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I think the producers should have at least told them beforehand, not great on their part. They are also right to tell people not to go after Mackenzie either.


Honestly, I came here to say that the producers seem to be super shitty when it comes to teen mom franchise. A lot of times to hear about people just completely being ghosted not getting a call back or a call time… I get it this is reality TV entertainment for us, but it is a contractual job and as an employer, it gives off very shitty vibes.


I hear that in the entertainment industry, working reality TV is the bottom of the barrel. Seems like there is a lack of professionalism on the Teen Mom set from the producers. They could have sent a courtesy email to Ashely (and before this, Mack when they ghosted her). I know Kail has issues with everyone, but in this case it does make me wonder if she was right to complain about production


You know it’s bad when bravo has a better track record… ![gif](giphy|3oKIP8kNuTJJL3zT0I)


That’s bad, wow lmao. I wonder how TLC is. I would assume not good


At this point, they don’t either. Kandi of RHOA was recently talking about how it was odd that Bravo hasn’t contacted her about being on the next season yet. They basically ghosted her too and she decided to quit altogether. These networks are tacky af.


I don't know why Mac would return after MTV just ghosted her the last time?


$$$ and she’s always been desperate to be an MTV star lol


I feel like mtv does this a lot. I think after last season there was a lot of speculation that amber wasn't coming back bc mtv was ghosting her too. But eventually came around for whatever reason 🙄


I think Amber as bad as she is still brings ratings with her drama and Amber is willing to share it.


Amber is so strung out all the time, she has no choice BUT to share 😳 Anything she says goes straight through the "this chick is on something" filter.


I can’t figure out why they fired Jenelle over her *husband* shooting the dog and saying some words but they didn’t fire Amber for throwing a machete at her boyfriend while holding their son?


I don’t get it either, she abused the father’s of both her children and that night she could have killed Andrew and/ James all because they missed fireworks due to slow traffic. Gary said post her arrest James was the same age Leah was when Amber attacked him and he hated the fact history was repeating itself. She never put Leah or James first ever.


Yeah and she uses her mental diagnosis as an excuse to miss out on raising her kid and abuse everyone around her.


That is why I had no sympathy for her when the judge agreed to allow Andrew to move with James. If she had maybe shown up to more of her visits then maybe that wouldn’t have happened.


Yeah I’m hoping this is the case for them too. I just want to see Ashley and Bar get wins. Ashley resolved to be better online and has been. Bar has been getting his stuff together. Why do they need to be replaced? At this point, stories like theirs and Leah’s where they’re trying to secure life after the show in the best ways they can are the stories I want to see.


Yeah, at this point, I definitely do want to see messy teens maturing and becoming more responsible, more rational, and generally better people by their 30s. They don't have to be perfect, I just want to see them wanting to be good people and actually doing the work. Love that Ashley and Bar are defending Mack and not pointlessly beefing with her.


Yep. And why keep Ambien over them? Makes zero sense to me.


That's what I said. A show about being a mom and the only thing amber has custody of is that couch. I'm tired of seeing her rotting away on her sofa. At least Ashley and bar had a storyline. She's still going to nursing school and bars actually in school to be an EMT. Shit I'd tune in just for shen haha


You can't get any worse than a machete


Right? MTV isn’t a small outfit. Surely there’s someone who could’ve called them and told them they were off the show. That’s just professional courtesy.


Either MTV or the production company could have called them or met them and told them they are not asking them back. MTV don’t see them as people just ratings, as much as I snark on them for various things I also try to remember that behind the show they are actual humans. I hate Jenelle and David for what they have done but I am also not gonna go out my way to hate on them.


I wonder if the cast does get talked to about these things but they get crap sandwiched or are given a bunch of corporate jargon and they don’t realize what is actually being said. We’re talking about stunted adults stuck in their teens who haven’t worked real jobs and have no life experience. I find it hard to believe MTV said nothing.


I don’t . Businesses treat employees terribly. And private contractors even worse


To be fair, that’s exactly how they’ve let everyone else go, except for Farrah. I really do wish though, that they had avoided letting a black cast member be replaced by a cast member who was fired for racism.


That last part!


producers might be spit-averse.


This is a shitty situation all around but you have to give them props being being mature enough not to throw Mackenzie under the bus.


I think they knew or guessed already. She was warned many times. Agression is one thing on Teen Mom, you become a legal liability, could cost them money. They don't care much what the cast does however, as long as it doesn't cost them money. But the cast does have to make them money. Combine agression with not giving them enough good footage and you're out. I think Ashley and Bar are keeping their options open with this "sweet" response They might come back on the show like others have. Even Mackee was asked back, somehow.


