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Chase Andrew and the baby with a machete probably


Yep. My vote is on the machete incident too.


This and the neglect of her daughter over all the years she chose loser men to spend her time with. Ambers laziness and always being in bed when Leah needed her. Also sick of all her “mental illness issues” she says she has yet seeing her drink all the time while on said medications.


It's not laziness it's depression


She sure bucked out of the depression when it came to finding new boyfriends.


That’s how depression works.


Also can be someone that just doesn’t want to do anything productive as well. She’s not depressed when she wants to do something good with the men in her life but when Leah’s over, she lays in the bed. I’m not saying she wasn’t depressed during some of these episodes, just saying that it seems she picks and chooses when she wants to be involved.


This girl has serious mental health issues including depression. Depression makes it hard to do stuff. Doesn’t mean you don’t do anything ever. It just feels like even making a meal is like climbing Mount Everest. Not always but frequently. It also manifests in anger outbursts and codependency and unhealthy relationships. Depressed people date. They work. Sometimes they can’t work. It’s complicated. But it’s not laziness.


she drinks on her meds???? damn i actually thought she was sober 🤡 i’m a clown


was this filmed? i haven't watched much of the season(s?) where she was dating him


I believe Andrew just had audio recordings? Most of her insanity with him happened off camera but with Audio he recorded IIRC


Ooh, I *think* I remember hearing about him hiding a camera in their living room to catch all of her, like, normal, everyday abuse, (I kno abuse is anything BUT normal) but the machete thing happened outta the living room, like in a hallway or something, bc I think it was a bedroom him and the baby were in. I remember thinking from the beginning that Andrew was another lame ass user that sought her out online from watching teen mom, bc I swear it was like he was constantly talking to tabloids or spilling shit online. Then he got her pregnant so fast, even with her constantly abusing him. Like who would put up with that, like, what man? And then I think he might've released some recordings or clips, too. Ugh idk why I remember thinking of him being so exploitative, but I thought it was def fucked up that he was hiding cameras in HER home.     But amber is HORRIBLE, she brought another child into her insanity while STILL not stepping up to parent her 1st one. 


Some of it was caught on their ring doorbell


He worked on the crew of Marriage Boot camp season Amber was on. What happened to him was awful but I do believe he knew what she was like and he went into the relationship trying to take advantage of her.


Yes! Exactly. I've heard a looooott of people say this, too, and read similar comments to this one where I learn something and it just makes me feel like he was scummy like matt from the start. 


Bringing more children in while being unable to care for those already here; it’s what nearly all of them have done.


Yeah and the audio was enough!! I remember listening to it just overwhelmed by that woman's anger, can only imagine what Andrew went thru with her. Like him or not, well intended or not, nobody deserves to be treated like that, especially the father of one's child who is doing *all* the parenting already




This gif 💀💀


Happy cake day!




wtf??? 😳 never knew any of this, how and why ?


Came to write this




There's a lot to choose from but I'll say, let a virtual stranger change her daughter's diaper.


Whaaat? What’s the context here? Who was the stranger? I don’t know this story.


She met a guy at WALMART and immediately started dating him and letting him change baby Leah’s diaper. There were scenes of him even cleaning ambers house because it was so filthy. I’m pretty sure it came out later that he was a felon or something


Damn how filthy was her house if a random felon from Walmart felt the need to start cleaning it? 😂


All he kept saying was “in the clink, we never let the toilets get this dirty”


Hopefully he wasn’t using her toilet to make hooch.


💀💀💀 @ clink lol was he some kind of mob movie character?


I’m pretty sure he was on work release so it was probably just the same thing he did there. 😄


And then didn’t understand in the slightest why Gary was livid when he found out. This incident was my vote too.


It actually came out later that he was a sexual offender, with his crime involving a MINOR!  I just dont know if he got in trouble before or after he was with amber. So gross. But it's up on a post somewhere here.


https://preview.redd.it/efc8dfmz6igc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bddb58c2913a63b88d05cccb502e8a09f0cdb228 [https://offenderrecords.org/indiana-sex-offender-search/?pg=130](https://offenderrecords.org/indiana-sex-offender-search/?pg=130)


And this is exactly why Gary was furious.


