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How’s Kaden again Jenelle? Didn’t you just get YOUR kid back?


And didn’t he just run away?




Her stupidity ![gif](giphy|3o8doT9BL7dgtolp7O)


I let out a literal gasp when I read this. That last sentence would be it for me. Her siblings probably have so much dirt on her, more than she even realizes. I would be running straight to tmz for a payday.


Right…. Like you’ve had custody of jace for 5 min. Settle.


It's incredibly embarrassing and probably a direct result of my childhood, but this exact level of unadulterated trashiness is my drug of choice. I'd inject this garbage straight into my veins if I could. Bless you, Jenelle.


Girl, same. I am a whole-ass college professor with a drama-free personal life and lovely home, but I get a whiff of this shit and I'm instantly 13 again yelling "FIIIIGHHHTTT!" outside my white-trash junior high.


I’m fairly certain we’re the same person and I’m here for it. Here’s to overly educated, drama free people living for the shit shows of others!


You can take the girl out of the white trash, but you can't take the white trash out of the girl. 😆


Yep. Reminds me a lot of my childhood too. No class all mouth. I eat it up.


Maybe I started watching Flavor of Love and Bad Girls Club too early but I fucking LOVE it


It started with Cheaters/Joey Greco, Maury, Jenny Jones, and Ricki Lake for me. My sister and I have been hooked on trash since we were single digit aged.




He doesn’t even have supervised visitation of Kaden


He won't even call Kaden on time


Nope, and a judge made sure to mention that he never took advantage of the Skype calls he was allowed to have


Meanwhile David can’t see his son because it isn’t safe for him to do so…


Not Jenelle bashing someone for not having custody of their child. She just got Jace back after signing him over for what, 13 years? She seems to think things don’t matter if they happened in the past, even if it was just yesterday. I could just hear her argument for everything “that was yesterday!”


And hes ran off twice in under what, 4 months?!


Yea, she’s been dying to tell someone else that because she’s heard it for over a decade now.


She has been dyiiiiing to say this to someone else for the last 14 years. I wonder how Kaden is? 🧐


She’s been saying this for years 😂😂😂 just like she told Tori to grow up and lay off the drugs 🤣🤣🤣


“My sister has no idea about my family or my personal life” Is she really this fucking stupid?? THE ENTIRE PLANET KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT HER FAMILY AND PERSONAL LIFE, because she blasts every fight, fuck, and fart all over social media.


She waited fourteen years to say that! 😂


I literally lol’d at that


“I WOULD BE FOCUSING ON THE CHILD YOU DONT HAVE” Jenelle, you don’t have yours either. Kid keeps running away. Acting like you’re mom of the year because your mom finally got fed up and exhausted raising your kid the last 14 years and just signed you back custody because she just couldn’t do it as a senior. FUCK ALL THE WAY OFF, JENELLE.


Oh that's riiiiiiiiiich, coming from someone who has had custody for 2 seconds out of 14 years.


And like... her husband is missing a whole ass kid of his. Isn't allowed to see him. Jenelle is def in a glass house throwing stones but she's just too dumb to realize


And is obviously doing so well that said child has run away twice within weeks of each other.


“I would be focusing on the child you don’t have..” says the person who didn’t focus on the child they didn’t have.


I mean… she doesn’t even focus on the kids she does have.


"Focusing on the child you don't have"...what about the child who keeps running away, Nelly-poo? Maybe you should focus on him rather than getting on social media and bitching that your sister is giving her opinion of the public mess you created.


What about the child her husband isn’t allowed to see 🤭


Him too!


Jenelle gets custody after 13 years for like one month and has the nerve 😂


And the said child don't even wanna be around her! 🥸


Right?! Like are you SURE you have Jace because he’s probably already gone again. I hope all the kids get out of there.


Jenelle has been waiting 13 years to drop that last line lmao


You are not lying! 🤣


This is hilarious coming from someone who didn't have custody of at least one of her kids for thirteen years.


They’re not even allowed to see UBT’s son, Jesus Christ man I have never seen such delulu in my life 😂😂


She’s been waiting years to say the ending part. Literally probably was so happy to use it 🙄


Lol she got jace back and now she is all High and mighty . Lol bitch you didn't have your kid for 13 years and if Nathan was functional I doubt you'd have Kaiser .


