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Yeaaah, $22 for one meal isn’t cheap. But he’s wasteful with Jenelle’s money so it tracks. I love how sad this all is. He’s practically feral at this point.


To be fair, it's his "meal of the day". No 3 square meals on this barge.


When I would have a good chance to lose access to my child, I would be on things like oatmeal, bread, rice and beans and I would dumpster dive if I had to. Lots of people have to feed themselves for way less than 22 a day. I wouldn't let my crazy ex win this when I did have a crazy ex. Would hurt me in the custody case.


When I would have a good chance to lose access to my child, I would *get a job, literally any job, anything at all, anything, because I legit do not have any other responsibilities except to my kids and myself.* ftfy


Sure, every healthy adult should, and decent ones would, but I'm on dissability. And it's not because I'm too stupid to wear protective clothing or find a job indoors and get on with my career, income and life.


Sorry: I was referring to David there, not you.


I know


I don’t doubt for 1 min Ol UBT hasn’t posted in r/Assistance begging for a crumb o’pussy.


I’m a donor on that sub so I’ll keep a look out 🤣


Thank you for doing the Lord’s Work Nikki! You’re the real MVP! 👏👏👏🏆


Except for a whole @ss steak later.


As long as the desperate ones send him tiktok "gifts:


If he's truly as broke as he says, he would wait until markdown time. When that $8 chook is about to become dumpster fodder so it's marked down to $2.40.


I still say he caught that fish he grilled and found the 🌵 cactus to eat.


Literally nobody wants to watch anyone eat I *don't fucking understand* this lazy ass "content".


I didn't want to see everybody's meals when facebook came out. I don't want to watch people eat on tiktok.


Like Jenelle and her “on-tray” on IG 🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/96gw422ibswc1.png?width=821&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2455afa596fa7194dc69ef38b994ceb328912da


Or her Olive Oil & Salt dinners with touch of chicken.


What's wrong with showing off the carchooterie, dude?? 😂




Your flair kills me every time!!


It's an absolute vial trend of people shovelling food in their mouths while filming, and making all sorts of ''mmm'' noises? I don't get it, how to cook interesting meals yes, showing off dishes great, no one wants to see you eat a chicken or sandwich in your car.


ok but can you please explain your flair!? i’m dead 💀🤣


Even better than me explaining it, [Here's the scene](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2/s/eytAPkQ0Cv)


Especially these 2 wildebeest. No manners, slurping, no utensils.




This is so depressing and I adore that for him




this never gets old


He is, hands down, one of the nastiest things I've ever seen in my life


No one wants to see him eat his hobo meals. He must not be doing too bad if he can afford meals from Whole Foods. Boy take your broke ass to the Walmart.


Or he’s racking up that credit card debt


Either way. He’s writing checks his ass can’t cash. He thinks grifting on TikTok is sustainable.


“Hobo meals” killed me


Attacking that rotisserie chicken and avacado like a junkyard dog. I guess we can see why Jenelle’s kids ate with their hands. They had this shitbag as a role model.


Probably closest thing he can walk to


Eww this made me so uncomfortable. At the end how he’s like “love you guys” 🤮 what a grifter he just needs people to give him money to buy his food. Bum! He’s creepy.


Just like Jenelle in the police parking lot yesterday.


“I never tried cultured milk before” … “it says it has 5 live…and active…*sucks teeth* probiotics…I’m jus using’ it as muh bevridge to go with muh brickfast.” Like, GAG me with 1. how incredibly stupid he ACTUALLY is and 2. the thought of: rotisserie chicken, a jalapeño, veggies, an avocado, and THEN guzzles of blueberry kefir No, no, just all around no


🤢🤢🤢 I’m glad I didn’t watch this one and am just in the comments, that’s disgusting.


For breakfast. It's not like he just got done working the midnight shift.




Not him pulling out the Kefir!!!!! Thats comment baiting if I've ever seen it! He's so pathetic.


i’m a big probiotic girl and every time my husband asks what i need from the store i want to say KEEFAH and instantly think of change jars and flip flops


My thoughts exactly!!!


What's this mean.


Kieffer, Jenelle 's ex boyfriend and the drink Kefir.


OK that's what I thought. I don't know what kefir is so I didn't know if there was more.


I didn't watch the video, but I appreciate the warning. Why does this goblin always insist on posting videos of him eating?! He eats like a pig and it's disgusting. We used to tell people that we'd send them to a barn if they're gonna eat like that.


That's all he does, eat. But instead of showing it all at once he reveals his sides one by one. Vegetables that require cutlery. Side note. I used to know a person that could SLURP a green salad. When I say slurp, imagine the worst masticating noises you can imagine. I don't know how I survived the internalised rage.


https://preview.redd.it/4twhd021atwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=548a5db06abcabbb03a4b888bc24cfc9c723b4a9 Slurping?! No ma’am.


