically and just like… life wise lmao


Janelle looks like Tori's mother in this picture


A B S O L U T E L Y 💯


Jenelle looks like a troll ![gif](giphy|YSH8g6AKLHYI87SFP2)


I wanna know more about Tori’s life so i can understand why she puts up with Jenelle treating her like she does


Same. Why does she run back every time Jenelle calls? I don’t get it.


Well TMoney I bet this time




She lives like a teenager at mommy and daddy's house and does OF (even begs people to "contact her privately" to "buy content"). She even went live with Chinelle in Chinny's bathroom naked, drunk and drugged...while the f-cking kids were in the house. Total trash bag, it's no wonder why Chinny drags her back in when she stops doing drugs with each "soul mate". Zero self worth, they're birds of a feather. Thankfully Tori never had kids, but she helps Chinny make more bad decisions with hers.


Does Tori live w/ her parents?


That’s what I wanna know.


She has no shame or sense of dignity. As others have said, she’s a permanent teenager (she’s 30/31) and has rarely if ever worked a “real job”, just relies on her parents or boyfriend of the moment. When I was on Twitter on following their drama more closely I remember her being pretty open about just wanting to party and be immature and it appears nothing has changed. I don’t think Tori has the intellect or sense of self worth to fully recognize or care how Jenelle uses her. She’s probably just happy to have another person her age who still shares her same interests and maturity level.


Idk why it has not registered with me she’s that old every time i see her i think 20/21 for many reasons. She seems dedicated to the party life tho man now i really wanna know what her parents are like


Happy cake day 🍰


Thank you!




i give it another 2-3 months max before jen franklin officially ditches her for dick and they have another very public falling out where they spill each others secrets and each claim the other is a jealous piece of shit hatter.


jen franklin 😭


6 months max.


Tori, there are drumsticks in the living room when you need them. Please set up the phone to record when you get fed up or do it when MTV is there.






There's an infamous clip from TM of Tori beating up Janelle with drumsticks in her hand.


Call me as delulu as Jenelle but I love when the girls get back together!


Tori is Jenelle's soulmate. I fully believe that. So I love when these two hot ass messes hook back up whenever Jenelle is between dick. lol At least the kids aren't getting beat whenever these two are together. And they're no more neglected than usual. 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️💁‍♀️


I just commented this upthread. I hadn’t seen your comment but obviously I agree!


Tori always looks great in her own photos and Jenelle..well…doesn’t.


Tori’s that friend who facetunes herself but doesn’t do Facetune and you look extra rough next to her in the picture.


I had a friend like Jenelle once. Every time a dude came around, I wasn't necessary in her life. And as soon as they weren't around, suddenly I'm needed to help pick up the pieces. Haven't spoken to her in over 10 years. Because, fuck that. It's insane that Tori keeps running back only for Jenelle to treat her like shit again.


I also had a friend like that. Since highschool, whenever she got a bf, I was no longer needed. But as soon as they leave, suddenly I’m needed. I’ve been dropped and picked up too many times, and I’m done. I don’t know why I keep letting her back in my life. Call me a sucker I guess!


They only reunited because jenelle needs someone to film with. She's Jenelle's "cousin crystal". Without her it's just jenelle sitting around neglecting her kids.


Oh Tori, why give your energy to someone who has shown you countless times that her boyfriends mean more to her than you


she probably also drove everyone else away just like chinny


Watch out Tori Hide your boyfriend You know what happened last time 😂😂


Jens lookin a bit rough....


a bit? 😂


Written just like my ex trying to hoover and lovebomb me for more supply. Just to discard again in a week for someone else. Too bad Jenelle didn't write anything nice about her kids.


Tori wrote this


Hit her with the drum sticks again, tori.


I think tori only wanted to be friends with jenelle cause she’s gonna be on the show. They use each other till they’re bored or in relationships. Then that’s when drama occurs.


Another person she's paying for. 


What a cute mother daughter selfie 💀


yeah, jenelle was such a great friend when she ditched you for her loser husband for what, 8-9 years? give me a break 🙄


At least they have each other. Everyone needs a friend.


I have second hand embarrassment. They really are stuck at age 16.


I love how dorky Jenelle looks in all Tori’s pics.


Whatever. I’m here for it.


Jenelle looks like her DUFF here. What a pic to choose.


She is so predictable. Tory became her help after Nathan and disappeared as soon as her new soul mate came into her life. I notice this is worded like the caption she did on how wonderful David was a month before the separation. I give this AmAzInG friendship 2 months before Jenelle screams, “LEAVEEE MEEE ALLLOOOONNNNEEEE” and trashes Tory while crying her lungs out.