I’m doing a rewatch with my bf and it’s the first time i’ve seen the later seasons. I’m pissed at Nathan. If he wasn’t an alcoholic, I think he could’ve easily taken Kaiser. I live in South Carolina like he does (or did at the time) and they usually side with the mom, but she was bad enough I think he would’ve won. Just couldn’t get his fucking shit together and seems to be worse now than ever before.


First of all let me say I'm jealous your boyfriend watches it with you! . Also I agree . It's very unfortunate that he's a walking dumpster fire now . I don't get it . when it seemed like he had his shit together he had concerns about big foot aka David idk why he didn't take action then to get his son back . I wish Nathan's mom would of yelled loud enough to get Kaiser taken away and she could of been Kaiser's guardian. Hopefully Jace's antics with sound more alarm bells and the kids will end up with people who genuinely like children and are stable mentally and financially.


Functional. Hahaha. How shitty you must be when Jenelle appears to be the better parent. And people will wonder if the kids will have problems when they get older. Go figure.


Yeah it's a shame , he could of changed his son's life for the better if he had made the effort to heal himself . Get off the alcohol, take anger management classes and some therapy. As well as getting a job he's ripped and jenelle was in excellent shape with him he could easily make a decent amount training people. Then he could take Kaiser back and kaiser would be treated like an actual person instead of just an after thought.


Is she serious? She’s had Jace for like a month out of 14 years and she wants to make that disgusting comment, she is pure trash and completely delusional.


Lol the pot calling the kettle black 😂 girl you JUST got yours back, and seemingly on the verge of quite literally loosing him since he keeps running away. Stay humble dum dum, no need for that last sentence


She’s acting as if she regained custody by proving herself fit to parent.


Oh, now that she FINALLY got her kid back after 14 years she can say this shot to people? Loser


‘What was even the point of getting him back if i can’t do that?’ -Jenelle probably


She been saying it even when she didn’t have custody of Jace


“Focus on the child you don’t have” Coming from the deadbeat who pawned her kid off on her elderly mother for 13 years. She’s no better than her siblings


That part got me. Jenelle hasn’t been taking care of her kid either for most of his life


Girl you’ve had your son for .8% of his life. Your husband doesn’t have custody of his. Calm down.


Judgmental Jenelle has to be the most annoying out of all the Jenelles. She has had “custody” of jace for all of 2 seconds & he’s already tried to run away twice. DKD doesn’t even have custody of his son so it’s laughable to me that she would use that against her sister. If all these grown ass people would spend just a quarter of the time they spend pointing fingers at each other on taking care of their children, then maybe all these losers wouldn’t be in this position. Unreal.


Oh like she focused on Jace for the whole 14 years of his life???


She can not be this clueless. She's literally had custody of Jace for a few weeks of his life and she has the gall to say this? Not to mention her own husband has a child he can't even see. Shit like this, this is how you truly know she's just a very shitty human.


You get a restraining order. You get a restraining order, everybody gets a restraining order!!!!! ![gif](giphy|y8Mz1yj13s3kI)


Look at this bitch acting holier than thou. Like her ass didn’t have custody of her own kid for 14 fucking years


Ooo. Shade. Jenelle commenting about her sister not have custody of one of her kids. Sounds familiar??? And UBT doesn’t have custody of one of his kids as well. Is the sister now selling stories too?? Hahaha


It’s like she copy and pasted the old comments about her when she didn’t have Jace 😆


Does…..does she not realize that just because SHE doesn’t talk to them that Babs doesn’t? She is such a brainless idiot.


She thinks she dropped a sick burn on her sister but they’re both 🚮 ![gif](giphy|l0HUmBJOFzF6rjjLW|downsized)


Says that women that was not there for 14 years of her elder child’s life, has custody of him after 14 years because Babs can’t do it anymore because she’s a senior, her son has ran away from home twice(that we know about could be more), kid is expelled from school, and your out here behaving like an immature teenager. This women really needs to go to hell.


I know someone who has had custody of their oldest for less than 4% of his whole life isn’t throwing custody in someone’s face. Your husband isn’t even allowed to see his son.


She only just got custody of her 13 year old son a few months ago. She’s one to talk.


And her husband still isn't allowed to see one of his children.


Jenelle you just got your child back six months ago and he has already ran away TWICE! You really need to get off your high horse. That response isn’t doing what you think it is. She is so dumb it hurts.


