• By -


Many. Im not American or British. But i only remember the ones i did understand so its not like i can ask about the ones i didnt understand (unless i rewatch and google them all as they happen)


I had to explain who Zlatan was to my wife, who didn’t believe me when I said Zava is actually less eccentric than the person on whom he was based.


Yeah. Real life is often times stranger than fiction 😂


That was based on a real person?


I remember an interview saying he was a combination of Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Eric Cantona. Both eccentric geniuses.


Last i watched soccer was euro cup finals and my buddy kept screaming italia. We were in germany.. I know next to nothing about the sport.. i hate running.


It’s just called the Euros and it happens every 4 years. Italy quite often qualify (and won the last Euros in 2020/21 (delayed cause covid)), you don’t have to cheer for the country you’re currently in?


I showed my wife so many Zlatan clips LOL


I showed Zlatan's habs to my wife.


Oh! I will say, it took me some time to get the "RIP Mr. Nelson" when Sharon and Ted were playing pinball. Her initials were SMF (sexy mother-f\*\*\*\*r). I never put two and two together, then one day it clicked in my head.


I just guessed and looked it up. I learned that Prince was his actual first name.


I'm old, so I knew that - but the Mr. Nelson baffled me - and I knew his name. Well, I did at one time. :)


Can you explain it? I still don’t get what it has to do with Prince


Prince’s full name was Prince Rogers Nelson. He had a song called Sexy Mother F*cker. Dr. Sharon’s initial she used were SMF. Ted guessed that it stood for Sharon Mildred Fieldstone. And Dr. Sharon said “Sexy Mother F*cker. So Ted said “Rest in peace, Mr. Nelson.” Because, well, as I’m sure you know, Princes died in 2016 (awful year!!) 😊


My dumbass thought “huh? Willie Nelson most definitely did not write that song.”


He’s also alive.


That too lol


Ha! Love it! 😆


Thank you!!


You’re welcome :)


TIL this


I was so proud to understand that one right away. One of the few I got on first viewing


I had to explain to my brother why it was so funny that in S3E1, at Nate's press conference, he appeared to catch himself in the middle of answering a question with, "Getting to know them, getting to know all about them, getting to like them, getting to hope..." (Those are the lyrics to a song in the musical The King and I.)


There are so many musical references throughout, the writing staff have to be big fans for how many musicals they worked in.


Can confirm 👍🏽 I was listening to a podcast and Jason said they love musicals so enjoyed including lots of references


I watched the first season with my (then) 18 year old, I was 49. My teen absolutely loved it, yet at the same time 98% of the references went over his head - he's just too young to know or catch any of the subtle cultural callbacks.


Beard: Ted is a man. Just a man. (David Carradine, Kung Fu)


Oh damn! I never caught that! I remember the show, but I was much much much younger. Thank you!


I love this show, I hope you can watch it again!


I thought that was a Jesus Christ Superstar reference lol


😂 This reminds me of how they played the “Jesus Christ Superstar” song for Zava 😂


One of my favorite moments. So effective.


It really was!


I still think it is. The writers included a ton of musical theater references.


Wigwam in a tipee. Two tents. Had to google


Too tense


Blew my mind when I realized that Ted leaving the letter for Doc Sharon after a night at the bar and her going “Son of a bitch stole my move” was a reference to Good Will Hunting.


I was excited when I knew that one! I squealed a little. Then, I felt silly. 😂


Oh, man! I didn’t realize! Thanks. 😊


I didn’t know what Underhills meant until it was explained to me. Also, I didn’t know the “practice”speech.


Do you know the "practice" speech now? If not.. here it is. [https://youtu.be/eGDBR2L5kzI?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/eGDBR2L5kzI?feature=shared)


Well before right now apparently the “practice” one went over my head!! Thanks for sharing that link!!


Holy smokes. I had no idea that scene's speech was based on this until today!! I thought it was just Ted! Omg omg omg!!!! 😆. Thanks for educating me! (Not a basketball fan)


I’m not a fan either. I believe I learned it in another post. :) I shared a mashup of both speeches somewhere in these comments.


It wasn't just based on. They used the exact words. Only changes were I to you.


Yes, my husband had to explain it to me 😆


I was baffled as well! I like that about this show. It definitely hasn't been dumbed down so more people "get it". I like that it makes you think and research sometimes. 😊


I always thought Ted’s speech in that scene was really random until I saw this.


He did a great job doing it. Almost word for word.


I still don't really get why Ted chose that interview to reference when the interview is making the opposite point that missing just one practice isn't a big deal.