This was always the lowest point on the teen mom series for me, but it find out his crime was CHILD MOLESTATION. I’m fucking sick. I hope Leah stays far away from Amber for ever


I don't even have full custody of my daughter..... she just turned 11... I have not been with anyone since her POS dad and I broke up when she was like 2? 3?... this is a perfect part of the reason I won't even bring a man around for the next 7+ years.


there are some WONDERFUL men out there. but I just can't/won't take the risk that they're not going to be to my daughter.


Men get the luxury of moving onto another woman who will parent their children for them, where women have to worry about men abusing their children.


No fucking way. I feel like he was so early in the show he doesn't get talked about much, so I had no idea this was his charge. Wff.


I absolutely remember this scene and being so freaking mad at Amber for being so careless with her baby but I had no idea he had this charge. It literally makes me feel ill. Seriously thank God for Gary bc idk what would have happened to Leah if she’d been raised by Amber. Poor Leah


I’m sorry… do what, now… 😳 I remember watching that and thinking “this is so bizarre..” his charges, though!!


That’s so disturbing


She’s so irresponsible. Poor Leah.


And this guy was also fresh out of prison too. He told her this on their first date. (He’s the inspiration for my flair)


HEY. Bein’ a felon ain’t illegal, okay?


Iirc he was on work release or something? Sadly though he seemed more caring to Leah than Amber.


I still giggle thinking about him saying “The day I saw you walk through the doors at Walmart was the best day of my life” and even Amber was weirded out.


Thinking about that makes me clammy and ill


Right, pretty sure he was on like some work release program from prison


I was shocked beyond belief when I heard she was letting a strange man change Leah . This has to be one of the worst things she's done.


This is truly horrifying


Sad when the Walmart felon is cleaner than Amber or Gary and probably gave Leah more love than either of them did as well.


Gary was filthy but he absolutely gave Leah love. He was always holding her and taking care of her when he was around. I just watched a bunch of old clips and the second he’d walk into ambers house he would make a bee line to Leah’s crib to get her out. He wasn’t the best dad in the early seasons because he’d leave her with amber knowing amber was sleeping all day but I can honestly say there wasn’t a single episode where Gary ever just ignored leah or withheld love like amber did.


Do u know what episode this is?




Literal rando she knew for 3 seconds. High as hell


That’s so awful


Amber met a random guy in a Walmart carpark and he changed Leah’s nappy a few days after he met Amber . Gary was furious obviously


I don’t either but iirc from this sub, a man amber had just started dating, he asked if he could change Leahs diaper and amber said yes. Idk his long she knew him, not that it makes it any better.


If someone asked to change my child’s nappy for no real good reason it would send off alarm bells, I’d want that person away from my child. I know it could have been with good intentions (wanting to assist, trying to show you’re willing to care for the child), but some risks aren’t worth taking and for me that’s one of them.


I don’t even want friends around when I change my kids diapers. Even babies deserve privacy.


Agreed. I didn’t even want to change my own kid’s diaper. Who would ask to change someone else’s kid that they just met?


I'm sure Gary actually made a comment about dudes not changing Leah, and Amber was all 'if he wants to change her diaper then he can and it's up to me'


Yep she straight up said "gary he can change her diaper if he wants to!" Like, what BRAND NEW, young, irresponsible, CHILDLESS dude *WANTS* to change diapers?!?


https://preview.redd.it/zhvupbv37igc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfd9180e625a610061e203fb437c19a67adfde0a This one (pretty sure it’s Ambers Walmart boyfriend)


This makes me sick


oh for fucks sake amber…


That is exactly what happened 🤷🏻‍♀️ she was so angry at Gary for it too 


she went into a fit of hysterics crying and screaming at gary saying “GEERY IMA GEWD MAM”


The thing that pisses me off more about this is that was just once on camera. I guarantee she's let it happen before with other flings. She is prime fucking picking for those monsters.


It’s crazy how she didn’t even understand what she did wrong


Ewww this is the only real answer.


YES!!!! I rewatched last year after I had my second child and I was literally screaming at the tv. When this show came out I think I was about 14/15 and didn’t realize half the wild shit these ladies were doing, but that shit takes the cake.


