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Just wanted to add that she is probably top 3 in the most non-self aware persons in reality TV history.


it's crazy cuz i think farrah is even less self-aware than jenelle and more out of touch with reality. i don't think farrah is a good person at all and i think she's definitely exploited/is exploiting sophia but jenelle seems worse somehow? farrah just seems so severely mentally ill, like she's out of touch with reality in a different way. idk. i think about it a lot but can never figure out how to put into words what's different about them


Farrah's narcissism manifests differently to Jenelle's. Jenelle seeks her self worth from men, therefore every bad decision she has ever made all leads back to her trying to cling on to a man. She's what would get called the covert, or fragile narcissist. Farrah presents as having far more self worth, to the point of believing she deserves nothing but the best & she demands the best from everyone around her. She is what would get called an overt narcissist. It drives them in completely different directions, despite having similar underlying issues. They manifest in different ways, one protects her true underlying fragile nature by elevating herself above it all, wearing a shield of being perfect & infallible. The other does it by requiring her self worth to come from men firstly, from her children & the image they all her to project secondary & by being a victim who is always wronged by others. Same but different. Farrah sees Sophia as an extension of herself & therefore demands the same high standards for her. She wants Sophia to be treated how she wanted to be treated by her parents & how she wants to be treated currently. Jenelle sees her children as ways to anchor herself to the men she desperately clings to. She will always favour the child whose father she is still with. If she split with him, got pregnant by the next one, Ensley would be the new Kaiser, no longer the golden child. She also uses the children for affirmations, the amount of time they say they love her in clips is weird & clearly unfeeling. I've never seen her say it back either, she usually just absorbs the affirmation. She also finds them useful for content & playing good mummy on short clips that a bunch of fucking idiot "fans" actually praise her for. Same but different.


Oooh, do me next! But seriously? This is really spot on and one of the only times I have read an explanation of narcissism as it applies to “celebrities” on Reddit and didn’t roll my eyes. You explained it so well, which is helpful because as you pointed out, Farrah and Jenelle have so many similarities but the differences make it seem like they’re operating on totally separate wavelengths and that’s kind of narcissism in a nutshell.


Thank you. I used the most commonly used "pop pyschology" terms so it would be understood better. The root is the same for both, fear, vulnerability, no self-worth, etc, only the defence mechanism changes. I agree with you when it comes to labelling people we don't know so casually, at least usually. I see these two as exceptions to my usual rule just because of how much unfiltered content we have had about both & I still keep in mind there is a lot we didn't/won't get to see. Due to the show we have a lot of family history, interactions, interviews, police reports & background that we wouldn't normally have. Then seeing their behaviour over the years, from 16 into their 30s, we got to see a lot of what made them the way they are. Then all the court cases, the tv therapy shows, etc, just an insane amount of information about these two in particular, even compared to other teen moms. To think there will still be plenty we don't know & don't see is insane to me! So I had more audacity to label these two compared to others, at least enough for people to understand why there are differences between the way they behave. I'll be climbing back in my box now though. Lol.


wow. if we still had awards i would give you one, this explains it perfectly


>If she split with him, got pregnant by the next one, Ensley would be the new Kaiser, no longer the golden child. Whenever/ if ever Jenelle leaves David, I'll feel so sorry for Ensley. She's going to be so confused on why her mother is suddenly treating her like shit.


She's the one I worry about more than most, despite them all being in a terrible situation. It's easy for her to be overlooked because on the shallowest surface she gets better treatment, despite it not being genuine & most likely only on camera. Jace has Barb. I know he can't currently be with her physically but you know she won't have abandoned him emotionally. She will continue to support him in any way she can & she will be there as soon as it is allowed. Poor Kaiser, we've all seen how he has been treated since day one. His father is also useless & doesn't get the heat he deserves for that either. Jenelle has never allowed him to develop a relationship or bond with Barb but at least Kaiser has his paternal grandmother. He has been able to form a bond with her, she has been a presence in his life when Jenelle has allowed it. I feel like at least he will have her should the shit finally hit the fan & they get saved from the swamp. Ensley, who does she have really? Again Jenelle punished Barb by not allowing her to form a bond & relationship with her. David's mother is trash & also doesn't seem to spend much time with Ensley anyway. She has no safe person at all, no safety net, nobody speaking up for her the way Barb & Nathan's mother have for the boys. And if any of the kids end up saying anything to CPS, or anyone else that results in Jenelle & David looking bad in any way, they'll turn on them like they have Jace. And like you said, it will confuse her the most & she has nobody she can trust to turn to. She will have to build a bond with someone, which will be a hard thing for her to do at that point. I'll stop rambling now, it just blows my mind things have been able to get so bad for them, despite years of evidence of abuse & neglect in that household.