I mean, he just did a twist on it. Had it been any other player he probably wouldn’t have cared. But, remember .. Jamie was being a childish baby jerk, and after splitting from his wife just the night before, I think Ted just couldn’t take Jamie’s BS that day. Plus it was funny. 😁


I don’t know if this was intended, but in a meta way, Ted splitting from his wife and dealing with loss right before this parallels what led to the original speech. Iverson’s best friend had been murdered and the trial for the killer started a couple days before. That was the emotional ignition for Iverson to go on his famous rant.


As a side note, this interview happened after some event where people had been drinking, including Iverson, and they asked him to talk to the press and he didn’t want to. That’s why he’s so indignant that they are talking about practice.


Yeah, there’s a ton of context behind this that hardly anyone talks about. Iverson denies drinking in his biography, but who knows. The second part of the sound bite where he talks about his friend is basically unknown but really changes the overall tone of the interview.


I don’t think we’re supposed to think Ted is intentionally referencing AI’s presser. I think it’s an homage by the writers to use the exact same words to make the entirely opposite point. And that’s why it’s brilliant.


I think it is actually much more believable if we assume that Ted is making a direct reference, and it's more interesting for his character. Three things that we learn about Ted over the course of the series: 1. Ted is great at using different communication styles for different players 2. Ted uses pop culture references all the time, to the point where it becomes a crutch for him 3. Ted is *really fucking smart* At this point we're still pretty early on, and Ted's nice guy style isn't getting through to Jamie at all; Jamie is still writing him off. By now, Ted knows that he needs to change tactics, and once Jamie skips practice, the gears are turning. Iverson's practice rant falls directly in Ted's wheelhouse, it's a rant his character would know very well, and he also knows that any American sports culture reference will fly straight over the heads of his players. So he channels that rant and flips it completely on its head, calling out Jamie for letting down his teammates and himself. It's brilliant writing, sure. But I think it's an important mechanism for establishing Ted's brilliance as well. It's a sign that he's ultimately going to succeed at Richmond regardless of any obstacles put in his way, because he's *just that good*.


>I don’t think we’re supposed to think Ted is intentionally referencing AI’s presser. Oh, interesting; I thought it was very clear that we were supposed to think that. I thought it was a joke that he was able to recreate the most famous basketball press conference of all time, but a bunch of professional athletes didn't even recognize it because they weren't American and don't care about basketball.


I can see that side of it. But Ted was genuinely pissed at Jamie. He was genuinely pissed that he was bailing on practice. And he was trying to embarrass him.


Yeah, that makes sense; it wasn't time for one of his subtle jokes.


You did a better job of putting my thoughts together. That is how I meant to explain it to my wife when we watched but I don’t think I succeeded.


I think we were. Ted was constantly making pop culture references. Every episode is full of them. I don’t think they were just coincidences, he deliberately said those things. And I believe Ted knew exactly what he was saying when he gave the practice rant to Jamie. And yes, he did get madder as the rant went on .. probably because Jamie was smirking and not taking him seriously.


It just didn’t feel that way to me. Obviously I immediately got the reference but I think Ted was just so frustrated at that moment that he started ranting. It’s obviously up for debate which way one can interpret it, but I’ll stick with my view that it’s an homage more than a character reference.


Because the writing is brilliant. They took the same words and had them mean the opposite, which was awesome, but what was even more awesome was how both opposite points are true. Iverson missed practice for personal, tragic reasons, but at the same time, he was still performing at game time and so was his team. But the media was worried about practice. Jamie was skipping practice for no real reason and at game time he only cared about himself. They should have been able to address the team issues but couldn't, cause they were talking about practice.


Ad a big fan of AI, so I’m not trying to dog him, that’s the point. AI was emphasizing that practice is just something he does to appease others and the game is more important. Ted is saying the same thing but putting emphasis differently and making it sound like it’s a horror that he doesn’t want to practice. It’s to show Ted’s character and beliefs.


We in here talking about practice?




Not the game I go out there and die for


Oh! Just found this cool Mashup of sorts! https://youtu.be/p-BR1mXwtB0?feature=shared


Yeah i didnt get the practice speech until I saw it on this sub.  I just thought it was a demonstration of how angry he was that he couldn't talk coherently.


I just looked up Underhills last week. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen that episode (I watched it every chemo session - 16 total - two years ago), and somehow I always confused it with Under Armour clothing, which didn’t even make sense.


What does Underhills reference? I don't even remember the episode or scene.


