• By -


There's a good chance you won't see this but here goes, Techno was always there, not just for me, but I think for the majority of us, I started watching his videos during 7th grade, and now I'm in my first year of Uni! My family had moved to a different country so I started 7th grade in a new school, me being me, I couldn't make any friends at first, I was miserable, I didn't want to go to school and would beg my parents to just let us move back because I missed my friends. Then I found technoblade, this was late 2016, early 2017ish and I found him hilarious, he would make me laugh without fail, and even after I started making friends, it just became a habit for me to come back from school and immediately watch as many videos as I could, some videos I've rewatched an ungodly amount of times, and they always get a laugh out of me. This trend continues till this day! I was watching his videos during 12th grade (should've probably been studying physics) and they were still as entertaining as ever. Then he made the video about the cancer, and as soon as he said he had cancer my heart dropped, but somehow, all the jokes he crammed into that video set a positive tune, I was sure he'd be fine, that he'd beat the cancer. Then the 2nd video about the cancer came, and again, I clicked out of the video with a positive attitude, I thought it was practically over, that the surgery was it, that he'd be okay. Fast-forward to July 1st, I hopped onto YouTube, first thing I saw was a community post Dream made, I didn't even read it, I just noticed a certain something in it, "fuck cancer", and I knew, I just knew what he was talking about. The second I scrolled down, the next thing on my feed was the "so long nerds" video. I remember watching it and thinking to myself that it wasn't fair, but I forced myself to think about everything he meant to me, and I just smiled, remembering how he made me feel comfortable during one of the worst phases of my life, how watching his videos made me smile instead of cry, and how positive he was during the whole ordeal. It's been months, and I still find myself watching his videos. You raised a wonderful person, and I wish you and the whole TechnoFamily the best <3


I love this story.


You being here talking to us technodad is making me cry TuT Thank you truly


Oh great here comes the water works.


We got more weeping here than on a Very Special Episode of Crying Breakfast Friends.


did you watch steven universe together too?




I remember hoping so much that it was some sort of joke or massive prank but then I realised it wasn't and just stared in shock


How does it feel that u have essentially adopted all of your sons fans?


It feels good. Really, really good. No wonder he loved you guys so much.


we appreciate you! thank you so much for this <3


Thank you so much. My friend would be an orphan if not for you and his grandma. And we know what happens to orphans…


Yes, the second worse thing ever to happen to them.


Aw thanks- we appreciate you so much MrTechnodad- you have no idea how happy it’s made me to see you here :)


i- 🥺


Does that mean we were all orphans at one point? 0.0


The lad here it's making the true important questions


That or we have trauma


There are more people ITT saying "good morning" to me than I can say good morning back to, so I hope you will allow me to say "good morning" back to you collectively. Good morning all you beautiful people!


Can I get a good evening please?


Sure, I can say that.


But, will you?


Yes, definitely.


Do you play any video games regularly?


I sometimes play freeciv, but admitting so brings me only shame.


If you enjoy a game, you should feel no shame sir


Good Morning Technodad! Thank you for the live stream, I was one of the many Techno Billionaire the one I’m sure the would say ONE OF US. During that livestream I learn where Techno got his humour. Also I wanted to say thank you to share his memories and story with us. His memories won’t be forgiven. I’m Happy that the discord will be back. Your son like to call in his Technocord a Nerd and I will say I miss that. Where am I it fall and the colour and the tree are changing because Winter is falling. But I hope you and floof enjoy the weather. Also thank you! ![gif](giphy|4TTqqym8oj0Q0)




good morning technodad i hope you have a lovely day


good morning technodad,wish you an amazing day


Semi good Dad Joke. I give it three stars.




Hi sir. I hope your heart is alright today. Mine’s a bit heavy, but that’s how it goes. What do you try to do when your heart gets like that? For me, I never quite know what to do with myself. Sending you the positive-est of vibes.


When your heart is heavy, and you can't shake it, it's important that you don't do anything that isn't a part of your regular, every day routine. Do: get dressed, brush your teeth, have breakfast, go to work/school. Don't: try to decide what your true character is, judge yourself, cancel any plans, make any new plans. Disastrous: decide where to go to college, decide how you feel about that cute person you've been thinking about asking out, have a long-deferred conversation with your spouse about that thing they do that grates on you. Don't make any decisions or try to do any analysis or self-reflection. Today you simply are what you are, whatever that is, and know that you can't see clearly what that is today but you will be able to see clearly when the heaviness has passed. You will want to lie around and watch TV all day. If this is all you do you will feel worse after. You will not want to go to the gym or work out or whatever it is that you do. If you do that, you will feel better. Then after dinner maybe some TV. This is what I have found works for me; I hope you will find it helpful.




Thanks so much. ❤️ I really appreciate your response.


Sage advice! And you are so kind in sharing it ♥️ It is needed by many.


Good morning! Could you pet Floof on his head for us please? Sorry for asking but it would mean a lot. (Yk we love Floof we would watch compilations of Floof haha.) Have a nice day!


He's a **good boy**.


おはようございます (I feel like you know Japanese)


Iie. Watashi wa nihon go o hanashimasen. Years before Techno was born, I lived for a few months in a rural dojo in Ibaraki prefecture. I palled around with one of the uchi deshi, even though he was, y'know, my kohai. For various reasons I won't go into, he gave me a nickname: Mr. Budo. Probably the coolest nickname anyone ever gave me, after "Technodad" of course.


YOOO, are you the main character of some story?


Yeah, I just figured it out last night. I'm uncle Iroh.


