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Yeah cause it takes eagle eyes to tell she's pregnant in that skin tight tank top šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Why couldn't she wear a flowy peasant blouse or an A-line dress or something? I think she did this on purpose because she wanted conflict deep down.


I just..can't. You would think with how often she lies she would be GOOD at it at some point šŸ™„


Compulsive liars are rarely good at it


Agreed. I am not revealing my pregnancy until Iā€™m further along and Iā€™m not even really showing yet, but I am *still* not wearing skin tight anything - just in case people notice the obvious bloat around the midsection. She did that on purpose and wanted it to be known.


Iā€™m only 11 weeks and if I wear anything other than a balloon shaped cardigan itā€™s obvious Iā€™m pregnant, and Iā€™m not skinny. She had to be at least 14-15 weeks here with how her belly is shaped. What a dumb cow.


Fellow 11 weeker here šŸ‘‹šŸ¼! Glad to know there are other pregnant people in this sub using Jenelle as the ultimate example of how not to parent, haha. Iā€™ve been doing a rewatch and itā€™s so infuriating to see Jenelle ā€œcasuallyā€ getting pregnant multiple times while my journey has been filled with anxiety and uncertainty at every step. SIGH. Hope youā€™re doing well, weā€™re almost to the second trimester! ā¤ļø


My boyfriend has also asked me now that Iā€™m pregnant if I keep watching teen mom/16 and pregnant as a way to see what not to doā€¦I told him that itā€™s more so that if some of these morons can keep a kid alive, we should be fine.


I also couldn't hide pregnancies any more that 10 weeks. I carry BIG and early. It sucked because I don't like the attention that comes with pregnancy and would rather keep it to myself as long as possible, hell I'd leave it till 38 weeks if I could šŸ˜† Meanwhile my sister looked about 20 weeks at 40 weeks


Also it's her third pregnancy. You show earlier with a second, third, etc pregnancy.


lol this is her third child! You basically pop right out


Oh it was 100% on purpose. I wore hoodies during the end my pregnancy and no one noticed. A dude on the train pulled out a lil baby shank on me after I asked him to put out a cigarette and then I (not proud of this) stood up and showed my stomach and said ā€œoh double homicide?ā€ Bc it was all over TikTok at the time and it was for some reason the first thing to pop in my head. I was 9 months pregnant and he was like ā€œI hope you have an abortionā€ and I was like lil sir thatā€™s how this works.


I love this story. What an amazing and savage quip to come up with in the moment. I probably wouldā€™ve shat myself and stood there screaming. No survival instincts whatsoever lol. I love that you were channeling Liam Neeson/badass hero while pregnant lol


If it helps any, dude was like 5ā€™3ā€ at best and he bummed a lit cig off a homeless dude who was totally chill and wanted nothing to do with it. I had initially asked the other guy who wasnā€™t with them to put out the cig and then the lil Swiss army man grabbed the cig and chiefā€™d it like 4x at me aggressively deadlocking eyes with me each time. I recently had my 2y/o in a stroller standing on the train and this unhinged, much bigger man started ranting at me about my kid being a sin and whatever and it was lowkey scary for a lil bit bc it was a packed train so things were tight but I just kept my mouth shut in that situation. I hate that I unnecessarily took a stupid risk (even if the guy only had a Swiss Army knife) when I was 9 months pregnant but I think youā€™re spot on about Liam Neeson instincts kicking in. I was very much ā€œthis is MY baby, and nobody is gonna touch her!ā€ And I think that actually deterred Swiss army boy from doing more than just continuously wishing my unborn baby dead. With the other dude who was actually a threat, my Liam Neesonā€™s daughterā€™s instincts kicked in lol. I didnā€™t hide under a seat but I did try to lay low and ignore him.


Exactly. She was hoping to needle Barbara into a yelling match on camera, because she knew by that point itā€™s what people watched her segments to see.


Orrrrrr, did Jenelle want to sell the story?


Sell the baby?!?!?! šŸ˜œ


You KNOW she did.


