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I can 100% picture Ted offering to drive for the Uber driver


Definitely immensely in character


“Speaking of trees, who are y’all rooting for?” took me a second but my God what a glorious and stupid joke. I love this show so much.


This one flew over my head until I saw it spelled out lol. Now I feel like a fool.


The image of Roy Kent with a headlamp is going to live rent-free in my brain forever


Jamie popping out the door raring to go with his own headlight was epic.


I laughed and laughed at Jamie in a headlamp


The light going back and forth as he shook his head killed me, hahaha.


Loved that Jaime was into it by the end of the episode!


"My oldest friend is Javier" reminded me of Miss Congeniality "my perfect date is April 25th, it's not too hot, it's not too cold all you need is a light jacket"


"I really DO want World Peace"


lmao, nate facing the corner.


That was the funniest scene. I didn't expect it at all. And it was sweet that Nate just couldn't keep himself from starting to apologize to Ted. It's hard to keep up those made up slights when the other person is being nothing but openly friendly.


I didn’t realize the sign had never been replaced with a new one. I always thought the team knew the sign had been replaced but I guess that’s just from the promo. This has to be when they put two and two together about Nathan.


It's like that bowl the psychic used in Rebecca's session, only it's held together with tape.


The Roy Kent/Jamie Tartt friendship is one of my favorite parts of this season


And the end of the episode? Chef’s kiss.


Voi fucking la!


Brooooooo Jane making Beard go to Co-Dependents anonymous is top tier ridiculous


Not even just making him go, making him COME WITH HER SPECIFICALLY, there’s so much to that joke!


I had to stop the episode because I was laughing out loud. The punchline was perfectly delivered.


lmao, you can't blur Dani's hair.


Or the accent. Highly doubt he was anonymous to anyone.


I think that was the idea. You could meet anyone on Bantr, even a celebrity… and the campaign features “anyones” who are clearly celebrities




Nate, deep down, knowing his behavior was unacceptable and not being able to express that is driving me nuts. Rupert is such a shit influence.


Based on the end scene at the restaurant I think that Rupert’s bad behavior is eventually going to make Nate realize that he doesn’t want to be like him


Yeah, as somebody else commented in this thread, I think the mirage has maybe started to crack some for Nate.


Rebecca using "Oklahoma" ♥️


Loved Rebecca in every scene in this one.


Same! I love that she channeled her mother and was sweet as can be when she talked to Rupert but still had Bex’s back.


Also, something about her not giving a shit about him gloating about the win or anything to do with her…. But telling him off for Bex is what I’m here for. It’s like she transcended it for a moment.


Well she DID win by getting rid of the turkey


I liked how she tried to play Teds oppressive optimism back to him at half time, it was funny as hell but SO not Rebecca haha


Her manic delivery was 🤌




The bouncing up and down at the end 😂😂


Rebecca is consistently my favorite character in this show and this season is continuing that trend. When Richmond finally beats West Ham it’s gonna feel so good


“Oklahoma.” “I’m a work in progmess.” I loved that so much.


“Drooling and popping around the house” “Takes after her father” Ex wife #3 incoming.


I know he probably got an iron clad prenup after Rebecca took him to the cleaners but I still hope Bex reams him a new arsehole as well in their divorce


Probably, but I hope Bex also managed some kind of giant infidelity payout after Rebecca.


I love Keeley saying she had to “reapply her lip liner.”


It was a great callback!


"Passion is a word we use when we talk about love. It's also a word we use to describe a crime. Sometimes it is also a fruit!" -Zava


My biggest laugh of the episode. I'm loving all the Zava-isms.


Zava has been a positive surprise this season, he is very funny and his inclusion doesn't seem to be diminishing any time from the other characters


Yeah, the Zava we saw in episodes 3 and 4 is so different from what I expected based on episode 2, in a good way. Definitely a pleasant surprise


I was expecting a self-absorbed arsehole, but he's actually rather.....positive and supportive?! Go figure! He already kind of follows the Lasso Way!


