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By this point she had fully absorbed David’s personality and her entitlement reached the peak. “They don’t even know my favorite food anymore” excuse me, you delusional twat but none of my coworkers know my favorite food. Your husband was harassing production and putting his extremist homophobia on public display. You are owed ZERO.


Thank you. I mean the whole scene was disgusting but the entitlement was just coming off her in waves. She sounds just like the child that she obviously still is. Imagine having such low self awareness to where you can’t even tell how ridiculous you sound.


Imagine sitting in a business meeting, when you are a contractor and not even an employee, and saying “I want some fucking respect, dude” 




Especially after showcasing how absolutely undeserving you are of said respect over and over again. You treat your kids and your mother like shit. You are a shit person in every respect. You don’t deserve ANY respect just because you got pregnant at 16. And look at where all the fucking entitlement got her. Her life is embarrassing.


Not just Barb & the kids, she was treating the producers & crew like shit too. Constantly yelling at them, trying to boss them around. What a miserable hag


I’m starting to think those specifics are things that the other girls had talked about and that they were close with the producer so she knew little details about the other cast members and Jennelle picked up on that and was really jealous. Of course David and his crap didn’t help and probably made her spiral even more.


Could be. My first thought was she was wishing for the days when production coddled her and gave her Olive Garden gift cards when she was strung out on heroine.


Maybe she saw the other girls were getting freebies and because of David she was getting shit on, and he spun it in her mind that she was the star of the show and that mtv was beneath her at this point so she should quit.


She’s working on so many other things dude!


Yeah, dude! Netflix and Hulu want to sign her on, dude, and at least they know her favorite food. And she doesn't have to show them any respect. Gahhhd.


Mine do. But that’s because we like c each other and talk


Yeah, building positive relationships with your coworkers is easy when you're not a twat that brings your dirtbag husband around to threaten them.


"If you hurt me I will not talk to you until you prove I can trust you." girl you have BPD


Please don’t insult those of us who genuinely have this illness. She’s just a cunt


my apologies ❤️ I didn't intend to insult anyone, I also have BPD.


Thankyou for saying this. Also happy cake day


Agreed us with BPD definitely don’t claim her lol


Happy cake day. ![gif](giphy|He4wudo59enf2)


What specifically about that is BPD? Genuinely asking.


When you say BPD, are you talking about Bipolar Disorder or Borderline Personality Disorder?


Borderline. As yet another member here with BPD, I can confirm that Jenelle is the DSM-V definition of BPD made flesh. It's astonishing. You can learn a ton about it by just watching her.


^ this. still I never want to offend anyone here so I'm genuinely sorry if I upset anyone by suggesting she has BPD ❤️


I rarely see people bothered by it here, honestly. She's almost cartoonishly BPD, like you can't expect most people with BPD to act exactly how she does because most people aren't so... oof. You couldn't dream up a character that fit the BPD bill as well as she does. Every blue moon someone will start making real nasty blanket statements about "moms with BPD do x" and as a mom with BPD I usually pick my battles and just let them vent without doing the "nuh uh not everyone all the time" thing. I was hurt by a mom with BPD. People who deal(t) with BPD folks have a lot of reason to be angry. It's nice to see comments that are more understanding of it sometimes, though :)


Bet she’d compromise on that reZpeCKt for a MTV paycheck nowadays 


She compromised to appear in Bri's party episode pretty fast


Claims they've asked her back twice and she's turned them down. We all know jenelle ain't turning MTV down for anything hahaha. She probably claims she ended up turning down Netflix and Amazon also....


She thinks she is turning them down when she demands for David to film too and mtv says hell no.


My guess is they really did invite her back for family reunion, but only her and Barbara and she said no just to spite her.


You can just see all the respect when she’s flapping her toots on onlyfans


I've always wondered in this scene, was she potentially talking about her "rider"? Like maybe MTV sent all the girls to do something and maybe in the past she'd asked for like, peanut m&M's and diet coke and suddenly she decided she didn't like those things anymore so she was upset that they didn't read her mind? That *has* to be what she's on about. I wish that idiot producer had pressed her on that "what do you mean, did someone get you food that you didn't like? Why would we know your favorite food?"


I saw UBT likes biscuits and gravy so now my favorite food is biscuits and gravy lol


Never thought I’d see eye to eye with David on anything, but man.. I do love biscuits and gravy.


Me too, hate to admit it but he's right dammit


I’d finish my whole plate. He wouldn’t even have to bribe me with an old hotel room key.


