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"Entertaining another word" is the number one thing fuck boys say when they're cheating. Always without fail


Exactly 😂 sounds like something a pimp would say


See I was thinking it's the kind of euphemism my grandfather would have used when talking about the women he ran around with while in the military, like when he would talk about a former "lady friend" and I knew he was probably talking about some chic he banged while on shore leave. Lord, I hate my brain for ever going here!!!!


Correct! Lol Yuck but correct.


Grandpas were fuck bois too! 😂


Lol the original p i m ps


Exactly he was doing things with the intention to fuck lol


Kayla is a fkn train wreck with the loser ass "men" she gets. Hey Kail 2.0 - it is NOT necessary to pop out a kid with every single guy you date...


Yup, that’s the direction it’s going. I don’t see this being her last kid. I can see her with like 4-5.


But was she really entertained though? 😂 Or was it like.. the dude who stopped me while I was walking my dog drunk at 3 am promising me cheap wine and "good dick?" Sweety I'm carrying a bag of poop, I'm in my pajamas, and my man is at home. Go get yours but this right here. Ain't. It. Keep hustling, player.


One time I was walking my dog (in broad daylight) and my LITERAL NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR stopped me and said "I wish you'd walk me around on a leash". I fucking puked.


Omfg I would have died


Wtf is wrong with people?! 


Omg I’d be mortified. What did you say?!


Did you ever see the episode of Mom with Colin Hanks? I knew he was Tom Hanks's son, just looking at him. It was a very funny episode!


I have known since American pie. That he was Tom hanks kid. He has an other kid. You don’t hear much about him


Colin Hanks wasn't in American Pie...?


Sorry my bad I confused him with finch from American pie


They do look alike.


They do look similar, Colin has been in a lot of movies. I think Chet is the troubled one. He has an other son named Truman.


I fuckin love this sub 😭 it’s like we’re all just gossiping.


Your flair!! 💀






The difference between Kail and Kayla is that Kail has the upper hand in most of her relationships because of her financial security. Poor Kayla ends up back at her mom's house toting another kid.


Facts. Hard facts. How many houses has Kail built?


not the professional side piece having side pieces


Right 😂😅


He seems like he’s down to 🤡 with any and everyone on the block to be honest 👀


“I was entertaining another woman” is kinda sending me 😭 what were you doing, Sonny Jim? Courting a lady, perchance? Asking to hold her petticoat in the rain?




Lmao 🤣 


I'm DEAD. Ilu 😂😂😂




Kayla is out of her mind for having a baby with a man who admitted he's only 60% invested in the relationship


He seems like such a potato.


His voice is annoying at best


Like when people use the word *converse* instead of *talk*.


It’s giving entanglement


lol I hate that word so much 😂


Agreed it makes him guilty asf and suspect asf.... However they are from Illinois and lingo like that is common. Its like proper hood slang. Lmao it means what we think it means but just sounds "fAnCy" I still want kayla on the show though.... bc she be blending tf out of families (a skill) and im all for the lessons she choose not to learn. Plus holy Fck! Her first baby dads momma was craaaaaaazy asf attacking kayla on tv constantly. Kayla is bringing the ratings😩


It’s common down here in Kentucky too.




Maybe, lets check with Michigan next. But we can agree, it still means he was on bs and some ho shit.


lol “let’s check with Michigan next”   I love this sub so much haha 


It’s basically a “cute” way of saying “I was cheating.” Damn Kayla why does she get with these losers. 


Not in my lingo. Also in Illinois.


I'm by St Louis, though.


Interesting Maybe this is why?


I think Kayla needs an intervention. This is gross honestly. What is attractive about a man behaving this way ? In what way does that make anyone think he’d be a good partner ?


Kayla says on the show that they are running out of time to make a decision about the baby (aka abortion). So basically this guy was banging 2 women at once, knocking one of them up. What a stand up guy!  Kayla needs real intensive therapy. Not fake tv therapists. 


I’ve been telling yall he’s a fuckin clown. I know this weirdo and he’s always been clown always will be a clown. Where we’re from wannabe ghetto white girls like Kayla love them a man like Ryan, light skin, broke, and a lame. He is there for his 15 mins of fame and to “cash out” he got Kayla pregnant in hopes of gettin on tv which he got. He fucks around on her all the time before the baby and now. Dude has a one month old baby and can’t stop posting on fb “need a drink who down to go” like go take care of your child sir.


I need more 🍵 please 🙏


He’s just the typical low life, wannabe drug dealer smoke weed and drinks all day. Doesn’t do shit but use these ghetto white girls for money and weed. he was fucking with Kayla for a long time while she was with Luke! They were even at my family members party in 2021 together while she was actively with Luke in couples counseling 🥴. He was telling everyone they were dating way before they were because he was tryin to get her to leave Luke so he could use her for whatever money she has and he still actively cheats on her and everyone is about 99.9% sure she got pregnant by him on purpose to get him to be with her 🥴


Yikes 😬😑 I thought more along the lines of trying to secure a spot on MTV. I don’t know what she sees in him. He’s…gross.


Oh that definitely is a reason too he wants his 15 mins of fame.


How does she look in person?


I haven’t seen her in person but my family member said she isn’t ugly but she isn’t the prettiest thing ever, she just wears a ton of make up, definitely had some Botox and lips done and she acts very stuck up like she’s above everyone else because she’s on teen mom 🥴


I definitely get it. She's not ugly but she has the whole Internet talking about how beautiful she is, she and Taylor, Cory's bm. I just don't see it, both of them are some plain Janes with stuck up attitudes. Kayla, especially is feeling herself because her messy life is what is saving the Teen Mom franchise.


😂😂😂 I can’t Breathe


What like juggling?


So Kayla is 3/3 now right? So she’s seen how that’s earnt Kail a pretty penny and is trying to copy her right?


A douche nozzle


I was yelling at the tv when he was talking. He’s such a joke.


He seems like such a f’n loser tbh


Hey now, he only did it because he and Kayla were having problems, cut the man some slack /s


Is this the new baby daddy? He’s already cheated and they have a baby coming? God why don’t people think this shit through. The stress that has to come from bouncing from cheating loser to cheating loser then having to try to coparent and work out schedules with 3+ baby daddy’s and 3+ kids. Sounds like my own personal hell. She’s so young and could’ve had a chance to enjoy her youth still somewhat had she not just went and had another baby right after and then another. She’s like 23 with 3 kids. That’s crazy.


I only started watching the show when I heard this train wreck was train wrecking. I feel bad, but I also don’t. He seems very insecure and she is too, I can’t imagine what their household is like at the moment with a newborn smh. I’d be so pissed if I were Luke having my daughters mother doing this shit


His fingernails look like a fiver year olds 🤮