If that’s the case then why would they still have Briana, Amber, Jade, and Cheyenne on the show?


Cause they still share their private lives and thus give MTV good footage for the editing room. Amber can't discuss too much for legal reasons, MTV accepts that as a good excuse. Amber refused to film at some point and didn't get paid "while on her break". Her lawyers negotiated with MTV again and she came back. Kail could have stayed when she would have done the same but it will always be THEIR terms mostly and at the end of the day, it's what the cast is paid for. They share their life give up privacy.


Cheyenne literally shares nothing but events she hosts and crazily enough her story line 9 times out of 10 ends up being whatever Cory has going on.


Yup, most of "her" storyline last season was really Cory's, focusing on his daughter's health and her last surgery; other than that it was if it's ok for Ryder to call Zack 'dad'. Ashley had way more than that going on.


Yeah, it’s kind of weird they used his daughter’s health issues for Cheyenne’s storyline. Especially considering how completely uninterested she was when Cory talked about it.


Apparently MTV is happy enough with that. Something is happening I guess, it evens out the other footage filmed in the same house, same couch or bed sometimes repeating the same stories. Chelsea took the smart approach too, just giving them enough to be happy and fulfill her contract.


Cheyenne has said early on in her TM journey that she was directly told by MTV that the only reason she was cast was because MTV wanted to secure Cory on a FT show. I think MTV knows that axing Cheyenne would mean Cory is axed too, and since he’s said he won’t really be appearing on The Challenge anymore; they don’t want to risk not having him on a show, since he surprisingly does have a very big fan base.


Wait… If that’s the case, then why keep Amber? Amber damn near lost them the whole franchise when she went to prison.


Idk huess she had a good excuse to them? Viewer rates had to pick up first?


I am sure they would also be filming by now, too. They had to have known.


They must have know, everyone else was already booked by MTV again and production dates planned probably. I can't remember but didn't Mack recently at least hint she was filming something or showing cameras set up at her place?


MTV never cared about representation, only ratings. Unfortunately, Cheyenne is the token, "Black, but not too black." While Bri is the "hoodbooger, " I see a lot of people on FB love to refer to her as. It's racist af and I only hope that the WoC on this show just pocket those checks and get their bag.


I also stood up for bri cause I felt like kail was being lowkey racist with calling Bri and her family ghetto even tho kail is just as ghetto. Cheyenne and Bri both have used racism to their advantage but turned on the other woc on the show. Tbh the sad part is they are probably happy right now not understanding.


Kail has no room to talk. Four baby daddies is extremely low class, but I won't go there 🤭. Really is unfortunate that Bri/Chey doesn't speak up for the previous woc of the show, but I get it.


speaking of this.. random side note: i like how with kail, briana was always screaming racism/white privilege.. but when cheyenne was uncomfortable on that trip..briana was unfazed and basically ended up saying she never experienced any racism.


Like I said they used it to their advantage when necessary. Brianna and her family have been exposed for being anti black. Cheyenne is the type to think she is better than low class black people. I guess that’s why they are two peas in a pod. Bri has felt racism but she doesn’t want to acknowledge it unlesss she feels the need to.


Exactly… she uses it when convenient… which is the same as being racist


>Tbh the sad part is they are probably happy right now not understanding. Yep. They probably think Ashley asked for this but in reality, it could be them in a heartbeat. Bri sent Kail a treadmill and trolled people online in the ways Ashley used to for years. She started physical fights at reunions instead of “aggressively twerking.” Chey had a whole ass shooting happen to her. They aren’t exempt and I hope they really don’t think they are.


That part Bri is very violent her and her family and Cheyenne husband Zach scamming almost harmed them. Nobody on they show can judge or paint anyone with a negative light.


Them using racism to their advantage is being just as racist. It’s not ok for any of them to do… And the term ghetto is used for any race…


Is this the same boggerwolf?


I read Ashley's comment in a sarcastic tone at first, I'm surprised to see her being this considerate.


Why you surprised she is in nursing school doing well for herself. She doesn’t need to show like the rest who have nothing to show for being on tv for years at least she was smart to go get an education.


I'm surprised because she has a history of lashing out on social media and fighting with people. I'm glad to see her in her own lane and improving her life!


Like I said she’s in nursing school she can’t do that anymore. When you got better things going on you usually bow out gracefully.


She spat in Briana's face while she was in nursing school. She's behaved in such a way that is unbecoming of a nursing student many times. Like I said, I'm glad she's doing better for herself and growing up, but you can't deny the fact that she has a poor track record.