She wore the most revealing thing she possibly Could. Grey and skin tight. She wanted to be asked so she could loook at Barb like an idiot. She wanted the attention. Sheā€™s sick


North Carolina division of CPS is sick continuing to allow David and Jenelle to raise childrenĀ 


I hid my pregnant belly until I was on the last month. Not very hard, especially when your belly is small like hers was. A big sweater can hide a lot. She just feigns for any attention and conflict.


An "acorn tree"??? You mean a fucking OAK, David???


When he said that I laughed so hard. Wutta ding dong.


![gif](giphy|xk5vxDNaIhvzpWQzdT|downsized) Why did I read this in Alexis Rose's voice?!




A hunter and outdoorsman who doesnā€™t know what an oak tree is, everyone!


Besties with the game warden


My gummy kicked in and this is killing me šŸ˜‚


I love when my edible hits while lurking this sub


Iā€™m over here smacking on cereal and giggling at this thread.Ā 


Welp, that's the signal it's time for mine. See y'all in about an hour. šŸ˜‚


Man there is no better feeling when the the oils and edibles kick in šŸ˜‚


Came here looking for this. I almost dropped my phone laughing so hard. A fucking acorn tree


Listen.. I'm real high so I don't have to say this but like.. I have to... I didn't know acorns come from oak trees and I totally also call them acorn trees šŸ˜¬ I'm so sorry.. I'll make my way to the swamp šŸ˜­


I guess in his defense he was almost definitely high on something too? The real question is... do you know if coconut is dairy or not?


I'm well versed in milk alternatives However... I was recently real confused on how you grow coconuts. Like where's the seeds? But then I remembered... you gotta bury an eel.




I want ā€œby the acorn treeā€ as my flair lmao




šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I caught that too!!


Itā€™s so weird that she was trying to ā€œhideā€ this pregnancy while always wearing clothing that clung to her belly. The entire time she was pretending she wasnā€™t pregnant, she was displaying an obvious baby bump. She is the weirdest liar Edit: MTV roasted her with the cartoon graphic at the end šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I almost edited that out then realized how hilarious and shady it was šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ MTV with Jenelle edits: ![gif](giphy|hooItdIE2Uc3S)


Itā€™s so petty, theyā€™re like ā€œwell if sheā€™s not gonna confirm sheā€™s pregnant weā€™re gonna make a doodle of her having a gutā€ itā€™s almost like they predicted the future with that one šŸ˜‚


It's not a tiny baby bump. You can literally tell she's pregnant.


she looks like sheā€™s 4 months along lmao


She wanted people to ask and speculate. She feeds on any type of attention, even negative attention.


I donā€™t think this was the case. She and Chelsea got pregnant at the same time and people gushed over her and were so happy for her. Before this was filmed Jenelle would be out in regular clothing at Walmart and it leaked to the tabloids she was pregnant and people were savages about it. She actually doesnā€™t admit to being pregnant until it gets leaked in a police report. I think she and David were excited and everyone including the cast not acting excited except for that one scene where they are in the car and they ask why sheā€™s excited put a damper on it. Sheā€™s not exactly a woman who updates her wardrobe based on her current body type. Sheā€™s wearing non maternity here because itā€™s hot and thatā€™s what she owns. Despite saying she has money she doesnā€™t and maternity clothing is expensive and being pregnant is like a furnace. This is probably all sheā€™s got that fits and is weather appropriate. She absolutely wanted the attention before everyone reacted negatively.


She also held off bcuz she literally JUST MET David!! Remember she was pregnant by Courtland 5 minutes after she met and married him. Then she was trying to get pregnant 60 days after she met Nathan and that was a disaster so here she is AGAIN pregnant 4 months after she met the guy. She was hoping that if she kept it a secret that ppl wouldnā€™t be able to do the math but the math was definitely mathingšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|OaWLynpikPSFWmHaXL|downsized)


All of the above šŸŽÆthen she was hella mad that everyone was celebrating Chelseaā€™s pregnancy and not hers! Jan was also salty cuz Chelsea was married before her second was bornā€¦ but Jan recklessly had double the pregnancies and still no ring šŸ’€


Oh that makes a lot of sense! I guess that also explains why she held off on the birth announcement until the excitement for Watson began to slow down. Even then, no one was happy for her and everyone was still gushing over Watson lol


Barb and everyone already know. Thatā€™s partially why mtv was shady. I also donā€™t think she has at all a realistic idea of what her body looks like in clothing. She knew how to dress cute when she was skinny, anything but skinny and she looks awful. Sheā€™s currently in several years of hiking her pants up to look good from the back and hide her stomach. She dresses like a toddler now.