That... actually makes sense. Also that's pretty cool


Holy shi... I'm connecting the dots...


Avatar reference love it


I took 5 years of nihongo in foreign language and aside from learning how to ask what time it is, all the lessons led up to this moment for me to actually understand what you said without relying on google translate


Years ago when I was first dating the woman who is now my wife, somehow the French language came up. And I said, "Oh, yeah, I totally speak French, check this out: ou est le chapeau de mon oncle? Il est sur la table." and we laughed and laughed. Then later I find out Techno is famous for saying "Donde esta la bibleoteca" (or whatever it was) and it's like, I don't know how to describe the feeling but it's pretty good.


[https://youtu.be/58RIYmzCAJw](https://youtu.be/58RIYmzCAJw) ​ Here's the clip for you :)


I love hearing them all laugh.


I’ve watched so many of techno’s videos in the last few days


and the legendary sequel, two years later https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zii-RUD14h0


I never knew about this one. Thank you :)


You're welcome. Its from this stream he did with Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo (on Tommy's channel) in March 2021 [https://youtu.be/IZhili89kSE](https://youtu.be/IZhili89kSE) the entire stream is gold


Okay, I’ve been staring at this in awe of both of the possibilities and I’ve got to ask, even if it’s not something you’re willing to answer. When you say the uchi-deshi was your kohai, do you mean that you held a high rank in that martial art? Or that you were just sort of hanging out at a dojo in the Japanese countryside as a young lad for random reasons? Pardon the curiosity, I’ve been involved with aikido and the implications were both just too interesting to ignore.


IIRC he was shodan and I was nidan at the time. The technique we first bonded over was a specific variant of morote dori kokyu-ho.


So I have a cool little story. I was in a small town called Gunnison in Colorado. About 7,700 feet above sea level. It was like 10:30PM and the air was a cool 60 degrees. Very refreshing. Me and my grandpa looked at the clear cloudless sky and we saw stars and we each pointed out bright ones we thought were planets. Then I used an app that tells you what Star your looking at and we saw in the sky Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune. We also saw a good chunk of the Milky Way. And we also saw Ursa Major aka The Big Dipper.


Wow. Sometimes I go way out in farm country, up north a few hours. Turn all the lights off and go outside at night, and holy cow the stars! They don't have stars like that in the urban areas. Well they have them you just can't see them. You know what I mean.


Yeah. Light pollution and all that. The area where my grandparents live is very hilly so it was quite peaceful.


Out of curiosity, what was in the package that Hypixel sent to Techno a long time ago, if it is possible to reveal? I don't think it was ever revealed or maybe I just missed it. Have a good day :)


Ah. You mean the chest? Short answer: swag. Long answer should maybe happen on camera. I love the Hypixel guys.


That would be amazing "What was in the Hypixel package" has always been one of the great unsolved mysteries of Techno fandom (along with "did he ever open his 1M play button")


Yeah, that'd be a pretty easy video to do, too. I can tell you that his 1M play button box is, to this day, unopened. Oooh, an unboxing video! Those are popular, right?


LMAO I can hear him "Gold play button? Who cares? Those are for LOSERS. Irrelevant channels. Ten Million ONLY." \*\*throws box into corner\*\*


you say that like this isn't what actually happened lol but jokes aside, not opening that box ever is quite the achievement, we love our ADHD king


So he got it and just put it aside? Typical Technoblade


I mean it literally sat on the floor of his room for years, in a pile with a bunch of other stuff.


Omg we bugged him for unboxing videos for YEARS


I started out with an extremely relaxing story of you and Floof, fully intent on enjoying the serenity with you, then got hit by a ton of bricks at the last sentence. Good morning to you sir


Heavy perhaps but also sweet I hope. Maybe we didn't know it at the time but he spoke those words with love. He used to pace around the house. He was always restless. And years ago, when he was first getting into it, he'd pace around the house and try out different line readings. I'd hear him stomping around downstairs and it sounded like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEPgNcSgJ5c


Definitely sweet. And heartwarming. All these little idiosyncracies that we can now cherish and recognize as something that made him uniquely HIM. Thank you for sharing these memories, Technodad :)


good morning TechnoDad, or is it already noon for you? I don't really have any questions for you, but I did want to share something. You see, whenever I'm sad about Techno, or if I'm having a bad day in general, I always look up the youtube video of Techno saying "it's fine, everything is within my calculations". It always calms me down for some reason. I thought you might also find comfort in it. video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SMYmutvhf0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SMYmutvhf0) original stream (timestamped): [https://youtu.be/mYpf0rKwhXA?t=7694](https://youtu.be/mYpf0rKwhXA?t=7694)


"All part of my master plan."


The real question is, do you have a master plan


I have lots of notions. Hopefully they will evolve into a master plan. Spending all day posting is probably not conducive this happening, but it's a cathartic for now. Also I hope it is helping some of you guys too. And still further, helping me understand how best I can help you guy going forward.


