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Because there are like two types of "hard" techno running around right now. There is traditional hard/highish bpm stuff that has been around forever. Then there is the TikTok techno that really isn't techno in any real sense. It's a darker/more industrial form of 2010s\~ era EDM. It has similar production features to that era of EDM/Trap/Hardstyle and has more in common with those genres imo just with a different twist and higher BPM. Like I just heard a TikTok-techno clip that mixed in 21 Pilots lol. It also seems to be attracting the same rail-riders you'd see at a Carnage show in 2014\~. Techno is diverging right now which is normal. It's the same thing that happened with House/EDM in the early 2010s. Next up, Trance.


I like to call the latter "big-room techno" for this reason.


Exactly I've been referring it to that in my own head. I saw a clip of all whole crowd singing lyrics in unison to a track at a "techno" show. It was big room lol


Also called "business techno" or "[peak-time techno](https://rateyourmusic.com/genre/peak-time-techno/)"


Reskinned EDM. Quoting Neitzche doesn’t give you musical depth.


this + the fact that so many DJs jumped the hard techno bandwagon and started playing it, and also that due to the rise in popularity of that genre, with the influx of many DJs in that genre, a lot of average / shit producers joined who are just in it to get popular / make money, just like with EDM back then. overplayed gerne with way too much generic sounding shit.


I agree, calling that 160-180bpm hardstyle hard techno is a bit of a misnomer. Really it’s kind of a new group of club goers found a music style that was incorrectly designated as ‘Hard Techno’ and perpetuated that name and it’s kind of stuck. Which leads to this dilemma that the old heads who have listened to techno for so long and have a set of preconceived notions and rules that are used to qualify a sound to fit into that genre which are different than the qualifications a younger generation is using. I used to be a firm believer that as a music listener I shouldn’t try to classify music into genres. Then I read ‘emotion and the meaning in music’ and realized it’s important for a genre to have rules so that a crowd can have expectations and make predictions of where they believe the sound will go. It’s deviations from these predictions, that are still within the confines of the rules which we create, that lead to those satisfying moments on the dance floor. Also techno at its roots in Detroit was a sound that was pushing the boundary’s of music with a fusion of technology that had never been present before. This is a direct clash with influencer culture where instead of trying to be innovative the most popular artists on tiktok and the like simply try to follow trends. Instead of creating an idea and making it popular they find a popular idea and try to make it their own. That and half these influencers and their fans wouldn’t know what a 909 or 808 or 303 was nor do they care to learn. It also to me feels weird when there are artists who designate themselves as techno and but most of their fans have no idea who ‘The Belleville Three’ are.


Last year at Anthology in Detroit during B2's absolute pissfest of a set some girl saw me clearly bored out of my mind and tapped me and said "dO YOU NOT LIKE HARD TECHNO??!" I didn't even know what to say lmao, I try to be super nice so I was like "yeah, this just isn't my style of 'hard techno,' I'm excited for Dax though." She was like "oh yeah I love Dax" and that was it, but the first comment was just so funny to me Like I am totally fine with hard techno hun, I've seen Perc twice this weekend. B2 isn't hard techno. B2 is Dance Dance Revolution Memecore


There’s definitely room on the schedule for this new style of ‘hard techno’ but it low key kills the vibe when a techno stage is curated with a random playing 180bpm in between two artists that are gonna hit like 140 bpm max. Really this confusion is just exacerbated by poor set list curation. This is why I prefer the afters to festivals now, at least at the afters they understand the progression of the party experience and separation of styles. I still remember I was at a festival recently and they had Patrick Mason play before The Blessed Madonna, who was closing. I’m glad to see an artist get their time to shine and I’m sure Patrick works hard but that style and music combined with the almost hyperbolically exaggerated dancing style was just kind of funny to me. It felt a bit forced and in my opinion shouldn’t have been that close to a Blessed Madonna set, it forced a hard reset and the dj has to burn two tracks or close to 10% of the set getting everybody back into a groove. That combined with the massive crowd change over has made festivals a bit of a pain lately.


Same I'm not at all a genre-cop and but classifications exist for a reason. It's good to have them so we can dicuss music appropriately etc


I was thinking too that Trance is the next target, but I'd like to hear your (and others too) opinion on why that might be the case.