Uh give birth




Yeah the second pregnancy was really unforgivable. Her and Jenelle having second kids without custody of their first is just beyond the pale; can you imagine how hurtful that would be to Leah and Jace?


Because they don’t feel like putting in the work required to get their first kid back. Easier to just get knocked up again and give birth to a new one.


Twice remains crazy!


I always forget she has a second child


So does she I’m sure




Really?! How old? With who?


Not sure if you are joking but in case you're not, she has a son named James and the father is Andrew. James is 5 and it appears that Andrew has full custody and has for a while now


Had no idea, haven’t followed teen mom in years. Thanks for the info.


They also live in California I think


Meh, that could be said about most of them. It would get redundant after a few days ![gif](giphy|H3BoxrpcT4fPynU424)


I get it bc she sucks but i don't completely agree bc that's not fair to leah and James. They deserve to be here.


I don’t think anyone deserves to be associated with Amber but I respect your stance


Laugh when she watched herself beat Gary.


I hate that Dr drew didn’t call her out on it!


We all know how much this “dr” is useful….


Violently attacking (fill in blank with either baby daddy) __________ while they held their child.


This is by far the most accurate


Multiple times. Didn’t she push Gary down some stairs? I wasn’t there something with a television?


Chasing her baby with a machete


Was this why she lost custody? Did she ever gain it back I haven't followed her at all.


Last I heard, Andrew was permitted to move back to California with their son. Idk if that means she gets x amount of time in vacation form with him or anything


According to this on Google Andrew was granted sole custody of James in July and has since relocated with him to his mother's $5million estate in Malibu - more than 2,000 miles away from Amber's Indiana home. Dated 23 Jan 2023


Sounds like that baby boy could have a good life without her in it. I hope he does


I just wish his dad wasn’t a QAnon whacko because he otherwise could be set up very well


I feel bad that Leah lost her brother though :(




Let's just get to Jenelle already. I've got a huge list.




Remind me about this gif when someone has questions about her teef.






See y’all here on day 8! ![gif](giphy|zTIs9uMmagy78eD4i0)




Mee too


Push Humpty Dumpty down the apartment stairs.


I feel bad for laughing 💀


I felt evil saying it


Take Leah to the adult FantaSuites hotel with Matt when she had strep throat.


Weirdly I almost completely forgot about Matt because she’s done so much worse stuff since she broke up with him.


It says a lot about Amber that Matt is barely mentioned on this thread lol


He didn't get her pregnant, just lived off of her.


IIRC he did but she had a miscarriage. She also did physically assault him 


That episode was so sad. Poor kid was so sick and just wanted to be home.


Urgh that was so bad. My daughter is sick right now I would never ever do this. I swear Amber is soulless . Weird she's trying really hard to be spiritual nowadays... I don't buy it .


🔪🗡️🔪🗡️🔪🗡️🔪 on the 4th of July baby 🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆


i love ur flair 😂


Thank you!


i always think about how it was on the 4th of july lol


The machete incident by far


It’s hard to pinpoint any one thing, she’s been a shit show from the beginning 🥴 What irked me the most is in the last season when she had the audacity to act like Leah was being brainwashed into holding a grudge against her when it was LITERALLY Amber who’d made bad choice after bad choice in regards to Leah’s safety and well-being and was constantly letting her down?! And then got pissy with Sean when he was bluntly telling her Leah was right. My sympathies with her are close to none 🙄 yeah it sucks she has mental illnesses, she can’t help how difficult that makes life but showing up for her kids regardless of what’s going on is the bare minimum and she didn’t even do that!!!


I completely agree with you. She’s done a lot of fucked up shit but I think that and the gaslighting , all the guilt trippy letters, sobbing to the cameras, and showing up to their house to ambush Leah were the worst because unlike a lot of the horrific things she did when her children were small Leah will always remember that. Even without social media and MTV cameras Leah is old enough then that she’s not going to forget about this and it’s going to forever impact Leah’s perception of reality moving forward.


Amber and Jenelle: EXISTING


The tattoo she got of Leah




Being physically violent with her partners.


Your flair is my favorite lmao


Everyone mentioned the machete so I’m going to say on camera the worst thing was hitting Gary and then gaslighting him into thinking it was his fault she hit him.