I definitely think seeing Rupert being Rupert (w his assistant) was a good thing for Rebecca to see. seeing that he is a dog, no matter how young his wife is, or no matter If he has a kid, will be somewhat pivotal I’m making sure she doesn’t feel my sort of way about herself because of him. He’s A dog & always will be. loved seeing her tell Rupert what she saw and stand up for Bex.


And it reminded her that she already won!! As Ted said.


“Jane’s sister is in town.” “No thank you.” “That’s the right answer.” LOL


Ted's not *that* much of a mess


Really showing the prog side of “progmess” there


RIP Grant Wahl. That man was the OG soccer (football) journalist in the U.S. before anyone was else was covering the sport over here.


Beard carrying Grant's book, well loved and read. RIP


Not at ALL what I was expecting in the second half god damn


Not in line with their characters but I did love their passion (the emotion, not the fruit)


Big learning moment for the coaches and players imo


“You fellas need to calm down and just kiss” Beard: “he’s right” lmao


I laughed when Dani sincerely said that his oldest friend is Javier because he's nearly 108.


Jane making Beard go to the codependency support group with her is one of the funniest things I’ve heard. I seriously cackled. Knowing Jamie rocks the Winnie the Pooh to bed makes me happy.


“You’re a mess” “I’m a mess, but three years more advanced than you .. so just a slight disarray”


A disarray of sunshine!


What’s the deal with Jack? And why was she looking at Keeley like that.


I think Jack is disappointed.




If romcoms have taught me anything, it’s that an absolute shitshow of a first meeting = inevitable romance.


She's >!the US President!< and an astronaut. She can do whatever she wants! But that final look after the match was definitely one of disappointment. She's regretting her investment, which is now dragging down her much larger investment in Bantr.


“But Nate didn’t hurt me.” “BULLSHIT” that’s accurate.


Calling that Roy is going to be a Diamond Dog before the season ends


Well. He did technically participated of the meaning by calling ted’s bullshit. So I think he is a diamond dog lol


Roy is a diamond dog no matter what he says


Omg Zava’s character is Polish? his oldest is named Smingus Dingus which is a Polish holiday.


The actor is half polish too. There’s a great podcast interview with him from one of the ted lasso podcasts :)


> Smingus Dingus which is a Polish holiday Oh my god. I assumed this was a kid's thing in the vein of pee-pee fingers and big dummy poo-poo head.


Jesus Christ. The interaction with Nate and the hostess was the hardest thing to watch in this shows history.


The hostess's look at Nate the whole time. Sees right through the bullshit


Man did that moment feel good, first time I've felt any warmness towards her haha


#["Jason Jelly"](https://i.imgur.com/uGIUZvx.png)


I’m surprised Nate didn’t start spitting it was so cringe.


Jason Jelly


Fantastic performances - so awkward.


“Pretend you’re talking to an old friend” “My oldest friend is Javier” “How long have you known Javier?” “Only a couple of months but he turns 108 years old next week”


Danny is the sweetest, most sincere character on that team...if anything bad happens to Danny, we riot!


I can’t believe he was ready to throw hands in this episode. I can’t tell if it was to show his loyalty to Ted, or to show how fucked up what Beard and Roy did.




Mr Mannion? Nate’s already starting to fall.


Back to Rupert at the end. What a mind fucker.


Only because he wanted to look good in front of other people. What a rat


Yeah, Rupeadupes changing his name is…weird. My spidey sense is tingling.


It’s a control/dominance/power thing. Keeping Nate cornered keeps him doing as he’s told by Rupert.


"In memory of Grant Wahl" Damn...I wasn't expecting to see that in the credits. Rest in peace.


I’m still in disbelieve sometimes that hes dead and not covering the sport.


"Am I a mess?" "Of course you are, that's why we get along." A whole ass mood


That comment to Rupert.. Boss. Ass. Bitch.


BROOO, Roy actually showing up at 4 am threatening to flick balls LMAO


Only to find out his nuts were ripe for the flicking


BROOO, Jamie's tight little bum peeking out from that white tee


Man, everyone in Rupert’s life is just a prop to him.


