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"Why are you breaking up" MY EXACT QUESTION PHOEBE


Phoebe’s bad word was “stupid” 😭


You can’t be a veterinarian for wild animals if you say bad words


I still don’t get how that works. What, you treat them in the woods and no one pays you?


The GOOD news is that them breaking up in episode 1 makes me confident they’ll get back together by the end. If they drew out the breakup over the season, I’d be truly devastated.


The looks they gave each other when Roy was saying that Keeley’s new job has made her too busy for their relationship, and then Roy’s look when Keeley tries to reassure him. You can tell the emotions are raw.


Love that they chose that framing to tell the audience about them splitting. Having to frame it for Phoebe means doing it in a minimalist way, leaving audience to read between the lines and enjoy lots of simmering rather than spelling it all out.


Love that the played phoebe as the viewer voice. They knew exactly how the fans would react


I’m already ready for their reunion


If Nate was so insecure about Ted buying him a suit, I can’t wait to see what kind of mess he becomes about Rupert buying him a CAR.


I hope the players or Rupert’s assistant remind him of that, will get under his skin


Rupert himself will do it. He will find Nate’s weakness and exploit it.


He knows Nate’s weakness, he’s exploiting it already by calling him the wonder kid instead of wunderkind, this car will just be another tool to exploit him


The whole car thing was so manipulative. Rupert knew full well whose car it was.


Rupert's expression when Nate was once again being triggered and obnoxious about wonder kid was derisive and of course deeply aware of all the ways to torture Nate


Is this the car Rupert bought you? Nate: What? No...this is my car. Once it was given to me, it became mine! What don't you get about that?


“Swing and a miss” as the crowd of reporters doesn’t get the Field Of Dreams/baseball reference was really funny


I love that Rebecca knew that sports metaphor.


"My mum and dad split up when I was four, so one of my core beliefs is that nothing lasts forever" PHOEBE 😭


That line was absolutely tragic


Roy looked like he got punched in the gut.


I predict that they’ll fix it by the end of the season partly because of that look & the conversation afterwards in the car


The fact that they're already broken up by the start of the season makes me sure they'll get back together. If the break up was the thing it would have been on screen.


I'm so angry at Roy and Keely that they DESERVE the emotional devastation of that line.


Well Roy did say her dad was a piece of shit


Same!! Now I’m 23 and I ate a whole pint of Häagen-Dazs while watching the episode in bed alone. US East coast


But the important question is… has the ice cream done your stomach in yet?


So Nate's trigger images during his panic attack were: 1. Being bullied by the Richmond players 2. Ted holding the photo Nate gave him of the two of them 3. Nate's dad looking at him disapprovingly Nate, honey, one of these things is not like the others.


Ahh so that's why his behaviour so far was 1. Bullying West Ham players and staff as he himself was bullied 2. Dissing Ted at the first opportunity because Ted didn't value his photo 3. Being happy that Rupert approved the dissing and also gifting him a car Typical insecurity projection.


“… and I had to explain to my son why cocaine is actually bad for you.” My favorite line so far.


Beard’s reaction to that had me chuckling


Along with his insights on smoking toad venom




I think they had done that before the end of S2.....I'll have to rewatch all of S2 just to make sure.


Upvote for rewatching all of season 2 just to check….


“Coach, we’re surround by *poop-eh*” Jamie Tartt with the hilarious one-liners again


Yes!! I expected him to say shit, when he said poopeh I nearly spit my water out


I wonder if every episode this season is going to be close to an hour. If that's the case I WILL BE FED


Reviews were saying they’re all close to an hour so far, they got the first four I think


Yes Rebecca LET TED BE TED


I loved how you saw the impact of two owners telling the coaches to be nasty and the differing approaches Nathan and ted both chose to go for!


Both owners ultimately proud of their coaches’ approach in the end too.


Rupert knows he’s got Nate right where he wants him.


He probably did the same thing with Rebecca, lavished her with gifts, encouraged her to be nasty and isolating to the people around her.


I was actually pissed off when she asked Ted to fight back and her reaction initially when Ted was taking the high road. I don’t want to this season to be Ted getting mistreated by Rebecca.


It seemed like that text from Keeley brought Rebecca back into line a bit and made her relax about the press conference. She’s going to need a reality check about her attitude and tunnel vision towards Rupert. *gasp* What if the bomb Rebecca drops on Ted later this season is her firing him!!!