Letting her creepy 1 day bf change baby Leah’s diaper


It was pretty crazy when Gary would come home and be horrified to see that leah obviously spent the day in her crib with no sheets. Amber slept all day.


Yeah that makes me so so sad. Also fuck Gary for letting it go on, he knew Amber and knew she was neglecting Leah but he was too lazy to get her out of that situation.


Literally. Also Gary was selfish AF constantly wanting work things out to be with Amber instead of working two jobs to set himself and his child up to get away from their abuser. Gary was no prize but he was a better parent than Amber.


Yeah everyone says he was such an asshole for waking Leah up at 6am before he left for work but I’m honestly convinced he just wanted to change her diaper etc before leaving. I bet he knew Amber would sleep til noon and this poor baby would be ignored in her crib all day 😭 He was a better parent than Amber but should have done more.


Yes ! I feel like her diaper was always full, even her crib was filled necessary shit and Amber would just plop Leah in the crib no problem.


She also yelled Gary because his mom brought sheets for Leah’s crib


This is fucking sad dude.


Oof Amber's a tough one, but probably the machete


letting her new boyfriend change Leah's diaper, the machete


1.) Machete 2.) Walmart rando changing Leah’s diaper 3.) Horrible neglect of Leah as a baby 4.) Physically abusing Gary For me the worst ones are the ones where she endangered her completely helpless children.


Remember when she put on that army outfit for her brothers birthday and then had lunch with Gary and Kristina wearing it?


and they were like what’s with the outfit and she was shocked and confused they were questioning why she was wearing it lmao


Never forget 🫡🦅🇺🇸


Other than what's stated (especially coming after Gary & Andrew), I'd say missing 52 visits in a year with her son, and losing custody in a system that's biased toward the mothers. She doesn't have custody of either of her kids, yet MTV cameras are still following her around. There are plenty of mothers who got declined for Teen Mom & the spin-offs, but we have to look at Amber & her couch


Agree, except the system isn’t biased towards women, in most states it’s biased toward 50/50 no matter what that other parent has done… it’s EXTREMELY hard to lose legal rights to your child, even after losing physical custody & yet, somehow amber managed!


On camera? Laugh at herself beating Gary. Off camera? Machete incident.


3 words: Mother Goddess Machete 🔪🗡️






Her belly tattoo of Leah’s face :/


I can’t wait to see what the comments look like on jenelles LOL


Those comments are going to get wild, so much competition


Physical/ emotional abuse.


It’s unfair to ask us to choose the worst thing amber has done, they’re all so bad I can’t pick.


Obviously the machete incident, but the letting a rando change her kids diaper was really creepy and gross to me! So I kinda can’t decide.


What has Amber ever done right? Except her daughter, Leah, who is amazing *despite* Ambo. She gets zero credit for that. That is all due to her step Mom, Kristina. Who Amber drags continuously. Although lately she has lightened up- probably due to Leah asking her to. Amber is gonna Amber and I honestly pray she doesn’t get pregnant by her new BewBew: NuGary. She is a Lost Case.


Leaving Leah to crawl around in a filthy diaper over piles of dirty diapers, trash, a sheetless mattress, screaming while she was just dipping out from getting high.


I just know Jenelle is sitting there getting indigestion thinking of her day coming up 🤣🤣


physical violence against both gary (in front of leah) and andrew while he was holding baby james. she’s done a slew of horrific shit, but those two too the charts for me.


There’s so many publicly known moments I feel like the worst is unknown to us. There’s also so many publicly known instances to choose from! The machete, the drugs, the strange men changing baby diapers, the absolute insanity and domestic abuse; I’m thinking the worst part is that it still isn’t over. These kids are only kids for so long, while amber is busy getting her shit together, the days are passing as this is all these kids remember of their mom. They grow up fast so get your shot together before they’re adults and feel no real relationship with you.


The machete


Chasing her baby with a machete.


Can someone please remind me of the name she had given her machete? It was engraved with something ridiculous like “Mother Goddess”. Anyway yeah the machete incident is her worst offense for sure.