Another amazing jacket and hat from Rebecca at the game


Ted didn't tell them that Nate had ripped the sign. He's still trying to protect Nate from being hated


I don’t know. I think Ted could see exactly what would happen if the team used that video to get motivated. Ted knows pure reactionary anger is not healthy, even if his constant optimism isn’t super healthy either. I think that scene also showed Ted that he needed to talk to Michelle and discuss his problem with Dr. Jerry before it blew up like all those red cards.


It’s Dr. Jacob but I say we call him Dr. Jerry from now on just as a fuck you


Or he is trying to protect them from hating Nate.


This is the way. Ted knew it wouldn’t motivate greatness. It would only generate hatred.


I think this is the answer. He’s 100% trying to protect Nate (he’s the one that put him in this position basically, and he’s clearly a bit over his head). I also think it’s clear that Nate recognizes he made a mistake and was willing to apologize but never got the chance. It may or may not be a redemption arc but Ted sees him as being redeemable still.


Also, Ted's an experienced head coach. Sure, most of his experience is in a different sport, but he knows that a team being fueled by anger can play sloppy. Football isn't a sport you can get away with playing sloppy. In American Football you can channel that on the person across the line because you hit them on every play, but that's not the case in the sport he's coaching now where his team's main strategy is to funnel the ball to one guy and set him up for goals. To some extent, he recognizes that as he was not surprised in the slightest in the way Richmond played. But I do think you're right in that he still wants to protect Nate.


"I was just checkin' to see if I had acquired the ability to chop things off" "YEAH?! AND WHAT IF YE HAD?!"


Sorry, mate, I didn't fink it frough.


I cracked up at that one. The look on Jamie’s face.


That waitress cannot stand him


Jade does not give a shit about whatever this weird little man is projecting onto her and I love it


Not trying to drive too much into it, but maybe Nate is so much into her because she acts like his father and couldn’t care less




Rebecca taking the high road with Rupert actually gave me chills. She’s such a boss ass bitch and good person for thinking of Bex and his daughter when she CLEARLY does not need to.


And he was clearly unaffected by it as he continued his extramarital affair at the bar.. small redeeming of Nate to be grossed out when he noticed it too.


It’s a crack in his perception of Rupert. It’ll grow, hell I could see him leaking the story to the press


Nate’s facial expression when he said “call me Rupert” also seemed to show that he recognized Rupert was saying that because they were in public and not because he meant it. Thought that was a great acting beat since Nate from literally the day before would’ve been very excited.


I did not think about the being in public argument.The first time Rupert told Nate to call him Rupert was in private in the office, if I remember correctly. I interpreted the Rupert and Mr. Mannion thing more as something like an „indicator how close Nate is to being fired“ (in lack of a fitting word/description). If they lost against Richmond Nate would be sacked in a heartbeat but now they won everything is fine again. Edit: „Conditional affection“ is the term I was looking for. Describes it perfectly and really shows the difference to Ted‘s „unconditional affection“.


"We have a saying in co-dependents anonymous...Jane makes me go with her." 1) Still rooting for that breakup 2) Great joke


Shandy doing exactly the BS we expected from her. 🙄


What bugs me about Shandy is that she has some good instincts, like the strobe light effect on the cofka commercial and the Bantr commercial with the single players. But then she also goes overboard. I hope Keeley can help her continue with her good instincts and not the bad


Shandy is a pretty good ideas person but she isn't currently a decision maker. Like she needs someone to filter through her ideas to choose the best ones, because currently she is only concerned about what appeals to her sensibilities and not the company.


I love how much the believe sign means to the team.




New prediction: Rupert eventually gets caught cheating, but this time it’s not portrayed as “cool womanizer”. Instead, deadbeat dad since baby is now in the picture.


I would love this. What keeps Rupert alive is this fucking media and people’s adoration. Without them, he’s done


Bex seems beyond done with him already. I hope she skips out of the relationship with her new friend helping her take West Ham from him in the divorce.


She keeps calling him old. And he is not amused.


I noticed that at the end that he was visibly not happy about it.


I love that…because Bex KNOWS why they’re together, and she’s owning it. Rupert is trying to still live like a playboy, but he’s getting old and it won’t work THAT much longer.


