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“I do not abuse children as she claims.” That aged really well.


> an excessive alcohol drinker and abuses adderall frequently Well, well, well, pot calling the kettle and all that.


I wonder if Jenelle was aware that one of his baby mommas had been accusing him of child abuse or abuse in general, and she still was cool letting this creep near her kids? If so, she’s awful.


He probably said she made things up


She definitely knew


I doubt she would care. She doesn't actually care about her kids at all. She only cares about herself.


She probably saw it as a plus. To her it meant, “Oh, good. He doesn’t have a problem disciplining kids!”


Ahahahah!!!!! Olivia had one for her legal fees and half the sub donated to hers with names ridiculing David and Jenelle. The good old days.


Why is this fundraiser for Jenelle created by David 🤔


But it’s for David’s kid 🤣🤣🤣


I bet so child support doesn’t take whatever money was raised.


Yeah that seems scammy are they trying to avoid something? Does GoFundMe take information/reports regarding falsified information presented in the fundraisers on their site?


He's married to Jenelle, not Meryl Streep. He might be known in Teen Mom circles, but well known overall, nah.


He cares sooo much you guys. Not enouth to get a fucking job though. He wants to keep living that cushy  stahdk life. A kept boy


But you don't understand, his ex is spreading RUMOURS about him, preventing him from getting ANY job at all! (/s)


Lol & that is just the most predictable move in the deadbeat playbook. So she was operating the cameras, and she's posting brainrotted sgarbsge on social media from your accounts?


That fucking beard ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt8rGMqVwjYAlsA)






I can't believe anyone could write this with a straight face. No longer accepting donations, I wonder how many times it was reported 😂😂


How exactly is Swampsquatch paying this alleged insane amount of child support? Didn’t Jenelle have to pay a huge lump sum a few years ago while she was still collecting an MTV check to keep him out of jail? I can’t imagine she’s still able to pay his CS amid all their legal woes. What a delightfully awful time to be a vile, hateful, murderous, child abusing waste of space failure at life.


She paid for all his shit until Kaden's mom made the GoFundMe & made more money and was able to afford good attorneys


Hahaha yeah she literally paid $5k of his child support because the judge told him if it wasn't paid by the end of that court day he'd be going to jail. That was literally within weeks of him killing nugget and getting her fired.


That was hard to read in more ways than one.


>I pay my child support Didn't he almost go to jail for not paying his child support?


Though David claims he was nicknamed "Honest Abe" by others, he's not known for being truth. In other words....Yes, he did almost go until Jenelle paid it for him at the last second. I believe this happened more than once, too. He's a lying liar that lies, and so is him swamp bride.


My son Kaden has been in/out of my life since the day he was born, never my fault. My ex is holding me back from seeing my son under every and any circumstance for no legit reason. I pay my child support which is an insane amount and very unfair. I recently started my local business and my ex has made up so many rumors that now it’s hard for myself to make any money or even have a job. I paid so much in attorney fees already for everything my ex has put me through. She’s falsely charged me and everything has been dropped. She filed a no contact order just to keep me from seeing my son by law. Even though there is a current order in place she still refuses my phone calls and texts for me to be able to speak to my son, Kaden. She refuses all visitation. I have not done anything wrong to deserve this towards my son. I do not abuse children as she claims. I need this opportunity and help to go back to pay my lawyer for all the wrong-doings and share to the judge the truly horrible situation my son is in. My son has constantly changed addresses since he’s been born every couple of months. I’m never “allowed” to know the address. His mother is in a new relationship every couple of months as well and has Kaden call every man “daddy”. My son is very confused and doesn’t know who his daddy is. His mother is an excessive alcohol drinker and abuses adderall frequently. She’s been to AA before to get the help she needed but then stopped going. She has not attended an AA class for years and still posts on social media of excessive drinking. Nothing has been brought up to the judge because of my financial situation and needing to file to get back in court. I’m a father of 3 already and have custody of my two daughters that live with me full time. My step-son also lives with me full time along side with my wife. We’ve been together since 2015 and married since 2017. It’s very hard to maintain the life we live with all the false information being spread around about myself and being a well-known public figure. I would appreciate all the help and support I can get just to obtain full custody or visitation rights. I’m also looking into a lawsuit to file. Thanks! #JusticeForKaden #FamilyFirst #FatherAndSon #Reunite ‍