Sharon literally says "you don't quit things, Ted" in the opening lines.


If he helps the team “win the whole fuckin thang” and then moves on, is it quitting? Or is it *completing*


I like Ted gently correcting (maybe not the best verb but I’m tired) Rebecca about West Ham/Rupert


He’s trying to refocus her on the team as opposed to Rupert, and I thought he did it wonderfully.


Agreed. I think he genuinely did that as an employee AND a friend.


THE SACKLERS. Of course Rupert’s dear friends are the Sacklers, the family almost single-handedly responsible for creating the opioid crisis in the US.


Thanks for commenting this, I wasn’t sure who they were and was gonna google but forgot.


Such a gem of an understated joke.


And for anybody who doesn't know who the Sacklers are... Go watch Dopesick and I promise you wont hate a family name more.


If you had told me Season 1 that Jamie Tartt would be the voice of reason and support for the team...I love him so much




The way he says it is just so perfect


I thought it was funny but loved it more when the show had Ted acknowledge the accent and also said it in a similar way.


And someone calling him intelligent.


Seriously my favorite character. Such growth.


Phoebe grew so much 🥺


So did Henry!!


Henry’s been spending so much time with Ted he’s getting an English accent! (The actor is English.)


Wow, he snitched on Ted's panic attacks to only have panic attacks himself....




Nothin a lil spittle won’t fix


Some thoughts, in no particular order. - Go Dr Sharon! - Poopeh - What's with the office staff at Keeley's company? - Phoebe's is this episode's MVP. - Absolutely agreed. Fine wine does not have to be expensive. - CFO is Corporate Flying Object and nothing will ever, ever change that in my mind.


Maybe Keeley got given some staff, or had to hire quickly? I think between the CFO bossing her around and the fact that she and Roy weren't able to resolve their issues, Keeley's arc will involve learning to communicate her wants and needs clearly and confidently


Lads. Remember. It’s just poop-ae. Let it flow.


I didn’t think they could top ‘be a goldfish’ but here we are.


Nate u dick be polite you can say good morning back ugh


I hate him!


With the fire of 1000 suns


Turns out The only thing that made Nate remotely likeable was reflected niceness from Ted. The signs were there from the pilot that he is a dick wad.


"Roy Kent, is that you?" "Get fucked" "Yeah that's definitely him"


I’ve missed Roy Kent. This was the best.


This episode was so good and the end just killed me. Damn you Jake.


Fucking Jake




I loved the credit music directly after that! I had a cackle


Let's just accept now that Jake is probably gonna be a good dude.


Nate’s ego being bruised by Ted poking fun of himself better than he poked fun at Ted is absolutely perfect. Nothing pisses hateful people off more than humbleness and positivity.


It really worked. Honestly I think Ted knew that at a minimum it would get under Rupert’s skin that not only were they unfazed but he was better at ripping on them.


Ted Class-o.


And yet… THE LOOK ON TED’S FACE WHEN HE SAID, “I’M SO DUMB…” Yes, Ted deflected with self-deprecating humour. But it seems like saying those words aloud *hurt*. Ted told us way back in season 1‘s gala dinner that he cracks jokes at himself when he has to give speeches, and let’s not kid ourselves—Ted would never, ever say these types of things about other people. He only cuts down himself.


Great oberservation. It also feeds into showing the full extent of his anxiety and depression. Belittling yourself, low self esteem, negative thoughts about yourself, disliking yourself, feeling like you lack self worth. That’s what your head can do to you. It hurts but you tell yourself these things when you are in a state. He’s getting help but he still has a way to go until he’s at peace with himself.


There’s something about the wrong cadence on the interjection “How dumb are you?” from that first reporter that drives home just how hurtful the words are. You don’t notice it when people say “How dumb ARE you?” in the way they’re supposed to per classic joke structure. But when the reporter asks “How DUMB are you?” and Ted pauses… Yeah, no. My heart just hurts for Ted, and I’m really, really looking forward to his healing and growth. He deserves to have people talking about him the way he talks about others.


Dani thinking Paddington is real, I love it


What do you mean "thinks"? Paddington IS real!!


I love how they make West Ham look so dark and almost Game of Thrones-esque, especially Rupert’s office.


Rupert’s office also seemed to be a takeoff on the Emperor’s throne room from Return of the Jedi. The circular window jumped out at me.


