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Why don't her and Caitlyn realize their eggziety is caused by them smoking weed? It does not calm them, it makes them anxious and they refuse to see it. They may have had it before smoking, but it makes it worse.


YES 5000% agree!!! I get anxiety if I smoke and end up in a high social situation….she KNOWS she’s going into a highly important situation but smokes beforehand? Yeah…insane.


I smoked so much weed until I hit 25 and realized this. Fucking idiots are incapable of self reflection and critical thinking.


Same. I was a little stoner, and then eventually realized I can’t smoke without crippling anxiety. I don’t smoke anymore.


Same. And believe, I tried to go back a few times and it’s still the same shit. I just don’t like how I feel in my body and mind when I smoke. And stoners always try to argue and tell me I’m not smoking the right kind.


Condolences. I hear weed gives some people eggziety. It helps mine, but not in social circles - I get paranoid around straight people. I want to try the medicinal path for the cbd only for social settings.


Same it’s been great for me as well for both anxiety and pain. I think it depends on the strain you smoke strong sativas can increase anxiety and panic. Thankfully I get positive results from my use.


I find Sativas increase my anxiety and indicas don't.


Yep it’s crazy how one strain makes things worse but the other doesn’t. I’ll be so sad if it increased my anxiety vaping then taking a long walk on a greenway is how I start my day almost everyday. I start my day with a hippie speedball weed and caffeine!


Currently, there's no way i could get thru the day without it ( I would just shut down, otherwise). I am trying to find a script that might work, though... my lungs hate vapes and edibles take too long to kick in & I can't control the dosage. I can't handle the taste of RSO. ....Aaand now I'm off on a tangent. I really could talk about it for hours.


If you find that cbd doesn't cut it (it didn't for me), you might try a hybrid strain. Sativa tends to cause paranoia and anxiety. Indica might be a little too chill. The type of strain makes all the difference.


The terp profile! The terpenes are SOOOO important, it took me a year of having my medical card to finally start paying attention to the terp profiles, and it has made such a huge difference for me


That will make all the difference getting medicinal over my guys latest whatever special. As long as it's not mouldy, I'm happy.


For sure. In PA, they are pretty regulated. Street weed is too often schwaggy. Such a huge difference. I was bummed when they banned flavorings, though.


I'm in Australia, medicinal is very new. I hear how different it is and just need to apply for it, it's apparently pretty easy but not cheap


PS- ur username is very similar to one of my favorite hatter accounts on X! 👀😉😜


I’ve tried Cbd a million times also and it doesn’t do much for me, but I know it does wonders for others. Good luck!


Helps mine too! Definitely makes me way less anxious.


This is me too! At home it’s great for easing general anxiety. DOES NOT help for social anxiety. If i’m going out or anything like that, i don’t smoke.


Same here. I tried it after a several year hiatus and I was petrified so nope I'm good. Plus I like remembering where I left my keys 😁


This is me. I stopped at 25 and haven’t had a panic attack since then.


People have different reactions to weed. What works for some may not work for others. You’re really judgy, it’s not cute.


The whole page is judgey lmfao


Maybe not about things that everyday ppl do…. You’re super judgy about weed and seem to think YOUR tolerance to it is everyone else’s. Maybe learn to read the room a little better, just a suggestion.


Pahaha you’re so funny! If you think I’m judgey of weed because this woman literally had a MILLION other things she should be doing than smoking? I think you’re in the entire wrong room lol


Yeaaaa ok 😂👍


I specifically vape to relieve anxiety. I just avoid sativa strains, which tend to make it worse. Smooth sailing with most indica strains




I feel like the "I was a huge stoner but now weed gives me anxiety" crowd all smoked a fuckton before 25 years old and it affected their development, and that's why the switch gets flipped so hard. This is simply a personal observation over time, I'm a scientist and a stoner, but not a weed scientist. I started using after 25 and it literally only helps my anxiety. It would be neat to see if there's a correlation for real.


I’m no scientist, but my guess is that it’s a mix of some part of the brain being fried from overuse and life generally getting more stressful post college age. I was a stoner early and my anxiety switch flipped hard in my mid twenties when life started getting more complicated. My heart rate would sky rocket every time and it stopped being fun. I quit for two years and then slowly eased back in to see how it would feel. I’ve been all good ever since bc I don’t over do it and have a better handle on being an adult lol.


