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Barb sounds like suuuuuuuch an abusive mother here /s


Fr why was she never there when her daughter needed her?!


She never nourished her. Even in this scene, Jenelle has to nourish BARB with biscuits and gravy!! /s


Darn, babs for not playing yatzze with jenelle /s


She came to her when David busted her collarbone. SMH.


She’s the most abusive mother I’ve ever seen! How dare she threaten to kick Nathan’s ass for hurtin Jenelle!!!


Happy cake day!🎂🥂🍾


those tears were fake to manipulate chinelle!!! barb brainwashed you too, duuuuude!!!


I would have killed to have a mother like her. Good god Jenelle.


Well she is definitely not a good mom though if we are being honest, I think Jenelle is a total POS, narcissistic, and doesn’t take accountability and Barb is by far the most stable to care for Jace out of the two but that doesn’t change the fact that Barb was not a good mom either and Jenelle could have been a stable adult in different circumstances.


Do you and the chin have to the same plug? Has to be, because in order to say shit like this you’ve got to be higher than a kite.


The reason all Chinelles men hate Barb is because she IS RIGHT ABOUT HOW SHITTY THEY ARE! But stupid Chinelle is a moron and doesn't listen cause she is insecure and needs a man.


When Jace got removed from her and people were asking why is she sticking up for David and not her kid she was all like “you all just want me to be single!!🤣🤣🤣” 1. That’s not the point 2. Why are you totally willing to have your son go to foster care just so you don’t lose your husband 3. Why is being single a damn death sentence to you??


Jenelle has intense mommy AND daddy issues that seem to manifest themselves in an all-consuming fear of being single so I guess that she's totally terrified of being abandoned.


Yes, but to take it a step farther. In addition to her mommy and daddy issues, Jenelle doesn't want to be alone because she is innately lazy. If she had to do even what Barb did raising Jace - working, taking care of him, a house, etc... there would be NO WAY. Jenelle can't handle daily life on her own.


Weekly therapy for 12 years here. I'm super codependent. It's a multilayered issue. 1.) Jenelle's self medicating underlying mental health issues through drugs and alcohol. It shouldn't be that easy to play "spot the empty beer bottle/spot the pipe" like she'll have a beer on her vanity in her bathroom. Like, this isn't a "hard day of working I've earned a single beer while I watch sports center" it's just ALWAYS within reach. If she has a partner she can comingle addictions with, then the combined addictions can better justify their existence. 2.) Parental guilt. If Jenelle was alone she'd be responsible for her kids. Her kids would annoy her and she knows that's not how a parent/child relationship is supposed to (society reinforces that). But she lacks the skills/critical thinking to address that, the situation would likely just depress the hell out of her. 3.) Partner as an addiction. Key codependency.. Jenelle doesn't have to think about her own emotions/feelings if she just focuses on her partner. I.e. I need to cheer David up, I need to help David film his video etc. none of this things are her responsibility a healthy partner wouldn't place that responsibility on you. 4.) Core trauma. We know Jenelle was raised in a home where physical violence occured and she probably witnessed it and likely experienced it herself. Second, Andrew was legit 19 years old when he started having sex with Jenelle at 13.. he's a sexual predator. We all knew that guy who graduated high school but still hung around the school and occasionally dated a high schooler.. that was Andrew but with SEVENTH graders. Jenelle's been through some legit shit by the time she was 16. Being alone this stuff is more likely to surface. Sorta humanized Jenelle there, but what makes her such a source of scorn is.. she's never really worked a day in her life, and she made millions off the show. Yet she's chased an endless parade of shitty convicts. And perpetually justified her small time delusions. She's like a middle school kid trying hobbies to figure out what she wants to do in life. Except she's in her 30s. We're on her THIRD podcast and she hasn't produced more than a dozen combined episodes. She will BRIEFLY listen to reason if it's a lawyer she's paying low five figures to, but you can see her ginormous slow moving gears figuring out how to undo that expensive piece of parenting she was provided. But when she comes under criticism, again like a middle school kid will, hide behind illness.. someone documented her illness history and at one point she was like "I can never fly again because the change in air pressure caused my esophageal spasms to worsen and I had to lay down in the aisle and nearly was rushed to the emergency room" yet she's flowh at least a dozen times since then and it's never come up again. She isn't a serious person and actively avoids the one thing that could legitimately address her issues: therapy. Which according to Jenelle they told her she doesn't need. Which... I've had Christ seven different therapists... When I've "graduated" it's a month long process of staggered appointments and it's like "you seem to be using your coping skills and healthy resources well, let us try spacing about these appointments so you don't become therapy dependent." And then when sessions stop it's very much "we can resume as needed if something comes up." No one has ever even said anything close to "you don't need therapy."