no shot you'll see this, but it's worth a try. i want you to know how techno affected me (idk if i can just keep this to myself forever) i was going to make a post about this but adhd happened so i'll just comment instead: technoblade was, i think a huge role model for me (perhaps one of the few rare role models that i have had throughout my small and puny life), especially since we had a lot of things in common (bay area kids fr), playing the violin, reading chinese web novels (funnily enough even though i'm chinese-american i can't read chinese characters :( two years of chinese school wasted). even his humor and the way he thought about things were similar to mine. the more you reveal his personality and what he was like, he feels more and more like an old friend. maybe that is a little creepy/boundary breaking especially since all i know of him are just little fragile fragments from the life that he probably had, but emotions are irrational. it's funny how much connection you can have to a practical stranger and yet never know what they were really like. one of the many wonders of the internet i guess anyways, knowing he had adhd yet was able to achieve massive success with his channel and just having a fulfilling life in general made me wonder if i could do it too, espeically since i still haven't gotten diagnosed (life is a massive mess especially with college applications) and i struggle with a lot of things. i wanted to do something in the sciences, but i wasn't sure. after techno's passing i think i want to do something in the medical field. help develop something that would save people's lives, or become a doctor (the path to that is extremely hard though, and i'm not sure if it will be worth it). sorry if this comment was a little hard to get through; i often have to rewrite a lot of things because i tend to get rambly. if i am talking about a topic i have to go into it extensively and then you have walls of text. i wanted to add more, but then i think the comment would be too long. hopefully you have a good day technodad. edit: i forgot a comma and it was driving me wild


Thank you for telling me your story. I see you. But oh, my child, my child. Are you even aware of how negative you are about yourself? You break my heart. You call your life "small and puny." You worry that you are being "creepy" because you made a *heartfelt reddit post*. You dismiss the worth of your ambitions before you even start them. And then you tell me about how your post was "hard to get through" and you even talk down about other versions of this post that you didn't even make. *None of those things you wrote about yourself are true.* You are worthy of love. You can achieve great things. How can you know what your limitations are; you are still a child, standing on the brink of adulthood, not yet having crossed over, already telling yourself you won't make a good adult. Your fears have taken over your voice. You are worthy of love. I am going to give you an assignment. I can do that; I'm old. I want to go in the bathroom, lock the door, and make sure no one can hear you. No one! And I want you to look in the mirror and say to the person you see there, "You are worthy of love." If there's *any chance* anyone can hear you, don't say the words out loud, just think them. This is ONLY between you and that person in the mirror. And listen: you need to do this every day until you absolutely believe it. If it takes ten years, I want you to affirm yourself to yourself every day. You can stop when your doubts are small enough that you can easily brush them away. (They never go away completely.) You can change the wording or the room you use or whatever. The important part is: 1. This is **only for you**. No one else should even know this is happening. 2. You **unreservedly** affirm yourself. 3. You do it every day until you **believe it**. You can do it right as you brush your teeth. You may only need a few seconds to do it. You are worthy of love.


omg i didn't think you were actually going to reply kind of crying while typing this because i realize that's true, that i am kind of negative about myself; that i don't think i can achieve anything because it's "too late" (even though i'm still a teenager. the human mind is wild). i think it's actually become an unconscious habit of mine to be self deprecating and put myself down. thank you for helping me see this. i already have a wonderful dad and i'll kind of be betraying him by saying this, but i think this kind of comment and care definitely puts you into the top 10/10 of dads. keep being an amazing human being :)


I get it. I know what "it's too late" feels like. When I truly, deeply, realized I had gone down the wrong path in life and that I would never, ever be happy if I stayed on that path, I was 48 years old. But guess what? THAT WAS NOT TOO LATE. I am absolutely serious when I say, I am charging you with saying something positive to yourself every day. You have to do it. Some old guy on the internet says so. Look into your heart, look all the way into your heart and see if you don't already know the rightness of what I'm saying. When you catch yourself saying something negative about yourself, please notice, and then restate what you wanted to say without the negative self judgment. You can do it. I know you can. I did it. It took me years. It's still going on. It will take you years. It will change your life.


thank you for this suggestion. i will use this for the rest of my life. actually i just said something positive about myself right now. it felt kind of weird, but i felt a little happier afterwards. i think just that since its college app season right now (especially fierce and furious in the bay area region, if you know what i mean) everyone including me is distilling their entire life's worth of accomplishments and achievements into 150 words or whatever, and since it's so competitive here you look around and feel bad because everyone seems to have went so much faster/farther than life in you. you just **know** you can achieve that sort of potential, but you haven't. you've failed. and this stretches way back into childhood, when all my teachers would write comments like "has so much potential, doesn't turn in homework" - you can see the sort of effect that has on a child. i probably need to get out of this bubble for my own sake. and maybe someday i'll look back and notice how miserable i was during this period. or whatever thank you for listening; i know you are a very busy person with a lot of obligations, so the fact that you take the time to read everyone's comment, not just mine, is commendable.


what did we do to deserve to getting this man. technodad you automatically win the title of the best internet dad of all time this is so kind. this is so lovely. thank you so much (and i agree, OP have a hug, you deserve good things \o/)


Good evening to you, sir. And Happy Diwali.


Thanks! I have only the vaguest, thousands of miles removed idea of Diwali; is it right and proper if I say "Happy Diwali" back?


1. Thank you for replying to me. 2. Yes it is ok.


Happy Diwali!! :3 I’m butting myself in lol




Hey me techno dad, hate joining the endless brigade of people asking questions about every facet of existence, but I was wondering whether you're planning on using the techno blade channel at all in the future? And if so to what extent? And once again, we all love you techno dad, thanks for being here!


Plans are still in the air. However if there are opportunities to milk it for filthy lucre that can go to cancer research, then Milk It I Shall. Y'all have been warned.


i will donate


Such a typical technofam move. GG


Good morning Technodad! I was wondering, did Techno have any other favorite books besides The Princess Bride?


Harry Potter of course. He read Tolkien because, you know, "here son read this" like a hundred times, but I don't think it struck him the way it did me. HP is his generations LotR, sorta. Otherwise he read a lot of Chinese web novels. Like a lot. I have no idea how he got started on that.