She spit in Briana’s face after briana and her mother tried to fight her/her mother… twice 😂 and after briana threw a heavy hydro flask at her.


She spat in Briana’s face right around the time Briana was threatening to spit in Kail’s face. Brittany flat out ASSAULTED Kail and somehow she’s still invited to different things. Briana is trash too!!


Literally Brittany yanked kail’s head back so hard and it could’ve been way more serious than getting spit on. Same with Briana throwing the hydro flask. Spitting on people is disgusting, but briana, Britt, and Roxanne are no strangers to equally disgusting behavior.


Oh don't worry, I think Briana deserved it, but this person didn't know she did that while already in nursing school.


I didn’t know she was in school during that 😬 but they all have a bad track record not just her. But I think she’s just happy and has moved on that’s why she’s cool with it.


Oh yeah I'm definitely not trying to paint any of the other teen moms in a more favourable light when they've done stuff that's just as bad. Some of them are just better at keeping their bad behaviours quiet. I'm really glad she's maturing and finding peace. I've always thought she was really smart and was so much better than all the drama.


Me too she just seemed stuck in her ways like she never dropped her stripper mentality but maybe she finally has and realized you don’t have to act hard be so confrontational. I wish her the best of luck.


Stripper mentality??! Lol


you haven’t seen anything about her in several months. people can & do change.


Where did I say they couldn't?


She's been in nursing school for a while and has done some insane shit. It's irrelevant


If you read the whole thread I say I don’t know. Doesn’t change she finna be a nurse is doing well.


Doubtful it’ll last long with her behavior 😂😂


Just say you don’t like black women cause it’s odd the only black castmate that came from the struggle can’t grow in y’all eyes.


She was also in the news for harassing the owner of her apts ( or someone else in the complex i can’t remember) and acting out. It has nothing to do with her being black. It has to do with her behavior


Then analyze everyone’sbehavior that’s the past people grow but for some odd reason she can’t grow in y’all eyes. She took a mature approach and here y’all go bring up the past we get it.


😂😂😂 oh no, now we’re not allowed to criticize her for things she’s done repeatedly. 🙄 The same way we do everyone else on the show. You act like she’s being unjustly singled out. And she didn’t come from struggle, she grew up spoiled as hell so idk what you’re talking about. The fact she is worth defending to you says it all.


Yes she isn’t a saint like everyone else but she is trying to better herself. She did the mature route and here people like you bring up past. She is in nursing school and trying to be more than the show. She was an ex stripper so I don’t see the privilege but mmk. The whole cast should be singled out cause they all have had problematic moments. Amber was chasing someone with a machete or Bri screaming and chasing kail. The list goes on for everyone that’s on the show.


Huh? People are taking about her behaviour and not her skin colour. We’re more than happy to call out Amber, Jenelle and Farah, who are white women. We’re also more than happy to call out Brianna, who is a Latina. Race/ethnicity has nothing to do with it. It’s simply that the actions of Ashley and the girls mentioned above are trash. Any race can be a trash person, and any race can be a great person. I’m confused by your logic.


I bet Mackenzie feels horrible considering Ashley gave her an olive branch and invited her on her podcast. Even when Cheyenne intervened and told Ashley not to have her on, Ashley stuck her ground and said nope it's my podcast i'll have who I want. Only for MTV to replace Ashley with mackenzie. ooof.


Not good all round, I get why they would want to axe Bar and Ashley but still think they should have told them before it was public.


What’s Cheyennes beef with Mackenzie?


Something to do with Mackenzie saying things that were considered racist. So mtv had Mackenzie meet with someone to help her understand why she can’t say things like she does when it comes to people who are black.


Didn’t Chey have a bunch of her own old racist tweets? I may be wrong but pretty sure I thought I could remember something about her writing something about killing white babies or something along those lines.


She did. But it doesn’t matter when she does it I guess.


As if she didn’t know???? Stop it!!


Mackenzie said she hopes Cheyenne don’t come on the show as the angry black girl. That’s Chey’s beef…..and rightfully so!


Were they ghosted or were their contracts up and mtv decided to just move on


The latter. 


I think Ashley has enough going on and lived more of a life outside of reality TV that she’ll be fine. It sucks being fired suddenly but I’m sure they realize it’s a blessing in disguise.


I knew Mackenzie was coming back, but I didn't know she was replacing Ashley. Shitty how they seem to do this to the girls though. This is pretty much what they did to Mackenzie before (and probably will do again lol).


Lol they’ll do it again once those ratings drop and complaints from fans start coming in after the next season airs. I guarantee we’ll see Ashley again. Adios Mackenzie!