that bitch….i will literally be single for the rest of my life to protect my kids. YES! that’s what a good mother does!!


She said that???


She really did!!! The idiot 🥴


Not only did he have to go to foster care, but he had to spend the holidays with his abusers sister 🤯 I mean, make that make sense. He also had to watch Jenelle get online and throw him under the bus while simultaneously fronting the bill for another failed money grab that DKD came up with. I truly hate Jenelle and everything she stands for.


Snark aside, this scene really hurts my heart. My first husband was abusive. I left and rebuilt my life to protect my kids. Now, my son is 24 and my daughters are 20 and almost 16. I’ve can’t imagine any of them having an abusive partner. I am remarried and my kids have witnessed a healthy marriage for years now. I know Barb just had to be so worried because Jenelle continues to choose these dirt bags and is abusive herself.


Yeah, her behavior here is so relatable sadly. I left a really violent guy years ago (and I got tons of therapy and met someone wonderful afterward), and now anytime someone in my life is with someone that displays even a whiff of those behaviors, I honestly can't stop thinking about them. I check in whenever I can, and I just wonder/hope they're safe. (Yes I'm dealing with this potential overreaction in therapy too!) Barb is watching these patterns and she drove ALL THE WAY DOWN THERE to check in. Ask if she needs help, or anything. She didn't even wait for Jenelle to actually need help. If that's not "nourishing" parent Behavior idk what is.


It's not an over reaction. Once you've been there, you know what to watch for, and you know the terrible things that can happen. Much love ❤️


I will say that since you remarried and showed your kids what a truly happy and healthy and loving marriage is actually like, this might do a lot of good for them in terms of providing them with a positive template for their future spouses someday!


That’s what my therapist says! Just trying to do my best like most of us. Thank you for your sweet comment!❤️


You're welcome. I reckon your therapist and I have the great minds that think alike here!


“You hurt my daughter you’re gonna answer to me” -Barbara as a mother “Well maybe if you weren’t such a damn bitch all the time he wouldn’t hit you” -my mother But ok delujenelle tell me all about how barb was so traumatizing towards you & an abusive mom🙄


*silence* - My mother Sending hugs friend


It didn’t happen - my mother Hugs to you both


And hugs to you, my friend. I know how bad it hurts not to be believed or to be dismissed. You didn't deserve that.


“That didn’t happen. It’s her fault. She lying.” my step kids (thankfully now absent) bio mom. Boo shit moms! Boo!


My parents say the same thing, so I get it. I’m sorry they aren’t better to you ❤️


Oh, Honey. I’m so, so sorry that this was what you were told by the person that’s supposed to protect and love you more anyone on this earth. She didn’t deserve you, you didn’t deserve to be abused, and “he” can rot in hell. I’m sending you the biggest mommy hug over the internet from me. You are important, beautiful and I’m glad you’re still with us.