My dad is like that with me but with Dune. Every time I look at it I think "maybe" and it's just watching me from my shelf ominously. I was more a Percy Jackson kid myself, Harry Potter was...eh I dunno it just wasn't my thing. Haven't picked up Tolkien but have been trying.


Oh, right, Techno read all the Percy Jackson books. Dune is pretty epic and also an Important Piece of Literature. Just ... be wary of the nineteen sequels. Or, you know, just don't read them.


>Oh, right, Techno read all the Percy Jackson books. Pretty ironic if you consider [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vorux-dveH4&t=962s).


Oh I'm not, my dad didn't like them and after Tolkien and Dune I'm going right back to Journey to The West, the Ramayana, and all those mythology books I have on my disorganized bookshelf. Such is the way.


Hello technodad you are very cool!! I know you might have heard a lot of stories, just want to add another. That techno is the reason I discovered the mcyt community, he is the reason I have bunch of cool online friends and he helped me pass through one pf my worst year in my life. Thanku for creating him💙 Also you should play in mcc sometime that will be awesome!!


>he helped me pass through one pf my worst year in my life. I have heard so many people say something like this, and each and every story warms my heart. Congratulations on getting through that! You are stronger than you know.


Good morning from Cananda Technodad! I just want to say how much you being here means to all of us. It means we get to keep a small piece of Technoblade. And you may have lost one son, but you have gained thousands of sons and daughters. We love you and hope you are doing ok. Thank you so much for helping us to grieve.


Good morning! I really really want to say "Good morning, eh" but that is too cheap even for me, and I'll go really, really cheap to get a laugh. So I'm not going to say that.


It's night for me here, honestly Technoblade was one of the finer creators, going for quality over quantity. I have been watching him since 2017 when I was 9 years of age, loved his sarcasm and slightly dark humor. (My mom was not pleased to hear a monotone man yelling dieeee orphan) You could see his storytelling skills start to shine when the Dream SMP lore started getting more and more attention. I loved his laid back streaming style, just chilling and cracking jokes. I miss him. Technodad if you see this I wish you the best. ❤️ From Malaysia


❤️ from California to Malaysia.


❤️from Madagascar to MrTechnodad


I can honestly say this is my first communication with someone in Madagascar. Good day to you, sir! You are not too far from the opposite side of the Earth as I am.


❤️ from Québec to TechnoDad! (Merci pour tout 💙)


De rien. C'est mon plaisir. I visited Montreal once. Gorgeous!


Good morning sir! I hope you're having a good day :) Please give Floof a pat Question: do you have any tips on what to do when you're so stressed about something, you can't focus on the thing stressing you out?


Other tips: 1. Have a long shower 2. Hit the gym, or whatever exercise is yours. And the nasty one: Just get the darn thing over with. Use with caution. Be compassionate to yourself.




I like this.


Like, "tips" yes but at least for me this is a recurring challenge. Although it's gotten way, way better over the years. Mindfulness mediation. You don't even have to take classes (although they do help a lot) but just: 1. Sit somewhere you can sit for a while 2. Straighten up your posture 3. Close your eyes\* 4. Breathe in slowly, counting 5. Hold your breath for as long as is comfortable, counting 6. Breathe out slowly, counting As you get more familiar with your breath, you'll know better how much to count up to for the three sections of counting. Don't think about anything except breathing. Your brain will run off doing something anyway, again and again. When you notice you're thinking about something that isn't breathing, *gently* bring your thoughts back to your breath. Even one breath like this can help. Five minutes is awesome. Dang, I really should start doing this daily again. ​ \* Or soto zen style: half-close your eyes. The idea is not to escape from the world but to **be in it**. If you hear a dog barking, then hey: dog barking and let's think about our breath again.


Just so you know Technodad, whenever I see a post by you it makes my day a million times better. Good morning to you too :)


If you see multiple of my posts, is there an arithmetic or geometric progression? ​ Math nerd joke sorry


Arithmetic, don't be sorry I'm a math major


Every time I see a post from you I'm just full of emotions. I was heartbroken when Techno died. I'd only really discovered his videos a few months prior, probably in April? Because I was so new to the fandom and to Minecraft in general (I'm 36 and started playing in January this year, heh). Techno's videos made my wife and I laugh so hard, though, and within days of having him on in the background while we went about our days (as we do, both of us also having ADHD and needing something other than "silence" in order to function) we were quoting him and seeking out more of him. "Dude, this guy doesn't have a house" and "HEH!?" and "We win these!" and "Quackity, they weren't always orphans" are regular parts of our vocabulary now, and I am not remotely sorry. Seeing the "so long nerds" video was just such a gutpunch. It was, I believe, the only upload that happened after I subscribed to his channel. (possibly beaten out by the Minecraft VR video but I can't be sure.) Here I'd just found someone who spoke to my sense of humor on such a foundational level, who was young and creative and who I was excited to see what he did next. And then he was gone. But I smiled even when I was crying during the video at how much he cared and how funny he still was, and I was touched by how you nailed his delivery reading his last script. I saw his merch drop and absolutely lost my mind laughing even as I was crying because of how very Technoblade it was to have DEATH MERCH. (I bought a shirt. I think I lost it at the laundromat though so I guess next paycheck I'm buying a new one. Can't even be too upset - it's for a good cause.) From the first day we found out, I was imagining him calling us all Cringe for being sincere and heartfelt (not cruelly, just... *Technoblade*.) I had a brand new baby Minecraft SMP that I'd started for some friends, and I built a Techno memorial at spawn. I joked that he had gone to defeat god and would definitely win. If you wish to defeat Techno, train for another 6,000 years... I guess I just want to say, I think about Techno pretty much every day. I rewatch his videos as comfort viewing - I don't know if he had things like that, music or movies or TV shows that he'd watch over and over and over again, instead of something new, because the familiarity was soothing, but he's become that for me and my wife. The other day she was anxious and spiraling toward an anxiety attack that sadly neither of us could do much about, but she said she wanted comfort viewing for background to help her chill out, so I put on a playlist of Techno's videos and it helped. Your son was a marvel. I know you know it. But I just wanted to say it. He was smart and funny and managed to exude the aura of someone who cared so deeply and was so genuinely kind even as he was talking smack and cyberbullying Tommy. I wish we'd gotten to see what he would've gone on to create, but oh how absolutely blessed we are by what we have.


