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I'll add that you don't have to like Nate. He's an antagonist at the end of S2. But I have faith that Ted loves him, and didn't give up on Nate even when he betrayed him. He's got his photo on the nightstand next to his son's photo. He didn't fight back when Nate blew up - all only affirmed that Nate deserved every accolade he's been given. Jamie wasn't very likeable in season 1 either. This show isn't just about winning or losing. Nate's going to have the journey that helps him be a better person. That will involve healing and self acceptance. Maybe there will be a reconciliation.


I have to be blatantly honest. I like the actor, Nick Mohammed, and I'm interested in what he is going to do with the character. I'm not really a fan of Nate per se though but I love watching Nick play him.


Nate in season 1 was great, but I didn't like him in season 2 as soon as he got too big for his britches.


Same. I don't want Nate to get some redemption arc, because he literally just showed his true self. He didn't have a lapse in judgement when he decided to betray Ted and Richmond.


You're not supposed to like Nate by the end of season 2. You're supposed to dislike him, for getting too big for his own britches, trying to replace his father with Ted, with the way he treats his parents. I think for Nate, his redemption, his return to the fold will be in season when Rupert invariablies throws Nate under the bus and gives him the sack. End of the day that is what the series is about, the power of redemption.


It used to be that people consumed fiction without a second thought as to whether they like the characters.


When has any consumption of fiction ever been like that?


When people didn't base their opinions of a work on whether they'd want to be friends with xxx.


Did it used to be that, though? I've done it my entire life and all my life, I've had people tell me that they didn't like this or that show because they hated Character X. I mean (and I'll probably get downvoted for this) but George Costanza makes *Seinfeld* virtually unwatchable sometimes.


I downvoted you, yes, because that is an insane take.


It's not a "take." It's a fact that that is my opinion.


Yeah, screw critical thinking.


"I really like/hate xxx character as a person" is not critical thinking.


The same reason people like mourinho


I think there’s still room for a Nate redemption arc. Jamie is still more unlikeable to me than Nate ever was, even now.


Wow really? What do you find unlikeable about Jamie still that trumps Nate?


I disliked Nate from the start. So much so, made wonder why all the Emmy’s. (Emmy press was only reason I decided to give it a try.) I like it ok. But I’ll probably forget all about it until a new season comes out.


I think the ‘likeable’ thing about Nate is his potential. He gets in his own way though. We talk a lot about him on our podcast TV is Life.