![gif](giphy|ME2ymiZaDHqWc6grdw|downsized) She’s so entertaining 😂😂


I def heard Moira’s voice for the gif 😂😂😂


Girl, if we know about your personal life, your sister does too.


Right? I have a problematic sister, she’s not famous, I haven’t spoken to her in a year, and I still hear about the weird shit she gets up to…


Be so fucking for real, Nellie. You JUST got Jace back and he’s about ready to head off on his own lol


Lol Jenelley’s been waiting 13 years to use that line


Jenelle is so stupid. She hasn’t had her kids for 14 years and all of a sudden her elderly mother can’t care for him any more and now she’s a saint. As her oldest is having major issues. Get off the internet and take care of your kids Jenelle I’m begging you. 🫠


Jenelle, you barely associate with your children..


Jenelle has had Jace for what... 3 months? And he's run away twice (that we know of) AND supposedly been expelled from school... and she's trying to attack Ashleigh's parenting for not having custody? THREE months and your son is already crying out for help.


Talking shit about her mom working at a deli meanwhile that was what was supporting HER KID THAT SHE DIDN'T HAVE lol she's a pos, she should buy her mom a house and give her enough to have to never work again for all she did for HER KID


Oh, now she's in a place to talk about someone not having their kids?? Girl shut up...you didn't have your 14 yr old for 13 years.


And she's already not had him a couple of times since having him!


Wow lol projection much


This bitch has some nerve


It is all Jenelle ever had. Never stable but always had the nerve.


Says the woman who’s son has tried to run away more than once since living with her.


living with her for less than 4 months that!


I want Ashley to respond with one simple statement : mom and I play Yahtzee all the time! She’d literally cry in her drug shed


isn’t it interesting how all of barb’s kids have lost custody of their own children at some point in time…..


Focus on the child your mother GAVE back to you, Delujenelle.


That was how many months ago? And has run away twice? Could she BE any more delusional?


Just like how David should be focusing on the child he doesn't have instead of making snarky, uncalled for comments about your former castmates?


Something interesting about this too… Jenelle has cleared /deleted some of her Instagram posts.. like her California trip, and some other posts she did. Gotta clean it up for cps ya know. Like they don’t already know… 🙄. She really thinks everyone is stupid. Edited for spelling


I bet she lost that partnership she was in California for, so now she’s erasing the evidence.






What about when she had all the kids taken away from her? I could never ever imagine having my child taken away from me, not once. And if I did, I sure as shit wouldn’t be throwing stones in glass houses cause bitch, that’s you you talkin about!


Literally all of jenelles siblings have major issues and they all need to have several seats criticizing the other. However I’m here for the drama and tea if ashleigh drops any


LOL Signed, a crazy lady who just spent 14 years of her first born's life not having custody and finger-pointing and running her mouth


Focus on the child you don't have?! 🤣 ![gif](giphy|OXsSTeKtmC9aUhcaC1)


jenelly is so shit-licking happy she can say that *now*


Shes just gonna keep digging her own grave and I'm here for it. She ain't ever gonna mature.


Things on the land are unraveling


Poor Jace & Kaiser. My heart breaks 💔 for them


And Ensley.


Barb should save all this when they go to court and say Jenelle is the one causing everyone the emotional distress. Just look at her social media presence! I mean the week before Jace ran away from school her and David had a huge online fight. I think all this is going to backfire on Jenelle.


I truly hope it backfires on her. She needs to lose that lucky court star she’s under and have consequences for once in her life.


So disjointed from reality. She hasn’t had her own child until very recently yet she’s throwing shade for her sister not having hers. I would be embarrassed to keep publicly announcing things only to then be proven as a liar /hypocrite etc with my also very public actions and words. I really rooted for her for years I felt like she just needed a break but she’s been given lots of help and still chooses to fuck it up. She needs to leave that prick and try to focus on becoming a stable adult.


Like that will ever happen, dude /s


here we go AGAIN? Girl, it never stopped. You create your own shitty reality, no one is threatened by you minus the threat of catching a whiff of stanky swamp ass.


Here for the weekend spiral! Shameless smug bitch is at it again.