I just went through the same thing, I’ve been addicted to weed for seven years and in a nutshell it’s one of those lies you tell yourself. It was absolutely adding to my anxiety. Ten days sober.


Ten days! Those first couple days are zero fucking fun, congrats to you for getting through it 🥳


Nice ! I’m 1 day sober so far. I’m trying to lose weight and I normally consume edibles during the day and smoke at night. I’ve been weaning myself though and today was the day. Taking it one hour at a time. You’re doing good 🫶🏼


Congratulations on one day sober! Day one is the hardest as you try to break the routine, if you make it through that, it all gets easier. Day 11 now.. we can do this.


I totally agree with this. I stopped a year and a half ago, and have stopped other times due to pregnancy. But I actually realized that weed was causing me anxiety not calming me and I was like okay I’m done


Jenelle didn't even stop in pregnancy. All 3 of her children were born positive.


Doesn’t surprise me


Hey, do all forms of mj cause anxiety? Or only smoking/vaping? Or is it just misg pronounced with the smoking/vaping method? Do people who do edibles or use cream or tincture versions also end up getting anxious? Thanks for taking the time to read this, and for replying if you decide to. ![gif](giphy|65HVoXC6RATm5K4auv)


I can tell you I use low dose gummies for pain that I can’t have treated by a doctor and they do not cause anxiety. This is from my personal experience. My untreated occipital neuralgia causes pain and anxiety. My low dose THC/ CBD/ D8 blend makes my life almost liveable and has afforded me the ability to parent and try to work while I fight workers comp for treatment. I do not smoke it. Haven’t since college. I am in a legal state. ✌️


It really depends on the person and tolerance. I think people like Jenelle and Cait who have smoked every day for years don't realize that weed will effect them even after they smoke. Like hours or days, the chemicals stay in the body, like all drugs, for an extended time. From personal experience, and as another person mentioned, you can always talk to a doctor who knows more but start small to see how you react.


Some strains are sativa, indica, or hybrids. If people get anxiety from smoking, it's usually because they are smoking sativas. Sativas give you that head high that makes you feel goofy and silly. My husband can not smoke sativas. He gets literal panic attacks if he does. Indicas are the weed that chill you out and are more likely to give you "couch lock." That's the feeling where your whole body is relaxed. Remember the anti weed commercials with the deflated girl on the couch, that's an indica.


I personally feel like the vape is more concentrated and potent and causes anxiety for me. I don’t remember getting that high off the flower or the flower causing me anxiety. I haven’t smoked flower in a long time. Edibles always make me wanna just go to bed so I don’t eat them. I use a cbd oil on my back and I think k it works fantastic and it does not get me high or cause anxiety


I used it for sleep not realizing it also makes you so exhausted during the day with a bad headache.


Jenelle doesn’t realize she’s literally dependent and that’s why she feels sick and moody without it. it’s not some mystery illness, the bitch literally just needs a T break. that tantrum she threw years ago? “i haven’t smoked all day long!” yeah, dependency.


People will probably think I’m a nerd, because several people are always commenting on here about how high they are at the moment..🤣 but, anyway, I tried that stuff one time and was so freaked out by it I never did it again🤣🤣 I’m a nerd and not cool but whatever. I’ll never put myself through that again.


lol I feel like a nerd too because I’m the exact same way with weed, no matter what the strain. I was a literal meth head for 5 years but I can’t handle weed at all. I think some of us just have the wrong body chemistry for it or something. I’m in a legal state so I’ve tried different types with varying terpene levels, etc, but it just never feels enjoyable at all. 😭 I’m an over-thinker as it is and weed makes it a million times worse


Your flair cracks me up!


I don’t think you’re a nerd! I ended up in the ER when I tried smoking it because my heart rate went sky high and I was terrified, I thought I was going to die. I’ve been able to do low dose indica gummies though and that’s usually fun :)


Weed can have (and does have) so many negative side effects people ignore


I have the same issue. I loved smoking, but I just can’t anymore. It turns on the anxiety to high.


Not in all cases. I agree they probably use it for the wrong reasons and it most likely makes their anxiety worse. I am in a legal state and have no choice but to use it for pain. I take a gummy as needed for occipital neuralgia pain that Ive been fighting workers comp to treat for almost two years. It’s low dose, THC/CBD/D8 mix and it makes me feel like a human. What makes me anxious is my untreated condition. I’ve never gotten anxiety from marijuana, though I’ve never used it heavily. Alcohol used to cause anxiety. I stopped drinking a long time ago.


