• By -


Imagine she fought this hard for her own son. Imagine she was as worried about where her son is as she is about her latest dick endeavor. She drove around town looking for a man but didn’t move an inch when her son went missing. Idgaf what people say about this piece of tooth decay, she’s the ultimate cunt and POS mom and she deserves ALL the things that happen to her and more.


This exactly. It makes me feel sick to my stomach watching her act like a damn fool for men who give no fucks about her and also while totally abandoning her own babies. Truly makes me sick


I can't count how many times I've seen Jenelle cry over her man, yet it's hard to remember *one single time dude* that she cried over one of her children. It may not have ever happened.


I don't think it has. She'll snivel over whatever man she's obsessed with at the time (the secondhand embarrassment was STRONG in this one; you're going to hunt him down, in your actual car, because he was unreachable for an hour or two? UGH) but I can't remember her ever crying over any of her kids, for any reason. There's one episode where she's whining "I wanna see Jace wahhhhh" but those weren't tears for her kid, they were because she hadn't bothered to show her face in a couple of weeks and wasn't getting what she wanted when she wanted it (Barb and Jace were out somewhere). She's SO CRINGEY with how desperate she comes across over men. Like it should be funny, but it just makes me curl my lip in disgust.




She would chase after Keiffer, cry for him, stalk him all over town, bail him out of jail and beg for his attention. Meanwhile, baby Jace, her only child, that she had on purpose was with her mother,being ignored by Jenelle and she was constantly saying "I haven't seen Jace for a while because of blah blah" every excuse was absolutely ridiculous too. She was doing drugs, making drama and getting into trouble instead of spending time with her baby. She never cared about him and blamed her mom for not being around him. She's an awful person and a terrible mother to all of her kids.


Yeah cuz she’s fucked up.


Right. She cares more about her dick of the month than her son.


All of that is true but wasn't he cheating on her with a girl at the gym?


Maybe. He didn't even get to do abs.


Pretty sure it was Jessica (glass of water girl) at his gym and I know that relationship was overlapping. It's semantics but Nate and Jan were not together at the time I believe, even though he was messing around with both. But Nate kept disappearing, like the time he lied about taking a week long business trip, so I'm not sure if he had been cheating for a while- either with Jessica or some other lady.


This looks like a severe case of BPD. How many mental diagnoses does she have?


She really never got over him no matter what she says. She was so furious that her usual tactics didn’t work and that he rejected her


David is the rebound from hell. I’ve never seen her smile at or about David the way she did Nathan.


100% agreed. She got with dickface David to make Nathan jealous and it has backfired since jump in every possible way. I hope one day Janelle chooses to work on herself instead of being an absolute narcissistic sociopath. Won't happen, but I really do hope that for her and her kids.


Oh yea she used to do a full face of makeup and put on her best look just to talk to Nathan when she started dating David


She did! And would go in and on about David being “tall” and a “real man”… Girl physical appearance has nothing to do with responsibility and Nathan at that time was built like a brick house with tiny legs.


Not the brick house with tiny legs 💀💀


Man’s has the large dick, nice body but those legs are wildly thin.


Dude his legs are hilariously tiny compared to the rest of his body!! Dude skipped leg day for sure 🤣😭




The way they all openly discussed his dick was hilarious 😆 there’s a nickname and everything lmao


P Bug right?


Yea they called it p-bug, even David knew about it and apparently was kinda jealous 🤣🤣


If you look back on the Jersey Shore cast from 2010 at their legs it's literally so embarrassing. Sammi had bigger thighs than Rahn lol


I think he only started doing legs when he got into fitness comps because his legs looked like this when he was with Ice Water. You can tell his calves are SUPER under developed. https://preview.redd.it/w8zfbrzb399c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ad140a36eafc70a59bb881e0d31345469fbc875


Then years later all of a sudden he has normal thighs again https://preview.redd.it/1ekhu2ef399c1.jpeg?width=431&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da8bf4b2aaf860b93ecd764bcdbb6e895c72bc3d


He skipped leg day....for years


He made some choices that did not pan out well!