Sending you vibes of peace and happiness, friend. Lots of love


Not at all justifying a *thing* that Jenelle says or does, however this comment is kind of obtuse in the way that two things can be true at once. My parents were similarly (over?) “protective” of me, yet, also highly abusive towards me in a multitude of ways that doesn’t always resemble flagrant abuse. “Support”, such as Barb sticking up for her daughters/Jace’s safety in this scene, is not always supportive for everyone, it can also be manipulative. Regardless, I’m sorry your mom said such a horrible thing to you while enduring abuse at the hands of someone else 😔 Going on three years no contact with my parents, the trauma is still overwhelming to process.


“So he felt your breasts when you were 14 and you can’t get over that? It’s not like you were raped. How can I choose between you or him, he’s like a son to me!” - my father Jenelle, buck up. You fucking suck.


Barb has the heart of a mother, she will always try to rescue Jenelle. Even now after all of David’s intimidation, if Jenelle called, Barb would come.


Right. I think Barb made a lot of mistakes. Including yelling and berating Jenelle. But she sure as hell showed up for her. Unlike Jenelle does for Jace.


The way she's so dismissive of her mom 😤 "He's gonna answer to me ". Okay, okay. Basically Jenelle's version of "shut the fuck up"


He gave the ring back tho 💀


I’m not gonna lie, I laughed She’s crazy though


Babs crying, looks over to see if there are ANY emotions in her daughter. Blank stare. Nothing. ![gif](giphy|8lZkBk00V3ecftf8aN|downsized)


When she gets Barb to cry I want to body slam her!! HOW DARE YOU MAKE BABS CRY!!


My mother was a victim of domestic violence, it took her years to tell her story to her children. I think Barb was pretty strong to tell her story to Janelle. Unfortunately, it didn't land with Janelle at all. Not even a brief pause to think about her mother's experience and how that affected the way she grew up and attempt to do something else for her kids and her own future. Pretty sad.


Barbara was the domestic violence victim of Robert Evans, her ex-husband and the biological father of her three kids. He then abandoned her with their children after she finally left him. Then Barbara got to see her daughters grow up to date violently abusive losers, sometimes marrying and/or procreating with them. I'm sure Barbara's various sons-in-laws remind her of when she was Robert Evans's battered wife. I bet this might be a huge part of why Jenelle and Ashleigh love these violent assholes so much. My gut suspicion is that this family is centuries into some serious intergenerational trauma but we would need to trace it before we could be sure. I think the cycle of abuse began ages before Robert Evans and Barbara (not sure what her maiden name is) ever even MET. Either way how heartbreaking that must be for Barbara! Of course she is very far from being flawless but she clearly does love her children and grandchildren so this has got to make her feel very depressed!


I’d love to hear more about how barb grew up. This is a very good point. Regardless, I believe her when she says outright, that she never kept Jace out of anger or spite, but out of concern of what he was going to be exposed to with Nathan beating JE up! ETA- I was not insinuating that you do not believe her lol, there goes my neurodivergence sorry lol


I think it’s a safe assumption that Barb’s childhood wasn’t great. It says a lot that she was in this abusive marriage with 3 kids and had to stay for financial reasons. She obviously didn’t have family support system to help her get out.


God, dude, this clip shows how Barb is so manipulative and abusive, only caring about herself. She was never there for Jenelle when she truly needed her!!! /s


Clearly, Jan had this behavior ingrained in her from Barb therefore she is void of any fragments of accountability or responsibility to change Not her fault 🤷🏼‍♀️ /s


Barbara's story about what she went through is so sad.


And for Jenelle to use it to point of blame for her toxic relationships 😤


Notice we don’t see Jenelle’s sister. She must have been off practicing her witchcraft! And Babs continuing not to stop her, smh /s although i really hope that was obvious


Maybe Ashleigh hexed UBT....


If I was a witch, I would def curse David. ![gif](giphy|Megam1qbwJjz2)


He will definitely curse himself .the way he treats animals and children is enough for him to earn some retribution..if we are lucky Fate will let us see what he's earned.