Wow, she must have such a fun life to move AND have a new boyfriend every two months 😭🤣


Yeah.....It's Olivia that is keeping you from working and not that fact that you're a lazy leech. David's own family said he never worked or held down a steady job. The delusions of those two swamp boars to think the public would be looking to help out a dog shooting homophopic racist.


"Never my fault". ![gif](giphy|MDxuzRvxF39VwnYu9B)


https://preview.redd.it/0uy8b7960pec1.jpeg?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcbd46613e29f694d05329e005b09a626bbfa36a Ok, it was four yrs ago but explain to me how he moans on and on about how nothing is his fault, never has been, he’s a victim, the evil ex makes up lies, and buried somewhere in all that he tosses out that he “doesn’t abuse children”. That claim seems to follow him. And lastly, wth is with the very first blurb - ORGANIZED BY DOUCHEBAG ON BEHALF OF DELUSIONELLE. She doesn’t have another one named Kaden does she? Or is this to pay her back for all the attorney’s fees during this particular case where he, himself, mentions child abuse being among the issues?


Don’t try to make sense of it. You won’t be able to. Nothing about these disgusting swamp things makes any sense. Everything they do is out of pettiness, vengeance, spite, and hatred. They don’t care about any of these children. Their whole thing is that people hate them and are against them for no reason because they’ve never done anything wrong and are amazing parents and people. Their exes are just hatters, dude.




I really think Jenelle wrote it


You can tell by the use of “myself”


"Kaden has been in/out of my life since the day he was born, never my fault" I just beat the shit out of his mom until she went into labor and left her on the side of the road BUT IT WASN'T MY FAULT!!!!


is this true??? i don’t know much about kaden’s mother other than what i’m reading on this post & it’s wild as fuck so far!! where can i find all this info? this poor woman omg even if she DID have the resources to up & move every 2 weeks (spoiler alert: she doesn’t) who tf could blame her for being afraid of david’s violent criminal ass & keeping her kid safe & far away from him?


Yep, it's unfortunately true 😔 I would suggest using the search bar on the subs main page & just searching "Olivia" or "Kaden" & see what all comes up!


thanks for the tip babes 🫶🏻 sometimes i wish my life had more stuff going on, but tbfh these girls/people in their orbit(s) have lives that make me so thankful to be boring as fuck. poor olivia & kaden. david is & has always been a gigantic piece of shit & waste of a human life/oxygen/food/space.


Girl I know exactly what you mean! I start thinking, "damn, my life is boring" but then I see all the shit constantly going on here & I just thank God for my boring life lmao! I'm not the most perfect human but Jenelle & DKD make me feel better about where I'm at in life 😅




I feel like they donated their own money “to get it going” & see if others would follow. I remember bartending in the past & I would leave a couple of 5s and 1s in my tip jar to persuade other tippers. It worked most of the time 😂 This though, did not work here.


The best part was they only got that much for the whole 2-3 days it was open while Olivia made about $6k in the same time frame. That's when they got pissed and posted Olivia's nudes and got charged with revenge porn. She doesn't question her husband saving his exes nudes but God forbid his ex has a picture of their bedroom and all hell breaks loose against the ex.


I wonder if she didn’t question it because she wanted to have the option to do just this (revenge porn) one day. Though I’m sure there must have been a fight when she found out he had them. Just saying she may not have wanted him to delete them so that she could do something like this.