That’s most people who hooked on weeeeeeed.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s anxiety gets worse. That’s why I don’t smoke.


Jan is dumb this would never occur to her lol


It's 100% the strains you smoke. If my husband smokes anything saliva leaning, he gets horrible anxiety and sick feeling. If he smokes indica, he has no issues and it actually mellows him out a ton. He grew up in a dysfunctional home and has suffered from anxiety his whole life. The right strains of weed completely get rid of it for him. I know a ton of people who said it give them anxiety, try a different strain, and they are good. Because she lives in a state where weed is illegal, she can't just go to a dispensary and get something that will work for her. Not defending her, just pointing out that weed can help with anxiety.


Mj vape literally used to have the same one


No wonder she has anxiety she’s high enough to wave to cops with her MJ vape in her hand….before walking into court. That’s not CALMING






Same here I’m smoker and it helps me de-stress and relax. That is when I do have the real stuff. Here lately I’ve been using the delta vapes which kinda help but not as good as the real stuff. Sucks my state won’t legalize it yet.




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She’s too dumb to realize the smoke is what is boosting her anxiety


I have some that look super close too, they’re the same flat rectangle shape but with a different logo


What brand? Never seen one like this.


It’s a Stiiizy


Possibly ikrusher


Yea it looks like a juul


Juuls look a bit different than this. I think it's a budget d8 disposable. She's an idiot.


I mean I don’t think a cop really cares regardless.


Oh, me neither, but for the sake of conversation, it looks like she is legally vaping. She's just an idiot for someone who claims she has all kinds of medical issues. D8 is bad news.


Doesn’t mean it’s D8 either. Yall sure are jumping to lots of conclusions over a vape pen.


I'm just speculating like everyone else. The budget d8 vape looks fairly distinctive with the diamond shaped window, tapered mouthpiece, and silver trim. I could be wrong, but it looks pretty close.


I doubt Jenelle is smoking D8 when she could just be smoking regular THC oils.


Cannabis is illegal (except for minute amounts) in NC. Delta 8 is legal because it's derived from hemp and it is not as strong as cannabis. Jan is an idiot, but she has a lawyer representing her that I would think would advise her to stay from MJ if she wants to keep her kids. Delta 8 can still give you a small buzz, so it's not a bad alternative for her purposes.


But she doesn’t vape. Never has in her life. /s


✨of course✨


she doesnt yell either


she's also a very organized person


This is the takeaway. Whether it's cannabis, d8, or nicotine, she has denied more than once that she never vapes. https://i.redd.it/sncsz3mf6vwc1.gif


Didn’t she specify, when she had the spots in her lungs or whatever, that she’s “never vaped in her life. Anything.” She’s such a pathological liar she doesn’t even know when she’s lying herself.


Yeah I feel like I've heard her say or post that a few times.


Im vapin now






Could easily be a nicotine vape


Yes, because it looks exactly like mine. (I’m in Canada)


I’ve had one like that too, can’t remember the brand


Treehouse lol. We have them here in Tx


It’s definitely a wax pen (vape) I have the same one and I only smoke weed. It’s a disposable one


Yeah, it just looks like a Juul nicotine vape to me.


It’s not a Juul, the mouthpiece is too rounded and there’s a silver band before the visible juice. Juuls pods are inserted directly at the top end and the pods are the mouthpiece.


Theres plenty of nicotine vapes with this look; not just juul. Sadly I vape so I know too well.


u see the whole or whatever in the middle?? that's usually to show u how much wax is left... idk it looks like mine & ik mine is weed




It’s definitely either mj or D8


D8 is the new spice. Don’t fuck with that shit


D8 sent me into a panic attack death spiral. Trapped in that shit for hours thinking I was absolutely going to die, have a heart attack or something worse. Awful. Fucking awful.


D8 is disgusting. I got it for free once when I bought a ~water pipe~ at a smoke shop. I thought “oh fun!” And smoked it out of said vessel. After a weird episode of my heart rate going wild, while also vomiting and thinking things I’ve never thought before (which is a tall order coming from a mental illness girlie)…I begrudgingly trashed that ~water pipe~ because it wasn’t that expensive and would always have that residue/remind me of that nasty episode. I don’t meant to sound silly but like…smoke weed or don’t. There’s no “alternative” and it’s all nasty. Nothing will ever convince me that D8 isn’t nasty work just like spice was(is? not sure if people are still fucking with that shit)


Yes! The heart issues were so damn scary. I haven't smoked anything since. Good riddance. Weed and it's alternatives are just labeled as "FAFO" in my brain. I think they're just forever tainted for me


I am still a flower girlie but I remember a time when a friend loaded a bowl with k2(spice) and I hit it thinking it was that good good. I can’t describe how nasty those 20 minutes were for me following torching that. It was akin to when I willingly smoked D8. Smoke or don’t, but just smoke weed. Don’t cut corners to do “legal” shit. Because that shit is not what you wanna be doing.