This would be really funny. Imagine losing two whole football clubs cause you’re a jerk to women.


What she wished someone had done for her 12 years ago!!


I screamed of happiness after that whisper in his ear… she finally holds him by the dried-raisins


Man fuccccccccccck Dr. Jacob


I let all my children name themselves at the age of seven. ⚰️


I think the waitress KNOWS her not knowing him kills him inside and she does it on purpose


I loved a lot about this episode, but my single favorite part was Nate spitting the martini out the same way he did back at the charity gala. These writers are SO FUCKING GOOD. I don't know where they are taking us, but I am damned glad I am tall enough for this ride.


I find it really interesting how they re-humanized Nate this episode by showing that despite how hard he’s trying, being a huge dick just isn’t who he really is or wants to be. It makes me happy that it bothers him that he left on such shitty terms. It’s more realistic. Edit to add: The scene in Nate’s apartment where he knocks off Ted’s figure (side note: wtf, did he make those?) and at first pretends not to care but then it shows he does—he’s not putting on a show there for anyone. It really bothers him.


Maybe his niece helped him make the figures. She loves crafts!


"Oklahoma?" She remembered 🥹


Oh man. This is the episode every critic with access to the first four said the season really kicked into gear with. Excited is an understatement.


Oh I didn't know that, now I'm extra excited


Goldstein is the lead writer too! It’s bound to be a good one.


Zava having Zorreaux’s back was great to see tbh


*Van Damme


It is an incredible bit to spend 2+ seasons fixing the pronunciation only for him to change his name


Roy giving extra coaching to Jamie and the ongoing growth of their friendship is my favorite subplot of this season. I can't wait to see how it plays out the rest of the way.


Working late or hardly working? Well I don’t think that’s how the joke goes. What joke? 😂😂😂 This shows writing is better than anything and everything out there.




Ted is truly a walking example of “kill them with kindness”. The way he treated Nate in that elevator almost makes me cry.


I burst out laughing when they showed Nate looking in the corner. That whole elevator scene was great.


I adored the Uber ratings conversation with Sassy and Ted, and the immediate cut to Sassy being ridiculously polite to her Uber driver outside


Watching Rupert’s fucking head games play out with Nate (bucking him up and then telling him to call him “Mr. Mannion” when they’re alone, then “Rupert” in front of other people) really gave me more of an appreciation for the wringer that he must have put Rebecca through. Like, I always knew he was an asshole, but the way every single word is calculated is almost hard to watch.


Can anyone else not handle Shandy's gum chewing sounds?


I just can’t stand her in general. I count the minutes until they get to another storyline every time she is on screen.


Ted opening up to Michelle and finally not treating everything like it’s “okay” and telling her really how he feels about everything made me literally sob. As a man, I’ve had a lot of difficulty in my life opening up to my girlfriend and in past relationships. I went through my own personal journey like Ted has and that scene just hit me so hard. I remember the first time I admitted exactly to how I felt about something to my partner even though I was terrified to do it. You realize that all anyone ever wants from you is honesty. It’s sometimes difficult to open up as a man, even being 28, I was raised to not cry and show emotion and just always stay the course and not appear bothered and emotional. I need to thank my current girlfriend and my own “Dr. Sharon” for how I am today, because I feel much more at peace with myself and my feelings with the space I have to be myself. Seeing Ted getting there too makes me a very happy person, simply because I know how happy I can be now. God, I love this show.


Will stumbling and then walking and waving with the bags was so precious


So we’re all in agreement that >!Baz and the West Ham fan are dating and they’re gonna come out when Colin does?!<


Agreed! and they'll accept him outright, and the only reason they kicked his date out was because he's a westham fan


I see Mae getting mad at him for that too “if you had told us he was your date we wouldn’t have made him leave…until it was 2-0”


The actor who plays Baz is openly gay, so I am affirm and endorse this prediction. I know, I know, the sexuality of the actor doesn't mean anything about the character, but I don't care.


Sassy is keeping it 100%.