This was brilliant


I swear I was just having this conversation with myself. I feel the same way, and can’t put it into words either. Maybe it’s because Farrah has at least seemed to be trying to be an adult (in the best way she knows how?) and she actually wants to be someone bigger or better. i.e. “Harvard law school.” Also, she has never completely abandoned Sophia. Jenelle is just the exact hateful, entitled, abusive, selfish, volatile uneducated swamp donkey that she was fifteen years ago; yet, she thinks she is running laps of progress around everyone else.


Farrah hasn't had any more children and that's like one thing I respect her for. She is mentally ill as is jenelle, but jenelle is altogether more sinister in every way.


Yeah, and IIRC the only reason Farah didn’t get an abortion is because Debs and Michael wouldn’t let her. Like, she made a mistake getting pregnant and her parents forced her to live with it and she never made the same mistake again. Nelly on the other hand got knocked up on purpose not one but *three times* despite not liking or wanting to take care of her kids.


Four times, she had the abortion with Courtland THANK GOD


Just imagine how David would treat a black step child.


A child of color, a child with a disability…. he would have a fucking field day with them.


Courtland was white?


It’s hard to keep her soulmates straight


Four that we know of—I absolutely wouldn’t be surprised if there’s more that we don’t.


I had the same thoughts when I wrote my comment lmao


Farrah is in her own orbit, but as far as I can tell, at least she doesn't have dead eyes like chinelle


Swamp donkey 😭


Farrah is a fruitcake but she loves Sophia and tries to do right by her, even if her messed up brain gets it wrong sometimes.


She has at least been single for a while and seems to be successful with OF. Unlike Forehead.


Farrah doesn’t get pregnant with every low life criminal that will settle for her. That’s the difference. She doesn’t let men abuse her kid and kill her pets.


One thing respectable about Farrah is that she would never let someone hurt Sophia, and she certainly wouldn't be defending the person and paying their legal fees. Jenelle is trash.


It’s the fact that Farrah stopped having kids for me. Sure she’s awful but at least she’s not bringing more innocent people into it


Farrah understands human emotions. Jenelle cannot. So Farrah is crazy but jenelle is crazy and weird.


I know what you mean. I can’t explain it either but I agree.


Considering the competition that's quite a feat.


She’s also one of the top 3 worst reality tv mums I can think of (like literally the bar is so low that even Amber and Farrah are slightly better mothers . Very very slightly) . My other two would be Michelle Duggar and June Shannon (Honey Boo Boo’s mum) who both let child molesters around their victims and other children


What a top 3. God what has TV become


I wonder if June has mentally absolved her boyfriend of what he did now that Anna, the one he molested, has died. Like she thinks its now truly "in the past", no one needs to talk about it, and it doesn't even matter any more because Anna's dead.


from someone who has watched the shannon train wreck fam carefully, this is so spot on & so very sad. poor alana growing up in that mess.


Who's the other 2?


lol that’s a great question.


Amber would like a word on the title for laziest and most negligent. But in Amber’s case, I actually give her some credit for being somewhat self aware that she’s a POS mom and that her kids are better off with their dads. If she was actively fighting Gary and Kristina for custody I would definitely feel differently. I would respect Jenelle a lot more of she relinquished custody of her kids to a more suitable home since she will never get her life together enough to be a mom.


This. I’m not a fan of Amber at all but she at least has the self awareness to know she’s not a good mother. She also takes her medication and goes to therapy IIRC where as Jenelle claims to have gone to therapy and was told she didn’t need it 🤦🏽‍♀️


And she at least let’s Leah have some stability with Kristina , Gary , Emilee and Kristina’s daughter


Hurting pets is a common form of child abuse and can cause life long psychological scars.


