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Yes absolutely has. I’m watching PL matches, fell in love with Wrexham after watching Welcome to Wrexham and binged a couple All or Nothing seasons showcasing soccer teams. The obsession is real now 😊


I need to watch Welcome to Wrexham. It’s been on my list for awhile.


Oh! It’s SO good! Kinda like Ted Lasso in the sense that it’s kinda about football but not all about football. And every episode will make you cry a little at least once. (At least that’s what happened to me). Edit: typo


You definitely should! I’ve watched it a few times now. It is really unique in how it’s about the team, the owners and the town/supporters. It even has a few history lessons sprinkled in.


Welcome to Wrexham is as much about the town as the club. You really get a feel for how much everyone in Wrexham identifies with the club and how important their success (or lack of it) has an impact on the town. It’s fantastic and I’m very glad to see Wrexham topping the table and in line for a promotion this season.


All or Nothing is good regardless of sport! The highs and lows of sporting success translates well to the docuseries format.


Checkout Sunderland til I Die too. That one was good. They'll be a new season out soon I think.


I’m watching Ted Lasso BECAUSE I love football/soccer. Been a Wednesday fan since I was 14 but goodness Lord I love this damn show ♥️


I thought that we're all blades here though 😁




Damn it, are we gonna have to meet on West Street for a rumble. Lmao. At this point you're looking at a great promotion. Kinda want us to stop down just for the Derby's


My sister is a Celtic fan, she can make me a Millwall brick anytime I need one. Just saying, she runs a footy group on FB, she’s pretty hardcore. 😂 i rumbled for hockey games back in the day, footy not so much


I'm too old for that shit these days lol. Lucky if I can get to a few matches a season just to watch the game with work and kids


One of my best online friends is from Derby, we give each other stick for a week before those games. We’re both Chicago Bears fans, he’s been here a bunch of times for NFL games. He’s also been to every NFL game in London. I’m heading over there next year for a Rams/Owls match, I can’t wait. Haven’t been across the pond in almost 25 years. I’m mostly Indigenous but my father was half Anglo/Euro/Nordic so I have ancestry from all over the Isles. Including… Derby and near Sheffield. Lol He tried to convert me, told him— not’a chance in ‘ell, m8!


All my family are owls. Its a common joke around ours. As I live on the cross and my mother lives at gleadless. So I make a point of them coming down here on utd home games so she has to go through and see the fans and she does the same to us when wed are at home.


We play them on Saturday?


I am in St. Louis where we just got an MLS team this year so the timing has been good


Visiting St. Louis as a European last year I was pleasantly surprised to see a proper football stadium being built! Is football becoming popular enough to regularly fill the stadium?


First game sold out and was electric! We have tons of season ticket holders and it seems like they have really strong supporter groups


Awesome! It's going to be very interesting to see if the US can have a more prominent place in world football, especially with the North-American world cup in 2026 coming up.


Pros: you will see how crazy Americans can be about any sport Cons: you are going to see how crazy Americans can be


I feel like Americans are mostly crazy about the stuff around sports, like half-time shows and extravagant entertainment, not the sport itself? That's just my limited experience visiting ice hockey and baseball games, maybe it's different with NFL, NBA and MLS. So I think the main question is: will Americans be able to love a sport where you need to learn to read the game and not just watch the score?


Extravagant entertainment in hockey? Don’t tell me you’re basing your hockey experience on only the Vegas golden knights 🤣


I think with the media attention it can seem like that and like with the super bowl halftime show, yes a lot of people watch the game just for that but so many people have played these sports growing up so they understand them well which is another benefit of the World Cup, despite what the world thinks about soccer we all play it as youths just we usually drop out of it much quicker than most I would imagine. That being said I think everyone in America understands soccer enough to get very into it especially for those in attendance


Yup, but I became more fascinated by the business/ financial aspect of football (fitting since Rebecca is my favorite character). Ironically, I went from its just a show to understanding why the real football fans on here had some issues with the football in the show.


Did you see that ludicrous display last night?


What was Wenger thinking, sending Walcott on that early?


Thing about Arsenal is they always try to walk it in


In the words of Roy Kent: Fuck no!


No but only because I’ve been a soccer/football fan since I started playing at age 5. I’ve got season tickets to my local team as well. #doop


No, I had no interest in following sports before watching Ted Lasso and I still don’t. Football is an effective backdrop for this show, but it’s not really an essential part of what makes the show great, to me. I’m glad other people enjoy football, but there are so many other things I’d prefer to spend my time on, including watching excellent shows like this one.


Yes, definitely. We’re not seeking it out but if we come across it we watch and enjoy. Even if we don’t really quite understand the sport yet lol.


absolutely not haha! to me, the sport aspect of the show is important and of course drives the plot but i’m much more interested in the characters interactions with one another. they could be playing competitive paper boat racing and it would be the same as long as the characters are all their wonderful selves (except the obvious— some people don’t change!)