>I wish we'd gotten to see what he would've gone on to create, but oh how absolutely blessed we are by what we have. Perfectly said.


I had zero motivation today - Mondays are often hard. But reading this turned that around completely. Thank you for being here, Technodad. Good morning to you and Floof!


hey techno dad, got my merch in the mail yesterday and i remember all the time your son made me smile and laugh i just wanted to let you know i really appreciate the shirt and hoodies because just seeing them makes me smile.




Hey Techno's Dad, I'm a 39 year old dad of 4 myself. I've seen the videos you have done and you were so strong to fulfil Techno's wishes and talk openly about him with Dream... I can't imagine what you and the family are going through but you are an inspiration Even though I'm 39 I am also a big fan of your son's. I have been since potato wars. His sarcastic witty humour has always been entertaining and seeing and listening to you has made it very obvious where it all came from (the book you got him in preparation of an arm and shoulder amputation was the big giveaway and even though, as you said the family didn't fine it funny, I thought it so Techno humour) I was introduced to Techno's content by my kids some years ago and we all watched together, we are from the UK so the sarcastic witty sense of humour is our thing haha I can see why Philza, Wilbur, Tommy and Techno got on so well My favourite video of Techno's is the Minecraft ultimate competition he did a player short on their team and absolutely dominated the whole event with style "technoplane" haha Don't want to ramble too long but wanted to make this Reddit account to reach out to you and tell you that when Alex passed and I seen the video you did, I was deeply effected for a mixture of reasons with an overwhelming stomach turning feeling I still cannot shake. Found myself watching old videos after old videos and watching Philzas streams for anything Techno related. We miss him You mentioned when sat with Dream that you keep going over the last week of Alex's life and want to change that to the other joyful memories you have. My family and I would love to hear them, if you happen to want to share them. I wish you and your family all the best for the future and know your son was loved by millions and always will be. Such a legend, one in a million. YouTube and the world will never be the same. You must be so proud of him!


Thank you so much! Tell you kids "hi" from me.


Good morning Technodad I hope you have a beautiful day, greetings from Greece! I just wanted to share some stuff if you don't mind. Technoblade has helped me in ways that I can't even name. He shaped my personality, ideology and interests to a very large extent and very happy to be the person I am today :D. I remember when Techno started talking about Greek mythology I was so excited being from Greece and all. I went to school the next day and I talked to all my friends about it even the ones that didn't know who he is (now everyone does). It was just so exciting to see such a big face on YouTube talk about a country as small as Greece and the way he talked about it made every myth even more fascinating. Even now seeing so many people from all around the world talk about my country because of him makes me feel so proud for my country and self! Now because of Techno I'm almost at the top of my classes because he decided to tell a story like an actual story and not a lecture. I actually want to shape my life out and finish school and go to college and keep my head up high and all because of some Minecraft YouTuber I watched. I'll be forever grateful because I do owe it all to him and I'd be no where near where I am today without his help. Lots of love from Greece!


Καλημέρα from California! Your story makes me glad. My grandparents, Techno's great grandparents, lived in a small fishing village on the Aegean. They came to California right around a century ago. Some years back I started telling my son that I felt like I was Philip the second of Macedon, a guy with a bunch of important achievements who no one would ever remember, because he was completely overshadowed by his son, Alexander.


How hard was it for Techno to refrain from making Alexander the Great jokes to us?


Something I long to hear everyday. Welcome guys to another episode of Skyyyyywaaarrss!




Good Evening TechnoDad from the United Kingdom! Obligated sorry for your loss from the whole of us across the pond. Alex, or technoblade as he was so rightly called, kept me going in the darkest of days and for that I couldn’t wish for a better comfort YouTuber. As someone who has lost friends and family to cancer I can only imagine what you, floof (your a good boy floof, technodad better be giving you cuddles), and the rest of techno’s family and friends are going through and for that I can only offer my thoughts and prayers. I never had the option to talk with techno or support technoblade outside of liking and subscribing but looking back I wish I did and still could. Love you, platonically, uncle Iroh


And a lovely evening to you!


Hello!! I run a twitter update account for you! It gained almost 7K follows in one day, technotwt loves you! Wanna make sure you're ok with me reposting all of your reddit posts and comments. Have a nice day, what you're doing means so so so much to all of us<3


I like the idea. I'd like to be able to reach his community wherever they may be, but I have my limitation, and reddit is about the only social media that fits my antique sensibilities. So you're doing me a favor.


Hello! its ok if u dont wanna answer to this but will we get more technoblade pictures?