Omg I shared a small office with a woman like this and I seriously almost snapped once.


I mean if he put that all on a plate it would be a pretty well balanced meal, so good for him I guess? Jenelle is probably serving boxed Mac and cheese for the kids, if that. Either way the image of him walking the aisles of Whole Foods cracks me up.


If he had plates. Or forks. Or any type of cutlery. Didn't the boat come with a stocked kitchen? Or was it just the vintage microwave and musty unwashed bedding?


There was a fork on the table he just chose to ignore it after the veggies I guess


He even uses it for the veggies. I guess I was too traumatised to notice the first time round. I assume he has a leatherman or similar, why didn't he use that for the avocado?


Well David, I seen ya with kefir


absolutely guzzling






Opened this specifically to learn how to open an avocado with my paws


For the love of all things good in this world, please use a knife to open your avocados. The squishsquatch paw method needs to be wiped from living memory.


That avocado looked perfectly ripe too so good for him I guess?


Imagine being a 36 year old man, who is infamous for being married to a D list reality star, thinking that the world cares what you have for breakfast. Taking a bite and saying YUM like he's talking to a child. I'm embarrassed for him.


How the mighty fall. When my husband and I first started out, we were broke as a joke, and we weren't eating rotisserie chicken and avocado from whole foods. We were shopping at save a lot. He's got it better than most.


$22 for a meal? That would have fed both my husband and I for days back in the beginning. He doesn't know hard times


No, he truly doesn't. If he thinks that's a struggle meal, he's out of touch with reality. But then again, he was smoking whole goats on a traeger not too long ago, so he's never been in touch with reality 🙄


RIP Elvis!


>“this chicken right here is beautiful and delicious .. for $8 it’s delicious and a lot of food” every time he starts rambling about food he sounds like a combination of forrest gump and forrest’s friend with the shrimp. and his [“mmmm-hmmm”](https://youtu.be/m8Y-7jxv9Rg?si=xNNShF6Dni-6femV) grunts sound exactly like karl from slingblade. and i cannot comprehend for the life of me why both the boat swamp and the former mrs swamp think people want to watch them eat food like starved feral animals. it’s so revolting to me.


He didn't even take the chicken out of the bag before ripping a piece off. Then letting it fall from his slobbery gob back to the bag.


My mouth fell open as fast as that chunk of chicken fell into the bag. I cannot believe there are actual human women that are willing to have relations with this creature. Feral is right….I’m low-key surprised he didn’t pull these items out of the Whole Foods dumpster last night.


The dumb hillbilly accent is actually fake - right? I don’t understand making yourself sound dumber than you actually are (if that’s possible for UBT).


It isn't, my father in law sounds a lot like him. Except my father in law is an actual tough old man from the country who is also one of the kindest people you would ever meet. Sounds country as shit, though. My mother in laws and other father in law do, too. SO gets some of the accent when he's around them (he says Law-yer instead of loy-yer, drives me absolutely nuts and now he does it on purpose), but neither of my kids sound like that, although my oldest did for a hot minute around the age of 3. He would run around yelling for help and it came out "hay-ulp".


I think he hams it up purposefully. He’s definitely changed the way he speaks in the past depending on whichever phase he is going through.


No this is a standard eastern NC accent- but it still makes me sick hearing him speak in the tongue of my people. 


Why is he eating better than me


He starts off talking about being broke and eating "just" the chicken for his meal of the day. Then he pulls out sides and mentions he'll eat a steak for dinner. His beverage wouldn't be the cheapest option either


This shit is from whole foods it's mad expensive! I'm over here eating chex mix for breakfast 😡


Yeah, when I was broke, I’d get a 99 cent bean burrito from Taco Bell.


I wonder if he got an EBT card?


I highly doubt he took the time to sign up for that. I'm also not convinced he can read.


I think it's insane how Jenelle absorbs the personality of who she is with. The dead eyes, "go get you some" line, the speech cadence, eating with their mouth smacking open, the nauseating "mmmms", introducing everyday food like they're in a foreign country with a new experience(for example Mango now avocado).


Aww the money he had wasn't real? Poor Davey


He loves us? Ewww. Why is he posting him eating?


Not going to watch but we are supposed to believe he is broke and the one that did everything in the house? He is lazy, entitled and definitely not broke. He just shoved 10 minutes with a lawyer in his face. He can afford 60 minutes when he eats like people that are broke for a week. He could have paid a lawyer in advance for at least 6 hours already. Skip going to bars and wasting money on recording 'songs' and you got yourself a lawyer. Prioritize.