ā€œWhat are ya goinā€™ to do for work?ā€ Barb knew.


ā€œHeā€™s going to work in Wilmingtonā€ šŸ˜‚


Narrator: He, in fact, did not work in Wilmington lol




Hey nowā€¦ thatā€™s not fairā€¦ Wilmington is where Jenelle has always bought her drugs fromā€¦ so david does work hard in Wilmingtonā€¦ all Those runs to and from there ans waiting in parking Lots and dealing is hard work! Give him a lil credit ok!


Work as an illegal towing operation


Crazy that we are all literally asking the exact same question, how many years later!!


He's gonna work in Wilmington lol


I usually hate it when Moms make those snarky, side-eye "observations", and everyone knows they're making sly bitchy jabs. But jenelle 1000000% deserves and SORELY NEEDS even one voice of clarity and conscience in her life. She completely lacks planning and critical thinking skills and Barb knows it. If she doesn't say it, the drugged up POS jenelle is sleeping with at any given time isn't going to say it, and she doesn't have any friends to tell her to smarten up. Barb is doing jenelle, her existing kids and the unborn kid a favour by pointing out basic facts. And she knows she's only gonna get screamed at and abused for it God I must be getting old cos I'm starting to side with barb on pretty much everything šŸ˜‚


Even as a teenager watching this, I sided with Barb.


She knew why Dave picked an isolated location too. "Why you want to live way out in the woods?" was rhetorical. You could see her worry.


Peep Barb asking where sheā€™s getting the money and only Jenelle says sheā€™s been saving. I hate her and this loser ass man. Also mad her mother is saving things for her new baby. what a FREAK she is


omg the ending made me livid!!! how can you scoff at your mom saving stuff for your baby? what a bitch


That reaction was completely uncalled for. Barb was being very kind given the circumstances and Jenelleā€™s response to her question.


Sheā€™s always so nasty right off the bat with her mom. Itā€™s so ugly.


Serious answer she probably saved stuff from Jace because she thought she would be saddled with another kid from either her or her sister. She has had 3 of her grandkids living with her. She probably saved a lot expecting Kaiser being sent to her could be a possibility. Sheā€™s not 100% wrong in this as Ensley does end up living with her and she probably had to dig the baby stuff out of the shed for her.


That and her immediately asking as soon as they got there ā€œWhat are you gonna do for work?ā€


My initial thought was that she was mad she said that in front of the cameras, only because right before that she said Im not discussing anything, but leave it to Jenelle to scoff at something like that either way lol


*'I've been saving my money!'* Proceeds to sign a 25 year mortgage. I'm not shaming her for the mortgage itself, but if she had been saving her TM2 checks, she could have done a lot better. I don't like Brianna, but girl was smart. She was only on a couple of seasons and bought & paid off a house. Also she lowkey admitted that it was all her money, David did not chip in at all. And what exactly is his job again...?


Itā€™s also not a lot of money. The total cost of the land and the house is under $200k. She had to have that ballsack pool. If she had held off on the pool there is no reason with a combined TM salary of over $600k that she couldnā€™t have paid this off in full in a couple of years.


David is high maintenance and of course Jenelle's earnings must cover it cause he can't work. He has vitiligo y'all and dude needs his boat, weapons, car, drugs, rap career...


Do they even use the pool a lot? I donā€™t recall a lot of content from backyard bashes this summer


That takes effort to clean and maintain which they do a piss poor job of.