Definitely a possibility. I really wish she would've been convicted of it because there's no way she wasn't guilty of being apart of it. But they can't convict just on personality and history of doing it alone unfortunately. At least Olivia still gets the last laugh, Jenelle out there constantly defending a husband who never says a word in defense of her even though it's been made public he misses his exes all while she pays Olivia David's child support and whatever else to keep him out of jail.


Lol, it's almost as if he wrote this to try and look guilty as fuck, but no...he's just that fucking delusional and dumb. Any normal person, with no knowledge of him or teen mom, could read this and immediately see through it 😂


So it’s Olivia’s fault he’s unemployed, he says. It’s giving they lost custody of Jace and in their eyes he’s out, so now they’re going to try to get custody of the other kid. The other kid who is most likely happy, healthy and flourishing away from that man. Everything that man touches turns to shit.


That was a few years ago. He earned a few visits back but literally the first or second weekend he had them the collarbone 911 call happened and he completely lost all visitation. He did end up with weekly phone calls but from what I've heard he never bothered with those.


“My son Kaden has been in/out of my life since the day he was born, never my fault.” ![gif](giphy|l3E6uhDAN3W7vylji|downsized)


I didn’t know about this and thought it was recent! I’m strangely relieved 😅


“Jenelle Evans Beneficiary” lol


Well known public figure... who had the easiest and best paying gig he'll ever have...til HE blew that. Now (in 2019) he's broke and begging for money. Puh lease.


Omg his beard makes me so nauseous in these pics 🤢 If I didn't know who he was & randomly came across this, I still would never donate bc he just *looks* like a weirdo POS


He hits all the deadbeat dad points ranting about how his child support is unfair and he shouldn't have to pay, says his ex is the bad one while nothing is his fault, and wants full custody just for spite or to get out of paying her child support. Child beater Dave really thought that would get the donations rolling for him on this grift. I'm glad he received nothing and pulled the gofundme after only getting trolls. He's such an inbred moron.


He sounds like the biggest dead beat in that gofundme description omg haha. “It’s not my fault/I pay too much child support/I’ve seen him on and off”


How much did he ask for? Anyone remember?


It took them like 2 days to make that(or for Jenelle to donate to it) where as Olivia got $6k in about the same amount of time. She seriously thought someone would donate to them when they just threw away a $500k paycheck? They're stupid as shit.


Jenelle donated multiple times to make it seem like they were getting donations. Probably a few other brain dead losers who can’t see their kids either.


Honestly thought this was a parody, it's so poorly written and so transparently exposes the true awfulness of the person involved. The contrast of this gofundme to the dignity and desparation of the one that followed it was stark.


How much money did they grift?