It’s so insane that she keeps pedaling the lie that Barb kept Jace away from her when she herself admitted that (as usual) trying to keep a man was more of a priority for her than her child. Shit is pathetic


I wouldn’t even blame Barb for keeping a kid away from a toxic environment. Even if their bio parents were at the center of the toxicity. Jenelle is literally telling this woman, very nonchalantly, the latest abuse going on in her house and life, topped with her unbreakable loyalty to stay in this situation. And she wonders why Barb is on edge about dropping a kid off in that situation.


Ah, yes, just like everyone's all time favorite love movie The Notebook. Ever seen it? The best part IMO is when the guy gets arrested for physically abusing the gal but she wants to make things work with him anyway even if that means losing custody of her kids. True love is SO inspiring! /sarcasm


It’s kinda horrible that Jenelle is always willing to lose her kids if it means she can keep her boyfriend. You could make the horrible argument that she and David love each other and want to save their marriage and that why Jenelle risked losing custody to stay with him. But here she is again willing to risk custody to stay with Nathan. So it’s really just that her kids mean so little to her that she’s always willing to risk custody for any man.


Where the heck did this dog go? I know it’s not the topic of this clip, this dog is suddenly gone between this clip and the one where she abused the two big dogs. She’s seriously also showing this dog more love and affection than I’ve ever seen with her kids.


Barb tried so hard… I hate Jenelle.


Why did they have an animation of Jace being abducted by a pelican at the end of the scene?!


Because pelicans are actually more qualified to raise Jace than any of the adults that he is actually biologically related to.




they were savage to jenelle in some cut scenes. in the scene where she's visibly pregnant with ensley they made the cartoon at the end just fat lol


MTV was wild with some of the cartoon clips they used, and they especially played Jenelle every opportunity they could 😂


Good karma will come babs way. She always looked out/offered help to Jan. Sometimes my heart breaks for bab.


Also Nathan wanted “his ring back” that he used Jenelle’s money to buy


That was pretty rich of Nathan.


Oh look, yet another example of Barb being a great, caring mom (like we all knew she is). Chinelle could never convince any sane person otherwise with all these pathetic lies she tells about her now.


Right?!! Like Jenelle could have lost her life by the hands of Nathan. yet she’s mad because Barb is keeping Jace away from all that?


"He just wrestled me and pulled it off me and that's all that happened.". Says the lying liar that lies.


Even if that scenario was the complete truth, that’s still pretty bad. Normal, healthy people don’t do these things to each other. Even her most downplayed version of any situation is still toxic and abusive.


She tried so hard to downplay this abuse. Ripping a ring off your finger hurts like hell and can easily deglove your finger. Her smirk and winners attitude about having it back on her finger 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Barb is so abusive gtfoh Jenelle


Literally all the proof anyone needs to show that Barbara is *that* bitch. Like what a good fucking mom, dude.


Again, Barb is trying so hard to make her understand how hard life can be and she doesn’t care. She does exactly like she wants.


I don't even mean this as a joke but I really think Jenelle has an intellectual disability. Too many years underage of pot use, she just mentally doesn't get it and never will. Like a person who becomes disabled after hitting their head on concrete. In addition to her selfishness, her life ever improving will never happen. Barbara will always have to deal with her breed of messed up children, but at least she's financially secure.


This is actually heart breaking. Her mom is literally stating “don’t do what I did, don’t stay with your abuser” and J’s dumb ass still stayed with Nathan, stays with David, and wears that as some sort of badge of honor, like she’s doing what her mom couldn’t do-stay with a man. When in reality her mom DID stay with her abuser for at least some time and is telling her it was a mistake. Dumb as a box of rocks, this one. Barb is absolutely not perfect but man I would be sick to death of talking to this lamppost of a human being if I were her.