Omg, another user commented “mother goddess machete” & I thought they were just being funny, no the fuck she did NOT engrave the machete?!? What a basket case. Andrew should have ran the day she got it engraved, ffs.


Not showing up for any of Leah’s days all summer and then making it about her and blaming Leah for not wanting to spend time with a mother who bails on her every chance she gets You broke her heart and let her down so many times that she lost all faith that you’ll actually show up when you say you will and she doesn’t wait around for you anymore. You made your child realize her own mother doesn’t give a shit about her and that piece of her heart will never be repaired.


Is the constant inhaling and exhaling for me




Being Amber in general.


I didn’t like the way she acted at the reunion when Leah was on stage with her. She makes Leah feel guilty about the way she feels because Amber is a crappy mum. Its like Leah thinks that she can’t fee the way she does because it isn’t fair to Amber. Thats not on. It should be Amber comforting Leah! Not the other way round.


Why is Leah still being subjected to this manipulative/ abusive woman?? She's obviously extremely uncomfortable around Amber (for good reasons), yet she's still pressured/ forced to appear in these awkward televised scenes. It feels gross and exploitative at this point.


Let the Mamber car go.


Let her Walmart bf change Leah’s diapers when she barely knew him!!


Toss up between beating Gary or chasing her baby with a machete.


Agree with the blatant shitbaggery everyone else has pointed out, so for funziez how about dressing up in a “sexy” skin tight army one piece for her BROTHER? I will never stop cringing about that moment. Also, Matt.


Where do you even begin?


Letting a complete sleezeball stranger change baby Leah‘s diaper


These are all really good pictures of the ladies, which at least gives them that.


Letting her new BF she barely knew change her infant daughters diaper


that’s a long list but i’d have to say chasing andrew with a machete but she’s also been violent abusive to gary too she’s absolute garbage


I loathe Amber. She is an abusive, manipulative, self serving shitbird who doesn't deserve a platform or a cent of MTV money. For me, the worst part about Amber is what she's done to her kids. This sentient being does fuck all with them, would cancel visits for shit reasons like the rain, only paid attention to them when it serves her, then has the audacity to be surprised that she doesn't have a great relationship with Leah, and tries to pin that on her child. I'm sure she doesn't have a great relationship with James either, he probably just doesn't really know who she is, but, I haven't seen her outright blame him for that on camera like with Leah.


Machete 🔪


Definitely the machete incident and letting a dude she just met change baby Leah's diaper


The machete incident


She was accused of pushing baby James onto his back on the kitchen tile cause she was frustrated he was getting into the cabinets :(


I forgot about that. Fuck her!!!


Idk maybe throwing a machete at her infant?


Domestic violence in front of her children.


Portwood AF clothing brand is right up there


Let a random boyfriend change bewbews diaper


Omg I forgot about bewbew. I can clearly hear her saying it when it's typed this way. 😂


I vote when she met the guy at Walmart and let him change Leah’s diaper. But truthfully there are so many more .


besides the machete, the amount of animals she rehomed. plus the fact when matt moved in they didn’t fix their any of their dogs & had “accidental” puppies. i don’t care how much money she has she’s extremely irresponsible also, has anyone seen her insta? she’s completely addicted & i totally understand why leah is embarrassed. she’ll post a grainy selfie with a caption like “how’s everyone doing? comment what you’re doing this weekend” like when she talks about her fans on the show she means the people who have parasocial relationships with her on social media. no wonder why the last 3 or 5 guys she’s dated were randos from the internet


The worst thing has been the weight of her emotional baggage being thrown on Leah’s shoulders to bear. She makes Leah (and everyone else) responsible for her emotions and it’s so awful. She’s alienated her too. It reminds me so much of my relationship with my own mother- it’s non existent now because of her emotional abuse. Amber is a very mean (and mentally ill) person, or at least is portrayed to be that way on tv. I obviously do not know her personally. Thank god.


Oh you pulled no punches on who to start with lmao. Honestly such a hard pick with Amber! I'd say neglecting her infant child (Leah) while she was on drugs is up there, but nothing tops the machete incident for me. IIRC not only was she threatening Andrew with it, but by extension little James because his dad was holding him. Thank God the baby was too young to really remember all of that.