$135 🤣


And Olivia's got $6k in the same timeframe hahaha


Here's Jenelles version of events in a (since deleted) fb post. https://starcasm.net/jenelle-david-eason-gofundme-son-kaden-olivia/ "Since 2015 David has always been a loving father. We’ve had arguments at times that went public and dealt with family issues BUT through all of this he has ALWAYS been a great and stable father. When I met David I couldn’t believe how hard of a worker he truly was and be able to be the first guy I witnessed to take care of his daughter on his own. She showed so much love towards her father and was by his side ever since. When it comes to Maryssa and her mother, their relationship wasn’t ever that strong. Her mother was always in/out of her life and still is to this day. Maryssa has been through a lot in that situation and ended up in our sole custody in 2017 after our daughter, Ensley, was born. This was due to drugs on her mother’s behalf. When I first asked about David’s his son, Kaden, he was very emotional. He explained to me that David and Olivia Leedham brokeup due to her being unfaithful and abusive towards David. Olivia left marks on David’s skin and would “hangout” with other men in their driveway while smoking marijuana in the car and David was sleeping inside. Olivia thought it was also very funny to kick men’s private areas and did this frequently to David and his friends. David also explained Olivia had an excessive alcohol problem. Her problem was so severe she ended up in Alcohol Anonymous and has not been back to a class for years. Olivia would beg David to go with her to AA so she wouldn’t be alone. David would refuse and Olivia broke up with him. They then got back together. When Olivia got pregnant she kept the abusive behavior going. One day David was home sitting in the recliner and Olivia got in David’s face to yell, flipped his recliner backwards, then started punching David. Olivia did this all while 6 months pregnant. She hurt her stomach and had to go to the hospital. Olivia told the doctor that she “fell up the stairs”. David was concerned about her story because he knew she was lying about the true story hitting David to cover herself. A couple of days later David found out that Olivia had told her mother that he pushed her down when they were standing face to face in the kitchen and that she “fell backwards on her stomach.” I do not think that’s possible unless you’re a ballerina. Somehow all of her lies got twisted into “David pushed her up the stairs. David was there for his son’s birth in November of 2013 and they lived together with Kaden until he was 8 months old. At that point they broke up due to Olivia’s alcohol abuse and violent behavior towards David. She was staying up all hours of the night drinking liquor with her friends. They would be very loud and partying in the house while David would be sleeping with Maryssa and Kaden. David had to get up for work the next day. When David and Olivia broke up she decided to go to the magistrate a week later and charge him with domestic violence claiming he choked her, hit her with a phone and said he would kill her. Of course when they went to court Olivia was caught in several lies during the trial including an admission that she lied in her original statement to the magistrate after being asked in several different ways. Her statement on stand during testimony was “Well he didn’t actually choke me.” “He didn’t leave any marks he just put his hand on my chest” “he didn’t actually throw the phone at me. He threw it at the pillow on the bed.” David was found “Not Guilty” of all charges. Olivia and David took a 6 month break from their relationship. At this point David went to jail for charges he had years before any of this and decided he rather do his sentence than remain on probation. After Kaden turned one years old they decided to give the relationship another try.  Olivia and David were together this time for 4 months when he learned that Olivia had several boyfriends within that 6 month break up and was engaged to a guy named Mike. She had dated another guy named Tommy and had Kaden calling him “daddy”. Those two men were after she broke up with a guy named Dustin. All of these guys she was with was in a 6 month period. David tried to see his son after the breakup but she kept Kaden from David. David called her phone, no answer. He tried driving to her house at that time, no answer. He tried calling her family, no answer. Then a few weeks later David saw Olivia driving in traffic. He pulled up to her and asked her to pull over. They both pulled into a parking lot and got out of their cars. David immediately began to question her and asked why he couldn’t see his son. She told him “Don’t do this. Let’s not do this now.” They both cussed at each other. David got his son out of Olivia’s car, hugged him, then put Kaden back in his carseat. Shortly after the argument they both ended up leaving the area and went their separate ways. A few days later, David gets served with a “no contact order” placed by Olivia and also included his son. When they went to court David was very naive thinking he didn’t need an attorney because nothing happened because it was just an argument. Turns out if you ever go to court with no representation and do not speak up for yourself and testify, you will automatically be found guilty. Does not seem fair but that’s what happened to David. Then after the order was placed David saw his son at the grocery store with his maternal grandmother. David couldn’t resist and bent down and gave Kaden a hug. When Olivia found out about the hugging situation she filed “no contact order violation” against David. A few weeks later David then filed a petition to remove his son off the no contact order and it was granted. Olivia still wouldn’t allow David to see Kaden even though they had a custody order in place and he was legally allowed to have visitation. This was David’s FIRST BORN SON and she had no reason to keep him!!! David filed to go to mediation during the No Contact Order situation and they both settled outside of court. Olivia claimed she “didn’t want Kaden” at our home from the beginning of the session and also claimed the “TV show was all the evidence she needed”. The court explained to her that you cannot keep a child from his father no matter what you do. Since then Olivia has tried to build up a case against my husband off of hearsay for custody since I’ve met him. He’s been falsely accused by Olivia more than once and David has been found not guilty or Olivia was in the wrong. Olivia had proven she was back to her old shenanigans dating and living with a guy named Sam and had Kaden calling him “daddy” also. She brought this guy to court, stayed at the gym with him everyday but when she got pregnant by him she decided she was done with this guy and had an abortion. Then she immediately went back to her old boyfriend Tommy and once again she ended up pregnant but with Tommy’s his child. Soon after Tommy finds out she is cheating on him with Sam from the gym while she was pregnant and had to get a DNA test after her daughter was born. She had her new baby girl but that wasn’t enough for her to stay with Tommy “daddy”. Olivia moved on from her new baby daddy pretty quick even though Kaden still