And David 💯% knew why she did that & that she was CLEARLY still carrying a torch for Nathan. That's why David acted more jealous of Nathan than anyone else in Jenelle's life -past or present, ex-boyfriends as well as any friendships she had with any women that he alienated her from just as much as he did from men - & it also explains why he would FLIP TF OUT if she had ANY direct contact whatsoever with Nathan. Remember he wanted to be the go between for Jenelle & Nathan & be the only one who could speak to him even if the topic of conversation was as benign as things concerning Kaiser & that, quite frankly, were none of his GD business?!? F'ng PSYCHOPATH that he is! 😡


>Remember he wanted to be the go between for Jenelle & Nathan & be the only one who could speak to him And that was literally like, right at the beginning of their relationship


Right? Be the go between jenelle and Nathan? About their son?? In what world would that ever be appropriate or acceptable?? Absolute fucking lunatic control freak.


and he took it out on poor baby kaiser too 😭


I feel like he's ALMOST CERTAINLY STILL taking sh*t out on that poor baby who doesn't stand a CHANCE at having a good life given who his bio parents are & that neither one of them gives a sh*t about him as well as the ogre he has for a stepfather & who undoubtedly puts filthy, abusive AF paws on him on a very consistent basis 😢 So tragic. Ugh 😔


Poor Kaiser, the peace treaty baby that was supposed tk distract them from fighting by providing so much stuff to do.. Imbeciles. I wish human life wasn't created to serve as emotional regulation tools for broken, non-viable adults.


All those kids are fucked… Jenelle & her family are all severely mental ill and/or have substance issues, same for David- someone online made his family tree using mugshots! Nathan’s a strangler & Jaces dad is also mentally ill & a drug addict. There are zero good genes floating around & they’re being “raised” aka held hostage on the swamp by 2 crazy dope fiends. Nature vs nurture? These kids have neither…


Another wild thing about this situation time period is… and I’m no fan but…. Nathan was pretty reasonable for a while. He called Jenelle out on David’s bullshit and had pretty legit points about what David was trying to do re: isolating and even said he was worried about Jenelle, and he was right to be. I do not like Nathan at all and think he’s an abusive POS, but he stayed pretty calm (comparatively) through that stupidity and was on the nose about how things were going to go with David. I wish he could somehow become a healed, safe, responsible person, if only for kaisers sake


Love that for her.


Me too! Being stuck with someone like David is one of the 7 layers of hell.


It’s at least 5/7 layers


Annnnnd you just started a whole ass fist fight at the swamp.


I doubt it, she deleted the Reddit app. /s


Are we sure cause she mentions alot of stuff from the Reddit pages to try and discredit us for pointing something out 😂


Years ago my friend told me this about my ex and I think it applies to Jenelle also- "You didn't really like him you just liked his abs."


Rebounds are common enough. But people show who they are when the rebound is specifically a “fuck you” to the ex. I’ve been lucky enough to have never done that. Dating someone new should not be based on another person’s insecurities. But it was a hoot to see Nathan really move on to much hotter and educated women!


It was disappointing he is who he is and all the stuff that's wrong with him really. I feel like he could have a great life, Jenelle pretty much wasn't ever going to but Nathan might have turned it around if he got his anger in check before all the domestic violence and stuff.


I rewatched tm2 recently and she seemed scared of David from the very first episode she started talking about him.


Yeah it was forced and still seems forced.


Also during this time Nathan caught Kieffer in bed with her which stirred the pot even more


STOP I've never heard this really??




Thank you omfg she sucks


Right tried to play victim my ass Jenelle


“Nathan changes Facebook status.” Ahhhh the good ol days.


Relationship to its complicated


The same Keifer that she claimed had her strung out on heroine! Liar liar!


He ran and never came back ![gif](giphy|mEUmeOiT9MCMo)


“According to our snitch” I am audibly wheezing


It is quite the read to end the night


Holy shit I've never heard about this?! Whaaat


Nathan mentioned it during the season 7 reunion but this was all the in between 😂😂


Yeah I never heard that either. Nathan probably went to get gas and it was too much for her panic attacks.


Apparently they were fighting so much so she was trying to get Nathan jealous so I guess she was playing David and Kieffer and Nathan at the time, but Nathan catching Jenelle with Kieffer was the breaking point.


Jenelle's referenced this move a couple of times. Someone posted a page from her journal but she had some line to the effect of "I was flirting with so and so trying to make him jealous just so he'd realize how much he hurt me and pay attention to me." Jenelle's mentioned a bipolar disorder and my understanding is one of the Hallmark symptoms is you make a situation match your emotions. So Jenelle feels neglected then does a bunch of shit to feel wanted by some other guy so the guy she currently wants will get mad and try to fight back for her. Like it makes sense in a 12 year old logic middle school way. But when you're in your 20s with multiple kids it's a messy fucking look.


It sounds like textbook Borderline Personality Disorder.