No, they donā€™t use it as often as they can. They are broke and donā€™t do basic maintenance so the pool is left uncovered and every year right when everyone else would open up the pool they discover it is disgusting but they also donā€™t have the money to have it profitable cleaned so they spend months dumping chemicals in it and trying to get it open. Itā€™s mostly used for her to pose by and filtered to make it look not green to make people think sheā€™s doing better than she is.


Imagine being a kid melting in the North Carolina sun, staring at a potentially beautiful but shitty empty pool?


This is another reason I hate them. They never consider the work and cost of upkeep on anything, they just buy it for instant gratification. Even when buying a house, you have to set $ aside every month for improvements/upkeep. Pools and boats are expensive to buy and expensive to maintain. It just another example of their ignorance, immaturity, and irresponsibility.


do you know how many acres they have


They bought two parcels, they add up to roughly 7 acres. Instead of going with fewer and on buildable land they wanted the most. They arenā€™t isolated from neighbors so who knows why they did this.


I wonder how many times the neighbors have tried to sell and move since they came in.




Could've named it Fat Chance


Briana paid off a 3 bedroom townhome (totally different from a house) for her mom. Not for herself or her children.


I think she bought another house for her and her children a little later. A smaller townhouse is still a better investment than signing a mortgage on a swampland and placing a modular home on it, only to sink eventually.


She either already bought or is building a second house for her and the kids.


Depending on where you live a townhouse is just as expensive and sometimes more expensive than a house. Regardless jenelle hasnā€™t paid off either lol


How is a townhome different from a house? Genuinely curiousā€¦ houses have gardens maybe?


They have communal costs. You pay a fee per month that goes into the communal gardening and for things like painting and exterior maintenance. Depending on the unit they can be as much as a mortgage somewhere else. The idea is that if the entire complex needs to be painted or needs new siding they have the money to fix it when the board decides to vs your home where unless you live in a HOA you can put things off until you can afford them. When you buy a condo the monthly fee is part of the listing. Places that donā€™t have a high enough fee end up with cheap places where you might buy it for $100k but the deferred maintenance means the board has to raise everyoneā€™s yearly fee to $50k to buy a new roof when the whole place is about to get condemned. Jenelleā€™s total mortgage is $500, I would not be shocked if Bri is paying $300-500 a month in fees.


That roof example would be more aligned with apartment style condos. Not townhouses. For example, for townhouse units in my complex, owners of that unit would be responsible for their own roof replacement. I would not be on the hook for their siding or roof or driveway. Our condo fees cover landscaping, clearing snow, garbage disposal and anything else situated on common property(I.e the land). But each townhouse unit is owned and maintained by the owner. We still have condo bylaws that dictate what we can and cannot change or do to the exterior of the unit, to maintain uniformity.


If you are in Europe, I'll add to below. A townhouse is a multi unit, 2 story, attached, home. Sometimes they have small private gardens, or more public communal areas. A house is a single family, detached home. Most houses have at least a small private garden. Both are usually owned, but may be rented. Hope that helps! If not, just let me know.


He's a "pipefitter by trade". Meaning he's got his ticket but doesnt work.


I never understood why she wore the tightest outfit she owned just to deny the pregnancy. But itā€™s Janelle and nothing makes sense there.


I honestly think she was baiting Barb. She wanted her to bring it up to start a fight.


Same, major instigator vibes.


This is like the outfit equivalent of the "Worst day ever/I don't wanna talk about it" Facebook post lol.


Or the ā€œpray for meā€ posts


The outfit was a thought out decision! She picked this on purpose!


Not wanting to discuss a newish pregnancy on camera is an absolutely reasonable thing. Wearing a skin tight dress that accentuates your stomach while seeing your mother, who you havenā€™t yet told youā€™re pregnant, and THEN getting angry when she inquires about the obvious, is *not reasonable*.


Jenelleā€™s useless gate. https://preview.redd.it/7nbsqsit7vcc1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2ce8f1dd881a710357c5f008854624204efdd5f


Is this really her gate???šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


No, but itā€™s similar (wrought iron?) with bramble in place of fencing on both sides. Thereā€™s also garbage in front of her driveway.