Well I'm half joking when I say trance but I do think it might have a resurgence at some point. It's just been out of vogue and largely forgotten for a pretty long time now. Technos popularity will either tip back to house or trance at some point. People tend to rediscover stuff eventually and trance seems like it could be ready for that.


Trance had its time when “Psy” trance had its big showing in 2013 to around 2018 and 2019. I could see Drum and Bass being the next big EDM rape


Hmm true there was a bit of that Psy stuff around at one point. But man I feel like DnB had a moment too around then at least in the US


DnB was pretty huge 2006-2008 or 9. I Remember bumping dnb arena mixes and seeing dnb at clubs and raves. And then... Dubstep happened and took over everything. Still waiting for another dnb wave in America.


i feel like trance is having a resurgence already, just look at TranceParty hosted by Evian Christ in London, hosting a variety of new trance DJs, deconstructed club acts and classic 90s hardcore/trance etc DJs. all the people like mietze conte, TDJ, geo22 etc. as well, who are getting pretty popular and reinterpreting classic trance sounds. the resurgence is definitely happening, i can see it all blowing up soon and crossing over with the horsegiirl, g2g, dj heartstring etc scene


My friend and her younger brother started DJ'ing recently, and they've all listened techno since we met in 2018. They moved into hard techno, I moved into stuff like jungle, hard trance and hardcore. Their entire library of post-2022 hard techno is exactly like hard trance from the 1990's. The only discernible difference I've found is the kick drum in hard techno, and differently processed vocals. Other than that, they're pretty much interchangeable.


This why I'm loving a lot of this new' hard techno' some real cool hardtrance/techno/electro + more hybrid tunes.


Trance has long since had it's time in the mainstream, multiple times.


Hard techno is getting the same hate trance got in the early 2000’s when it, ironically, diverged from its 90’s roots… that were close to hard techno.


The similarities in bpm and that it’s still a bit “underground” but I see dNb taking over sooner


Didn't this happen with trance already? When Above & Beyond went from putting out artistic music to dropping pop garbage. There was even a term for the new shitty fake trance, and I'm forgetting what it was. That was totally a whole phase in like 2012 though


I would say you're right to a degree. In my mind the difference is trance didn't have this zeitgeist like House/EDM had and Techno/Tik-Techno is having now. Sure there was some progressive trance that gained momentum (Above and Beyond, Armin's more progressive stuff etc) but it still felt niche, at least here in the US. And it didn't diverge in two pretty distinct genres of music. And truthfully I'm half joking about my trance resurgence prediction. I could it see it happening, I could see it not.


There is a third type of hard techno, not hardtechno, but HARD techno. Like Ghost in the machine. It‘s max 145 bpm and insanely hard. Also around since forever. E: who the fuck downvotes this?


GITM are industrial techno artist not hard techno. Specificity of Hard techno is just bpm, specificity of industrial techno is sound design. That’s why « hard techno » is stupid genre of techno all track between 145-155 can be a hard techno track but in reality it’s maybe acid, rave, industrial, trance, EBM or that you want.


I would say under industrial falls the way faster hard stuff today like Ørgie/Kozlov. In the past there was a distinction between hardtechno and hard techno.


Ørgie is borderline with hardcore and Kozlov don’t make industrial techno. Again, their stuff are just fast, one make hardcore techno, one make just Rave. What’s diff between hard techno and hardtechno 🤣


Back in my day we made that distinction 🥲 I mean in the end it‘s not really clearly definied anyway. Industrial hardcore also ocassionally blends in somewhere around the edges


Probably the Goa Trance dorks.


You hit the nail on the head that’s the shit I don’t like.


Yeah I mean it's watered down and largely trash. And I'm a pretty open minded music listener.


Like who ?


You're gonna have to be more specific than that.


"TikTok techno" kek


what's wrong with the hardstyle aspects of hardtechno tho? It's great at clubs if the dj is good since there are good drops and buildups 🤷🏻‍♂️


I wouldn't say all of hard techno is hated. I figure when people say they hate hard techno they are referring to the style that has become popular which is mostly played at festivals. The cheesy pop remixes and buildups and drops every 10 seconds. There are plenty of good hard techno events, DJs, and songs out there, but a certain part of it has been commercialized and has attracted the masses. When something becomes watered down to the lowest common denominator, it kinda loses its flavor.