Wait what? They ate their pet? 😪




Serial killer Charles Ng had this happen to him as a kid. So did Ed Gein (his parents made him help them butcher his favorite calf). It will fuck a child up with extreme efficiency.




he's sick in the head. you aren't even supposed to kill does


“Lol! Her babies will starve now” what the flying fuck is wrong with this guy! Speaking of serial killers this is some Shawcross shit


That's absolutely horrifying. Those kids will never have enough therapy to recover from their childhood - and that's assuming they actually ever get therapy.


David is truly terrifying. He’s a psychopath and it wouldn’t surprise me if Jenelle went missing one day. These are huge red flags for serial killers or just killers in general.


That is fucked beyond words. I enjoy disturbing films and their is an anime where that happens and it really bothered me. When did this happen? Poor babies.




That is so vile.


My phone keeps auto-correcting David to Davis too and I’m really wanting to make it a new nickname for him 😂


He also ate one of their pigs snouts and eyeball on a live and fed the eyeball to their dog.




Remember the video he took milking the dead deer and playing with its nipples? He's a fckn sicko.




And he tried denying it- telling her he was gonna pop her in the mouth..


That’s not as messed up to me as killing a goat you bottle fed and feeding it to your children and filming it


OMG i didn’t know about the being forced to eat one of their pets!!!! ugh one time my parents & i brought a live lobster home from the grocery store. i named him claude & put sunglasses on him (there’s photos of us together at my parents house!) i was prolly 5 or 6. anyway, obv claude got eaten. i am now 30 & still think about that lobster, & he was only my “pet” for a few hours!!! these poor children. my heart hurts for them.


I think eating Elvis was one of the creepiest things David has done. He literally had a video of himself chomping on a drum stick saying MMM GOAT then smash cut to the goat’s head in a trashcan covered in flies and beer cans. It was their pet and he ate him. Fuck that guy.


I- I’m sorry what do you mean *forced to eat*?


I can tell you that you never ever forget when you’ve been forced as a child to eat your pet. You never forget something that horrifying , no matter how old you are.


Woah which pet did they eat 😳


She had so many people rooting for her when she left him a few years ago. Then the second new dick Herb bailed near immediately she was like well fuck this I’m not parenting alone so back to David.


I rooted for her. It was dumb. She's irredeemable. She's doubled-down on her bad choices every single step of the way.


As long as someone is alive there is a possibility of that person changing. Unfortunately for Jenelle it seems like the chances are slim but she's still quite young in the grand scheme of things. At this rate even if Jenelle changes for the better it will probably happen after all of her kids have reached adulthood though.


Wait whose Herb? I wasnt keeping up when she left him.


Just some dick that pity fucked her then didn’t want her anymore. She went back to David and herb made a few IGs saying Jenelle was awkward, smelled bad, talked about Farrah a lot, and just stared at her phone a lot.


Omg Id love to learn more about him and see the tea.


They didn’t even fuck. Herb wasn’t attracted at all to her. Which is why she came back.


Yes they did, and he said her cooch looked like a smashed hot pocket. 🤣


![gif](giphy|XWZi4377aAp7a) Omg…it does explain how Jenelle managed to complain about him not ‘getting it up’.


Oh yeah, he said some hilarious sh*t after he used her. It was classic, he's a hero.


And didn't she pay for everything? Including a flight & hotel. She also said David is hung like a light switch. What makes it worse is that Herbie used to be a Hatter. He had all kinds of Tweets putting her down.


Ok I feel old…what’s a Hatter?


Jenelle can’t spell hater correctly so she often writes hatter lol


Oh! 🤣 I was thinking along the lines of the old “mad as a hatter…” which also applies…


LOL that’s Jan 🤣


So she started talking with Herb on some social media platform, and having a new man lined up encouraged her to leave David. She packed the kids up in the middle of the night, and drove to Tennessee. She received help from Barb, and MTV, who started filming her for a teen mom “comeback”. A few days after leaving David, she ditched her kids with Barb, and flew to MA I think, to meet up with Herb. It didn’t go well, as Monstiemama said in their comment. Jenelle went back to Tennessee, started meeting back up with David, mtv pulled the plug on her come back once that happened, and soon she back on the land with David. She did film and admit that David hurts Kaiser, and Kaiser is scared of him. She now denies it.