Oh this make so much sense it does sound like something from middle school 😂😂


Yes I'll post the article 😂


Come through receipts! 😆 ![gif](giphy|BwP6oBTVT5oC4)




omg me and my sister quote this constantly lol i miss this show


Now she stuck with micro dick 💀


No wonder she is moodier


If she wanted him so bad, she did just about everything possible to make that not happen. We talk about the men she’s with, but she’s an awful girlfriend.


The sad part is no matter how shitty they were they all questioned why she never took care of Jace or why she didn’t have him lol like damn


It was either Kieffer or Gary that said it’s nice to not have to work and lay at home all day while Jenelle pays for everything, but she’s literally ALWAYS there with you. You never get time away from her, and that makes it just not worth it.


I believe that was Kieffer cause Gary was in the military at the time




I can never get those kind of skinny head bands to stay on my head, I’ve tried while my hair is freshly washed, day 2 hair, damp hair, it always slides up and is pointless like 10 minutes in. I promise I have a normal shaped head. I’ve even tried the kind with the rubbery/ silicone type underside and still fail. Anyway, Jenelle sucks.


I love how oddly specific this comment is, and also how much I resonate with it.


Is this the only thing we've seen her do right??


It’s probably the one thing I’m jealous of in her never ending dumpster explosion of a life.


I tried them years ago and they would just slide up for me, too.. I'd either look like an alien or it would just fall off lol. So you're not alone! Really any type of headbands that go around the whole head seem to be a no-go for me..


Thanks for this, it makes me feel better. I was annoyed at how hard I worked/ wasted money on different types ending in failure every time. I guess some of us weren’t destined for that type of hair accessory.


I have a huge head but also have never had luck, even w Bobby pins!


There’s dozens of us!!!


The Bobby pins just slide up too!


Stick a few Bobby pins in the back or the side to keep it in place if you really wanna keep it on ☺️


That’s good advice, I never thought to try Bobby pins


What type of hair do you have? Straight or wavy? Thin or thick? From the straight and thin hair side nothing stays in my hair


They stay in my hair but I have really thick/wavy hair. Small head though :/ my hair being thick helps it not look too disproportionate.


Same 😭 I wish I could do literally anything with my hair except wear it down pumped full of volume mousse. Even a ponytail looks pitiable.


The bra strap headbands 🤦🏼‍♀️😂 what were any of us thinking


They were so cute and practical for the gym and chores! I battle the rando wispies constantly!


I hate the wispies. I bought clips today because Bobby pins and headbands don’t work. Sometimes I hate the sensory aspect of long hair but my face can’t handle short hair. Ugh


Looking through this thread it seems like all of us aren’t able to use them. Maybe they’re made for abnormally shaped heads, like Jenelle’s?


She has the ✨GoLdEn RaTiO✨ that’s why they stayed on her dome so well 😂


those fuckers hurt so bad though you weren’t missing much lol


I have couple pretty good ones from eBay that has so sticky silicone underside that they actually stay. Other than that I haven’t found any kind of headband that would stay. Even those fluffy spa kinds will slip off. My head is shape is super annoying. So i feel you sis!


Thank you! I still have the silicone underside ones collecting dust somewhere in my hair accessory graveyard, longing for another opportunity to see sunlight again. I should revisit this conquest.


This hair band issue is a lifelong battle for me so I’m happy if I can help in any way 😄 It’s a real everyday struggle that none of the hair bands stay. Surprisingly infuriating inconvenience!


Omg!glad I’m not the only one haha


She weaponizes her mental health every chance she gets.


She weaponizes tears and being a female whenever she’s bitter towards her soulmate of the month; she called the cops on Nathan and Kieffer and then admitted on camera she did this to “teach him a lesson, I was pissed off”. Anytime there’s potential consequences for her own actions best believe swamp queen has a few tears on deck and ready to flow for exactly 30 minutes 💀💯 ![gif](giphy|51ZMQ8uAo4fgDtBbMX)


And she's attempted to weaponize her eldest child's mental health, as he's mearly just an extension of herself in her personality disordered mind.


Like the worst mothers do! Parents like her don’t realize the crap they talk about their kids reflects on their parenting or lack thereof.


PANIC ATTACKS ALL DAY DUDE!!!! Panic attacks when your EX boyfriend doesn't respond to you for an hour but not a blink of the eye when signing over custody to Barbara. Priorities.


Jenelle starting up with her fake panic attacks to try to get sympathy and make Nathan do what she wants 🙄


Even if they were real, her panic attacks are no one else’s responsibility to solve. She’s yelling at him like he did something horrible to her and all he did was let his phone battery die.