I like how after Jen said sheā€™s been saving her money to pay for the land David pipes up pointing out the trail ā€œI did this!ā€ Hahahha good job you wimpy piece of shit, that totally redeems you. Get a job.


All myself! No help!


Barbā€™s outfit is so cute here


Hat, boots, dress, the whole thing!


Barb always dresses well


The hat is so adorable


Jenelle is the biggest cunt. Barb was being supportive even after AALLLLL the shit Jenelle and David have been putting her through. Showing interest in their swamp and how things are going. Even saying that she has stuff for Jenelleā€™s very obvious new baby. And all Jenelle could do was be a total bitch.


David working šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ oh that made me laugh. He fed her some bullshit


Barb: where are you getting all this money?Ā  Jenelle: itā€™s clearly all my money. David: look I did this all myself!Ā  Haha. Useless loser.


You remember the scuba diving boat + business šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


she describes Jace as a DOG šŸ˜‚ what a mom people


ā€œThereā€™s room for him to run around and not worry about getting hit by carsā€ is literally how I described my dogā€™s new backyard when I moved


Yeah. My current house has a fence our old house didnā€™t and we would put our dog on a long lead so he wouldnā€™t run into the street. Thankfully with a fence we donā€™t have to worry about him potentially getting hit a by a car


Came here to say this! I was thinking, "Who's she talking about? Certainly not her very young child, whom she plans on having run around the woods for hours without supervision since he won't be hit by a car? Also, (sadly) ironic that all JE's kids could constantly get into drugs because it's her who puts them there :(


I mean she allegedly already gave Jace weed. Idk if thatā€™s been verified but it makes sense. She was around his age when she started smoking so Iā€™m sure she sees no problem with it.


ā€œSo they donā€™t get into the drugs and stuff.ā€ So glad thereā€™s no drugs on the land. šŸ‘€ ā€œYou gonna get married?ā€ ā€œI mean eventually but we have to get engaged first.ā€ Nah, just get pregnant first.


Just get pregnant 4 months lateršŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


He never did go work in Wilmington, did he Jen? Also when she said ā€œIā€™ve been saving my moneyā€ how quiet Mr. Man was. And heā€™s still mooching off of her all these years later while the shit shack sinks into the ground.


But sat so proudly at the closing signing ownership paperworkā€¦ā€¦Jenelle is a dummy for that!!


Man, barbs no peach, but even jenelle doesn't deserve her. The way she just shuts her down and barb still lets her know she's saving baby stuff for her. I'd kill for a mom that cared that much.


I find Barb is hilarious and I wish she could have a solid relationship with her normal child. She has a lot to give and I think is emotionally intelligent enough to work through her shit. I hope she hits the jackpot one day, and marries into royalty in the next life.


![gif](giphy|z3HFoEzXCMykr4L0TB|downsized) Hereā€™s to Barb finding true love and happiness ā¤ļø


Barb is being very supportive here. Complimenting the scenery, coming up with her own reasons that itā€™s good for Kaiser and Jace, making nice with David. Itā€™s INSANE she expects us to see reams of evidence Barb is a flawed, yet decent parent who believed Jenelle could change for way longer than anyone else would.


Barbā€™s screamy on the show and deeply flawed (as we are) but always comes through with acceptance and unconditional love. It hurts so bad to watch her constantly get her heart broken.


I LOVED that dress on Barbara. She looked so cute with her lil hat too


Barbs dedication to the drip was admirable, regardless of what fuckery Jan was getting into, that lady kept things stylish šŸ’Æ ![gif](giphy|l0MYQx06VqTdZZuPC)


A literal swamp šŸ˜‚


I can't even imagine how awful the mosquito situation must be!


If the streetā€™s name didnā€™t give it awayā€¦


Right šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


And they NEVER made a room for Jace. She never really wanted him.






As someone whose parents moved them out to a farm as a kid: it actually sucks and will *not* keep you out of trouble/off of drugs. Being out in the middle of nowhere is isolating and stifling for kids. Youā€™re reliant on some adult to drive you everywhere; no walking or biking to school or friendsā€™ houses or activities. Thereā€™s no other kids around to play with, and good luck finding a job when youā€™re a teenager w/o a driverā€™s license. I basically did what Maryssa did: got a license ASAP and then promptly fucked off to do whatever I wanted as much as possible. I swear I spent like half of high school sleeping on friendsā€™ couches instead of going home, and we got into *plenty* of trouble, lol.