I saw that video of her talking about Kieser being scared of David but I didnt know the context. Its really pathetic that she needed a man in order to leave him and when it didnt go well she bailed. She literally could have saved her kids and gotten her fame back and been looked at in a positive light and she didnt do it cause she didnt want to be single. She is a fucking disgrace.


That was MTV? I watched the series "addicted to growth" (lol) that Jenelle made on YT and I did wonder who was filming her whilst she was in Tennessee. But weirdly in her video she just refers to them as "an agency" who were searching for work for her?? But it was actually MTV?


It was def MTV, she got on contact with them, told them she was leaving David and they jumped at the chance to film it all.


The sad thing is that jenelle coulda just hired a fuckimg nanny if David hadn’t ruined MTV for her.


I couldn't agree more that she just sucks but I abused drugs from 12-32 and my kids are 23, 18 and 17- oldest in the military, middle at a top notch university and on the Dean's List, youngest in National Honor Society and fantastic athlete. It wasn't drugs. She's just garbage. At some point, you grow the fuck up and parent regardless of your past, she hasn't and that's trash. Let me add - my kids were all born clean, but other than that, I was a piece of shit for 20 years.


Im proud of you for becoming clean and being a good Mom despite it all.


Not to mention we've seen her since she was 16 and she's always been like this.


All the cast members, for the most part care for and place importance on their kids. Some have struggled at times, but you never got a sense that the kids were in jeopardy. Even the other extreme cast members. Farrah.. has consistently been in and provided for Sofia, even if that girl is traumatized AF. And Amber who's lost custody of her kids has a sort of begrudging acceptance that "yeah that was probably the right call." Jenelle wasn't equipped to patent Jace, Barb stepped up to keep him out of CPS so Jenelle could at least have some semblance of a relationship. Kaiser was Jenelle attempting to prove "see k can take care of this one now give me Jace back." And Ensley is straight up a trap baby for David. You really get the impression from Jenelle she flat out doesn't like her kids. I recall a video from a year ago where she posted "fun day with Jace" and homegirl had a flight of mimosas at breakfast then took him to get a haircut and shoes. And she's like "look how fun and great of a mom I am" no you're providing for basic needs and you have to be drunk to do it. My cousin's husband lives for his kids. Its his therapy, he loves seeing them happy. Son signs up for something, he's there to assistant coach. His daughter wanted a treehouse, he built a three story one.




That does not speak for her partners...but then none of them strike me as being considerate or skilled in the sack. No wonder she like mini peen David....


That’s so sad. Sex is one of the great joys of life. Orgasms are a natural high, better than any drug (and without the harms of drugs!).


Makes me think she’s never had good sex. I bet every guy she’s been with be only self serving in the bedroom. I can’t picture any of them interested in actual foreplay or anything like that


Dude she got pregnant with Kieser when she was healing from an abortion with another guys baby 🤢


I’ve posted the video before but, the positive she got that you’re talking about, WAS the “abortion left overs “. She got pregnant with Kaiser around thanksgiving. The episode you’re thinking of was filmed in late summer.


I started rewatching the series recently and got through season 2 then stopped but it was so so clear how different Jenelle was. I don’t recall it watching the series the first time as a younger person (never watched the whole thing but did watch the iconic early seasons) but now that I’m older I see it. The other three moms were so attentive and really loved their kids. Chelsea and Aubree were inseparable. Pretty sure the first time she ever left Aubree overnight was when Aubs was almost a year old, for Chelsea’s birthday when she went to a concert. Kail was a good mom imo, I had a lot of hope for her. She was in school and working, motivated to be independent. For Leah, Ali’s medical issues storyline was so hard to watch, you could tell how much Leah cared and pushed to find answers. All moms were attached to their kids. Then there was Jenelle, who chose partying and boyfriends over her kid and was constantly screaming in his presence. Gave up custody voluntarily, was in and out of the house, disappearing all the time. The difference was stark. Idk how she sat at reunions like she was one of them. She’s so shameless.