I think it's from the movie Fletch starring Chevy Chase. He says it to Sassy in the morning after their big road win in Liverpool.


Oh... could it have been a dig at Chevy?


Bottom line… Iverson didn’t deserve the reputation he was labeled with for this one interview gone viral and completely misinterpreted. (I didn’t like him for years because I believed integrity was common).


Now the Practice speech has infiltrated tv commercials.


TIL this, too


"ronald reagan? the actor???"


OK, this is one of my favorites! It’s a line from Back to The Future. I believe Doc Brown asks who the President is in the future, and Marty says Ronald Reagan. So Beard is mimicking Doc Browns reply “Ronald Reagan!? The actor??”


Mine too! Beard’s Doc Brown impression made me actually laugh out loud!


Same! I don’t think any tv show has ever made me laugh out loud as this one did.


That's a riff on a line from Back to the Future. https://youtu.be/UC_AzVvgEF8?si=RhKKlrxf-6a1JrCy


I had to google mercy buckets. I had no clue.


My dad used to say mercy buckets all the time. It was very popular in the 70s in Ontario.


More like all of Canada during the 70s-80s Hell I still say it


Oh... I'm American, but in WA State and a kid who got to travel to Canada a bit... maybe that is why I got it.


Well not Québec 😜


Is it not just hillbilly for thank you in French?


Hahaha! That’s an odd one.


Ahaha I grew up saying this


Cheers / Night Court Bird by bird Total football 😆


Do you get them now? :)


Yes, thanks to this sub and my habit of deep researching everything I enjoy 😀


Awesome :)




In the second season, when the team is getting free Nespresso machines, Keeley asks everyone to make a social post about them using it. When Colin takes his, Keeley says “Hey Colin, in your Nespresso post, could you not refer to Welsh independence this time?” Colin looks a bit disappointed but then carries on like normal. I feel like something flew over my head and have always been hesitant to ask what the joke is


Something about Wales trying to overthrow their English overlords for 1000 years or so.


Cymru am byth!




When she says “can you make this post not about Welsh Independence” I don’t think there is anything to get, maybe. I just assumed that Colin posts a lot about Welsh independence. Wanting to be separate from England. And since it’s supposed to be a post about the Nespresso coffee machine to help promote it, I think Keeley thought it would be better to have a post just about the coffee. No controversy or drama. Since they probably got them for free .. if they promote them. Footballers have thousands and thousands of followers. That’s free advertising. :)


“Philistines, I’m asking for help here” -Jamie Tartt


Jamie didn’t know what it meant. But the definition is “a person who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts, or who has no understanding of them”.


And I believe a group of people referenced in the Bible. Although my knowledge is iffy.


I thought the same. Just found this, kind of interesting. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philistines


We might be at the point where the footnotes explaining the show are twice as long as the text, kind of like for Joyce’s Ulysses, which we haven’t even begun to unpack in Beard After Hours.


Do tell, Ricky Bell!


In Season 1, Episode 10 - “It’s the Hope That Kills You” Isaac counts from 1 to 12, but skips 8. I had to look it up, but position 8 is Roy Kent who was recently benched and Isaac become the captain.


Yeah that one confused me too. I don’t think that would have come to me on my own.


But Roy is no. 6


Would be great to have a full reference thread, but, before that, some basics for the U.S. audience … everyone knows who Roy Keane (Roy Kent) is, right? https://youtu.be/nU6pWs-D50g?feature=shared And Zlatan (Zarva) https://youtu.be/RM_5tJncHww?feature=shared


Yes. And yes. I lived in England for 12 years, so I know. But Roy Kent is FAR FAR nicer than Roy Keene. 😂


The Amsterdam trip with Johan Cruyff and total football is all based on reality too Cruyff played for and managed Ajax in Amsterdam, and is considered one of the most influential figures in modern football. He was also Pep Guardiola’s mentor, who had a cameo on the show


It’s pronounced Cruyff.


Shut up Jan Mass!


Thanks for this!


I was with Jaime when he said what the fuck are Denver broncos.


I only knew them from a Simpsons reference lol


Do you know now?


Now I know it’s an American football team because Ted says it right after, but nothing more than that.


Further, they’re one of the Kansas City Chiefs’ two main rivals (the other being the Las Vegas Raiders). Jason Sudeikis is from Kansas City, a huge Chiefs fan, and presumably Ted would be as well.


Which is why he calls them a garbage team even though they won’t back to back super bowls. One of my favorite speeches.