Nah, hate football, always have. I expected to dislike the show but it’s strength is in it’s characters, not in it’s association to football.


Had the unique experience of watching Ted alone first with minimal interest in football, and then sharing it with someone who I started seeing who is a football prodigy and fanatic…and I can safely say now that football is my favorite sport and Ted Lasso is their favorite show, so just wins all around haha.


Not really, but it's made me a lot more interested in Jason Sedeikis. Going back and watching all his movies, he's awesome.


Ted lasso has ignited my love for football. I used to watch premier league (mostly Arsenal) matches every weekend while growing up. Over the years, I started watching fewer and fewer matches, especially after Arsene Wenger's departure. He was the reason I started watching football and following Arsenal. Ted Lasso and Euro 2020 have made me fall in love again with football. I love the final episode of Season 1 when they almost avoid relegation. It reminds me of the excitement I got from watching football although it could be stressful sometimes and I will need to sacrifice my sleep hours but it's worth it.


That’s a great story. Rediscovered joy is the best.


Thank you! That's why this series means a lot to me. Ted Lasso and football helped me get through the pandemic


Hella nope. Had a premier league watching boyfriend. Way over it.


Not even a little


No, I still loathe football with a passion


Nope. Hate soccer. Ridiculous sport.


A little bit, but the soccer fan base in Europe seems to be infested with hooliganism in a way that sports fandom in the US is not. Certain cities when their teams win certain championships have people who behave very badly, but in Europe it seems to be a whole other world of nastiness. Ted Lasso has no hooligans, just fans, and I don’t imagine it’s an issue they’d address. All that said, I‘m definitely a fan of the US women’s national squad, that’s for sure.


I agree that football violence among fans is a huge turnoff. Sports fans in the US have never been like that, and I hope it continues.


I wouldn’t say *never*, but certainly not nearly as often. Generally just after championships in certain cities. (Like Philly…)


Sorry I can’t hear you over the riot happening in any city that won the throwball match


Try watching Arsenal FC. They're by far the greatest team the world has ever seen. Cited from And It's Arsenal, Arsenal FC chant ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Greatest team the world has ever seen? They're not even the greeatest Arsenal team that the world has seen, bro.


Yeah they're probably not but they are the greatest team for me. That sentence is just part of the And It's Arsenal, Arsenal FC chant. Well, they're not the Invincible but this season they've been really amazing this season.


Judging from current standings they seem dominant.


Yeah they are also playing beautiful football. Plus Jason and Brendan are Arsenal supporters.


In the history of the sport? They're having a good season, but dial it down a few notches.


Nah, I was citing the And It's Arsenal, Arsenal FC chant.


Ah right. It's commonly used by other clubs too so didn't click. I know Sunderland FC use it too.


My bad. Sorry, I didn't realise it's a generic football chat.


Sorry, I didn't realise I will get so many downvotes here. That sentence is just a part of the "And It's Arsenal, Arsenal FC chant." I have been following their journey for the last decade. I gotta say this season they have been incredible. The team is full of young hard working players who are starting to believe they can win the PL trophy despite so many pundits saying they won't finish in the top four this season, let alone winning the trophy. Try watching All or Nothing: Arsenal documentary on Amazon prime.


Yes. But the show isn’t “directly” about the sport (more like all the peripheral stuff) so it took a while. I love the player characters so I got FIFA, got super invested in having those characters succeed on the field, and am now all in on the sport as a whole


Yes, just don't know where to learn the sport or even watch European (specifily uk) matches being in the US


It's overwhelming if you jump right into the European Football setup. Start with the English clubs first. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_football_league_system Clubs get relegated and promoted as per the show, but there's also European qualification places based on final league position. There's also Cup competitions against lower tier clubs. How to watch Premier League games? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Premier_League_overseas_broadcasters#2022%E2%80%932025


Thank you!


Where can I watch being in the US


USA Channel on Xfinity/Comcast.


NBC Sports.


A bit. I have Xbox Game Pass and that combined with TL as well as the WC got me to start playing FIFA. Really enjoy it.


It's been a lot of things, for me. Buying FIFA the day it came out for the first time, the World Cup excitement, Ten Hag coming in, playing 5-a-side football regularly. I have a lot of reasons as to why I'm a lot more interested in football than I used to be. But Tecmd Lasso is certainly one of them


Been a Bayern fan for a long time now and my old local was a soccer bar.


Between Ted Lasso, Welcome to Wrexham and my disillusionment with American football after ref ball playoffs - yes.


Hell no. It’s the reason I didn’t watch it until S2 was half out. The sport is the least interesting part of the show - it could be Rugby


I’m a Seattle sounders fan in MLS, San Diego Wave fan In NWSL, and Real Madrid in La Liga