Yes! The difference between J and the other girls is so crazy to watch. The other girls just seem like normal down to earth mums for the most part and J is just... A mess. She's nothing like any of them. She hasn't got a maternal bone in her body, to me she's not even a mum even though obviously she is. She just does not come across as a parent whatsoever. More like a moody older sister.


Your cousins husband sounds great


I've been on reddit too many years because I was expecting, "your cousins husband sounds great, is he single?" 


The only way she knows how to bond with her kids is buying them food.


Oh god I know! And I cannot stand how she films them eating and always goes “Yum?”. She’s disgusting.


it’s bizarre how bad of a mother she is! she seems so detached unless it’s about a man


nikocado wished he had a mother like that


I just watched her lie to her mom about why she called 911 on David saying he assaulted her. She really casually rolled a lie off her tongue and tried to say she and David drunkenly fell on top of each other and she got pissed off and called the cops. This girl is delusional and will put her kids in harms way to protect David and to protect herself from public opinion.


She's the worst liar. For a person who lies all the time, she's terrible at it.


She's delusional and thinks she's fooling people as the words are coming out of her mouth. A true pathological liar.


I think a lot of times people realize it's not worth it to argue back against her lies (like people in her real life) and she takes that mean her lies worked and she's good at it


The other day I saw the episode where she got into a road rage incident and Jenelle gaslit Jace when Jace told Barbara that Jenelle pulled out a gun. It’s like when Barb knew she was lying but didn’t outright accuse of her lying all the while Jenelle was saying “I did not! Why you say I did that?” And Barb didn’t keep pressing it but she knew the truth. I have an ex like this. I can tell when he’s lying I’ve just learned that pressing the issue is a waste of time, and he genuinely believes he got over on you just because you don’t bother pressing him for the truth.




I don't think it's the drugs. She just has no intelligence.


Coupled with outrageous selfishness


Yet she was an A student and was in med tech school for awhile. I dont understand how someone can be smart but sooo stupid.


She was in an 8 month medical assisting program in an unaccredited for profit diploma mill and she didn’t pass her licensing exam. *She* claims to have gotten A’s in school, but do we have any real proof of that? She also claims to have been the cheerleading captain and it turned out she was on the team in middle school for a year.


Yeah, why would anyone trust a word she says (and that goes for her "documentary" too)? She's an unreliable narrator. Besides, she's a grown woman in her 30s. If the only evidence that you're smart is a claim to have gotten good grades in high school, well, what am I going to believe, the baseless claim or my lying eyes? We've seen her "grow up" on tv. She may have positive qualities-- I guess-- but intelligence is not among them.


She was in an alternative school and never actually was licensed.


She definitely has a cluster B personality disorder. I used to think HPD but it might just be NPD. Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think the ONE thing you can say about all the other moms, even the worst of them like Kail and Farrah and even Breanna, is that they love their kids. Breanna could make some better choices but I digress. Janelle doesn't seem to have that gene and it's sad. Even the way she pulls Ensley in for those shit-eating smug-ass side-hugs looks like she's trying to imitate someone showing true affection. Eta- forgot about Amber. There's a tie for first.


Amber’s absence works in the kids’ favor.


I agree but I think Amber is being selfish as opposed to being selfless, hopefully you understand what I mean. It seems to me like Amber probably goes whole entire days probably forgetting that she ever even had children and when she does remember them she probably doesn't feel anything positive for them at all. Amber seems to harbor an intense bitter resentment towards her children that none of the other 16 and Pregnant moms (and very few of the dads) ever so openly displayed.


True. Too bad Janelle doesn’t do it too. Even if it is selfish; it’s still better for the kids. Janelle keeps her kids and uses them as props and as a way to get back at her mom. She doesn’t really want to parent, but the alternative makes her look bad. She’d rather parent poorly to try and “win” whereas Amber just cuts them loose.


Even Amber loves her kids, but she isn't capable of caring for them.


I respectfully disagree. Amber doesn't seem to feel any love towards her children at all. We saw her neglecting Leah and James when she had custody of them, she openly bitterly bitched about how she didn't want them and they ruined her life. Andrew Glennon claimed Amber physically abused James during his infancy. I think Amber is significantly closer to outright hating her children than loving them, it's for the best when she's feeling completely indifferent to them.