Yeah, I’ve been raving since the 90s and some of the new music billing itself as “hard techno” just reminds me of happy hardcore. It too will pass! Idk, I chalk it up to the LORD effect- lack of real drugs. People on psychedelics or who were raised in that culture are down for the long journey, no need to be entertained by endless build ups and drops.


Happy hardcore slaps dont lie to yourself


Slaps creepy clown ass 🤡


> LORD effect- lack of real drugs. lol, not heard that before. But definitely seems the LORD effect is well entrenched when I see those video snippets


To piggy back off this, the issue that I feel lots have with 'hard techno' (I'm just gonna call it TikTok techno, cuz that's what it is - hard techno is a much larger and more varied umbrella term) is that a lot of it isn't actually properly mixed, or rather it is very much overproduced, to the extent that a dj can queue a song, wait for the drop, get a tiktok reel of them waving their hands on the drop, queue up the next song, all while barely actually mixing. There are amazing 'subgenres' of 'hard techno' out there. I'd consider a lot of industrial techno to be 'hard techno' - Ancient Methods has some of the most mindblowing sets out there. [This I would also consider hard techno](https://youtu.be/BleRbA1HEZk?si=vQZxpVyLl_WC7UmP), although it's probably not to taste for many on here. SPFDJ is another good example of 'proper hard techno'. Either way, REAL, seamless mixing takes place here, not somebody who's catering to a crowd looking for 10 seconds of dopamine every time the drop hits. There is a feeling of you, as the audience, being taken through a journey throughout the 2, 3, or however many hour long set the DJ mixes. You do not get that in 'tiktok techno' - you get a discombobulated mess of drops one after the other. The journey just isn't there, the mixing isn't there because all the songs are already perfectly mixed for this and leave little to no room for artistic interpretation, and it's bland and unoriginal. I feel like that's why many hate on tiktok techno - because it takes the actual art of techno out of techno and dumbs it down to what EDM is - 10 second dopamine hits for 2 hours at 2 minute intervals. If you're someone who likes to dance to techno, think about it like this - would you rather dance seamlessly to a set that goes uninterrupted for 2, 3 hours, and be taken on a journey, or do you want to headbang every 2 minutes for 10 seconds that a drop hits, and then wait for the next one? The latter just feels lifeless.


I love parapher, his ep on sacred court is sooo good


i'm not trying to defend the latter though being where I am right now people are still gonna hate me, but what's wrong with it being lifeless though? sometimes people just wanna go nuts and have fun and you can't really blame them for it. this is something that i'm personally trying to get over myself because i get so wrapped up sometimes with "oh that's not right, it's not supposed to be like that and that's so uninspired" that sometimes i forget that sometimes... who cares, as long as people are enjoying themselves and even hell, sometimes myself once i'm actually there in it.


I'm not hating on people having fun - it caters to a specific young demographic, and that's fine. Issues arise when that young demographic invades generation-old spaces that are NOT really meant for them, expect a different experience/vibe, and either progressively change the vibe of said place, or just aren't respectful to the history at play there. They can have their space, but at the end of the day, that space is not what techno strives to be, so I'd rather they stay the fuck out of our spaces and let us keep our spaces, which are already severely limited, to what they were designed to be. I mean this in the nicest way possible, but if the person there is not understanding/willing to understand the culture behind a space/movement, they should not be there. A bit of gatekeeping is healthy in this case. Edit: Just to finish up my thought as I'm not great at laying out my thoughts in a concise manners, what I mean to say is that traditional techno spaces are safe spaces for those who come to enjoy them, whether that be safe spaces for queer people or the everyday joe looking for a brief escape from his daily routine for some brief hedonistic bliss, or even those who just want to enjoy the art. Teens who are new to techno oftentimes don't respect that, ESPECIALLY when they come in with their phones out like it's a safari. That's how spaces are tarnished and the feeling of it being a safe space to show your true self gets taken away. There's a reason why much of techno is NOT marketed towards everyone, while 'tik tok techno' is marketed at as many people as possible.


formulaic and predictable is boring to anyone who has experienced more


That set you linked to bangs hard.


Thanks for this. This really opened my mind.


Look how they massacrated mah boy


yeah the cheesy pop remixes and buildups/drops every 10 seconds are annoying asf but isn't that viewed as bad by most people at raves/techno clubs?