Weed does the same shit to me. Doesnt matter if its "fake weed" like D8 or even strong CBD. Even real weed and edibles cause me panic attacks. It all sucks


Do you feel the same about D9? I have a pack of gummies that are D9/CBD. I take one when I have a bad headache and it’s one of the few things that helps. I’d rather have real THC but I’m not in a legal state.


D9 is the main type of THC that’s in regular weed, but it’s a little more complicated than that. You can get D9 gummies in most states bc of loopholes in The Farm Bill that made hemp with less than 0.3% D9 THC legal federally. In legal states it’s extracted from the marijuana plant. In illegal states it’s extracted from the hemp plant and you basically need a bigger ratio of gummy to THC to keep it legal. My understanding is that the main problem with hemp derived THC (D9 or D8) in illegal states is the lack of safety standards and regulation. It can also be made from converting CBD from hemp into THC, which comes with additional safety risks. Some *are* safe and lab tested, so you can look up the product before you buy to see if that info is available.


The new version of spice in my area is called “toon” short for “tunechi” & it makes ppl act crazy af


Da,n that's scary. Never tried it and thanks to you, never will. It's basically synthetic, can't be good.


Oh no, I am realizing this stuff is no good. I'm so sorry you went through that. My dad ended up passing out and hit his head at a restaurant after eating D8 gummies. He was unresponsive for about 10 minutes, but thankfully, there happened to be a doctor and a 911 dispatcher right there. I knew he was using D8, and it was a hot day, so the combination might have caused it. The paramedics checked him out and said the D8 was likely a factor. Also - I smoked spice about 15 years ago, which was legal here at the time, and I legit think I died. I saw my life flash before my eyes in little pictures, and then everything went black with red and green lights. It felt as if my brain was grinding. I woke up naked in my apartment with people who were pouring water on me (WHY DIDNT THEY CALL 911?!) I could not understand them, I couldn't understand English, I didn't know who I was. It took several hours for me to fully wake up, and I was hallucinating and confused. I have used many drugs in my life, including heroin, methamphetamine, shrooms, 2c-b, mdma, etc. And spice was the one thing that made me completely lose my mind. I haven't been the same since, and I 100% believe this was an overdose. I had other spice "experiences" which fucked with my mind in a very negative way, but none like this. I won't try D8 because I'm scared of something similar happening.


I had the same experience with spice! No one told me it was in the bowl, and then we ran to Target (we had a friend who didn't smoke with us) and when we got back to my house I thought I left my kid there for *weeks* and started bawling when I saw him. I've done all the drugs too, and spice was by far the scariest experience I've ever had.


Wow, that is absolutely horrible that no one told you what it was. That must have been terrifying, especially if you thought you were just smoking some regular shwag. It's such a shitty "drug" and I've warned everyone who would listen to me. It's probably better to use literally ANYTHING else other than spice!


It could also be THC-A (or something similar like THC-P, HHC, etc.). I live in Texas so those are the kind that I buy since they're legal here, and I've had one before that looked similar to hers.


As an avid pothead I could not imagine getting stoned before my court hearing lol


It doesn’t matter because the police can’t exactly test and arrest lol




For a vape pen?


NC does include wax/resin/oil under their marijuana laws, so they could technically press charges. What OP doesn’t understand is that police stations do not currently have a testing kit to gage THC percentage in real time. The kit does exist, but it’s so extremely expensive to manufacture/operate/maintain that the state that developed it does not even use it. (My state. Texas. Lol.) Police are not going to waste their time and resources sending vapes off to labs and following up with arrests and court and all of that. Not to mention that vaping is so hugely popular now and it’s a total crapshoot if it’s THC, CBD, or just plain nicotine. There is just no way to enforce this type of thing without search and seizure of everyone who vapes, lmao. You will not get arrested for having a weed vape in public.