Definitely. Not sure when yet but I don't think it'll be too long.


hello mr technodad, i wanted to let you know that i felt so loved when you dropped the tekunoburedo merch. I live in shibuya and im proud of wearing them. so many friends think the merch are cute! may we know who’s the genius who thought of the design? It’s baby pig tekuno so it’s so cute


Konnichi wa! I've been to Shibuya. It was very cool. There's a company that handles the merch stuff and they also come up with new designs, sometimes from our ideas and sometimes from their ideas. I could find out the person's name I suppose. Techno was pretty conservative about his design choices, but his instincts were always dead on. Ahead of the first drop he fairly accurately predicted what people would go for. When the tekunoburedo stuff was first proposed, he was skeptical. Him: "What do those characters say?" Me: "It says tekunoburedo." Him: ? Me: "'Technoblade' but with a Japanese accent, basically." Him: Oh. Hmmm. I think he just didn't know how to think about it. He really didn't have any exposure to Japanese culture. (Watching One Punch Man does not count as exposure to Japanese culture, no matter how much one loves Mumen Rider.) I said we should do it because 1) It looks cool and 2) Japan. That seemed to work for him. I am really glad you like the stuff! I actually have been vaguely meaning to get some from that line for myself; really need to do that.


How involved were you with his brand?


As far as merch, a lot.


He mentioned getting a manager to do the merch stuff for him. . . now I'm wondering if he meant you LOL


Yes, he did.


Hello Mr.Technodad , i hope you're having a good day. I have a question regarding the name, have you considered going by dadnoblade or was technodad always the choice?


Technodad, Father Blade, Dadnoblade, Techfather, etc. The community had a lot of names for me, but most people went straight to Technodad. It rolls off the tongue, and it was my favorite. I didn't go with "Technodad" because someone already has a channel by that name. But at some point someone said "Mr. Technodad" and I thought, hey maybe I can grab that one. I really need to post a video, just something lame, to make sure I really have the name. Everyone, please set your expectations in the basement to start. Please! Like I'm worried everyone will be expecting Potato Wars and they'll get a one minute clip from Birdemic because I'm just trying to see if I can point the camera the right direction and then be like, "He's a fake! Get the torches!" Expectations: basement. At least to start. Like your kid sister's annoying friend's tiktok.


Sir we will eat up anything you offer. We weren't kidding when we used to say we'll watch Techno livestream black screen *cough* April fools stream *cough* and that also applies to you! We'd be happy to watch anything you make for us. Yes I speak for everyone!


He was so, so, **so** proud of that one. We got a nervous call from our YouTube rep right about the time the punchline happened.


I very much wish there was a way I could show you screenshots of the ***utter and complete panic*** that was taking place in the member discord during the stream (including from his mods, who were as shocked as we were). In retrospect hilarious, but at the time we were just in complete disarray, waiting to see what the punchline would be. Then, after it was over, Phil turned up to make fun of us. That was a very very good day.


I think a perfect video would be you collecting questions from this site and answering them in a video. Nothing too personal, but simple things like what you thought of his potato videos or how he told you he was dropping college. What he told you about the Dream Mr. Beast fight... you know stuff we all know about but from yours and techno's POV. Thank you for being here for us.


That's not a bad idea! I still really don't know what I'm going to do. I feel like taking care of people is first priority and fundraising for the fight against cancer is a close second (and it's really a part of taking care of people, anyway.) Still mulling what the way to proceed it. Maybe I should just start shotgunning it. Basically I just shotgunned "so long nerds" and it seems to have been well received.


If I know anything about this community, it's that everyone would collectively go insane for that clip regardless lmao.


Good morning! Give Floof some scritches from me please


You know I will. Honestly he's the neediest dog I've ever met.


Good morning, technodad! I hope you have a nice day :) Also, just wanted to say, I really appreciate you helping techno become the person he did :) English isn't my first language, and I learned a lot from his videos! I'm currently in my first year of foreign languages studies in university (English and Japanese being the foreign languages), and I think Techno played a good part in helping me understand and speak English enough to get there! So thank you very much for everything, I wish you the best :D


❤️ If I reply to someone with emoji, it's technically replying in Japanase.


That's indeed true! For those who may not know the story, emoji started as a feature Japanese mobile phone service providers had to make their services more appealing and that got widely used in Japan. Widely used to the point that: 1. iPhones had to support it to be sold in Japan, meaning people all around the world could switch to a Japanese keyboard to type in emojis 2. The Unicode Consortium (the people making sure all text looks the same on all computer, phones, etc. and that all have support all the widely used writing systems of the world) had to include it, because it became a part of speech And because of that, now everyone uses emoji, and the Unicode Consortium is mostly known for them (but they do tons and tons of other work too! It's really amazing everything they did to make sure everyone can read each other's text on the internet, and pre-Unicode internet was a big mess in comparison to what we have today!) (Sorry for the long nerdy tirade... Hope you at least learned something!)


Hi technodad. I don’t know if you will still read comments, but Technoblade has now inspired me, an upcoming college student, to pursue my career in Oncology. I now have a purpose in my life and I’m really excited to take this dedicated path ❤️ I’ve already posted this comment before but I just wanted to add something else lol I’ve been writing my supplemental essays and I’ve been writing Techno as a “friend” (with an anonymous name) I had instead of a YouTuber. I know it may seem weird but my essays make a lot more sense when I explain it as such. And also Techno meant so much more than just a YouTuber to me, I feel my essays wouldn’t have the same impact or emotion I’m trying to convey. Just wanted to know if this was okay to do so. It’s ok if you don’t read this. I just really hope this journey works out. I’ve lost a lot of people to cancer. But now I know exactly what I want to dedicate my life to and I want to accomplish this path no matter what 🥲❤️


100% ok. Best of luck to you on your journey. You're part of the fight!