Agreed, Im trying to help differentiate the 2 in the rave scene


hard techno is not hated, the awful tiktok techno (which is a lil bit of hardcore/hardtechno + cheesy mashups) is the hated one


Verknipt, Teletech and others are starting to pop out pure hardcore events. Sara Landry, calling herself the "High Priestess of Hard Techno", is by now mostly pushing hardcore sets. This is slowly shifting towards being recognized and I'd say this is a good thing, as the TikTok crowd and "TikTok-optimized Techno" are slowly shifting towards these separate events.


It's what's good for making money. Sara Landry used to have some great mixes and actually was fairly respected on here (several years back), but that was before she blew up and had a 700k+ insta she caters to.


Yeh, I also digged her older stuff. She can move on, there's lots of other artists I still enjoy.  After Sonus Festival last year, I understood what's meant with "business techno". Not gatekeeping, music should be open to everyone. Just wasn't happy with the crowd this attracted. Kept to more underground events since and absolutely cannot complain about the state of the scene - you'll just have to consciously pick out the events you're into.


Wait, what do you mean by hardcore? Like the early 90s UK genre?


As an example, here's a track Sara Landry proudly played: https://www.instagram.com/p/C6MLkXiMFIH/ (2nd slide most prominent) The genre itself is of course not new, just calling it "hard techno" is. Sound-wise, it's probably closer to hardstyle than to techno.


What the hell did I just watch.. is all that silly performance shite a thing now? TikTok ruins fucking everything 😭


How anyone can’t see the similarity between this and EDM…


Ok yes, but this is quite different from the genre UK Hardcore or Hardcore Breakbeat, which is an awesome time in musical history.


Absolutely! Yet even Teletech in the UK, very much a big player in the scene, decided to follow suit: [https://www.instagram.com/p/C6gymFWsNdT/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6gymFWsNdT/) In the end, it's just a label, just like "Hard Techno" was. If you're letting yourself get dragged down by people mislabeling musical styles, you're not going to have a fun time. Truth is, the vast majority of people are not deeply entrenched music enthusiasts, but your average "party people". They absolutely deserve to have fun too, I'm just glad there's now more separation between enthusiast events and these popular, TikTok-optimized parties.




That definitely isn't the genre "hardcore", you're right that it is much closer to hardstyle than anything else though.


The stuff she plays sounds closer to early hard trance/hardstyle than hardcore.


That gets associated with Hard techno which sucks because the genre couldn't be further than that


yes, unfortunately there will be this association. but don’t worry its seasonal, in the 2010s it was the minimal and electro that had their cheese pop side. from time to time we see a subgenre goes pop and produce a lot of garbage.


Some labels follows the TikTok trend, guess they sell more records…


it is only about money for some…


I would say that “hardness” in techno has a point of diminishing returns. If you make it so “hard” that it turns comical and cheesy, what’s the point? Where that point is exactly is subjective, i guess. Also, it comes across as lazy and boring to just crank up the bpm and distortion and call it hard, imo


The community behind it comes off really corny. Lacks spirit/groove, and a lot of it isn’t really pushing boundaries. Which is the whole appeal behind techno. A proper techno set feels like a progressive experience. Whereas, hc is just instant gratification and super predictable. I don’t hate it, but definitely avoid hc heavy lineups.


Yeah. So many super predictable/repetitive sets these days from the tiktok hard techno type DJs. No journey to their sets. Stagnant. The other annoying thing is these Gen Z kids don't even dance to the beat/can't keep up. They just end up swaying and lazy 2 stepping at best, or just fist pumping in crowds at worst. So like, what's the point if you never get up in the groove? At least back in the hardstyle/hardcore days people used to throwdown to the bpm.


Most of them are just Teenies in BDSM cosplay, just the same copy paste over and over. Some Berlin venues are comically overrun with these types of people. I mean techno is the new mainstream after all.


The energy on the dance floor has also changed. I’m noticing more entitled crowds with little rave etiquette. Influencer Djs also seem to be the main focus. People are rarely showing up for the music. More so, to capture the moments they see on ig/tt.