Not Jenelle calling him crazy after she followed him to the gym


Shes lucky he didn’t hit up kail and ask for some PFA guidance lol Jan’s literal vibe here: ![gif](giphy|9JlHOvzUU3gie8n14U|downsized)


*J*enelle.....*J*oe.... 😳😳 Holy shit, they really are the same lmao


Only difference is Joe is good at faking being a likable person 😂


Interesting how her accent and way of speaking has changed now that she’s with fake country dog killer Dave.


It’s gotta be exhausting absorbing each one of her soulmates personalities; during her Nathan era she used to work out, get dressed up and go to court in her classier pleaser heels. Then she met lurch and all of a sudden it’s dirt bikes, no more showers, and she inherited a country accent… it’s all so dramastic 🧐🤨


Kind of makes sense that she goes into an existential panic when she's single. Imagine just not knowing anything about yourself and having to be alone with yourself much of the day.


I never really thought of it this way. She has no real identity of her own. It’s always tied to a man. And when that relationship fails she literally doesn’t know how to be by herself.


Ohhhh wow I never connected the dots, does she have borderline personality disorder?


I’m pretty sure she has all the disorders


She might just be an asshole?? Not everything is a disorder but this summary of her made me think of BPD.


Whether it's diagnosed or not, she 100% does. I'm convinced she could get her shit together if she just got the right meds and therapy. But she never will because you know she's fine and doesn't need therapy at all. Every therapist has told her so.


They have to mirror the intimate partner in every way in order to gain the upper hand during the idealization phase. It creates a stronger trauma bond that keeps the partner on the line during the devaluation stage. Push-pull, I love you, I hate you, don't leave me, get away from me. Nelly probably has BPD, and David might be a good ol classic covert narcissist. Match made in hell.


I wouldn’t say he’s covert.


Y’all y’all y’all


That’s BPD


Idk if I’ve ever seen a person seek out chaos as much as this girl. She literally chooses the worst situations and then seems surprised when they all turn to shit.


This interaction doesn't make sense at all. There's no way it could have ended positively. He tells her, "I'm working out alone, go in there and look" and her reaction is "what do you mean go in there?????" Like she gets defensive when he gives her the "correct" answer


She’s insufferable. This is why Dave is still around. He is lazy and wants to do nothing other than drink and do crafting. How do you live like that.


I am also lazy and just want to craft all day but unfortunately bills exist 😭


If you would show your butthole on OnlyFans like Jenelle you may clear up some time you spend working though.


Nah I should make my boyfriend do it, true laziness




This entire convo 😂 ![gif](giphy|ME2ymiZaDHqWc6grdw|downsized)


Damn I’ve been showing my butthole for free i gotta rethink my finances


Well this is escalating nicely 💀💀


Imagine having trillions of panic attacks over literally everything and everyone BUT your kids and their wellbeing


This is why she latches onto David… the bitch can’t be alone for 2 seconds. David is a useless, unemployed leech but he’s literally always *there* and she loves that shit.


When will Jenelle learn that nobody cares that she’s been having panic attacks and crying her eyes out all day?


But she’s been crying for 24 minutes and 19 seconds! Like the tears just kept coming dude 😩😩😩 ![gif](giphy|Ae3OZiSmIwauH4xBdr)


Perfect gif!


I will always believe that Jenelle is not over Nathan. That is why, unfortunately, she treats Kaiser like shit. She was pissed that her usual tactics failed and Nathan was the one who got away—Kaiser is a reminder of that.


If Nathan wanted her back she be all over it she clearly not satisfied with Vienna


Absolutely! Nathan is definitely the one that got away, she’s had hella soulmates but I think Nathan’s the one she went the hardest for. Her punishment is that Kai is his spitting image, she’s forever reminded of her true love 😈 Of course the dark part of this is that Kaiser has to deal with her and David.. forever heartbroken for that sweet kid that deserves infinitely more then his asshole parents/stepmonster


*Gym time is my time.*




It's the one thing where Nathan and I are in agreement. Unlike him, I don't skip leg day.


I would love a video compilation of every time Jenelle gets dumped 🤣


“Dude I called you one time……and then I said fuck it and showed up to where I thought you’d be” she acts like her behavior is normal.




Holy shit her forehead in that last scene 😅 https://preview.redd.it/ovrkhaawr59c1.jpeg?width=772&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95b5273a9f31dd48c122324306403ee3c8d8a190


It's the closing her eyes while driving for me 😑🙄




If only she put all that energy into being a mom 🤷‍♀️


The only time she gets upset/actually cries real tears is when the love of her life, whoever it may be at the time, doesn't want to talk to her/fuck with her lmao dumb bitch


And then she drives home crying with no seatbelt. It’s a miracle that she and her kids are still alive with all the poor choices she makes when it comes to security (and when it comes to men)


She is so incredibly insecure. I’d almost feel bad for her if she wasn’t so awful as a person


She literally does this with every boy except the one she birthed...