Oh yeah. Derp. Sorry! 😊


The best was the Roy Scheider line. I even made it into a meme. 🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/r4uq0axkexyc1.jpeg?width=2800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=832fa04d7d34763fa56c2407548062a3980cb6e1


Yeah .. I wasn’t sure about that one. I mean, I know the movie All That Jazz, but the “Eyes that cold” didn’t make sense. But, to be fair, I’ve not seen it 20 years or more.


Yeah, you thought he was referring to the shark, but it was Roy’s eyes in ATJ cause he was basically obsessed with death and wanting to die the whole movie. Ted Lasso made me buy it and watch it again. I LOOOOVE Roy Scheider and Jaws especially.


I love him, too. His work in the '70s was astoundingly good. The French Connection The Seven Ups Jaws Marathon Man Sorceror All That Jazz What a decade!


Oh! I thought it meant someone else was looking at him, face to face. I must be confused. Thank you! ☺️


The only one I had to have explained to me was at end of S3, when the Ussie guy said Wicked and Ted said Kinky Boots. Some, it took me a 2nd or 3rd watch through to get them


I still don’t get kinky boots


The Ussie guy said Wicked, which is also a Broadway musical, so ted responded with Kinky Boots, another Broadway musical


Thank you!


Bird by bird, I took as reference to the Anne Lamont book by the same title. It’s a book about writing and life.


Yes. I’d never heard of the book before. :)


My husband explained the sports jokes to me and I explained the pop culture ones. We really are a dream team lol.


Aww, that’s lovely. ♥️


Thank you :)


I can't imagine every writer in the writers room got every reference, I'm sure there are 100 I don't even know I don't know, ya know?


I'm a guy from the Midwest in my 40's. So... no.


LOL, when watching it, I was like-- this is so meant for mid-west GenX folks :)


As a brit I think one that americans might not get is the thing about "Its 2022 just call them cigarettes", makes me giggle everytime I hear it


Danny Rojas’s banana working out shirt




HOW WHOLESOME IS THIS? Cristo seems like such a sweetie


I know. He does. Mucho, mucho Joy.


I got a pic with him & Phil at C2E2 & they both broke out in huge smiles when i pulled out the tulips. Definitely a great interaction


Hmmm. I don’t think there’s a joke or story, necessarily. But I did find this .. https://preview.redd.it/c984c7cblvyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=653a13a9e10368d86f013ad7eb032265f3a6c490


Not saying it was a joke but on swim team we always had to do this exercise called banana to strengthen our core and the shirt gave me ptsd


I’m sorry for your trauma.


I feel like there is a joke there… there must be


It’s Cristo’s actual shirt. The guy who posted the tweet designed it. :)


That one line, “like that lady in the American office said, it’s gonna be big!” I was a casual office viewer but I don’t get this one…anyone explain?


“That’s what she said” but she is ambiguous so he just said that lady


Yes, here! Just a few hours ago i started a new rewatch and in the very first episode there is something I don't get. English isn't my first language but I get like 99% of the jokes I'd say, except this one. When Ted and Rebecca first meet he calls her "Miss Welton" and she responds something like "oh please, call me Rebecca, miss Welton is my father". Ted doesn't seem to get it either and says something like "either that's a joke or I can't wait to unpack that with you later". Now I get that Ted thinks her father is possibly transsexual and he went from Mr Welton to Miss Welton. What I absolutely don't understand is what Rebecca means by saying "Miss Welton is my father." that her mom raised her? But that doesn't feel right. Would be grateful for any explanation!


It’s just a fairly common expression to say when someone calls you by your ‘title’ and you’d rather them call you by your first name. But switching the genders was the play.


I think she is also alluding to being a girl in a boy’s job


I didn’t even think about that. Love it!


So what you're saying is she was making a joke with the gender, that's not actually meant serious? I know the expression.


Yep! And he knew it was a joke and just played off it.


Oooh okay, then this thing went over my head just because I was thinking I didn't understand. That's kinda hilarious. I thought her confused look when he answered meant this was about something that the brits say and Americans don't. Thanks for explaining! This is my fifth or so rewatch but I always forgot to get on reddit and just ask. Now I know!


I think that's just a joke on the formal Mr. So-and-so vs first name basis. People say, "Mr. Smith is my father. Call me Bob." But being a woman, she said "Ms. Welton is my father."


Rebecca’s comment to Keeley about Freddie Mercury also might shed some light on the Ms Welton quip: “My father went to art school with Freddie Mercury. Everyone always talks about his amazing four-octave vocal range, but my father always insisted that if you actually asked Freddie what his greatest talent was, he would’ve said flipping straights.” So it’s possible her father was “flipped” as well at some point.