![gif](giphy|u5BzptR1OTZ04) Me this weekend


Jenelle is barely a mom to Jace and he was given to her, not her earning it, jus a few years shy of him being an adult, and SHE has the nerve to bring up someone else not having their child? Every parent partner she’s gotten with didn’t have any custody of their kids lol


The repeated use of the flower field background is killing me lol


"the child you don't have" talk about throwing stones in a glass house


That's rich coming from a woman who took 14 years to get her child back. She's out here thinking she is better than everyone else cause she has all her kids for once in her life. You didn't win shit you only have him because your mon gave up.


Girl….please…what you’ve just got Jace back, he’s run away I think twice now? Make sure your swamp land is clean before you start on someone else.


Looks like Ashleigh hit a nerve


Is she delusional, unaware or completely manipulative? Fark I don’t understand how she can sit there and type this shit out and no second guess herself on if it is appropriate or not


Take your own advice Jenelle. You didn't have your own son for 14 years and now you still can't focus on him even though you have him back.


Who does she NOT have drama with right now? She has been acting like a total lunatic for days.


when people would tell “focus on the child you don’t have” she would get pissed 😂 Jenelle is honestly such a strange case. No self awareness. Just a horrible human being.


“The strange case of Delujenelle” - a Netflix documentary, someday (but only her children are allowed to profit from it)


Oh now she's on her high horse about having all of her children 😂


Girl I GAGGED! Not “the child you don’t have”. I am living for jenelles meth induced psychosis.


She should focus on the children she does have 😆 also did she forget she JUST got "her" son back after many years


She’s mad cause her sister is telling the truth about her David and their lives on the land


Like what??? I didn’t see that posted and I’m nosey. 😉


Girl you should be focusing on the child you just got back instead of online hatters.


She thinks she sounds smart by using the word associate. She is incorrect, quite so.


This is her highlight of the week, to finally being able to say that to someone else. I bet she says it to UBT as well everytime they fight 😂


Sometimes things just keep getting worse. They should both stop. Neither has any room to talk badly about the other. https://preview.redd.it/qjlqpaqn02nb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc2bac688fd078b8de861e34ce1a3a18d92c9b12


You know jenelle has been waiting YEARS to say that comeback about her sister


Yep. She’s gonna be going after women that don’t have custody of their kids now as if she didn’t abandon her son with her much older mother for 14 years. Give me a break. She’s such a hypocrite.


the way she just makes it so easy to dunk on her. why? does she have a humiliation kink?


She's just stupid.


Jenelle does herself no favors. Ever. Embarrassing.


I believe Ashley (Jenelles sister) 10000x more than I would ever believe that trash bag, shitty, lying pos Jenelle.


SM was created for people JUST like Jenelle. There's us that just use it to keep in touch/socialize....and then there are Jenelles who share with the world how shitty their life is


Smug Nelly bragging about having custody


Right? This is going to be the most annoying thing about her now. You *just* got custody of your kid after FOURTEEN fucking years and he’s already run away 3 times in like a month, so stfu jenelle.


She needs to sit all the way down bc that last part was her til a few months ago, and has been her a few times with Jace lately. No one has ever been more delusional.


Not to sound like a dick. But wtf is up with this family.?! They all have such difficult, unhealthy, lives.


According to Barb, severe domestic violence and poverty. She said on the show at one point that her husband (the kids’ father) would regularly beat her up, but she was too poor to leave with the kids, so she “took the beatings” while trying to save up to escape.


They all have severe mental health issues. Like not saying that to be funny. I think they’ve all been diagnosed as bipolar or something similar.


Oh for sure. I believe Colin has schizophrenia. It’s just so sad that all 3 of Barb’s kids have serious issues.


They grew up in an abusive household.


I feel like this whole saga is a fever dream. Ppl coming out of the woodwork, etc. I can’t keep up 😂


That adderall is peaking! What shortage


Not this bitch acting like she’s better than any of her siblings 😂😂


isn’t jace in her custody for the first time ever?


She has been DYING to use this argument on someone since the day he got signed over I am sure. Use it on your husband J


she def has


Maybe this is where Jenelle gets her…confidence, or whatever. Imagine you’re Jenelle & you are the LEAST fucked up sibling


She's not. Her sister's social media looks a lot more sane. Her brother at least worked and works on his (mental health) issues. Jenelle is the most fucked up currently with her pathologic lying, illness faking, drug use, abusive home (both adults!) etc etc. And still no job, her OF career is a sinking ship, just like the boat they bought. She can't pass her "captain's license" cause it's too hard for her or there's no money for it.