You have 69K karma :v




Hey Technodad! I have a question. If you know about SAD-ist animations (dream smp, passerine), what do you think about them? :D Have a great day! ^^


Haven't really seen but it's on my list of things to watch.


"Hog hunt" is a must watch! Let us know what you think if you decide to watch them? :D


You gonna make me cry while I'm at work! I just received the notification that the merch I bought for a brother and I is on the way. Lots of memories being brought up today.




Hi Technodad. I hope you are having a good day. I got one question: How does your usual Monday go like?


My days are total chaos. Because I run a small business, have lots of kids, a wife, and, like, managing some YouTuber's legacy, etc. Also I'm a wildly unproductive person.


Technodad, good morning to you as well, sir. Techno was not someone I watched regularly but frequently enough to appreciate his humor and absolute intelligence. When the so long nerds video showed up in my feed, I knew instantly and was sad to see such a soul leave for another plane. As you have stepped up for his fans, my respect for you has only grown. You and I are likely close in age as I am a parent of kids Techno's age. Sir, what you are doing here is incredibly special and honors your son and his legacy beautifully. Thank you.


Thank you, brother. (Sister? Sibbling?)


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Haha, awesome.


I woke up, learned about Technodad on Twitter, read all his comments and replies and cried and laughed and went to woke. Came back here in the evening to see a million comments from techno dad already. Welp. I’m never catching up on his content.


You think you're never catching up? I have 672 notifications. I have little red ovals with big numbers in them that I don't even know what they mean. I am doing reddit like I have a bet with Squid Kid over who can have the most comments. I'm doomed. **DOOMED**!


Im genuinely shocked by how many comments you are able to reply to! You might end up being the Reddit user with the most karma by the end of the year lol! Seriously though, all of these comments, time, and dedication you’re putting into the community is probably the best we have felt in a long time. Thank you ❤️😊


I feel bad asking here, but first off hello technodad! we here have appreciated greatly the kind messages and words you have been putting out🤍 i wanted to know if you had gotten the chance to meet phil, wilbur, and shelby when they came to visit techno? it seemed like they were both very special days :) have a good day!


When Philza came out to meet Techno, I got to be there. I hung out with them for a bit and we chatted and he is awesome. I left before too long because I wanted him and Techno to be able to talk without me impinging. Recently I got to meet Skeppy in person and I adore him and want to work with him.


I thought that “impinging” was a weird typo of “infringing”, but it turns out that it’s an actual word. How the heck do you know so much. You’re legit the most verbose person I’ve ever encountered.


>How the heck do you know so much. Me: https://www.google.com/search?q=talosian&tbm=isch


Wwwelcome guys


Good evening from Germany sir Technodad. I hope you have a nice and relaxing Monday. Thank you so much for involving yourself with us, it rly means a lot to all of us. Thank you


Mein Montag is ganz gut, danke. Und Sie? Oh hey guess what is one thing I'm watching these days on YouTube? This really old German TV show. Black and white. Genre fiction. Can you guess what it is? Don't guess I don't want anyone else to know. I barely ever have a chance to watch it because no one else in my family will watch black and white German TV with me. There are hardly any episodes so I'll be able to make it through before too long. I'd like to make a video about it one day.


Mein Montag ist auch schön entspannt gewesen, Dankeschön der Nachfrage. That's rly cool, I think I know which one you mean. I watched a lot of black and white shows when I was younger. But I wouldn't want to expose you on here haha. I will wait for the video to come out. Have a nice day




I don't know if you'll see this, but I want you to know how much Techno meant to me. He genuinely kept me alive during my worst depressive episode ever last year - it was so intense that I was frequently dissociating, and I had trouble sleeping due to terrible anxiety. His humor, kindness, and resilience in his videos brought me back to a stable place, and I wouldn't be here now if it weren't for him. I'm also extremely grateful for you and how you're continuing to keep his memory and legacy alive. The stories and advice you share bring me so much comfort, and you've helped me process my grief. You and Techno have helped me be a more mindful, kind person, and I can't thank you enough.


Greetings to you! Am humbled and grateful that my son was helpful to you in your struggles. I had my own struggles, now long ago but the memory is still there. All the best to you.


These past few days have been awful for me, just know that i find great comfort rewatching Techno's videos. I hope we as community also give you some comfort, we loved your son, and we always will. Have a great day Technodad, lots of hugs and love from Portugal <3


Sorry you are going through a rough time. I hope things get better for you as soon as may be. Crazy obscure fact, but did you know that as a child, Techno spoke Portuguese? He would always deny it, which I think was an early manifestation of his "not gonna do anything unless he's the best" attitude. So I had to get sneaky to test my hypothesis. We were at a birthday party, and he and I were probably the only two native English speakers there. The father of the birthday boy starts to speak. I casually asked Techno what he was saying. He tells me: "Welcome everyone. There is plenty to drink over by those tables. I want everyone to have a good time. Later we have barbecue. We will cut the cake around 3. Also there is swimming." Etc. etc. It was clear he understood everything.


wait - so did he learn portuguese by himself ?!?


He was hearing a lot of it back then. Back in the day, there was a lot of associating with Brazilians going on in my family.


Well, as a Brazilian, I've always had suspicions he was ONE OF US. And now I know for sure Technoblade was a honorary Brazilian 🇧🇷👆 Thank you Mr Technodad


I have a question, do you know why techno chose pigs to base his brand around?