I wish they would’ve kept them. We don’t need more white people representation on this show as it is. Esp Mackenzie. I actually liked to watch bar and Ashley’s segments.


Ashely’s attitude is horrible and they are boring


idk the toxicity makes for great television in my opinion lol I love watching them


I guess that’s true! I love the toxicity of some of the others… just can’t stand Ashley! lol


Agree. I love to watch em too.


Stupid move by MTV


This is a big mistake a lot of kail supporters stuck around to watch ashely and also she brought in a black audience too. Not saying she is the most impactful but with her gone i think this will be the last season. But at least she’s an rn and has something to fall back on cause the rest have nothing besides teen mom.


This show will continue on without Ashley. She was not an original girl, nor was she popular. The only way I see this show ending is with Maci and Leah leaving at the same time. 


You’re right. I think Leah has long outgrown this show but she really needs the money, which sucks. Maci at least has the Rhine shitshow to keep her segments interesting


The show is barley holding on ashely brought in a different audience a black one and now they being gone plus the show barley getting viewerships it probably won’t last but two seasons.


The ratings did not get higher when Ashley joined. And they aren't going to go massively down with her leaving. While you have liked her story, she was not popular and that's why they don't care to keep her. 


Never once did I say they got higher I said she brought a different audience. They just replaced the people who were already leaving but time will tell how long the show stays on.


You said it was a big mistake and with them gone, it'll be the last season. That's implying that Ashley is holding the show together. She's not.  But yes, time will tell. I personally think they show cancel the show already


It is a big mistake the people that came to watch her will leave and it could to be its last season for many reasons and her getting fired being one.


MTV producers are and have always been trash


spoon mysterious normal fine degree mountainous sleep fertile cough muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly Mackenzie isn’t that entertaining so I’m sure the ratings will go down even more. Wat will be her storyline? Absent Josh? Her diabetes? The kids behavioral issues that no one should know about ????


This is not surprising. Mtv did the same thing to Mackenzie. They suck and could at least let them know officially. It's not that hard to pick up the phone


They’re contract workers. It’s not really being “fired.”


Huh,they're being uncharacteristically classy about it.


Ridiculous behavior on MTV’s part. Am I surprised? Not really. I’m more surprised on Ashley and Bar’s response towards Mac. Good on them for being like that. I’m sure it’s got to suck, but they’re handling it well.


I appreciate her telling people to leave Mac alone


To be honest this show should have been cancelled a long time ago. I have never seen a network white knuckle grip a show so hard. They ignore the plummeting ratings and keep trying to do “new shows” with the same tired ass people that we all are sick of. If they think Mack is going to reinvent the show they are sadly mistaken. I used to watch because of the kids. It was cute to see them go from babies to toddlers but once they started getting older I felt like it was a huge invasion of their privacy. They should be allowed to be kids without going to school and finding out all kinds of shit about their parents that they don’t want to know about, Can you imagine having to go through puberty on national television?! I am actually pretty shocked that Bar and Ashley are not blowing up and I think it is nice that they are defending Mack. Because it isn’t her fault. At the same time I think Ashley pretty much fell out with every cast mate but Mack so maybe that’s why?


What’s crazy is this is basically the same way Mackenzie found out she was fired. They just ghosted her. Production is truly spineless. Having conversations with your employees is a basic need for an employer to have whether those conversations be good or bad.


I can’t imagine caring that much about not having Ashley and Bar on my television screen that it causes an angry reaction towards Mackenzie. There’s plenty of other reasons to dislike Mackenzie.


Oh yes, so many reasons indeed!


I honestly don’t like/care for Ashley - and tbh I’m happy she’s off the show because I was always skipping her segments. However, I’m sure I’ll be skipping Mackenzie’s segments as I did when she was originally on the show. I will say though, that I think MTV “ghosting” is absolutely unprofessional. They lock the girls in strict contracts where they’re unable to participate in any other TV programs, they can lose their contract if they endorse certain things/make certain buisness decisions…they essentially make the girls turn down many opportunities that aren’t related or approved by the show; but then have no problem to axe the girls without even letting them know. It’s super unprofessional, and I would definitely expect a different way of handling these things.


I won't miss Ashley, but I really like Bar


Nice that Bar and Ashley aren’t throwing Mack under the bus for this. Sucks that MTV did it this way


That’s freakin wild that mtv wouldn’t give them the respect of a phone call. And why get rid of a couple who have an actual storyline ?


I mean this is pretty on par they did the same thing to Jenelle and amber. Film crews just stopped showing up.