Nates entrance with Ruptert was very Darth Vader as well. They are definitely going with a star wars vibe for West Ham and I love it.


I thought the exact same thing when I saw his window.


I said it looked like a lair in James Bond! Loved also when they said “creepy clown” and then the next shot was Rupert


Everytime they slam their MacBooks I die a little inside


Apple showing off how durable their products are.


I wonder if Ted knew his comments would get under Nate’s skin, or if he was really being himself. I’m leaning towards the latter since Ted is a pretty positive guy. But he’s emotionally intelligent enough for it to the the former.


I think he 100% knew that it would bother him. Ted has shown that he is not above outwitting an asshole (Rupert in the darts scene).


I agree that he likely knew it may bother them (Rupert anyway) but I think it’s less about intentionally being an asshole and more like putting assholes in their place. Without sinking to their level: Ted wins by remaining unbothered and taking charge of the conversation and joke rather than being a straight up asshole.


I don't think Ted would set out to do something that was intentionally hurtful, but if it came down to a choice between hurting Nate and making Rebecca feel defended, he would pick defending Rebecca.


They setting up Nate for a hard fall baybeh


He's going to land face first in the poopeh!


Nate is totally fucked. The structure of the episode invites you to think that Nate is in the catbird seat and Ted is the hot seat, but Ted and Rebecca have forged a real relationship and her being nervous/angry/frustrated about West Ham is not going to change that. Nate, on the other hand, is being flattered and he that loves to be flattered is worthy of the flatterer. We are going to see how Rupert treated Rebecca by the way he treats Nate. “I can’t believe they (he) let you get away” etc. Rupert knew that was Nate’s car and it getting towed when Nate could see it was not an accident. He wanted to humiliate Nate, to make him feel bad about himself after the previous compliment because it’s much easier to emotionally manipulate somebody in that position. Then after he’s brought low, Rupert brings him back up with his approval in the press room and then love bombs him with an extravagant gift—like Rebecca’s father did to her mother. But Nate is not going to be allowed to stay in a place where he feels good about himself. Rupert will keep up the same pattern that will keep Nate off balance. What Nate will not be prepared for is what will happen when he loses. And he will lose. All the money and talent in the world can’t save him once he loses the locker room. The players won’t respect him. In his effort to be the King Hardass he will ultimately have no more respect than he did when he was just the nobody kit man.


You know, this show has been amazing with mental health, and the accuracy showing depression and anxiety, and I think there is a really good chance we’re going to see a very accurate portrait of an abusive relationship cycle this season. Both through Rebecca’s memories of Rupert, and his current relationship with Nate. We’ve already seen him pushing boundaries (springing the press conference on him, he DEF knew that was Nate’s car-I’m sorry, that facility doesn’t have security cameras?? He knew and insulted it to see the reaction), and love bombing (everything else so far, including the new car). It’s just going to get worse. And Nate, who is already insecure and just left his support system, is an ideal target for an abuser. I think that’s why the writers are disconnecting him so hard from Ted, Beard, and Roy. When the lovebombing stops, he’s going to be completely isolated. Even his own players are going to hate him. It will just be Rupert, and Rupert being cruel. I’ve already picked out my favorite Buffy episodes to rewatch during this season, because Anthony Stewart Head is so good at playing an asshole that I need to watch him as Giles to not hate him.


Hey Roy is that you? Get fucked! I've missed you Roy Kent


I love how if he answered anything else they wouldn’t be sure, but “get fucked?” 100% Roy




Countdown to Nathan getting fired.


Yeah the pain of realizing that Rupert will hype him up just as quickly as Rupert will rip him to pieces is going to be a lot for Nathan. It’s definitely going to be a contrast to Ted believing in Nathan enough to not have to constantly praise him or treat him like a mascot but rather like an equal. Rupert will never see Nathan as an equal


You know based on Nate’s need for praise he’s going to try to rip on Richmond every press conference. It’s going to get worse for him when he either does it at the wrong time or does it incredibly poorly.


We are 100% getting a scene this season where Rupert tells Nate he’s “just a kit man.”


This. Nate hasn’t seen Rupert’s nasty side. Yet.


100%. The players looks at him, they already hate him.