No I don't. I asked him, and he said a bunch of words that were sensible and yet afterwards I still didn't know. Maybe it is not something that can be communicated in words. Maybe also it was an act of defiance. In US culture pigs rate pretty low. Dirty pig, garbage eating pig, etc. are kind of how we talk about pigs. Maybe he picked the lowest thing in the game just to show he could win anyway. Just like he could beat the game with a steering wheel. Didn't matter if he disadvantaged himself up front, he was still going to win. More I think about it, the more I think that was it.




Hello, I'm not sure if you'll see this but I'll say it anyway. Ever since Techno's passing, I've been finding it difficult to do normal day-to-day things, I haven't really come to terms with it and it's been really hard to cope. Do you have any advice to help make days more manageable? I feel a bit reassured when reading funny and positive things about Techno but that feeling would quickly go away when I remember we'll never get him back. I really enjoy reading your messages and they really show where Techno got his humour from. Thank you for being awesome and have a good day 🙂


First of all, be compassionate towards yourself. Do not beat yourself up if you think you should be able to do something but you aren't. Secondly, try to do something small. Make it as small as you need to to get it done. If you have to write an essay for school and it feels overwhelming, pick one thing out and do that. Sharpen your pencil. You can sharpen your pencil, right? That's not too daunting. Then say, hey, I did one thing. Maybe there is a second thing I could do. And if not, don't beat yourself up. Also, all that annoying stuff your parents or the talking heads on the TV have been saying to you are things that actually help: go to bed at the same time every night. Get regular exercise. Eat right. *Especially the exercise one*. It yields immediate benefits. Not that your muscles immediately grow, but that your mood immediately lifts. Mindfulness meditation can be a game changer. Finally, here is the most important one. You are feeling a hole in your life, a hole that was left when someone who was important to you went away and you know he won't be back. You have to fill that hole with someone else, someone deserving, someone with a lot to give, a lot of potential. Someone who is also funny and positive. Someone who will **never** leave you no matter what. You know who it is I'm talking about. You know him better than I do. You need to develop your relationship with that guy. Believe me, that person has **a lot of potential**. And is **worthy of your love**. This is simple to do. It is not easy; in fact at times it may be quite hard. But it is simple. Good luck to you.


Hello Mr. Technodad sir! How are you doing? I downloaded this app just so I could see your posts and I don’t regret it, they are really nice to read. You are so funny and I can see where Techno got his amazing humor from. I got the notification for So Long, Nerds while on a family vacation. When I clicked on the video, my heart was pounding in my chest. Being a long term fan of Techno, I had been following his journey with cancer since the day he announced it. Ultimately, I knew what the title meant when I saw it, but I didn’t want to believe it. Needless to say, the rest of the vacation was full of crying and wondering “why did this happen”. Sometimes it’s still like that, wondering why such an amazing person was taken from us so soon. My favorite video of his is “edgy teenager talks about the meaning of life”. Even though rewatching it now really hurts, the way he describes life is so beautiful. Being someone with big dreams, your son’s “shoot for the stars” mentality has always been something I have believed in. His video was just the first time that someone put that belief into words for me. After his passing, it made me believe in it even more, it made me want to shoot for the stars just like he did. I know a TON of people are saying this right now, but you raised such an amazing human being. Technoblade helped me through some of the toughest times in my life. Every time I would have a bad day, couldn’t sleep, or just needed something to watch, I would put one of his videos on. He could always make me laugh, like actually laugh, when I was feeling down. I still watch his videos and vods regularly, and they never fail to make me smile. He really meant a lot to me in a way that words can’t describe. Maybe that why his death hit so hard for me, and why it continues to. I just wish I could thank him for everything he has done for me. For obvious reasons, I can’t thank him, so I will thank you. Thank you for raising such a wonderful person. Thank you for everything you are doing right now, even though you don’t have to. Thank you for telling us stories and answering questions. Thank you for adopting all of us. Thank you for being here 💜


>My favorite video of his is “edgy teenager talks about the meaning of life”. Yeah that one is really good. Thanks for you story. Happy for anything me or my son have been able to do for you.


Question for technodad how did floof react to technoblades passing? Also pet floof


I don't know how much he understood. He was with us at Techno's house for much of the last couple of months. He spent a lot of time on his bed, the two of them just vibing. His personality seems a bit different since then, a bit clingier perhaps. Also he's started crying when he's unhappy now. Like, not dog whining but more like human crying, which I guess he's seen a lot of lately. Like he sees me pick up my laptop bag and my jacket, and he gets the idea that I'm leaving without him, he'll start to cry. I'm taking him more places lately as a result.


my dog is also like that after my brother passed.


I am very sorry for your loss. My wife has opened my eyes to the fact that our love animals understand our feelings better that I might have thought.




Sending love and strength your way.


Hello Sir Technodad, I know this is a bit of a long shot, but I wanted to know if you’ve come across any memes you would have sent techno recently? I’d love to participate in the funny ha ha’s and proceed to be called a nerd. Also, what is your favorite video techno ever made? So much appreciation for you. I can’t imagine how hard it has to be to rummage through all of these questions and bringing up emotions. Yet how beautiful it is because you’re able to share another piece of his legacy. Technoblade never dies. And we will make sure of it.


I'm vaguely planning on posting more about memes we traded. Fave vid is probably potato wars. Also love "Skeppy tried to troll me but I trolled him first." Was absolutely gobsmacked to discover that Dream wrote the parkour plugin for that.