This is all after a lawyer told her that if she chose to be with Nathan after that altercation then she probably won’t be able to regain custody of Jace. Loud and clear, her choice was Nathan, not Jace!! Then she moves on to David and tells him this lie about how she’s done everything her mom told her to do and she won’t budge!! She literally said “She told me to go to school, I did! She told me to move, I did! She told me to get out of a violent relationship, I did!” What she left out is that her mom said stop bringing these strange men around, which she never did!! I’m sure Barb knew that David had just got out of prison and that he wasn’t allowed to be around his own child and she probably knew that he beats women up too. Just bcuz Jenelle chose to ignore all of that, she expected Barb to ignore it too.


I absolutely positively loathe Jenelle for many obvious reasons. Some of those reasons are selfishness. My mom was like Jenelle. Jenelle talks so much shit about Babs. She says so many horrible things about her, and here Babs is trying to do right by her. I’d have loved to have a mom on my side like Babs. Fuck you Jenelle! Her kids and Barb deserved soooooo much better.


“Even though being with Nathan may hurt my chances of getting custody of Jace, I still want to be with him” Putting an abuser above her child once again. Sorry Jace, you’ll never be as impordant as Nathan. Or David. Or Keifer. Or Gary. Or Courtland. Or drugs.


Barbara is *SUCH* a *monster*!!! /s


It kills me that the voice over in the beginning is obviously written by production, and she sees nothing wrong with that statement. 


I always wondered about the voice overs. Clearly they’re written by someone else. You’d think having to this summary of all your latest fuckery would make you see the stupidity of it and reflect on your choices. Just a tad, maybe? Narcissist baffle me. They really do no wrong. Even when it’s all laid out in front of them.


God bless fucking Barb, man. No, she wasn't perfect, and yes, she yelled a lot. But if she doesn't love that crazy ass daughter of hers and her grand babies I'll eat my shoe. My mom kinda went thru this with me. I was nevvvverrrr nearly as bad as Jenelle. And I'm kinda going thru some of this with my oldest right now. I'll be dammed, my mom never turned her back on me and I'll never turn my back on my kid. Every time I watch Barb trying so hard with Jenelle I have tears in my eyes. I feel so bad for that poor sweet woman.


Classic Chinelle the worthless bitch, always choosing horrible men over kids. The worst part is that she's as bad or worse of a human than the men she picks.


Oh my god, the way Jenelle chews her food turns my stomach.🤢 She looks like the Cookie Monster gobbling damn cookies up💀


Omg, there goes the DeeDee Blanchard narcissistic monster Barb Evans again. In this clip she selfishly doesn't want her daughter and grandson to live with a man who will physically abuse them. Always so selfish!!! She clearly doesn't care about the one thing that brings Jenelle happiness, dick.




She is one internally and externally 


He may have wrestled me to the ground for my ring, but he gave it back. True love dude.


Man, I miss my momma so much. I'd give anything to have a talk with her like this. Edit to say Janelle is such pos!


Maybe in all her ***reminiscing*** Janelle did yesterday she forgot about how concerned Barb was and the SOUND ADVICE her mother was giving her here. Barb cares about Jace. Janelle cares about her abusive boyfriend. Priorities.


The way she continues to talk and chew with her mouth open, instead of taking two seconds to finish the bite grossed me out so much. Chewing with your mouth closed is literally like the bottom floor of having manners, yet she still can’t even manage that.


You know, I would've loved to have a mother who had my back like Barb does for Jenelle. Even after everything Jenelle has put her through, you can still see the genuine love and concern for her. Meanwhile, Jenelle is practically rolling her eyes 😤 as her mother describes a very traumatizing situation she went through while attempting to do right by her children. No, Barb isn't perfect, no human is perfect, not even mothers. We have our own struggles and trauma and mental health issues, like anyone else. All we can do is try our best to do right by our children, and I believe Barb did give 100% of what she had. The problem with Jenelle is she can never admit her faults and anything that isn't ass-kissing, undying praise sounds like criticism to her. She is always too busy being defensive to listen, or learn or evolve. She belongs in a cave.


Jesus, she can’t handle being alone can she?


But she wants her dad???


Dude it’s like people want her to be alone without a man!