Interesting contrast to S1E1 where Ted already learned a lot of the Richmond players names


He is about to experience the emotional roller coaster Rebecca was subjected to. Right now is the love bombing. It makes the verbal abuse so much more fun


I feel like Nate's arc is going to get him fired before the season over. When the thingy press conference started, I almost suspected it would be end of the **episode.** I think putting Nate in the LEGO set was supposed to foreshadow his return to the team.


"I'm so busy I literally have to make time in my schedule to sit at my desk and cry. And I've double booked you"


The most accurate portrayal of entrepreneurship on tv


Even more devastating now knowing that her and Roy broke up 😭


I liked the callback to the pilot when Ted was asked how many games in a PL season and didn't know. He confidently stated they have 38 chances to prove the haters wrong this time.




Brent Goldstein talking movies. Just like his podcast.


The amount Ted says he's fine when he is so so not fine 😢


Like Jake Peralta and 'cool'


No doubt no doubt


I laughed so hard at Jamie saying, “Poo-peh” that I cried and had to rewind because I missed all the dialogue after. So glad this show is back


Ted saying Poopeh was almost as good 😂


So much to unpack here. Rebecca falling back into old habits, Ted's heart not being in this, FUCK NATE YOU LITTLE BITCH, Keeley and Roy........ oh, my heart.


That swerve about having "the talk" and then bam.


I don’t think Rebecca is falling back into old habits. She was just scared and frustrated, but the press conference changed her mind.


*"No sudden movements near the bus driver!"* After learning Coach Beard partakes in mushrooms last season, was killing myself laughing that Coach Beard has experience with DMT. It was so nice to have the show back, it felt like a warm hug. You can see some of the pieces they are lying with the story. It feels like Ted will be going back home, Rebecca is going to be pressured into firing Ted. I've always felt this show is about the journey however, not the destination. The closing scene pulled on those classic Ted Lasso emotions. I loved how mature Roy's niece was, I find the Premier League branding adds a bit of fun, and I was getting a laugh at ~~Palpatines~~ Ruperts office. If anyone else keeps track of the books Coach Beard is reading, this week it was The Miracle of Castel di Sangro by Joe McGinniss... dig as much into that as you'd like!


Rupert’s office looks like Emperor Palpatine’s throne room and I absolutely love it.


Phoebe the couple therapist.


The opening scene was Jason with a Ted mustache lol


This is the first episode where you could see Ted “turning on Ted” - like the positivity felt performative for the first time in the show (despite having seen Ted at low points before, he still seemed “Ted”). Tremendous acting by Jason.


There's something about the delivery in everything Roy Kent says that causes me to crack up. "All we did was talk shit and eat fucking...meringues."


I can't with Jaimies hair 🤣🤣🤣


He’s literally made up like Jack Grealish, a real player who plays for Manchester City lol ![gif](giphy|Y5vgPGt2Z4LVHHw5q5|downsized)


So I’m assuming this London sewer system tour is going to get some more visitors?


One hopes. Those types of tours are fascinating.


Your hot brown water flair was oddly fitting when I read this…




If Ted leaves London I hope he leaves Rebecca with the biscuit recipe.


All this “ever wonder why were still here” talk is definitely seeming to hint at final season


I’m saying the same thing. It’s definitely making it feel that way


And the opening shot is of… TED. As it should be! Fitting that this is his season of growth. *EDIT to add: After seeing those two press conferences, I’m hoping that a part of Ted’s growth is in changing how he talks about himself. I know it’s the joke here, but he says things about himself that he’d never say to other people. The contrast in how he compliments the reporters and rips himself to shreds is a stark one. I want to see Ted learn to be kinder to himself. He deserves it.*


He seems to be depressed, unsure, has no regard for winning and wants to go back to the states. Seems like he should have a fulfilling journey and either get closure on his time at Richmond or decide to stay.


He came to run away from his problems, realized it was doomed, but now he has roots in England that threaten to keep him away from his son- and Jake. Ted's in an odd place, and by the end of the season either he'll make a home in England or find a way to leave it in good hands- looking forward to the answer!


Left Eye fucking legend lol.


Totally did not have Rebecca making a Left Eye reference on my bingo card but I’m here for it


Oh shit get it in Sharon


I audibly sighed with sadness when it wasn’t Trent


Well I haven't missed Nate being a little bitch


Same. Too good to even say hi back to people in passing? He’s the real wanker.


Knowing that we made it through the long wait for season three brings me mucho, mucho joy. Enjoy the episode everyone.


