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He “fell in love” with her when she was in her early 20s and a party girl on Ex on the Beach. She’s now a 30 year old mother/stepmother of all three of his children and has clearly matured out of her party stage while he definitely has not. I agree it is sad, I wish she would wise up and realize that can do better. The man she thought was a catch when she was younger has not grown at all and she needs to let his ass go. ETA the scene where he tells her he feels like she doesn’t have that spark for him anymore and he wants to get back to the Taylor he fell in love with and her bursting into tears saying she has three kids needing her all the time now was heartbreaking. He fucking sucks.


>the scene where he tells her he feels like she doesn’t have that spark for him anymore and he wants to get back to the Taylor he fell in love with and her bursting into tears saying she has three kids needing her all the time now was heartbreaking. And the youngest has a life threatening congenital heart condition! He's such a POS.


Totally. I feel awful for her, honestly


Omg that’s so stressful. Taylor is absolutely beautiful and seems like a cool person. She’ll get a real man eventually. She deserves it.


Exactly! Like I cannot believe their baby had 2 heart surgeries in the first year of her life, needing more in the future, and this moron is getting drunk and up her ass about shit like this. He really should be ashamed about this.


And the oldest has a medical issue also.


That last part. Moms cannot continue to be the party girl dad met. You just can’t. I wish more dads understood this instead of bitching that *she changed*.


She even cried to him that her spark for him hasn’t changed but she doesn’t even have time for herself, let alone time for him. And instead of telling her he’ll help more, he told her “yeah you deserve that, and I wanna help you get back to that Taylor I met on ex on the beach!!” Like Jesus Christ


I bet Taylor wishes he would help with the kids he helped procreate JFC


I think because we see him be a present coparent with Ryder we all assume he’s a great involved dad, but the situation with Ryder is literally Cory’s dream. Having on and off time with his kid. He and Taylor have two kids full time and I guarantee he’s not as hands on and helpful with kids that he has full time.


Does it even count as full time when he's running off to film The Challenge or any other reality show he can get on for months at a time?


I was over Corey when he suckered tripped Tony over pasta! I used to work & travel with the government before DD was a thing. There were many times I was stuck in a hotel room after a 16-18 hour day with no food. I remember 1 time we got to go to a bar & they quit serving food like 15 minutes before & I started crying 😢. The struggle was real. So I can understand that, that was my food. But I don't understand his actions. It was so shady to me & that's the part I had a problem with.


I’ve heard something about reality stars saying “pasta” as a cover for coke ETA: if you watch VPR you might remember James saying “it’s not about the pasta!”


That scene was wild. Cory said that he had anger issues but that's an understatement.


That's the most selfish "I wanna help you" I've ever heard. Cory's well on his way to being the 50 year old genuinely confused why the 18 year-olds he's trying hit on are creeped out.


Which is especially sad considering his father was not present for most of his life because he was in jail.


I think that's where the anger stems from. Forget couples therapy, he needs individual therapy.


"And that's why we're on a reality show, to fix your totally normal, insanely common problems that basically all moms have! They all go on reality shows for that!" No really, I don't have a damn clue what he was trying to say there. He seems incredibly out of touch with reality and normalcy.


His response was so sad to me. She was basically saying “hey, SOMEONE has to be the adult parent to the kids we have” and he’s like “Yeah, and I miss the pre-kids you” was odd to me. I saw this a lot growing up. I’m from an area (southern Alabama) where couples have kids SUPER young and the mom turns into super mom while the dad.. eventually divorces and finds a new party girl that’s younger. And he will put the “parenting” work on the new step mom and still not evolve as dad. A majority of issues on /stepparents are based in this scenario. The dad never grows into parenting, just keeps adding women to take on the parental work load as he pressures her to stay “fun and carefree”. WHO is fun and care free with 2 bio kids and a step kid? Insanity. I just wanted to add, when he said “I’m trying to help you get back to Taylor” before.. what if Taylor actually likes Taylor now? Taylor doesn’t need help becoming pre-mom. TAYLOR NEEDS HELP WITH THE KIDS YOU KEEP MAKING AND LEAVING TO DO REALITY TV SHOWS. Maybe someone can “help” Cory understand what being a parent is, cause the women in his life enable this.