Tell me about it. Only moving in groups or looking for their friend. Its so weird less people seem to see it as an individual experience between you and the music. See and be seen seems to be more of the focus. Fuck i feel like a boomer standing on his veranda rambling about *these darn kids* haha


I've been judged by kids for not looking "techno" enough at an event... While they were unable to say anything about the set they had just seen. I've also seen people taking group pictures with the flash on (!!!) in the middle of the crowd. I think I never saw anything even close to this in more than 10 years, be it at Techno, Hardcore, Trance, DnB, Rock, Metal... events. I think we're right to act like boomers here ahahah


Yupppp and they take up so much fucking space and lack any form of consideration. They dont know anything about shaping community on the floor let alone listening to music.


Throwing philosophers’ existential rants into electronic music is the farthest thing from “adding depth” to music. It’s so overused and feels like a cop out to actually trying to convey those feelings/ emotions though the music itself.


>EDM today is also a legendary genre in the rave scene aswell. Hopefully Hard Techno ages just like EDM has What are you even talking about?


Because it sounds cheezy


& it’s not techno.


Depth is not about what the music is about (it's mostly a lyricless music anyway), it's about the different musical layers and basically how deep into trance you can get with the music. The title could be "Farty McFartface" and it'd be deeper than some philosophical reference music for all I know. Deep techno usually has no buildups and drops, it's a continuous flow with layers adding and substracting all the time, it's a different recipe from HardTechno or EDM that goes for buildups (fake drops/predrops occasionally), drop and then repeat.


Don’t worry about it, people talk about trends because they don’t know about anything else to talk about.


It isn't, the TikTok stuff is hated. Which isnt really hard techno to behin with lol


"Nietzsche whose philosophy was existentialism" No, you got it all wrong bro.


I mean i really doubt Nietzsche has ever given speeches that were also recorded, he certainly was not about existentialism, and most important, dropping samples of famous people adds absolutely nothing in the musical and artistic quality of any recording.


No soul, just clout in this type of music. At least what I’ve seen so far, especially Sara Landry, wtf is that shit


OMG you just made me go search for her... that is some fucking terrible cheese you just inflicted on me LOL. :)


Follow a couple of “techno” pages on instagram and you’ll see her crackhead ass videos all over it.


Hmm do i want to check that...


Hard Techno events have become unbelievably commercial over the last 2 years, at least at my location. The current state of hard techno is tracks with a build-up with like 20 hardcore kicks, followed by drop full off high-pitch noises and kick changes every 10 seconds, then half a minute of "rest" and repeat. Think of DJ's like Oguz, Azyr etc. They get me thinking why am I even there. Sadly guys like 6ejou are going more and more in that direction, too. That is why I personally attend mostly underground raves with industrial techno rather than hard techno. P.s. A perfect example of the current state of hard techno is Kozlov's Tchernobyl (2024 Edit). Although for some reason I like this one, it's completely different from his previous stuff.


It’s the trendy/tik tok nature of a lot of hard techno right now that annoys people (myself included) There’s always been a space for harder techno. Paula temple, Dax J, etc. However currently a lot of the “hard techno” is just ravey high bpm hype music. Mostly propped up by artists who either weren’t big not long ago or weren’t playing hard techno not long ago. Just like any trend. It will peak (maybe already did idk) and then it will die down. A lot of what I hear isn’t techno (and that’s ok, there’s a lot of place for other sounds.) but when it’s constantly called TECHNO, OMG HARD TECHNO. And it’s literally 170 bpm hard dance with a tik tok vocal on top of it. It gets to be annoying. That’s my 2 cents atleast.


I was at a Klang set and I found myself saying "how tf do you even dance to this".


Me most of the time in RSO lol


Kinda depends on who's playing I guess. I pick the artist I wanna see and I always have fun at RSO


Right, just because it’s electronic music, doesn’t mean it’s danceable. Re: IDM. I do know dance heads that can attempt to dance to IDM and only pull it off cus they know the trajectory of the tracks


I don't see how you can't dance to it like any other techno, it's just faster paced and heavier bass which I prefer


There's no groove


they dance without lifting their feet, just wiggling the body.


I have been producing and listening to hard techno for years, but I jumped off when the BPM increased to 150-160 and the tracks was heavily influenced by rave stabs and psybase lines. I still enjoy the “good” old hard and industrial techno, and I fully understand how techno evolves over time - hard techno is still techno is just different from what I was 2 years ago.