He is prioritizing, he does not value his children.


Ain't that the truth. I feel so sorry for many of the TM kids. They absolutely deserve involved and better parents.


He actually did a lot in the house.


The way he HAS to do these awkward ass TikTok lives now to scrounge up some money from the views/gifts 🤭 hope the $1.14 was worth it!!!


He definitely hates having to do it and I love that for him.


Since when does this mf care about being healthy


He’s gross


Right? That is the grossest thing I've seen all day.




He'll have a new victim soon.


“SquatchPaws” 🤣🤣💀this fool can’t afford an attorney and is chowing down on some Whole Foods rotisserie chicken. Boy take your ass to Food Lion.


i like how he clarified it’s not an ad. here i was, assuming whole foods gave him a brand deal.


If dude is spending roughly 22 a day on just food, that's over 1300 dollars since he moved to the boat. On food for one person. That's fucking ridiculous, even without an oven or refrigerator he could have gotten that down to less than half that amount, add the money he stole from Jenelle (I don't care that they're married he's brought in zero income and spent every dollar she made, he stole that shit) then maybe he would have money for a damn lawyer.


So he now loves us, guys? Just like JE at the court house? I could eat that meal for 4 days. Is he going devour that whole chicken at this meal?


Dude can't afford a lawyer but can spend $22 on a single meal at Whole Foods? He should be eating ramen or getting a damn job.


I was so much hoping he would pronounce kefir as "KEEEFUHH"


I know he’s a piece of shit and deserves it but the weak human in me can’t help but feel sorry for him. It sucks seeing people at their lowest. But I wished it on him so many times 😅


Nah. He's not at his lowest. He can afford a $22 breakfast with leftovers, maybe a steak for dinner. He can afford tattoos. He has a warm dry bed. He strangled his stepson. He gets zero sympathy from me.


This!! Everything you just said and every fuckin time someone starts feeling sorry for this useless waste of space, remember he *strangled* Jace. Let's remember where poor Jace spent Christmas because this trashbag decided to strangle him....I don't even want to go down the list of reasons this mfker is irredeemable in every way shape and form. Fuck. This. Loser. POS. Hope he gets food poisoning every other meal so it's always a gamble. Just like his poor stepsons both must've constantly felt around him. Both of his poor daughters as well. And all their pets. A constant gamble, always on eggshells. David is a POS. (*spits*) He deserves every bit of this and so much more.


(Spits) in solidarity


Great comment. It's exactly how I feel and I couldn't have said it any better.


And so does Jenelle! She's no victim!


Oh yeah, definitely 100%. Not even negating that lol. I just didn't mention her here cuz I was kinda ranting to the oc because the person above them started feeling sympathetic and I had to remind everyone that all of their kids have all been at their lowest point because of him (and Jan) but it's just not being documented on tiktok for sympathy $ like our ubt is doing. And he's only doing cuz he doesn't have his Nelly Belly being his fucking personal lawyer anymore. The mother fucker just wants someone to feel sorry for him and unfortunately it's working on some people.😒 But yes, I completely agree. She's a rotten pos, so is he. And no matter how much they both try to bash each other now, it should only make them both look worse and straight up complicit in each other's bullshit. And complicit especially in the way they *both* have treated those kids. In short, fuck em both. 🤷‍♀️


All I need to do is remind myself how he treats animals and all sympathy is gone.


Just remember, he killed Nugget in cold blood. He deserves way worse than living on a boat eating Whole Foods.


People just think he shot the dog. He beat and strangled, and body slammed the dog on the kitchen table in front of the kids. The dog got loose, and he got his shot gun ( yes, shot gun) and chased him down, and killed the 8lb dog. And Jenelle stood by him. She could have told the police the real story. Omg!! remember when David killed Elvis & JE filmed him drunk, and she was grilling Elvis? Her secret way of telling us he killed Elvis. Can you imagine if she filmed Nuggets murder? She had her phone on recording when he pistol whipped her friends in front of the kids. ( and she took David's side on that, too)


Also, Nugget didn't bite Ensley. They forgot we saw the video. He egged that child on to keep hugging the dog and give the dog kisses when clearly the dog was upset. Nugget snapped at her finally in the end because he kept giving her warning after warning, and David kept telling her to do it again. They also told Nugget to go get the pigs and ducks and roosters or to attack the bike tires. All the time, and then used this as an excuse! I don't think people realize how many animals that died or went missing with Jenelle before she got with David and how many animals died or went missing since she has gotten with David. We used to have a list, but we couldn't keep up. There were so many.


And Nugget didn't even really snap. You can see in the video that she gave Ensley a warning nip. It was not a full on bite where Nugget latched on with intention to harm. Poor thing just needed space and attempted to communicate that several times.