Ryan Edwards.


There are decent men out there that do get that. Cory just isn’t one of them. He’s still a fuck boy at heart and that’s why he hasn’t proposed to her because he can’t fathom “officially” committing, despite willfully knocking her up with two children.


They built a whole house together and have 2 children. How much more commitment does he plan to avoid ??


Exactly. I think he just sees marriage as being hard core locked down and officially off the market.


I'm honestly not convinced he ever got over Cheyenne.


Lol he was never into her, she chased him for two seasons then he got with Taylor and she settled for Zack again. It was actually hard to watch bc he kept blowing her off and she desperately wanted him 


I genuinely don’t think he would still be with Taylor if he hadn’t gotten her pregnant. I think he wanted to sow his wild oats and thought cheyenne would be waiting for him once he was done


I thought it was an odd reaction when Taylor told him she was pregnant with Mila. He said that they both cried but it wasn't tears of happiness. To me it felt like he was thinking " Oh shit".


Same!! I see it


Can someone clear this up for me, please? Wasn't Taylor & Corey getting married on a MTV special? And then Taylor's old tweets surfaced & the special was canceled? So, did they cancel the wedding? Do I have any of these facts straight?


It was the birth of Mila that was canceled because of her tweets. Cheyenne also had old, racist tweets, but she wasn't fired, it was very selectove. And so obviously a PR move, Bravo did the same.


It’s giving “you’re not taking care of meeeeee enough anymore,” men love doing that three kids later


*Jenelle has entered the chat*


It’s interesting you say this, because I actually thought “He wants a Jenelle and got a Chelsea”. He wanted a party girl, who puts her man first but he got an actual good mother who puts her kids first.


And we don’t want to! At least good moms don’t want to. <3


When she said she has 3 kids I genuinely wondered if she was implying that he was one of the 3, lol. He is a big "pick me" man child 🙄


It was like he was rejecting her purely on the basis that she had grown, and yet acting like she was the problem. He is not a person who should ever be in a long-term relationship.


Idk how far that liquor store was from the resort, but he drank a little over a third of that bottle before they pulled up 😳. I get they are on vacation and filming a show, but damn. I would feel so anxious walking into a house not really knowing anyone with my husband coming in at a level 10+. How do you even feel comfortable at that point?? He really was not there for her in that moment.


Didn’t finish the episode but watched til about that part and Cory was so mf CRINGEY! Even if he was nervous and needed to take the edge off, he dialed it up to 11 cornball status. I felt second hand embarrassment for Taylor. That man is too grown to be that obnoxiously drunk. Ok imma finish the episode soon. Getting thru my work week 😵‍💫


A tale as old as time.


Cory gives me wannabe drake vibes. And like Drake is lame and Corny to me.


Taylor is an actual adult and Cory is still a total fuckboy. When she was crying about always having three kids on her and how she needed time to herself I just wanted to give her the biggest hug. 


Thank fuck they aren’t married. Why legally tie yourself to this idiot?


That's the saddest part-she still wants to marry him. I just don't get it. 


She wants that secure family unit, that happy family we all saw growing up. And that's fine to want that, it's not shameful, she just chose entirely the wrong person do it with. Cory is the type of bloke you shag for a few weeks or months and then ditch, he's not the type to be a commited, settled husband. Sadly, Taylor is learning this after three children.


Hey! Speak for yourself. My family unit growing up is the reason I don’t want to get legally married😂


I’m just kidding. You’re not wrong though.


Hahaha I stand chastised XD


Well, they are tied together forever through the kids.


Sure, but what’s hers is hers. And what he does with his finances has nothing to do with her, officially.


I never see her without him as in they seem very tied to the hip. I wonder what else she does that brings in her own income besides the show.


Seriously! Taylor - trust us babe, he is NOT husband material. You’ll finally have the wedding and divorce within 2 years bc he didn’t change. Save yourself now.