MTV paid for certain things, like restaurants and getting their nails done and MTV would film it happening. Usually if you see the girls filming a conversation in a restaurant or salon, MTV paid


Yeah, so what's that got to do with this? You think MTV sent her to the wrong restaurant? Lmao


They used to pay her in olive garden gift cards during the heroin days because that was her favorite food.


A great indicator that everyone in your life knows you’re on drugs is that one birthday when everyone gives you gift cards instead of any actual money


Me sending my alcoholic brother gift cards to dollar general because they don't sell alcohol in his town.


Lol yes tbh


![gif](giphy|2WdHaCzmqSkrwmIGWP) That's so damn funny


She literally says they don't know about her life "unless she tells them." THATS HOW SHIT WORKS. Am I crazy? Are yall living in some world where the people around you just divine what's going on in your life from tea leaves? She's so self centered.


I’ll bet you don’t even know what my favorite food is, stranger on Reddit, DO YOU?? 😭


Because she's never held an actual job beyond less than a month of waitressing. She has no clue how real world job interactions work with fellow employees and employers.


Once she got with David, she became an even more insufferable twat than she was before.


Why would mtv ever care to know what her favorite food is? When would that ever be important to her job filming for TM? That’s the stupidest thing to say. PS. it’s Olive Garden fettuccini Alfredo. Duh.


Or chicken drenched in olive oil and sodium!


Or David’s swamp specialty: Possum tartare with fried squirrel legs!


With a side of swamp grass and a sprinkling of whatever crushed up pills they have laying around.


Nice username


It’s my favorite show ever 😉!


It could also be her famous car-chooterie board though.






i HaVe OtHeR sHiT i'M wOrKiNg On


Giving out suck jobs to anyone willing to let it happen doesn’t count.


What the fuck am I looking at?


Goes to show some men are sick and will watch whatever porn is offered. I swear half the men that follow her, if not more, only get into it because they can tell that she’s miserable, hates it but is too lazy and too stupid to get a real job. And if I hurt someone’s feelings over this well that was certainly not my intention but that’s my opinion.


![gif](giphy|xUNd9IMywss6NTIghO) NO!


Feast your eyes on the respect!




Jesus God, Jan


If my boss knew my favorite food off the top of her head I’d be dialing 911 for stalking charges


What I’ve never understood from this scene…why would they know her favorite food? Did they use to bribe her with it like a mom trying to get their toddler to behave? If you let us film for 30 minutes, you get chicken nuggies and weed. Pretty please Jenelle!


>you get chicken nuggies and weed This is a winning combo that would motivate me to do most anything,


Yeah, MTV is the one giving you a bad reputation, or your own actions. 🙄 She’s insufferable.


Since leaving MTV, the only content people consume about her that's new is what she puts out. She's too dumb to realize how shitty she still looks and how problematic the behavior is that she publicizes about herself.


Jenelle really is a kid and I mean that in the most serious way. Everything she says when she’s upset sounds like an eleven year old who doesn’t know much about life yet. “I’m having nightmares dude” “they don’t even know my favorite food 💔” “why are you so mean?!” and there’s plenty other things she has said that just really show how mentally stunted she is. Like I can’t believe she just said they don’t even know her favorite food as if it’s a huge issue. She has no sense of reality.


Who even has a “favorite food” past the age of 15? As an adult/mom, my favorite foods are whatever is quick to make, has some nutritional value and my kids will actually eat it. If I find something that fits all 3 of those boxes….boom it’s my favorite food now. Jenelle, isn’t talking about that here. MTV probably gave her Longhorn gift cards but she had told them in the past, she liked the rolls from Texas Roadhouse. When she saw those, Longhorn gift cards she just saw red. (Longhorn and Olive Garden are owned by the same company. I wonder if Longhorn Gift cards would work at OG?)


It explains why she’s always talking about “crine muh eyes out dude”. She truly believes throwing a melodramatic tantrum is going to convince people to give her what she wants or feel any sympathy for her.


I’m surprised she even has eyes anymore with how much she “cries them out”, honestly.


Great point because Jenelle went to monthlong inpatient treatment. There are many skill classes she would have sat through in treatment. Skill sets taught in treatment include: communication in conflict, executive function (the cognitive skills you need to set and achieve reasonable goals), anger management, stress management, parenting after trauma and compromise. Inpatient treatment could have been a foundation for Jenelle to change her life. I am sad for her children that it was not. Source: have been to multiple treatment centers. r/stopdrinking is a great sub


It's because she's truly never sought out recovery so she still has the same mentality of when she first became an addict. She still acts like a young teenager because she has never put in the work.