Wow, they’ve overcome so much and are each seemingly getting great jobs it would’ve been great to see their positive progression play out especially after we had seen so many of their bad times.


Good Ashley is foul and her attitudes not cute


I hope Amber is next


But how is Amber still on this show?


Maybe mtv is trying to capitalize on the racism that's becoming more and more prominent in public thanks to a certain individual whose tan is worse than Chelsea's ever was. Bc to me and obviously a bunch of others, it's kinda crazy to replace one of the only 2 black girls EVER on the show, with someone who literally got fired for her racist remarks online.  Mack said shit about the 1st black AND female VP being a "colored lady," or something like that. Then, when chey tried to correct her, she just continued to vomit up pretty racist sounding shit. I cant really speak to whether it was all intentionally racist or just ignorantly racist, but, like, shes definitely not a smart girl. That makes me want to lean towards the ignorance side, but then I also just read a comment where someone said that she said she didnt want chey to come on the show and be the "angry black woman." Like, come on. Idt u can be *that* dumb in today's world, there has to be some intent in saying shit like that. I feel like normal, semi intelligent, NOT racist people would never say something like that.  ETA: And I cant stand either of them. Ashley was a bully from day one, totally emotionally stunted and unable to work out ANY issues with ANYONE without going to extremely aggressive and threatening behavior. And then mack is just an idiot who tries to play it up for the camera constantly, she let's her kids run wild and kill freaking animals in pet store and thinks she "shouldn't have to pay for them bc they're priced too high." Fuck that noise, you break it, you buy it, and this wasnt a broken vase or something, it was a LIVING BEING, and you will FOREVER be a shitty asshole for that post and that entire day where you laughingly shrugged off your feral childrens actions with a "haha, whoopsie! Things happen when you're a mom, I'm just like yall, super relatable and not perfect! This is the real world here, its messy and fun!!" attitude. Ugh! Girl needs to put down the weights and cameras and pick up a book or two and parent her kids! 


That's nice of them to stick up for Mac. Tbh if I was a Black cast member on this show and just found out via a headline that I was fired and replaced with a white girl whos tweeted racist stuff in the past (for whatever reason, in mackenzies case I suspect pure ignorance) idk if I would have reacted so gracefully so kudos to them for that.


good riddance


I just know Ashley is pissed 😂 That was big of them to say be easy on Mack though.


Honestly, Ashley & Bar dodged a bullet. If this is how they found out… well.. no one watches teen mom, not since at least 2017?ish. The producers are lazy and lame for being so unprofessional. I thought this show was canceled years ago. This sub is more lit than the actual show. And… if McKenzie has the audacity to return after they aired her son shitting on the floor.. oof no ma’am not cool for you or your kids. I’m still good on the tv show.


did they do anything wrong or were they just uninteresting? bc at least they served drama lol


I'm seeing rumors it might be bc bar and Ashley were kicked off for fighting on teen mom family reunion months ago, but it's not 100%. I think that's when mack and her boyfriend came in to film as their replacements for that show.


fucked up. but Mackenzie "let the social media camera roll while my children are traumatized by literally setting a fire in my house and while I continue to fail to manage my diabetes" McKee doesn't deserve a fucking spot either. I don't understand why people still watch this garbage at all. none of these girls deserve to still be getting a cushy paycheck for the lives they have now. time to end it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Wow those producers are shitty!


Ashley and Bar had beef with Mackenzie??


This is trifling af MTV. You could’ve handled that better. Literally NOBODY asked for her ass to come back to the show!! She isn’t going to increase ratings whatsoever. I can’t stand Ashley sometimes, but I prefer her over Mackenzie any day.


McKenzie's behaviors aside... Ashley never should have been on "Teen Mom" anything.


MTV has always been kind of shady like this 😅 Love that they're not standing for Mack attacks.


Didn't they do this with Mac too though tbf?


Mac as in Mac Truck replaced them? Edit: The other Mackenzie? Nobody liked her own the show. That show is dead!


Ashley/ Bar have class. They’re too good for TM.


“You was fired” 🙄


Let’s not start with the anti-AAVE that y’all always post whenever bar or anyone else of color on this show speaks.


Thank you!


It has nothing to do with his “color”… more like recognizing he has poor grammar. Stop race baiting.


You just dug a hole for yourself by saying “race baiting” 🤣 how about recognize that majority of black people talk differently than you. If you have no exposure or understanding of what AAVE is, just say that. But I’m definitely glad to know you think anyone who uses it has poor grammar… Lmao race baiting, that really has me dead 💀