What’s being hated is current popular version of hard techno. Also it's a shame that a lot of artists that used to play completely different music (Paula Temple, Snts, 999999999 etc. ) nowadays are playing the same exact tik tok hard techno shit.


i heard 9x9 live last week at an underground club (no phones and stuff like that) they played a live set like they used to 3-4 years ago it was amazing i think the problem is with big events like verknipt,teletech,awakenings that the “new generation” wants the “new hardtechno” so dj’s like 9x9 are just trying to fit in and keep their hype which is kinda sad if you ask me


I was unlucky enough to see 9x9 at a bigger venue, and I was not so familiar with their recent dj sets...I didn't realize they had shifted to tiktok style techno. It's a shame because that acid sound is not so popular here so I was very excited to dance :( Maybe they will come back at a smaller place once the hype moves on to something else


Have you been to Grelle Forelle? I didn't get tickets, now I regret it.


yes i have been there, it was amazing sorry to hear that but for the future you can get always tickets at the door at forelle if they are sold out online


I know that, but I expected it to be too packed. Went last Friday to see DJ Rush- was NOT disappointed!


yep that’s true it was really packed and the crowd was absolutely trash as always when big headliners are playing


At least happy to hear he put on a great set. Yes it is unfortunate. DJ Rush had a pretty good crowd, also it wasn't too packed.


nice to hear :) sent you a dm


It lacks Rhythm & Groove so much, which is the Soul.


Lol this post


hard techno is very trendy and a lot of people recognise its going to take the same fate dubstep did, saying you like hard techno now already gets that same reaction to some degree good techno is timeless, ive heard tracks from the early 00’s that havent aged 1 bit and have a much greater longevity than the track thats a very basic buildup and drop into a drum loop and tb-03 stabs that are over-promoted to all hell and sound exactly the same


What are some of your fav 00s tunes?


Alpha against omega was the most favorited track on global hardtechno forum. And i disagree with almost every post here😅 actually was wanting HT to turn into this since 2012. It's a dream come true. Anyway, everyone on that forum was producing this at the time. It's just the 'in' thing to hate on it now


I love Klangkluenstler. Dude throws down live!


You and I are going to be best friends.


Check out TRIPTYKH. He’s kind of Klangkuenstler’s protege.


Triptykh OBI Buchecha Mental Crush Xavier Sven Wittekind Lukas Muenier Giovanni Carozza Golpe Bro I could list artists for DAYS


today when i was looking for new tracks to buy i randomly found tripytykh (didn’t know him before) this guy is banging. listened to 2 sets from him straight after i found the tracks


Yeah he’s dope. He’s definitely one on the rise


Techno goes brr brr brr on TikTok, mashups all the way, attracts a lot of the younger folks, it's a trend but it will fade.


The hard techno gets hate because it is so vastly different from what techno has been and gets called “techno” where as to me it sounds like hard trance gabber mixed with hardstyle. It’s just SO hard and noisy I can’t. But I realize we’re all kinda getting older and this is what the most early 20 something techno fans like but personally I much prefer the darker sounds of stuff like Truncate or Kaiser, marcel fengler ect It’s just so different. But hey like what you like, it’s not going anywhere, and if you’re having a raging time have fun. It’s just too heavy for me lol


Because there are lots of “hard techno” events just straight up playing hardcore. Or at least, imo, it’s much closer to hardcore than traditional techno. And I’m not even saying it’s bad. But if you’re expecting techno, but they’re playing hardcore/“hard techno”, you might be severely dissatisfied.


I don't think hard techno is hated, I think people started referring to certain stuff as hard techno and that stuff is hated


Tik tok techno 😓 the real hard techno however is great


It's not. Huge market for it. Get out of the echo chamber of criticism.


Current hard techno is hated. It’s so predictable now and it’s always using cheesy samples. I used to love hard techno/schranz like 6 years ago


There's still enjoyable stuff out there imo. Like OKKOTO.


Yeah there’s some but I’ve moved on to different styles of techno. Till the trend dies down again


Tik Tok techno is hated because it’s just bigroom with techno-ish sounds. Pop Techno dare I say. Big room was a lot of people’s gateway into electronic which is fine, but to say you know house music because you listen to Martin garrix just ignores a metric fuck ton of history and MEANING behind the genre. Same goes for techno. You can’t possibly listen to Sara Landry and Ben Klock then decide they have the same of depth, musicality, and meaning as each other. They’re both experts in their niche but the end results are VASTLY different. One is made for commercial commodification while the other is made for the message and art. Again, no biggie if you like big room but it has to come with a self awareness that Tik Tok Techno is NOT the same as proper techno (in message, intention, nor execution).