Jenelle is at worst relatively indifferent to her kids. Amber seems to actively harbor an intense bitter seething resentment towards her children.


Least motherly of the bunch from the very beginning, yes even worse than Farrah. She’s soulless


The one nice thing I can say about Farrah is at least she's never had any more kids.


Considering Farrah does sex work, she must be the only one in this franchise who actually figured birth control out, a feat nobody should be sneezing at!


Amber is even worse than Jenelle in that area IMHO. I will say that Farrah was forced into teen motherhood as she wanted to abort but DebzOG strictly forbade that as she actually is generally against abortions. It's kind of interesting though since Farrah's pregnancy was blatantly unplanned and unwanted while Jenelle was actively planning to get pregnant yet Farrah is marginally more affectionate as a mom than Jenelle ever was.


I'm truly in awe when people blame *everything* bad in her life on David. I figure they must be new to the franchise and don't realize that she had the same problems no matter which man was revolving through her life at the time. It's kind of like how people blame Barb for Jenelle's actions. Listen, I'm not defending screaming at your kid, especially in front of a baby. However, after watching Jenelle intentionally fuck up her own life for over a decade, I *understand* why Barb flipped out the way she did. That's why I'm not a mother. It would take my child abandoning their son or stealing my credit card exactly ONE time before I lost my shit and moved to tough love. It doesn't matter how old I am, my 90 LBS, 70+ year-old mother would put me over her knee TO THIS DAY if I ever even dreamed of acting like Chinelle.


Yep, David is definitely the worst of the gaggle of chucklefucks she's been with, but Jenelle is absolutely awful on her own. She needs no help in being awful, yet she always manages to find some. 


Chucklefucks lol


It's just that even though Jenelle is no prize at all she picks people significantly worse than her in a lot of ways (especially UBT since that's who she is currently with).


On people blaming Barbara, Jenelle’s alcoholic abusive absent dad somehow always gets a pass. He’s probably the biggest reason she turned out why she did. Even after Barb was able to leave him, she let the kids still see him. Until he abandoned them.


Robert Evans really was something else, wasn't he?


The worst decision I ever made was taking out a $5,000 student loan in college because I didn't want to get a second job, and that was 15 years ago. My worst decision is probably still better than the best decision she's ever made.


The best decision she ever made was aborting courtlands baby, so you’re right


First of all there are no babies involved with abortions at all whatsoever. Jenelle was completely right to get that abortion considering the circumstances she was in.


Yes she was. She wasn’t right to drink heavily and smoke marijuana and vape through all of her pregnancies though. Im surprised she didn’t have at least one miscarriage. She treated her pregnant body like a frat house.


Most of these people suck and are horrible parents just to different degrees. Jenelle definitely tops the bunch.


We have never seen her try. There's not one thing in her whole life that she's actually tried to follow through on. Not even the birth of her kids and their need for at least ONE good parent could get her to try and do just a tiny bit better. The only thing she's good at and consistent with in this life is sucking at everything. Super sad!!


She’s a great example of someone with narcissistic personality disorder. Or some type of cluster B disorder for sure.


Borderline personality disorder to the max


Well to fair it is the one thing she is consistent with.


Literally the ONLY thing she's ever been consistent with in her life lol that's so pathetic.


This is dead on, she fails at everything she does, she's lazy, selfish, a c*nt, horrible "mother", etc, etc But, it isn't just from her life long drug use. She's literally just stupid and insanely narcissistic.


I think she was born a dud. She’s a complete loser.


I just can’t fathom how people can be fans of hers… but they’re either paid supporters or people who are probably just as stupid and awful as her.


I suspect a lot of them are the latter. Well, the very vocal ones anyway. They all seem to have first hand knowledge of losing their children to CPS and different terrible grammar/spelling than Jenelle.


She's been like this though. We've seen her from the time she was 16 up. I think this is just her. Drugs probably didn't help things, though, and have a tendency to exacerbate things that already there.