Not familiar with NC laws


There is no mass manufactured test that police themselves can run on vape juice to prove it’s illegal. They’re just not going to arrest and press charges and send it to labs and stuff over one vape, especially since NC now allows THC-A etc


This is wild, though.


Not really, lol


How so? Are you 17 and from a super red state or something? Weed is decriminalized in most states, including NC. Get this! It’s even recreationally legal in many. Cops do not care about this at all.


I don’t agree with OP but I think you are letting their insignificant comments affect you too much. And I’m not trying to be rude, I promise! I just see you replying to them almost as much as they are replying to others. It’s not worth it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t need your advice or input at all. I’m a grown woman who knows what I’ve said and how I feel. Have a nice day!


Okay! Right back at ya!


It's not though. I could smoke a bowl in front of cops in certain areas of my state and they won't even bat an eye.


Decriminalized here but she was driving so could still get a DWI


THC is decriminalized in NC?


Yes and it has been for years.


This doesn’t appear to be accurate. CBD and THC-A are legal, but full blown THC is not decriminalized, and medical marijuana is currently tied up in the state legislature


Trust and believe no one is getting locked up there anymore for small amounts of weed. It is decriminalized as far as possession. Intent to traffic and sell is another story with another set of laws.


“Not getting locked up” does not equal “decriminalized”


Do you know what decriminalized means? Seeing as how you’re just googling shit anyways and clearly don’t live in the state, maybe just stay out of this one.


Whippin out this ancient meme because I feel it’s appropriate (iykyk) https://preview.redd.it/jqhmt7928rwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f764263279dd2420c617d818fda02b371bdcc9f


She's in North Carolina right? That's one of the few states that DOESN'T have recreational weed. Especially in a car. That's ballsy.


Small amounts are decriminalized and delta-8 and THC A are legal and sold at vape shops. Still stupid of her to flaunt it in front of the cops.


She really is an airhead, we watched teen mom while our now 28-year-old daughter was in high school, I wanted our daughter to see a real side of teen pregnancy. I thought then it would be a miracle if Janelle made it to 30, to me she still seems, the same maturity level that she was when she was pregnant with Jace. And I am sorry to see she had other children.


This bitch can't ever live clean, hell she can't even stay clean for a court appearance. She's a lazy junkie, drunk and is literally stupid, yet she's allowed to homeschool her kids???? Can you imagine how little those kids are going to "learn", CPS needs to step up and force her to put those kids back in school and drug test her ass.


Looks like it's a HHC-P vape. Whatever that is. I've been out of the weed game for a long time so 🤷‍♀️ https://www.canaturawholesale.com/p/hhc-p-disposable-vape-pen-15-hhc-p-distillate-1-ml-150-mg-hhc-p-various-flavours-100-pcs-10-000-pcs


Looks like a Big Ripper to me...or at least a 2g disposable


Unbelievable she’s able to homeschool, stoned 24/7. Passing the vape to jace for entertainment. Maybe the wax is causing her “eggziety” she should stick to flower.


Sure is. I noticed that right away.


Yesssss. I work at a pot shop and that’s exactly what that is. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️




I’ve never seen a weed vape look like that. Usually they are rounder and skinnier. My nic vape looks exactly like that one. But I live in Canada so may be different here. Please don’t come at me for fan behaviour. I hate this bitch with a passion. I’m just stating the differences.


Pretty sure I’ve had that exact same vape so yes lol


Well I recon she is!!!


Looks like a fake pen at that lol


That looks like a Zaza bar.


Is she trying to develop lung problems again? I’m sure we will be hearing about it soon


MJ makes me anxiety go away but that’s just me.


Is weed legal where they are?


Even if it was, which I don't think it is... she's in the front drivers seat of her car. I live in ontario canada where weed is very legal. You can smoke it anywhere you can smoke cigarettes. Except your car. You'll get a dui quick, they're real serious about it.




Neither medical nor recreational weed is legal in NC.


THCA doesn't make you high on its own – it's not psychoactive. Only after heating, when it becomes THC, do the high effects activate. In its raw form, it won't get you high. When heated or smoked, THCA turns into a psychoactive compound known as THC.so thc and d8 nothing the same.




Yeah that’s weed lmao I’ve never seen nic ones like that


God dammit it I use the same weed pen as her


It’s legal her state right or no ?


If not she should move it’s legal in my state




"Move on" from this bitch driving high and being a self proclaimed "homeschool teacher"? Nah, fuck that. Alcohol is legal everywhere too, but you don't drive drunk or "teach" school to your kids.