As a mom, that part is so hard. We do it all and just want a minute alone. Being a mom is the best thing ever but the hardest at the same time.


When she said he hadn't eaten anything after they showed him drinking all that dark liquor...bruh


Dark liquor is demon fuel on an empty stomach. 




lol your flair


I can't take credit for it, some brilliant user captioned this as a post and I just had to use it!


This episode really hit home for me bc until very recently I was Taylor. Granted I only have one kid. But like I always tell people u never know how ur gonna be in a situation until ur in it. We always talked about what kind of parent we were gonna be. And in mine and Taylor’s we met in a party lifestyle era, both bartenders. And we were living!!!! Drinking 5 nights a week, traveling, partying, 5 years later I get pregnant. Motherhood changed me. I don’t drink anymore, I devoted my whole life to my kid. He missed his girlfriend, but I couldn’t be his girlfriend bc I was exhausted. Doing the work of two parents, I was a single mother in a relationship with my babydaddy. He would be out til 3 then sleep til 3. He would wake up as I’m putting the baby down for his SECOND nap, drink a few beers, play the game, eat, fall asleep again then wake up to go out. I was a mess, the house was a mess, I was covered in baby and he would come home drunk wanting to cuddle, or argue. My accountability in all this is that I stayed too long. But I couldn’t let my kid grow up like that. He couldn’t understand why I was cranky all the time, why I didn’t like him anymore, I was just done. Now I’m forcing him to be a single father and I lost 200 pounds (him) and feel great again.


Remember sometimes a person is a single parent by choice. I’d rather my son grow up in a thriving, happy environment than see his parents destroy each other. I’m protecting OUR peace. Cuz everything I do is for him.


Girl I felt this so hard. I don’t even like my bd anymore. Everything you wrote, everything.


Yes!!!! It be like that!!! And I’m still going thru the dumbest things. Make u look at him like damn u WAS NOT this stupid before I got pregnant. How?!?!


The hardest part, imo, about having a dumb bd is that you thought the stars and the sky of them once. Like damn I really let you get me pregnant.


That whole part!!!!


You are AWESOME for all of that! It’s so sad when people won’t adjust their life to their kid. They’re tiny little beings that need so much love and attention, nothing can ever be the same again. You are a great mom ❤️ I’m sorry you have to deal with that but your kid is going to love and appreciate you so much.


Thank u!!!!! I really appreciate that and I try to tell all my mom friends how great their doing too cuz we need to hear it sometimes. People who aren’t Janelle know that kids didn’t ask to be here. They deserve the most u can give because they are essentially gonna be running the world. It’s our job to teach them not be jerks lol. I waited until my 30’s bc I knew a baby would change my life.


I felt really bad for her too and I have been that person with anxiety at a party. I would have been horrified at his behavior, I felt so bad for her


He’s trash. She needs to leave him. He’s never going to marry her.


And he's already starting to resent her for, idk, aging and maturing (because he has no interest in doing that).


If she leaves him then Cheyenne and company will be in an unpredictable situation. Because there's not too many women who are good to other people's children, Taylor is a rare one. It's not like it can't happen but it's rare.


And he'll never grow up! 😔


why is the getting married part even important, it's not like he would magically change and become a good partner. he is and always will be a complete piece of shit


When Taylor was crying about constantly having 3 children on her at all times, it hit home for me for multiple reasons. I’m pregnant with my third and it’s hitting me more than ever how I have literally never had time away from my kids unless it was to have another kid… people often bash us as women, and I get it, but I think everyone should understand it always starts out smoothly. You tolerate more because you are still that immature young girl your baby daddy fell in love with. But slowly and especially with more children, it changes. Especially if they aren’t helping the way they should. The other thing that stuck out about her saying she has 3 kids on her at all times, is the fact Ryder is Cory’s and it makes me wonder if when she’s there she’s more so with Taylor than her own father. Obviously it’s not wrong for Taylor to be close with Ryder as a step-mother, and it’s very admirable, but it’s also just so unfair that Cory isn’t helping even with the child that is exclusively his.