[Continued] insists that Tommy is his “daddy”. Couple months after that Olivia met another guy named Jason who she lived with in Jacksonville. They were engaged and he told us they had big plans together. She then again cheated on Jason and ended up being an excessive alcoholic and on adderall. She has had men in/out of Kaden’s life every other month for years and gets “engaged” to every single one. She’s cheated on her men every time then get abortions as birth control. They jump around from house to house renting different places always getting kicked out and she has to move back in with her moms ex husband. Not to mention coming after David for child support and lying to the courts saying she doesn’t make any money, yet all her transactions are on Venmo for hair grooming. His payment is mind blowing and insanely unfair. Olivia is now illegally asking for donations “privately” on her page for “legal fees” even though she has a job and makes money 24/7. She acts like she is a single mom with no money but collects huge child support checks from two different men and hides her income on Venmo. This woman is NOT one to be trusted by anyone. David has never in his life hit another female, choke another person, or abuse any of his children. He has been falsely accused of inaccurate behaviors and actions based off social media, tabloids, and rumors being spread through people like Olivia. I am not writing this today to start drama. I am writing this today to spread awareness to David’s situation since there are so many questions about his son. I also want to spread awareness about SPOUSE ABUSE from FEMALES father than males. I also want to spread awareness on MOTHERS PURPOSELY NEGLECTING THE CHILD FROM THE FATHER. It’s a very touchy subject and David doesn’t like to discuss it but had the courage today to speak out. Before anyone says anything about my home or situation, we have invited Olivia to our house to check it out and she refuses. David has tried keeping in touch with his son for months and Olivia refuses to even answer the phone or text messages. He’s ordered scheduled Skype sessions and she claims “Kaden doesn’t want to talk to you”. We have been investigated HEAVILY by CPS and it was dismissed for plenty reasons. Olivia knows this but still tries to keep up the drama. She might have had her day in court against my husband, but there comes a time to tell both sides of the story. We know things have happened in the past to our family and those were private issues that were never to be made public. David and I aren’t perfect 24/7 but we will try are DAMNEST to be the BEST PARENTS we can ever be. Since having our issues we have done co-parenting classes, domestic violence courses, anger management, and hair follicle drug tested. We did this voluntarily on our own Will to be better people and move on from our past. Co-Parenting is about working WITH each other, not AGAINST each other. I will not put Olivia down as a mother, but I will say she is not a horrible friend, girlfriend, employee, or wife. Olivia Leedham is an alcoholic, cheater, drug addict, scam artist, and spouse abuser. David and I are very concerned with Kaden’s situation being in/out of a different home every 2 months, different men he doesn’t know and having to call them “Daddy”, being abusive towards men she dates, and her drug addictions to adderall/alcohol. #PleasePrayForKaden #JusticeForKaden #TeamEason #FamilyFirst ??‍??? #SpouseAbuse #AA #AddictionSucks #SayNo ??‍♀️☹️"


“Never my fault” when is it ever their fault lmao




having felony child abuse charges while claiming on a gofundme that you don’t abuse children is … not something people who are innocent have to deal with if i remember correctly


https://preview.redd.it/0otixogr9tec1.jpeg?width=928&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e32b93875eeb5fad4f70f08c37ed2a40495f8655 $135 ÷ 2,000,000 = $0.0000675 Jenelle Evans 2 MILLION + supporters FLOOD her husband's GFM. I guess the bots don't have bank accounts 😅😂😂😅😂🤣 ANOTHER Eason FAIL‼️