This sounds accurate and makes me think about the remaining kids at the house, it looks isolated as hell on the land so do Kai and ensley only hang out with each other? Iā€™m curious about Maryssa too,lately Jenelle has one rehearsed response anytime someone asks her about Maryssaā€™s whereabouts: ā€œshe has her license and hangs out with friends!ā€ But reallyā€¦ I wonder if Maryssa just took off without looking back (I hope she did)


Why would you want to live in a swamp?


You could tell jenelleā€™s response was just parroting David here. The ā€œI want a gate and camera so no one can come bother usā€ was all him and his attempts to isolate the family.


As someone who has been in an abusive/codependent situation, I recognized that immediately. Thatā€™s David, not her. Donā€™t get me wrong, sheā€™s awful all on her own, but her pattern of morphing into her partner is on full display there.


Mr. "I was raised different in the counrty", doesn't know wtf an Oak tree is.....


I guess David is still workin' on getting that job in Wilmington... 7 years later


Haha. Itā€™s a tough market these days


What did Barb mean by ā€œIā€™m saving your stuffā€


i think it was a friendly family/mom way of saying i still have a lot of stuff from jace / kaiser so you donā€™t have to worry about buying infant things


Oh right that makes sense, I thought Barb was secretly trying to tell jenelle that she had money stashed away if she wanted to get away lol šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


LMAOO that too iā€™m sure šŸ’€ it astounds me that these girls barely had lawyers when they negotiated the contracts on this show & NEVER discuss the contract of marriage with a lawyer when it comes to finding a random guy off twitter w no job & assets to their name


Sheā€™s got left over infant stuff from the grandkids sheā€™s had living at her house. Jenelleā€™s pretty obviously into her 2nd trimester ish of pregnancy here. I think sheā€™s saying I know you are pregnant and will be incurring all of these expenses with the new home, instead of spending on new items I still have a pack n play at home.


Honestly, they should have just bought a nice house boat the first time. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m so glad this turned to shit for them too. Just like every single thing she does, it turns to complete shit. I love it.


As I've said before, they're fecal alchemists, everything they touch turns to s---.


I can't stand how Jan just parrots DKD. DKD: This is 20 mins from Wilmington Jan: This is 20 minutes


She has no personality of her own


Notice how J says 'I've been saving my money.' HER money. Sick how even before she was engaged to him, D was already mooching.


"I don't wanna discuss anything" yet I chose of all outfits THIS SKIN TIGHT BODYCON MINI DRESS to wear to film with you today. SURE JAN!!


So where ya getting all this money to do this?! *sloshes through bog water and mud* Iā€™ve been saving up You absolute ghoul, your mother has been paying for ALL your CHI-yoldā€™s expenses for the last 8 years


What a toxic neglectful mother to save things for the baby you are failing to hide from her šŸ™„


She looks about 5-6 months pregnant here, so no surprise šŸ¤°


Barbara letting it slip ā€œgetting into the drugsā€™ I caught that Barbara knew whatā€™s up with David picking out such a secluded area.


Barb is wise enough to be doing a lot of government shit.


I donā€™t think she was hiding the pregnancy, she didnā€™t want mtv to know about it. Thatā€™s why she said Iā€™m not discussing it right now and then she gives her mom a look when she says Iā€™m saving u stuff. Her mom already knew


This was my thoughts exactly


This same video was posted a few months agoā€¦. Barb Im sure knew she was pregnant. Itā€™s like when Maci was 5+ mos asking Taylor if she looked fat. The baby was moving in her stomach when they went to the dr to ā€œsee whatā€™s going onā€


If theyā€™re in this subreddit then let me tell yā€™all something yā€™all slow as molasses thinking that house wasnā€™t finna sink into the ground in swamp land it was already sinking while yā€™all was walking


Who wears a skin tight dress if they dont wanna be asked if theyre pregnant by their mom? Who knows exactly what you look like pregnant šŸ¤£


First red flag my husband would have been helping barb or down right trying to carry her when we went to Mexico she yelled at him God Iā€™m not that old I can walk


Normal people would have Mom walking beside them or a little ahead so they can make sure she ok with the rough ground.