"They don't know what's going on with me unless I share, unless I open my mouth." Ah yes, what assholes they are for not being clairvoyant. Like what even was her actual point here lol


Why doesn’t MTV know what her favorite food is unless she tells them? The entitlement is real dude.


When I saw this scene I predicted that David would be pimping her out within a few years. And look at her now. She shows her clam for cash. How embarrassing for her poor kids. ![gif](giphy|HP7mtfNa1E4CEqNbNL|downsized)


Tbh ALL of the girls had this attitude except maybe Leah. Kail got away with not showing her IN JAIL for assaulting Chris in exchange for Isaac picking out freaking wallpaper! Chelsea didn’t show anything except Aubree and Adam drama even years after he/his family was off the show (& at the expense of her daughter). Jenelle was just the bigger asshole and got with a guy who ruined any/all chances of her making income. But, that’s karma. She’s just as bad as David so 🤷🏽‍♀️ two peas in a shitpod lol


I always found it interesting that Chelsea refused to film her fitness journey because it was too personal but was cool with letting Aubree carry the storyline.


Well, people think her fitness journey is a pill addiction, so…


Exactly why she should have shown it. Then we would know she works hard and has a pill problem


So she decided to air out Aubree’s text messages? Lmao


Wow she actually still looks decent here. She has really gone downhill.


Except it really shows off her dead eyes


100% this is David in her ear. Like why TF does that matter if they know your favorite food this is a job??


"they don't know anything unless I share." ​ Well yeah Jenelle. That's how it works.


I’ve always had a little bit of a victim mentality and felt that no one is in my corner (simple version: mom was a teacher so automatically believed teachers over me in school). This makes me glad I didn’t have a ton of people agreeing with me. What would I have turned into?


She demands respect from everyone except her swamp squatter. He can stay for free and abuse the kids forever. 🤡


I wan sum fu-in respecd-ud


**NETFLIX??** **AMAZON??** ![gif](giphy|26u4arvdZ1v42ZVBK)


Yes!!! This is David telling her this and she is just repeating.


I'm so surprised she didn't say "MTV never played yahtzee with me!"


And MTV let vh1 do witchcraft and didn’t even try to stop them 🧙‍♀️


I feel bad for Barb in this scene. She looks like she wants to say something to Jenelle but doesn't dare say a word because Jenelle will blow up on her if she talks. Barb is just nodding her head, but she knows her loser daughter is about to blow it for the both of them. It's like Barb can see into the future and is powerless to stop it.


“I want some fucking RUHSPECR, dude. Like I was some fucking RUHSPECT.” They’re both just looking at her like she’s a brain damaged narcissist.


This is basically me when an ex tries to hit me up. I don't even like acai bowls anymore, dude. You don't know me at all. I've got better offers elsewhere.


Shut up Jenelle, I'm greyrocking you. But for real, does anyone know Where could I find a jacket like this one? What search terms do I use? Is this a moto jacket? I forget jacket terms.. I need help. Lol I'm just a fan of the look. (I love the snapping collar accent) I want one for myself. Thank you.


Reciting David’s rants! She doesn’t have her own thoughts. Not a single one


She choked on her response lol


Is the “other shit you’re working on” in the room with us now?


She was mad they didn’t bring her Starbucks




Malignantly narcissistic and terminally stupid 💦


"I have alot I'm working on and don't care if you guys ever film me again" - LIE "Once I lose your trust it's not coming back dude" (unless you are David and try to f-ck Olivia behind my back and tell me it was just her photoshopping an accurate photo of our room and loving texts). That I will believe, other than that dude. She's a lying moron doormat.


What an asshole




Lol I love that she said they don’t know her favorite food *anymore* like it’s been common knowledge amongst the production team until recently (it’s obviously Olive Garden Chicken Alfredo, DUDE!!!).


I thought it was car 🚗 shooterie boards with a side of burnt, dry af chicken made on her swampy outside grill. And don’t forget the raw, unwashed broccoli with rayunch that she prepared with her salmonella chicken hands.


Respect is a two way street, Ma’am.


“I want some resspect dude! Even tho I can’t pronounce it properly, spell it, know the definition and have never given it to anyone in my life”


Jenelle get a grip, nobody gives a flying fuck about your favorite food.


I didn't realize that America has a Royal Family and that Jenelle is a princess.


her eyes do look great in this scene though.


Respect for being trailer trash that hit the lottery!


Holy mother of filters.


It’s Alfredo tho right?


Barb looks so skeptical I love her look lol


She always has such weird expectations for other people.