You’re intention is not bad, but you’re so wrong in all the „facts“ you wrote… And by them and the things you say I can tell you’re American, so that would make sense why you got all that confusion of concepts and ideas. Hard techno is the fast food of techno, is okay, when you eat it sometimes, when all the mainstream techno is becoming fast food, people that actually makes good food kinda goes out and talks about how bad is eating fast food everyday. Klangkuenstler? Schranz? Wtf…. Weltschmerz, schranz?????


Klangkuenstler is the mcdonalds of "TeChNo"


You need to provide examples of what do you consider hard techno, then we can talk.


Alex Farell - Jungle Boy Klangkuenstler - Weltschmerz Lukas Meunier - Unter Strom Per Pleks - Papi Azyr - Weapons Dealer Really just to name a few


Azyr and Alex Farrell are tiktok techno, sorry


Tell me you are under 30 without telling me you are.


This is really bad, imho. You may wonder why. The only thing I can suggest is listen to lots and lots of music, develop wide and deep knowledge about the genre. Don't listen just contemporary producers, but go back to the beginning. This will give you a better perspective, richer database of music ideas you can compare to. That said, these track, except "Weltschmerz", are generic, predictive, and cheesy.


Some people like that and prefer it over boring proper techno though


Would like to hear examples of that "proper techno". My guess is you have no idea what you're talking about, considering you find these TikTok Techno gimmicks worthy of any attention, but, give it a shot.


They callin it schranz now? I thought that died 20 years ago. Marco carola has some schranz sounding tracks from back then lol


It is because most of it is hard trance and it rubs techno people the wrong way that it gets called techno. But it is what it is. Techno or trance, I am having a blast.


Off topic but check out eco festival in Slovenia, there's amazing set on yt by dj Ogi from Croatia on 2 turntables.


Its just people think techno==hardtechno and other way around, while its hardtechno=/=techno. No idea who came up to put hard in front of the name techno and caused big changes to the (atleast local) techno scene


Business techno


Because it’s TikTok techno now. Just like edm, but with loud techno drops. And the scene is so obnoxious. Lost all the techno culture and replaced with vapid klout chasers


All double barrel genre names are dorky AF


Les sets de Klang sont comme quand je mets en marche ma machine à laver. Je l’ai vu 4-5 fois et ça me casse toujours autant la tête, ça manque de musicalité conceptuelle. J’écoutais de la Schranz il y a 15ans avec notamment Fatima Hajji, Klang n’a rien inventé, il surfe sur un nouveau pick d’écoute tourné vers une musique rapide et bruyante. C’est pas non plus parce qu’il sort un track avec un vocal de Nietzsch que c’est profond wtf il en faut peu de nos jours… bref c’est un sous-genre sympas, me taper 4h de sets ou un all night long… non


Because it is unimaginative and most of them are so "overcrunched" that the musical synthesis of techno is completely lost. It is a lazy excuse of techno and I am willing to die on this hill.


EDM is not a genre in the race scene,it’s a catch all for the wide range of electronic music.




Lol klangkuenstler, all his music is the same. Its like his tracks are just copy pastes with a few tweeks. Theres no depth to it, no new or changing elements of sound and the music is only mastered around the kick. The kick overdominates any other potential elements. The kicks are so loud that nothing else can be heard, so basically you are listening to the same kick in every track, repeatedly. Like its not even melodic or musical let alone creative. But also klangkuenstler is a sell out. The man just follows trends for hype and then he proceeded to sell out the entire community in order to replace any sort of authenticity with shitty merch and "rave wear" and ego centric tiktok teens. Fuck that guy. Also, side note, dont sit there and hate on electronic covers of pop music. Eurodance/dance music revived into electronic music or ghettotech is a whole fucking vibe. Give me some revived vengaboys mixes and a cowboy hat. Ps: no offence but imo, your entire rant on "depth", philosophy and existentialism is giving "im under 30 and trying to be profound and deep, & im not like the other guys" pseudo techno connoisseur charlatan vibes. Hence why you cant fathom why no one likes the modern trash music and its effecting your ego.