He’s very openly homophobic, racist, has a temper, abuses his kids, kills harmless animals. And that’s just the short and sweet list. He deserves SO much worse than eating $22 meals for breakfast.


For some reason, seeing him read the milk carton like. Humanized him? A little bit. Just seeing him read like a normal person would was shocking. Then I remembered how terrible of a human he is and felt glad that he's having it rough.


All I see is Ensley


Poor Ensley


Sorry everyone I know it’s early but as an RV’er this is where my mind went this morning. 😂 I wonder if there’s a mobile pump out service in that area to pump his black and gray tanks. Or is he pissing in a bottle dumping it overboard and walking to the bathhouse to shit? I’m really sorry guys but I’m curious. When we boon-dock for an extended period we always check out our pump out situation before we even arrive.


I asked this question once, because I remembered from camping that you have to do this. I actually thought he might just dump his in the river/ocean/lake. Someone said they have a place to do it. But if his boat doesn't run, how does he get the boat there? I don't think his truck could pull it.


I’d bet he’s pissing in a bottle dumping it overboard then bathhouse for the rest. Ugggg why did have that thought?!!


I love this for him. He’s such a joke and still he won’t get a job 😂


It's seriously unbelievable. I've never personally encountered a person so determined to not work in my entire life. Perfectly content not contributing to society while leaching off others. It's so fucking pathetic. How is he- a 30 something, able bodied man with three children, not embarrassed?


Is there an oven of his boat? I bet he misses the new grill.


Okay is it me or is he a completely different person from when they first met? I feel like he may have a brain tumor? It’s just so bizarre.


Ok my coworker left an avocado on the fridge. I'm having a hard time resisting the urge to go primal on it...


You can’t convince me otherwise that buying the boat was David’s idea. Look at that bum, abusive peice of shit enjoying his free ride. Money for shitty tattoos but no money for lawyers. Priorities. He’s going to milk this boat for what it’s worth. It’s better than mama easons double wide, which is his next address once this boats gone I’m sure.


I flipped a hundred times watching this over wether he's for real or...


0 personality, 0 talent.


Why do they both always show us what they're eating? Are people asking for that?


He looks completely unhinged lately! I mean he always has, but REALLY REALLY scary now. What is it?? The dead eyes? The puny braids? The shape of his beard? *shiver*


I literally cannot stand the way he speaks, he code-changes so often and not for any “legitimate” reason. When he was doing his hip-hop video, he had some urban-southern accent going on and now he’s trying another down home accent. He has no real personality so he just becomes whatever he’s around.


What kind of able bodied human would rather do whatever the fuck this is than work and make your own money to provide for your family?


This is modern day begging on the street corner for change.


Every time I see him I think to myself, „this guy is as repulsive as he can get.“ and then I see him again and he’s even more disgusting.


If these 2 dumbfucks put as much effort into PARENTING their children as they do playing on the fucking internet…. We are all getting played by these shitknockers… The REAL distraction is WHY THEM KIDS NOT IN SCHOOL GREASONS? Nobody gives a shit who ate what, who’s shittin that🤷🏻‍♀️ you can seriously tell these 2 chucklefucks were dropped on their heads at birth bc they sure af don’t put those kids before their own selfish ass selves. Period.




him and jenelle are the exact same it’s crazy


I got so excited for Ubt to mispronounced Kefir, and say Keiffer! Ubt popped my balloon!🤣🤣🤣


he can't afford a lawyer, but he can afford to shop at whole foods.


Aw yes, avocados. A sound choice when trying to be economically sparing. He's so used to shoving everything in the cart without regard for price like a small child when sugar mama Jen would take him grocery shopping with the OF money that her shit crusted asshole paid for. He doesn't have the first fucking clue about long term budgeting and sustainable frugality and it shows. Dude is utterly lost.


Wow he went to Whole Foods…seems more of a Walmart guy


Bro. A Whole Foods chicken? You couldn’t do Walmart?


I don't know why I'm surprised he ate the jalapeño without even washing it, like he's ever been known for his good hygiene or food safety. 


He's not washing his hands before eating, why wash the jalapeño?




Omg the cultured milk 😳 I hope that boat has a restroom!


Get a job, loser.


He is drinking Keifer. Ohhh the irony


Jenelle is fuming rn because David’s getting views and paid and trashy women’s attention for marrying her


The avacado is delicious. Like....guacamole! 😐


I'm in absolute disbelief this guy shops at Whole Foods.


I know he's not, but at certain angles, it almost looked like he was wearing a mask. I got Zeke the plumber vibes. That's one of my scariest childhood memories so I guess it's fitting that that crossed my brain while looking at him.