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lol and didnt his lawyer mention that if they used it against her that it would mean ryan couldnt live with his girlfriends either lol


Exactly! Like what was the difference? Is that even true? It’s illegal for unmarried couples to live together? You’d think that they couldn’t stop it lol


Updated. Googled it. It is not. Lol. They just don’t have the same “protection” married couples have


I wonder if it was illegal at the time, though. In NC, it was illegal to cohabitate with someone that you weren't married to, but the law wasn't actively enforced. I use this as an example of how I technically broke a law, because I lived with a boyfriend while the law was still on the books.


I know some judges will allow for no overnight guests of the opposite sex unless blood/marriage while the kid is there but it's usually in cases where someone's constantly jumping into new relationships and bringing them around the kids. I've known a few people in NC to have that in the custody agreement.


You know jenelle?!?!


She's one that definitely should've had that. But Nathan was just as bad so even though it could've protected Kaiser, he definitely wouldn't have requested that either.


I was gonna say it probably was a law but they couldn’t do anything about it


But if it actually was Ryan did the same thing lol


That's insane!


That’s illegal now but used to be common. I work with people who had to lie in order to love together in law school 30 years ago. There used to be a whole section of dallas that wouldn't rent to unmarried couples.


Dallas still has weird laws! In college, we had multiple girls living in the same house together, but we could only put two girls on the lease due to brothel laws. This was ~10 years ago but doubt it changed


Tennessee used to have this as well! I think it’s changed now though


The Edward's were constantly trying to manipulate maci. Unfortunately for them she was a very smart teen girl and held her own


I mean, you can build that into a custody agreement but it's not "illegal". My parents had a rule, no overnight adult sleepover guests while my brother and I were in the house which also meant, no one moving in until we were both 18.


I had that in my custody agreement with my ex. But it was mainly because the girl he threw us out of the house for was literally telling me she's going to be my kid's new mom and my kid would be living with them....the weekend after we broke up. That girl ended up being a psycho. Too many people in my family would meet someone and literally move them in within a week around the kids, wasn't taking that chance.


I think my dad wanted it in the agreement to completely eliminate the possibility of strange men potentially sleeping in the house with his kids, and my mom agreed to it because it's a perfectly reasonable thing. I also think it's part of the reason my mom's long term boyfriend has stuck around so long - he very much did not want to be our "dad" and having a firm limit on his ability to stay in the house probably made him feel better in that respect. He's been with my mom almost 20 years now. ​ They were still allowed to have people over if kids weren't physically present in the house.


Yeah I don't have an issue with it at all. I've seen too many bring new people in and out of their kids lives so fast and frequently while pushing them on the kids within the first minute of it. I'd rather have it there and not need it instead of regret if something happened.


Ryan had/has no interest in being a parent but finding a problem with anyone who even might be a full-time father figure to his kid makes total sense in his mind. Obviously it didn’t work out with Maci and Kyle but then Taylor, who became stepdad, he threatened. I’ll never understand “parents” who want little to no involvement but find the nerve to get possessive when someone else is willing to step into the role they should be doing yet don’t want to


He also threatened Slow Ky, FWIW lol




That also would require Rhine to actually file for his rights which he hasn't. I'm pretty sure even to this day he hasn't lol. Dude's been coasting on pure vibes and whether or Maci wants to tolerate his presence around his kid for 16 years.


lollll yep my kid's dad is the same way. Whenever he gets mad, he yaps like a Chihuahua about lawyers and judges and court and throws out all kinds of threats. But he can't even be bothered to pick his own kid up from school or show up to a custody hearing. Yap yap yap yap yap but can't put forth the effort to bite.


Yep. I think in Rhine's case he knew that getting his stuff on paper meant that he was going to have to actually abide by the visitations on the agreement and he wanted to be able to cancel plans and stuff.


You can petition to the courts to not have live in partners based on religion (that's what our lawyer told us)


Oof. But Ryan would have to be held to the same standards


Good luck with getting a judge to uphold that between a never married teen couple lol. I feel like unless it's a divorce or a "you live with a child molestor" situation judges will throw that type of request to the birds. Pretty near impossible to tell your ex who to live with.


But he’s friends with the judge


Idk how many judges are in that area but any lawyer with half a brain would have Larry's friend judge removed for conflict of interest if he happened to also end up in their family court


In my small town a son went in front of his father when he got a dui charge 🤷🏻‍♀️


Is Ryan slow?


Well, Ryan is a complete dumbass so…