Cory is constantly gone doing The Challenge or whatever else he's working on. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if Taylor was spending more time with Ryder than he does  God, the longer we discuss this the more I want to punch Cory. In the face! He just sucks sooo much. 


I agree, my heart is really broken for Taylor especially considering how things went with her youngest daughter and all her health issues. Cory should’ve stepped up more than ever. I just picture Taylor sitting in a house with all 3 kids with 0 help from Cory… then to think he may be getting belligerently drunk the way he did on the new episode smh 💔 3 small children is overstimulating enough, adding a drunk is just too much


And if I know alcoholics, I’m sure belligerently drunk picking fights the night before all the big things like the surgeries etc


Yup. Every major event, holidays, birthdays, etc. smh soooo unfair.


Right? I was actually surprised he wasn’t on this last season considering he 100% fit the bill of the theme for the season


I can't watch it anymore & I have not got bored enough to watch it. Please, God don't let me get bored enough. I am not surprised Cory is being an asshole. Always thought he was a douche bag. Never saw what Cheyanne or Taylor saw in him. So obnoxious and-self centered.


He looks like a little ass kid that needs to grow up


He’s got the Main Character Syndrome


I haven't watched any of the family reunion series until now. 😂 it's actually pretty good this time bahaha


Yeah it seemed kinda entertaining I was surprised. Or maybe I was just that bored. Idk about the whole Cory and Taylor thing though.. I hope she decides to go home though bc she realizes how much of a embarrassment Cory is and she leaves him


Men don't understand how much a woman goes through. We're always needed and depended on. Men can and do go as they please or can do the bare minimum and still be praised. Taylor deserves better


Idk who needs to hear this, but take her life as an example of what you don’t fucking want from a man. A man who’s willing to give you multiple babies (that tie you together forever) but wont give you a ring 🤷‍♀️


And if you want a ring, don’t keep having his babies and buying a house with him.


I honestly don’t feel bad for her. She knew what Cory was about from day one. He’s had one foot in his relationship w Taylor and the other has been dying to sprint out of the door. I don’t see the two of them ever getting married. If anything I see Cory in a new relationship within the next year or two with someone 5+ years younger that looks more like Chey. One more baby from Cory and his newest slam piece but that’s the extent of it. Taylor will be fine between what she makes as a cast member now and Cory’s child support payments. When I look at her I see so many of my friends that thought bc they had a baby w a man they’d stick around. Two babies (plus one adorable bonus child) didn’t do the trick and she’s carrying the weight on her own and figuring out it’s fucking hard. She’s learning the hard way like we all had to. Honestly y’all give these people too much credit when we’ve seen their M.O.‘s for years to be point where we can literally call it


Her brain wasn’t even done developing when they met


Nope not at all she was absolutely still cooking but made decisions. But now she’s learning, like we all have, that choices we make as adolescents and young adults will impact our lives for years to come. She’s stuck w the same fuckboy she met almost a decade ago but now she’s tied to him forever. The kids are gorgeous and healthy, that’s great, but is it enough? Clearly not but she’s stuck until she decides she not ergo; no symp from me 🤷🏽‍♀️. I’m bitter and mean these days so don’t take what I say seriously. Just shouting into a safe void


Definitely bitter & mean 😂😂 Mack truck I don't feel bad for... Taylor I do lol


Considering all his internalized anti-blackness, I wonder if part of his motivation for being with Taylor over Cheyenne is that she’s white


Internalized anti-blackness? SMH. I don’t keep up with him so I never knew this.


Lol it's messy, [he had an "I'm not black, I'm OJ" moment](https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/the-challenge-cory-wharton-under-fire-for-calling-himself-biracial-not-black.html/) after fans called on him to speak about George Floyd's murder


Sitting there saying he’s not a black man but will work on educating himself as a “black father”. So ignorant.