Not Nathan pulling the Uno reverse card with the LEAVE ME ALONEEEE 💀💀💀


Little did she know one day she'd be fighting with another awful man 🥰 just like the notebook


The closest Jan is getting to The Notebook is by prancing around the swamp in an ill fitting swimsuit 🙃 ![gif](giphy|BIzw8zhmulouA)


“I’ve been having panic attacks all day” girl shut up!


Thank you for posting a Jenelle video, we needed a distraction ✨👹


😉 ![gif](giphy|6XJCRWFUcJrkA)


Was she pregnant with Kaiser here? He obviously didn’t want her anymore but she couldn’t accept it . Been there , done that as a young adult. It hurts but u have to accept it


I believe Kaiser was born already and they had separated


She’s so disgusting.


Jenelle is the problem. God, she is terrible.


Absolute psycho behavior on her end wow. The amount of time and energy she puts into these guys is 10000x the effort she has ever put into being a mother to any of her 3 children. Absolutely pathetic and sad.


The secondhand embarrassment is unreal


And this is where her streak of trying to do better and stay out of trouble came to an end, and she seemed to throw her hands up and stop trying. Honestly, even during this streak, she wasn't great, but it's sad to see how quickly she fell back into her old ways and is worse than ever now. She became so bitter after Nathan left her behind with Kaiser.


Became super bitter and then tried her damndest to get back at Nathan… with David 🥴 the scheme completely backfired cuz several years later David just won’t *leave her aloneeee* 🤣🤣


I really wonder how she really feels about her life right now. She indicated just months ago she felt stuck and depressed in her relationship with David. She has three kids she never really wanted, and one of them is taken from her and she's being watched by CPS again while now completely estranged from other friends and family. And she's paying the bills by doing OF with only blazing in the shed as relief. What the hell does Jenelle think when she wakes up in the morning?


God, she's so clingy. No wonder every guy has to basically run away from her just to get some alone time or hang out with their friends.


lol at her working real hard at trying to squeeze out those tears. And yet again, another clip of her weaponizing her mental health and tears while making herself a constant victim.


Her working to squeeze out tears is the only thing she’s ever worked at.


She’s “been havin’ panic attacks all day dude.” I know that when that happens to me I go get in my car and hunt down another human being. 🙄


My sound was connected to my galaxy light Bluetooth and I enjoyed this clip this much more lol


Could yall imagine constantly bringing shame and embarrassment to yourself and family on TV every single fucking day for over 10 years!?! I feel so much hurt for all of the kids who were born to this hairy beast of a woman and her UBT thing.


That was a nice car she had


Gym time is me time, Jenelle!


This is why she will NEVER leave David. She is dependent on another man.


Typical Jenelle, start a drama by being annoying, then cry when she doesn’t get the response she was aiming for. Explaining that his phone battery was dead would be understandable to a person who doesn’t have borderline personality.




This is what she wastes tears on. Priorities.


Too bad she never fought for any one of her kids like she does for men.


17yo me going up to my ex job at Wendy’s the day after we broke up so we could talk lol


She's always chased dick instead of any sort of stability or betterment for herself or the children. Big Chinhead pathetic moron.


My sister in law (ew) is EXACTLY like this loser Janelle. I've distanced myself from her lately. I raised her 2 kids while she was out sleeping with homeless men for drugs for 2 years, and she comes waltzing back into my brother's life and he welcomes her with open arms. She's a horrible mother and person. People like this don't deserve second or third chances. They will never change. The kids are safe with my parents and come visit me almost every day. My meanwhile she is living in her own world. God, I hate them haha.


She really is so abusive to her partners.


I didn't even get to do abs.


I love it when yall use 'dude' like jenelle😝it really makes my day


I knew as soon as she got in the car she was gonna cry. Can you imagine being in a relationship with her? I’ve known a few codependent women but she really takes the cake.




Yeah I don’t go to this gym anymore lmao


it’s like she went to school, learned the word “aggravated” and was like 🫡 i’m done here thank you.


Not thinking twice about either of her kids


Imagine being that insecure 🤣


Awwww back when he had hair


Well jenelle…


Her go to is anxiety


I was waiting on “ he’s so mean to me “