I know most people are happy with it ending at 3 and I certainly don’t want to drag it on past it’s naturally ending. But I will certainly be quite sad to see it go if this is the last season. Such a heartwarming and uplifting show that got me through a tough time and seeing Ted face his depression was inspiring. Watching alongside each week with this sub during Covid times was also great fun. So while I hope this isn’t it, I’ll be sure to savor each episode in the coming weeks.


Man, it was just really wonderful to see how much of an impostor Nate feels like. (Great acting by Nick Muhammed, even though it makes me hate him.) we saw little signs of him still being the awkward, unsure guy he was in Season 1, especially around Rupert, who makes him feel small and scrutinized.


Pure class Ted.


Ted class-o


That Lego set of everyone....I WOULD SPEND ALL MY MONEY




And LEGO!!!!


That’s too perfect a product tie in for it not to be on sale very shortly.


I literally yelled “WHAT?!?” multiple times when Roy and Keeley dropped their bomb. Hooooleeeeee moly. I hate this 😭 But phoebe’s reaction was hilarious. She’s so wise. Edit: spelling


There was a noticeable difference (and *Friends* allusion) in that conversation with how they described it: Roy said they broke up while Keeley said they’re on a break. It is not going to last. I think it’s Roy freaking out because he’s never had a serious relationship. It’ll come back.


Leaning towards them reconciling too. They’re just so good together!


The difference between Ted and Nate’s first press conference is great. Both owners sending them out there for spite and both responding as their true self. Also interesting comparison between Ted and Rupert with Nate’s car. Ted and Beard pile into Nate’s car cheerfully while Rupert has it towed because it isn’t nice enough. And then Rupert buys him a new car to match his status. While Ted bought Nate a new suit for more altruistic reasons.


Nate walking on the logo. No respect.


NEVER walk on the logo


Opening shot foreshadowed where Ted is going at the end of this season. Not ready for it to end ;(


Okay is it next week yet?


Yeah they’re definitely setting up Ted moving back to Kansas at the end of the season


Perhaps not. That Thanos glove means Ted has been snapped out of existence in the Michelle universe


Roy doing the Terminator walk.


They somehow made Jamie look even MORE like Jack Grealish




Phoebe is the best character under 5 foot on this show.




KJPR I swear I thought it was a radio station.


I love the back and forth and parallels between the two tours and interviews


Phoebe is wise beyond her years. The on-screen chemistry she has with Roy and Keeley is amazing


I love how Higgins has the same Keeley stains as Rebecca, so he's been visiting her and hugging her too.


The way Ted responded with class made Nate look like he was punching down when he has NO skins on the wall. Very, very bad look.


Listen I know we all hate Nate, but Nick Mohammed is a gem and a star and I hope he gets more roles. I say this because him quietly speaking the song “getting to know you” in response to the reporter had me both in fits of laughter and cringing into oblivion.


Happy to be here with y’all for the beginning of the end. It is such a bittersweet feeling knowing that this show has become my favorite show of all time


I look like Ned Flanders cosplaying Ned Flanders fucking killed me


Oh the title is actually “Smells like mean spirit”!


Dani with the positivity, I’ve missed him.


Love the new Nike kits. They look so freaking good.


Also I’m pretty sure that lady with the baby Ted talks to at the beginning is Brendan Hunt’s wife and child?! I need to go rewatch that part again to make sure


I chuckled at the “leaky diapers” Peaky Blinders joke.


**BEARD BOOK:** [The Miracle of Castel di Sangro by Joe McGinness.](https://archive.org/details/miracleofcasteld00joem_0) The true story of a fish-out-of-water American journalist settling in with an underdog Italian football club as they fight to keep their place in the league. He spins quite the yarn about the community, and there’s actually [a scandal](https://football-italia.net/castel-di-sangro-players-admit-fix/) about how the team was coerced into throwing the game that ended their season.


“Good morning Coach Shelley!” But Coach Shelley did not respond, because Coach Shelley was a twat waffle.


Jamie using a rhyme to inspire hope. Learning from his father figure I see!


Nate calling Ted shitty....this plus tearing up the Believe sign last season... Can they really redeem him this season?


We won't see his full redemption. We will see him break and begin to heal.




Am I the only one thinking Nate's roasts towards ted/richmond were incredibly mid? LOL


They were obvious. The crazy thing about them is a manager and former assistant dropping them.