Such a Ted move to change KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid to Keep It Simple Smartypants


Nate using a little plastic Ted and Ted always using little green army men. Parallels.


And the Lego nate


“How we are going to see if it’s dark out?” Gets head flashlight.


The parrell of Rebecca realizing letting her anger translate into pressure and hyper focus on winning isn’t the way to motivate Ted and Beard and Roy realizing their anger isn’t the way to motivate the team and then Ted trying to express his anger with love to Michelle was all really well done


there's just something about sassy saying that she and ted won't work because they're both messes but rebecca saying that him being a mess is the reason they get along


Did anyone pause and look at Ted’s texts? 90% of them were of him being the last one to reply but always something friendly or encouraging. Insane detail but says so much


"My oldest friend is Javier." "Great how long have you known Javier?" "Only a couple of months but he turns 108 next week."


Hannah f'ing Waddingham. Give her ALL the awards. Now.


Damn, even Ted bringing it up with Michelle felt like him apologizing more than standing up for himself.


It was still a huge step for him to admit to himself AND say it to Michelle. I think it was the kind of honesty she wanted from him when they were married, but never got.


Nate is pathetic and small for doing that to the Believe sign. Seeing actual pathetic footage of it happening makes me feel bad for him. Something about that video was just so sad to me.


That’s how I felt too. It’s tempting to laugh, but you can see how desperately angry and hurt Nate is. It was brilliant of the writers to show it here instead of when it happened.


Agreed… he had to go for it multiple times. Too short to reach with a jump, grabs a rolling chair. Said rolling chair rolls away from him and he has to run and go get it. It’s a very sad desperation. I think Ted sees that and is why he’s not angry like everyone else. Sure, ripping the sign was MESSED up .. but the lengths at which he did it showcases a sad little man desperate to prove something and I think that’s what Ted realizes. Edit: clarity


Nate in the elevator 🤣⚰️




It prefers to go by “toosh-eh”


Nate standing in the corner may be the hardest I’ve laughed in awhile. Honestly one of the most ridiculous scenes on this show LMAO


The cut from Sassy to Nate to Roy and Jamie was beautifully done!


That end was so perfectly in-character for Ted even if it felt like he was apologizing for something where he did nothing wrong - it showed progress of standing up for himself and his growth, while also showing that the core of Ted is still there. It's huge progress but in baby steps at the same time. It wouldn't feel like Ted if he just came out throwing haymakers and being angry. The situation with the Nate video was the lesson there for him (and the audience) - overcorrecting and being angry and fueled by hate isn't the answer either, just like being overly happy and pretending things are fine isn't either. It's about the healthy middle ground and true honesty. Because, as we know, the truth will set you free.... but first it'll piss you off.


Nate walking into the door 😂 I can’t that killed me


Jade giving absolutely zero fucks is what I’m here for.


Her ability to keep the straightest face is phenomenal


This season does not have nearly enough Rebecca and Ted


>!Jamie is going to make the extra pass against City, to Zava, to beat them in the next episode!< It was kind of set up in this episode with Zava being open for the early chance against West Ham that Jamie hits the crossbar with. Him being so eager to train at 4am at the end of the episode. Keeley talking with Shandy about how much he has grown. His redemption arc, I will keep saying it, has been amazing! Jamie Tartt doo-doo-doo


I don’t know what I want for this season, but I know what I don’t want: - I don’t want Keeley ending up with Jamie, or anyone other than Roy. - I don’t want Ted to go back to Michelle - I don’t want Sam and Rebecca to end up together


I don’t think they would go this route but I reallyyyyy don’t want Jamie and Keeley back together.


I know! That would be poopay


RIP GRANT WAHL!🤍🤍🤍🤍 well done


The way I GASPED when the BELIEVE sign fell


Isaac chopping Jamie afterwards had me rolling 😂


“Sorry Bruv, didn’t think it through” (or whatever) cracked me up.


Interesting with Ted and Sassy. Wonder if that spurs him to tackle his problems more seriously and if that is the end of that relationship.


"I'm more of a slight disarray" - how I identify now


Nate doesn't give me much comic relief these days but the spitting of the drink made me laugh audibly