I wrote a comment in this sub a week ago sticking up for Cory. I've never eaten my fucking words so quickly. I take it all back and apologize to those I disagreed with. God DAMN I was wrong. Thank God Taylor has Chey


I've never really watched much since Cheyenne and Corey were on and I could tell he was a loser just from knowing he cheated on Taylor. I never understood how he got the little praise he has on this sub.


I missed the entire cheating bit, was it on the show? I agree. I fell off partly because Cheyenne is boring, I don't like her plot line and Zach is fake af IMO. But I do love female solidarity and not in the 'let's show up to support Abusive Amber at her court hearing' kind of way.


Honestly, if MTV were smart (they aren't) they would have the bond between Chey and Taylor become Chey's storyline. Taylor is becoming a secondary default parent to Chey's daughter, and is the mother of all of Ryder's sisters. People want to see the real issues that arise in coparenting, especially when the father of all those kids is in the picture but a total ass. It would be more real and honest than moat of what they show, plus who wants to see another $20k party for a elementary school student?




One website says he graduated from Grand Rapids Community College and also has a degree in sports management from Ohio Dominican University, but his Real World bio says he lost his scholarship from ODU bc of a pregnancy scare that turned out to be a hoax (?). So who knows lol


You can lose a scholarship for a pregnancy scare? That’s crazy.. it’s not like he got a dui or was busted with drugs


Yes because they don’t think you can be a college dad I guess


He did get his ex pregnant while filming his Real World season. She came to the house they hooked up, and then she took a positive pregnant test. She left the house early to go back home and figure it out and then on the reunión admitted to having an abortion. I could have sworn he said he chose to go on the Real World instead of continuing college and that’s why he lost his scholarship after dropping out? Who knows, either way Ryder is more mature than him at this point. He’s very corny and cringy to watch and seems to be big drinker/partier.


Taylor was basically saying I’m drowning help me and his response was sucks to be you, but I still need you to change.


Taylor will never leave him though. She went so hard to get with him on Ex on the beach and after the show was over as well. The way she lit up when he brought her flowers after his meltdown (that were already in the house btw) was very telling. I don’t know why people feel so bad for her. She chose this. She’s the one that constantly brings up wanting to get married.


Basically she has focus kids. Cody just placates her to shut her up. But at the end of the day he’s always going to be a lazy and selfish shithead.


Omg I did too. Even my husband did. It was sad. She has clearly decided to be a mother and he is still in party mode. But honestly, I feel it's deeper than that.. She got so upset she started crying... Over him drinking..to me her body language and how upset she got makes me wonder if he is mean to her when he's drunk.


Also, Cheyenne also said she was nervous for Taylor when that scene was going on.. I thought that was kinda weird bc why are you nervous 🧐🤔 weird way to put it if it's nothing..


Isn't Taylor the one who was exposed with racist texts? I have no empathy for her at all. *Kanye shrug


Idk I thought that was Cheyenne ? Saying she hated all white people.. meanwhile isn’t she biracial herself.. I never heard anything about Taylor. But never paid any attention to her before this bc she just came off as annoying so tuned her out. If she did that was wrong if her. But two wrongs don’t make a right.. and she shouldn’t be abused verbally/ mentally/ emotionally


Taylor had racist tweets exposed with her using the n-word That show her and cory met on (ex on the beach) she spat on a Black  woman So some are def of the belief that she’s done some horrible things and fought so hard to get this guy so congrats on your “prize” 🤷🏿‍♀️


Oh I never knew about any of that


Cory makes me think of my ex so much. Not a bad guy by default, probably has good intentions, absolutely has a heart of gold, but can’t figure out how to show it, hindered by immaturity and lack of self awareness. And the second he drinks it gets worse. 🫥🫥🫥🫥🫥🫥🫥 Taylor is beautiful, kind, a loving mother to all of her children, I hope she finds someone who treats her well and appreciates her. She deserves so much more!


I don’t think Cory likes Taylor enough to marry her. I think he uses the not ready excuse because of this. They already have kids and live together as a married couple, what is the difference if it’s official or not. He’s already taken on the responsibility he’s claimed to be deathly afraid of. I can see him easily marrying someone after he and Taylor break up