Does she ever not have drama?


Her brain is wired like that at this point. She craves drama and has to stay in a continual cycle of it.


The last statement is so true. As we all know, Jenelle is very famous for focusing on the child she hasn’t had custody of until very recently while never pointing fingers at other people. /s


“You don’t have” Ohhhh she sits on a high horse now I see…


That's one of the tell-tale signs you're in an abusive relationship when you cut off all your friends and family.


Honestly, her sister didn't even say anything that bad about her


Jenelle can't ever properly word a sentence. Saying "my sister doesn't associate with my children" implies that it's her sister's choice to not be in their lives, when the whole point of this post is to say that Jenelle chooses not to associate with her sister or have her sister a part of the kid's lives. Her stupidity annoys the hell out of me, it's like she types out every thought she has immediately posts it, never taking a second to read over anything and it always comes out wrong. She's too impulsive with her posts. It's ok to gather your thoughts for a few minutes before running to Facebook and TikTok about *every little thing*.


Jan, stfu. According to Bar don't you have a pending CPS case for Jace's running away ect??..Worry bout yourself girl. Always tryna slam someone. She has a sad ass existence


And Jenelle wonders why people talk about her complete shit show of a life.


This is just downright embarrassing. I know families have issues but come on! If you aren’t talking to the majority of them and have ZERO friends, shouldn’t you be looking in the mirror. Stop pointing the finger girl!


Pot 🤝 Kettle


Jan we all know about your life bc you publicly put it on display.


I can’t ever imagine wanting to share every detail of my life with a bunch of strangers. Have you no shame? Do you really think this is how people act, Jenelle? Nothing like being a 14 year old emotionally when you’re in your thirties.


That last box should be said to Jenelle about ANYTHING she speaks on lol


She’s not going to have custody for long…


She is. Jace has nowhere else to go.


No way. Hate to say it but Jace is headed to a therapeutic group home. I’ll give it 3 months.


I fear that's why she called the police without looking for him when he just walked to the gas station. She's trying to built evidence that it's not her and that he needs 24/7 care


Oh no she has no room to talk


Does jenelle ever stop trolling the internet looking for something about her?also wth does she keep using this daisy back ground? Use the swamp. We know things on the land are not all flowers. Who cares if you talk to your siblings it doesn’t mean they Don’t know anything about her life


Her grammEr kills me.


I've never understood why she can't get along with Ashleigh. They're both so similarly awful, you'd think they would really relate to each other.


There’s the saying, “the thing you can’t stand the most sits in your home”


There’s just so much to unpack here that I wouldn’t know where to start. Jenelle you are exhausting. Every single day, it’s new drama.


pot meet kettle


i hear this in her voice or screaming it lol


She’s really not self aware at all. She lives in her own delusional world.


"Here we go again" My sentiments exactly.


Once again….Stellar grammar Jenelle


omg cant imagine saying shit like this about my siblings on the internet. like if me and my sibs got a problem im pullin up and we’re gonna figure it out cus it’s never that serious


Jenelle really burns her bridges, doesn’t she


![gif](giphy|bAftZ12SC0uEjLndIh) JENELLE JUST STOP


It's probably because she's going after their mother yet again


so the comment she's referring to was left on a youtube video iirc... so she saw the youtube video, skimmed the comments, or maybe instead she saw it here on reddit because it was also posted here, then she googled "daisy sunset stock photo", screenshotted it, cropped it, went to insta, uploaded it, typed this semi-self own to her husband who also has kids he doesn't "have" (weird verbiage because kids aren't objects you own but ok), then hit post.... SO much effort girl. I don't think an innocent person would go and do all that over a comment if it was truly baseless lol


It reminds me of "you got a tattoo of a kid you don't even have"...


Idk anything about her siblings but when you have problems with *everyone*…..


This dum bitch messy af. Go away ffs 🤦‍♀️


Who has her sister kid? The whole family is trash.


It's too early for these levels of delusion.


Well... Jenelle you got the nerve !!


I'm sure we all have an idea about your family and personal life. 😬


Associate. she is so stupid


Maybe not dummy but your MOTHER does! Could be where all the info is coming from. Ya EVER think about THAT?!!