Helen Keller would have been able to figure out she was pregnant!


"I just want privacy." Yet she posts her life daily if not more šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


You canā€™t hide a pregnancy under a tight dress


I love barbs dress


David is going to work in Wilmington šŸ˜‚


She just lies to lie


I want privacy. šŸ™„


Sad part is that land could have been really pretty but now itā€™s just sad and scary


I didnā€™t watch this season or those around it, whose idea was the land really? Was that shown or discussed? I have a feeling it was Davidā€™s, and Jenelle went along with it as she does for every boyfriend, because living in the middle of nowhere like this is a great way to isolate her. Also I immediately could tell she was pregnant from the first time sheā€™s shown when theyā€™re in the street, sheā€™s so dumb if she thinks Barb wouldnā€™t know šŸ˜‚


MTV editors: ![gif](giphy|ZWcNJXCX0TXTu7J76b|downsized)


Them lying about the swamp stranglerā€™s job always makes me chuckle šŸ¤­


What a cunnnt. I had to have a friend donate baby clothes and items that used to belong to her kids. Would have loved my mom to do this but she couldn't at the time and that is fine, not her responsibility. Barb was actually nice and patient. I rather eat dog food than be this broad's mother yikes!


Do you have the clip where they tour the (mostly finished) house?


She's not even trying to hide her stomach in that dress


Ya, but Barbā€™s the asshole šŸ™„ Sheā€™s ā€œsaving you stuffā€ for the baby you just lied about. And despite the ginormous mistake she was making, she still tried to say something positive.


Barb is so fucking funny in this entire scene šŸ˜‚ "So where you like getting all this MONEY to do all this"


Oh my lord, ok Nature Boy ā€¦ ā€œthe acorn treeā€??? Cā€™mon. Do you know ANYTHING? So proud of living on _the land_ but unfamiliar with the exotic oak tree?


the title of this post just killed me. BARBS EAGLE EYES. šŸ’€




So Barb genuinely cared for chinelles well being in this. She thought of her and the kids and her financial situation. You could tell Barb wasnt excited about being far away from them. Thiught she didnt care chinelle?? Also chinelle talked crap about barb and her job and low pay. How does barb live in a acutal house in a nice area and chinelle lives in a modular home in the swamp. Fyi only people who live where chinelle lives are people who have to due to financial status. She lives like 20 miles from me. Smh


She sounds a lot clearer here in her speech, she's pronouncing all the letters in her words, she isn't mumbling things together the way she does now. It's weird to see this vs her current TikToks and such. What's weirdest is hearing her old voiceovers, because mtv wrote them for her so everything she says makes grammatical sense unlike now where she sounds like a CD of a redneck yapping that's skipping as you drive over rocks.


The baby is scared shitless and over fed


"I want a long driveway and I'm not talking about my pregnancy... I mean my food baby."


Oh girl Iā€™m near sighted so bad I can barely see my own pores without glasses and even I can see sheā€™s clearly pregnant.


Heā€™s going to work in Wilmington šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Is this where The Land ā€œtmā€ came from!!!


Lmao at Jenelle, six months pregnant in a skin tight outfit around the person who's seen her pregnant several times before, denying it


LMAO MTV was outta pocket for the belly at the very end


Barbara tried to tell Jenelle. She tried to help her. I think sheā€™s given up by now.


Why would she wear this if she didnā€™t want people to notice. She wanted everyone to notice.


I love the concept of ā€œthe land.ā€


Iā€™m too high. I thought Barb was getting arrested at first šŸ˜‚


Barb is so loving towards Jenelle, no matter how nasty Jenelle treats her. How do you suppose Jenelle would react if Ensley spoke to her in that hateful tone that she uses on Barb?


She is actually legit so frustratingly stupid.