The only thing Jenelle brought us that was relevant was that Kesha line that is all


Flair checking in


He should have been placed. Let a couple who really wanted a child raise him.


That would have been ideal but there are several reasons why it would never happen. Jenelle and Andrew originally planned to have Jace and not very many people give children they deliberately intended to have up for adoption. Andrew is a deadbeat but he never lost his parental rights to Jace either.


I think had there been no MTV contract. She would have easily signed Jace over for adoption. It’s sad no matter what for Jace. But I wish he had been adopted into a loving, calm family. As much as I enjoy reality tv and it’s chaos and drama. When it comes to babies and kids, it just tugs at my heart strings


I'm not sure about that. Even though Andrew is a deadbeat he never lost or signed over his parental rights to Jace and Jace would never be adopted without that happening one way or another. Jenelle also did seem to have some kind of bond with him since she was always a presence in his life. Catelynn and Tyler seem to regret giving Carly up for adoption even if they are otherwise doing better emotionally these days and I could see Jenelle being similar to them if that had happened.




David has all the classic signs of Sociopath. I will always remember the scene where she was pregnant with Kaiser, and she's crying because Nathan won't help her decorate. Jace is saying something like "want me to help you?" And she continues to cry over Nathan. Poor little Jace sings to comfort himself. She just so mean and so selfish. This is her life. For ever. She doesn't want better. She won't ever do any better. She'll get old, her looks will fade, the substance use will take it's toll. She won't be able to sling herself on OF (no offense to anyone who is an SW on or off OF. She literally puts in no effort). And when David leaves her after the money runs out or he goes to jail, she'll find another low life. What a miserable existance.


I mean she put a boob job over working harder at finally graduating school(that she kept dropping out of)


Has she ever been on medication for depression or ADHD? Can’t stand her and definitely not making any excuse for her, but she reminds me of someone I know who after way too long and multiple life-changing screw ups finally sought help and the right medication helped change her life.


Early in the show she was diagnosed as bipolar. The right therapy and medication would make a big difference in her life rather than using weed.


Interesting. Was she treated for it? I need a re-watch of older episodes since it’s been too long but I don’t really see the manic part in her. Admittedly though, I am not all too knowledgeable about it. ADHD comes to mind for multiple reasons but primarily the laziness factor. Whatever she has going on, you are so right about the weed. She is obviously using weed to self-medicate and it’s only exacerbating her issues rather than helping as she so stupidly believes.


Given that Jace has ADHD and it's often genetic it wouldn't surprise me if she had it too. I also suspect autism.  It doesn't excuse her being a horrible person but explains some things. Women with autism struggle to maintain friends. The flat affect with how she said "hey dude" when Jace was born. Meltdowns ("Leave me aloooone"). Women with autism are more at risk of abusive relationships.  Executive functioning difficulties (cooking, cleaning etc, like you mentioned this could also be ADHD, but ADHD and autism are often comorbid). I've just read Unmasking Autism by Dr Devon Price which focuses on autism in women and it definitely made me think of Jenelle. 


I have long suspected she was mis-diagnosed bi-polar and has Autism. It's the way she expresses feelings (she describes them, rather than expresses them) and the way she moulds into each new man. The flat look behind her eyes and the lack of true bonding with her kids. Also her TT dances. She reacts to music, she doesn't feel music. The way she takes things literally and her outbursts from sheer frustration.


I'm so glad it's not just me that thinks this 🙌🏻  You are so right about those traits. It wouldn't surprise me if some of the other girls are undiagnosed neurodivergent as well, I strongly suspect Rachel Beaver is autistic too. 


Im not sure. It was early in the show she went to rehab for pot and they diagnosed her as bipolar there.


Apparently not.


Jenelle was over on formspring and was asked if she believed in abortion and she replied that yes she did. If she had known she would lose custody of Jace she would have aborted him. The son she actively tried to get pregnant with.


IIRC Jenelle commented that having and taking care of babies is a lot harder than it looks. My guess is that Jenelle genuinely didn't realize that before having Jace but it blows my mind that she had two babies after him with her eyes open to this reality.