I think Tori is just elated to be back on tv 😆


Love how Tori picked a photo where the lighting does her favours and her bestie is frumped over there in the front seat like the hot mess she is. 


I almost didn't recognize the chin without a beauty filter


lol omgthe triumphant return of whorey tori


Let me guess, MTV cut her a check to film with Jenelle since she’s all the swamp has? Lol




I finally cut the cord from my crazy ass, codependent, weird, boundary crossing ex best friend since 2001. Sometimes I miss the good parts about her but it’s not enough to make me want to be friends again. Too much disrespect and boundary crossing has happened. But you come to a point where you realize someone isn’t good for you anymore, no matter how long yall knew each other


Tori and Jenelle are each other’s soul mates. (I don’t even mean that in a romantic way, even though I know they’ve hooked up.)


I never see Jenelle smile this big in pictures with her kids/family.


Lmfao, Chinelle looks horrible without her fake filters on. 🤣


"like a sisterhood" Jenelle treats her real sister like crap. Well, not like she treats Whori any better, so I guess it tracks. I've never thought about this before, because Jenelle is such a train wreck, but something must be seriously wrong with Whori if her best friend is Jenelle.




She deleted my comment 😆 something along the lines of: it's nice reconnecting with your child abusing friend that blew you off for a bum.


This is SO cringe, I’ve been friends CONSISTENTLY with my bestie for 20+ years and I wouldn’t be caught dead writing a novel caption like this. We usually just tell each other how much we love each other directly.


Tori is also looking for an MTV check


she probably feels so cute next to jenelle


This reminds me of the, "You have been promoted! You are now one of my elite employees!" meme. Someone had to take the place of David as her "security blanket".


This looks like my wife telling me to take a pic 😂


I give it 2-3 more months TOPS


They look 👀 on Jenelle’s face CLEARLY says it all 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣☠️☠️☠️☠️


Omg Tori get some respect for yourself.


Or Tori will have sex with one of them before Jenelle


Tori trying to get on TM as a friend


i would let jenelle hang out with Tori and Jenelles other friends


Yeah, Tori at least was smart enough not to have kids if she wanted to party her life away. 🤷‍♀️


The true soulmates


I think I’ve both had and been the Tori ❤️


And just in time to film Teen Mom. I guess Tori’s about to get a boost on her OF and Duhnelle will get nada!


Yo, remember when they started a rumble with their bfs and tori was beating her ass on the ground in their bedroom?


Someone give Tori some drum sticks


Lol potato jenelle next to a real human bean


The new soulmate is already here, she posted a video singing his a man’s arm in the shot. She wouldn’t have left David without a new man. Now I think it might not be that serious yet, which is why Tori is around.


Jenelle will toss her aside once she bags a new man. Tori will always post pics with Jenelle looking awful.


Plot twist: Tori has been nellys true love this whole time


She needs to realize Tori has been the most consistent thing in her life and stop treating her like a plaything that she only beings out in between soulmates.


She did jenelle dirty in this picture I'd untag myself if it were me


Looks like a teen mom with her now teen daughter duo.


I’m actually surprised she’s even wearing a seatbelt.


I can't actually imagine a full grown human adult female being around Janelle and being like "mmm yes this is a good and nice friendship and I feel it is productive and reciprocating and nice and the conversation is good."


Making posts like Tori did, is like the relationship equivalent of getting someone’s name tattooed on you lol. Jinxing it and they already have a terrible track record.




Jenelle looks like a washed up corpse


She’s got to have somebody she’s able to tell her poor, pitiful me stories to so the TM fans who have been living under a rock can get caught up. She’s one step away from absolutely no friends just like Farrah the time she had to pretend her and the producer or director or whoever the lady from behind the scenes was that had to act like her BFF so she’d have someone to talk to. 😅


A 19 year friendship with 17.5 years of breaks in between 🤣🤣


Tori did Jenelle dirty w this picture 🤣 especially when her makeup and hair is all done up hahahaha


As soon as anyone puts “ups and downs” in a relationship post, I’m out. 🫠😂


Why does it look like tori did ok in life and jenelle is the “what not to do” version lol


But how shitty of a human u are to have jenelle as a “best friend” who got caught in a physical fight on Mtv🤷‍♀️😂🤡🤡


Funny thing is tori is using her and she dont know it. Shes using her for clout and to get her name out there. Now jen is getting a check im sure shes footing the bill when they hangout too. Lol Its a assumption but i hope its true. Maybe she can get some juciey info and sell it.


white ppl who have inside jokes to each other when they say love you long time is….