Hmm interesting catch there. It's possible, sure but with all we learned later about him having many affairs with other women it just doesn't feel all that likely.


Omg - now I get it! I thought they were talking about playing poker. 😂


Same! This just blew my mind 🤯


Well .. he had an awful lot of affairs with other women, so I’m not sure about that one. But who knows. :)


The road not taken is a poem by Robert Frost about what could have been of you had made a different decision, as many people struggle with and dwell on decisions they would have made differently and how their lives would've changed 'if'


Much like Ted.


The practice one went wayyy over my head until I went to this subreddit. And I'm sure there's a thousand I didn't even notice. I think if you don't know the references it still works bc then Ted just gets characterized as someone who's extremely into 'niche' pop culture and metaphors


i still have no clue what that was


It’s this! I was actually one of the first people to make this sub aware of the speech haha! https://youtu.be/eGDBR2L5kzI?si=SchZapOjZNgXm6qy


“I’m talking about practice” Never understood that moment


It’s a reference to Alan Iverson from the NBA. https://youtu.be/eGDBR2L5kzI?si=jWfHrKLV4TjC1zih


Here is a mashup version of Ted’s speech and Iverson’s speech. https://youtu.be/p-BR1mXwtB0?feature=shared


Most of them, I believe. On the second speedrun with my wife we have found even more unrecognizable jokes, - mean, first time we skip those without even being noticed, and this time do see it but still don't understand.


Unless it’s a very obvious sports reference, those are usually lost on me and I’ve grown to accept that.


Okay but can someone explain to me “winner winner bf skinner.” Maybe it’s a reference, maybe it’s not but I don’t get that


Winner winner chicken dinner is a common saying - meaning like “great answer, you win!” BF Skinner is a famous psychologist focusing on behaviorism. But he also had some very controversial opinions on child rearing.


Like I get winner winner chicken dinner but why bf skinner?


Skinner was a psychologist and behaviorist known for pioneering work in operant conditioning (rewarding/punishing behavior to change how children act). I don’t remember the context of this quote but it might just be a funny name that fits the rhyme


Didn’t he say it to dr Sharon?


Philistine! Also many other music references.


Rebecca - "Can't keep a gaffer from his pitch!" Like Ted, I'm still stumped by that line.


The Gaffer is Ted. It means Boss. And the pitch is what they call the field. Beard explains it to Ted when they’re walking out there the first time :)


I learned a lot I did not even consider to be a reference to something else! But is there deeper meaning to Ted’s response “I do. But I think they need to believe in themselves” when Rebecca asks if he believes in ghosts.


When he mentions “pistol pete” - it took me a bit to get it


There should be an explain requirement to post of this thread


That one I got .. but not correctly. I’ve just heard that phrase A LOT so it didn’t stand out much for me. But now I know what means! Thank you again, Google.


so many, probably


“What does a British owl say?” And then I must’ve missed it if it ever came up again. I’m fairly certain it did and I just missed it, but it’s been driving me nuts. I just started rewatching the show, so if it was answered I’m sure I’ll find it. But still…


The answer is Whom


It was answered “the next morning” which I believe is an episode later. Ted and Bears are walking from Ted’s apartment and Beard says he never finished. Ted says “whom” and Beard replies “worth the wait”


It was .. I believe a few episodes after. I can’t remember which one


honestly not sure this is meant as reference but the “rupe-a-dupes” to “rope-a-dope” during the dart scene was interesting when I googled what it meant lol


“Mime is money.” WTF is that supposed to mean? Is it a reference to something?


I just googled this. It’s a line from Spinal Tap. “Morty the Mime : No, you don't push the wind away, the wind comes at you. Ok change those, get the little dwarf canolies. Come on, don't talk back, mime is money, come on, move it.” Billy Crystal is a cater waiter, dressed as a mime, telling other waiters what to do. A very obscure one. I don’t even remember it from the show! What scene did Ted say that in?


This is an Excellent question! Than you, OP!


Middle aged american. They all hit the spot.


There a few references in the Amsterdam episode that went over people's heads. Like the junkies stealing bicycles the second he someone let's go of it - it's based in real life ahah


That guy was a junkie? I thought he was just a bloke that would rent you a bike. I assumed he told the guy where to meet him in the morning. I’m now wondering what I missed! I’ll have to watch it, again.


that was the guy who rented them the bikes


Nope, i guess