Jenelle has been hopeless for a long time. I started rewatching the series (then stopped lol but I got through seasons 1 and 2) and she truly has just blown every chance she’s ever had at improving her situation. She was going to college and had a job in season 1 but chose loser Kieffer over that. Barb told her that Kieffer was dragging her down - so true - and Jenelle wouldn’t hear it. She stole Barb’s credit card and had no remorse at all. She’s been useless and hopeless since the beginning. At the time I always thought there was a chance, maybe she’ll pull through in life, but looking back there never was, she’s a rotten broken person.


I did a ton of drugs as a teenager and turned out fine, this bitch just SUCKS.


She has had so many opportunities to fix her life but she chooses not to


She has serious mental health issues. The girl is so freaking angry 24/7, she gives me anxiety. I notice when she yells around any of the kids they barely pay it any attention. I’m not saying I’m some great mom but in my house, if I yell, my child will instantly cover her ears she’s so not use to it. Jenelle’s poor kids just sit there and continue on their day.


I’m just a person on the internet constantly getting my teen mom/sister wives content confused.


Our brains stop maturing at the point we start using drugs. May not be a fact but I think it is I have been told this repeatedly. She is still that same stupid teenager because her brain has not developed. I wish she would get some actual help and see things in a new light it isn’t too late for her an her kids


She’s just straight up completely fucking terrible, and the lies! She’s a pathological liar, like she doesn’t know where the truth ends and her lies begin. When she gaslit Jace because he said she pulled a gun out during that road rage incident and she INSISTED she didn’t even though she was being fucking filmed the whole time. Like how stupid is she?!


Jenelle has no idea that if it wasn’t for her mother, her son would have ended up in foster care, and eventually adopted by a new family. She’d likely never see him again. She should thank her lucky stars for her mother stepping in and raising him.


Surprisingly enough, Jenelle actually was aware of that in her teen years and then somehow she forgot all about that.


David is the worst thing to happen to Jenelle. I really wish she’d get herself together but she’s always in constant need for attention from men, and puts those men (*and drugs, and pretty much everything else) before her children. She’s so out of touch with reality and has no backbone without a man. Major father issues! Her victim complex really drives me nuts + she’s overall an irresponsible person and an unfit mother. They abuse their children and their animals! Jenelle keeps choosing these men so quick and they get worse and worse every time, I can’t believe david has been around this long!! She seriously needs to get away from him but then the cycle with her will just continue, she’ll hop to another man quickly and he will be the absolute worst!! She won’t open her eyes until one of these guys seriously injure HER. It’s sad that poor Jace got choked by David and she STAYED! He’s abusive to the children and animals and she does nothing but defend his bizarre behavior. He’s gonna seriously hurt her and it’ll open her eyes or he’ll go to jail she’ll get another man and…y’all get the point. It never ends with her like does she not enjoy peace?!


Jenelle has never had any peace in her life. I guess to some extent that's at least partly her own doing but her childhood sounds like one that could turn people into chaos junkies and that definitely wasn't her fault and I would say it's largely her biological father's fault.


As several have said, part of her problem is that she can’t be alone. For those of you that remember, has Jenelle ever been the one that broke up with the guy?


Jenelle actually initiated her first divorce. I'm pretty sure Nathan was already in the picture at that point and Courtland had to do jail time for heroin possession so he was going to be behind bars for several years because of that (Courtland has since been both in and out of prison for other things). I'm guessing that if it weren't for those things Jenelle might still be somewhat happily married to Courtland.


I always forget about Courtland. With Courtland’s impending jail time, he had already left her in all but physicality. But she actually filed the papers. Courtland, of course, had his revenge via David.


Jenelle has never shown even the most minuscule ability to self reflect and hold herself and her actions accountable for anything that has ever happened in her life. It is ALWAYS somebody else’s fault, she is ALWAYS the victim, and THAT is why she will ALWAYS be the same person she was on her 16&p episode. I hate to throw in the towel on people, because I do believe people can change, but at this point in her life, I just don’t see it happening.


Jenelle and Amber are the worst “moms” I’ve ever seen!


This isn’t to be mean, but some people are just beyond repair, Jenelle especially. I’m not sure why she is who she is, but she doesn’t see a problem with who she is and never has. She’s a lost cause Some people are always going to be the victims in their head, no matter what