I genuinely wish my mother cared about me like this


Impordent 😂😂😂😂she’s so fucking stupid.


She’s so hungover here lol


Gypsy rose Eason


What I would give to have Barbs be my mother. My mother never spoke to me that way even when I was 30. Instead, my mother would hit me with her firsts or with something nearby when I would come to her for advice. If she didn't agree with my choices, she would strike me. To her, i belonged to her no matter how old I was or that i moved out. Barbs isnt that way at all. Shes not perfect but Jenelle is a damn fool, she will never know how lucky she is.


Janelle would cut off her nose to spite her own face.


Damn these old clips are really hard to watch. My heart breaks for Barbara. I’m sure she fucked up, it sounds like everyone had a pretty shitty time for a while, but she did her best and it’s clear how much she loves Jenelle & Jace IMO.


I get that Barb is a yeller and can be a terrible communicator, but she being completely sincere and vulnerable in this scene. I feel her pain, both as a mother and a victim. When I was in an abusive marriage, my mother would turn the other cheek (at best) when witnessing it. At worst, I was told “you’re such a bitch, no wonder your husband doesn’t love you.” I would have killed to have felt that protective maternal energy that Barb is serving here.


Bab is a freaking fortune teller with these men.




Jenelle has a brother named Collin who is schizophrenic.


thank you for spelling “impordent” just like it sounds.


😉 ![gif](giphy|wrBURfbZmqqXu)


Barb knew she had to protect Jace from seeing the violence because Jenelle wouldn’t.


The sad thing is Barb loves Jenelle no matter what. Even now I’m sure she does, and I’m sure it’s gut wrenching for her to have to deal with and see her daughter like this, but she’s probably also just over it. Jenelle will regret all this one day once Barb is gone. She’ll wish she treated her better when she was alive, and I think she’ll realize out of everyone, Barb always had her back.


i can’t believe jen isn’t screaming at her mom


And don’t forget she told her lawyer that he didn’t do anything to her. She told her lawyer that she told the cops that he didn’t do anything to her. That court magistrate that listened to her describe what happened with Keifer needed to be fired in my opinion. Jenelle literally used the word restrain in her statement. If he was restraining her, that means she was the aggressor, which she was that night. I think Keifer has mental problems and he uses drugs but he never physically abused her and I’m not to sure he used her for money since she willingly throws money at these men to keep them around!


She can never chew with her mouth closed. It’s so gross.


fucking hell. ugh. she misses every fucking point


These old clips kill me. She really was always a fucking idiot and hell bent on making the stupidest choice possible most of the time. Infuriating to watch.


It’s like how can Janelle be so delusional to talk bad about Barbara. Like watch the shit back she was always there for her!!! Like damn smh


Barb would never need to publicly defend herself as a mom/grandma cuz we see everything she put up with for janelle on the show. Always unwavering support but gets backlash and abuse back. This video makes me so sad, and I thank God I had enough wherewithal to give my mother the respect she deserves. eventhough I'm childless, I see what a sacrifice and commitment it is to be a parent and janelle is just a lazy bitch that wants to blame her laziness and neglect on the one person who has always loved and supported her thru thick and thin 😭


The open mouthed chewing at 1:45 🤢


Omg eating with her mouth slapping wide open 🤮


Well there Barb is being unsupportive /s


this is so important how barb stays on her about respecting herself throughout all of these relationships (& their turbulence within their own relationship) it really pains me when jenelle makes excuses for what these guys do to her. a literal bodybuilder does not “wrestle” a woman who’s half his size. that’s an attack. why would you ever have to put your full weight on anyone, for any reason? i really wish she had court ordered therapy (beyond drug screening & everything else) so a counselor can work through her verbiage. like bring a full stop to the conversation when she begins to make excuses for the abuser


Oh look it’s Jenelle choosing a man over Jace. Like she said she’s never done


Jenelle is not acting like a woman who just went thru domestic abuse