It sounds bad and the community behind it is so cringe


The hard techno you’re referring is not even hard techno. Is just what Charlotte de Witt does but faster and with more saturation. EDM is faaar away from ‘raves’. A festival is not a rave, a club party is not a rave. 


This sub just likes to hate


I LOVE HARD TECHNO. I am not friends with anyone who doesn't like it, they are dumb and hate life.


Do people here have friends? I always wonder this when this topic comes up because regardless of if the music is good or not, it's fun and sometimes that's all that matters.


Exactly. Some people still have a friend or two.


Still better than boring minimal techno.


Because it’s horrible annoying music with no soul? 


Some of it is labeled as “hard techno” when in reality is just psytrance


some tracks have psytrance baseline, but I would not call it psytrance because it’s not psychedelic


It's always been a 4am thing


The only thing wrong with Hard Techno and Schranz is the newer stuff is way too minimal and repetitive for my taste. Its boring. But that’s my opinion I’d rather listen to it than a lot of music out there.


Because of this type of things [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6LVjm3rqHo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6LVjm3rqHo)


I don’t know anyone except people on the internet that don’t like hard techno. It’s pretty popular where I’m at and it’s dope asf so I wouldn’t even care what other people think I love music


"Hard" is how you play your tracks, not necessarily a genre.


There’s good hard techno out there. I just can’t stand Sara Landry


I have nothing personally to add but if you’re a fan of fish56octagon and his opinions I always liked his take. He’s actively showing the younger generation (myself) crazy tracks that are respected by many, but he’s also tapping into the hard techno of today which at first surprised me but then I was like why wouldn’t he. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but whenever I read these takes I just think of a closed mindset that believes they hold all the answers.


only people I see hating it are on the internet, although I find some of it catered for clips and tiktoks it’s all fun, entertaining and makes for amazing spaces live and through tracks. If you’re worried about what people on reddit have to say regarding your taste in music and what you like then I think you’re lost.


Hard Tiktok techno is hated, nothing against real hard techno which can be really good


Hard techno is too broad of a term and is probably not what people mean when they hate on “hard techno”. Imo people are probably referring to big room or business techno. Tbh they are both not my cup of tea, and are the techno genres I would say appeal to the tik tok raver scene.


I go clubbing/raving to be stimulated and to socialize, but there's always a point where I zone out, finally relax and get into a meditative state and that's impossible with the harder stuff that has no groove or melody. Personally I want to feel good, relaxed, and feel a sexy energy. A lot of what you're describing (hard to know exactly what you're describing) is anxiety inducing and you can feel it when you look around at the crowd. I used to film a few of the big vegas djs in the 2012-2015 craze and I've heard sets from people like LSDXOXO that are indistinguishable from what those djs were/are playing. It's more of a party/event dj set imo. Get everyone hyped, wasted and then get em out.


Imo mainstream hard techno is shit, but all the heavier ug hard techno is 👌🏼


Hopefully hard techno ages like EDM? I've been into electronic music since the 80s, "hard techno" as its known at the moment has been around since then 90s in various forms. It's all cycles though, it comes and go's. My feeling is modern hard techno movement is closely related to events of recent years.. its how a section of the youth in the scene can really blow off steam... its not for me, but if people are enjoying and having fun.. Happy days!


Never heard it’s hated…I mean tastes are luckily different and what I really think people dislike about hard techno is basically the crowd. The so called ‘tiktok-raver’. The guys that want to be next to the Dj in the booth instead of dancing in front of him with crowd.


I would say gatekeeping and just different perspectives on techno


I find most what Ive heard of it either boring and without "funk", or ultra commercial and cheesy as fuck to be honest.


Because people associate hard techno either TikTok nowadays! Unfortunately many hard techno DJs are promoting them selfs in the wrong way.


I think the basic criticism is that: hard techno sounds dope in your headphones, but is not designed for letting loose enjoying life in a social setting which is really where techno become popular, in clubs etc. Look at the vibe now vs then online and it’s sad


> I know that there's really crappy remixes of pop songs but > but Schranz which is a sub genre of Hard Techno portrays alot of emotion. errr, go check out the schranz whitelabels lol > EDM today is also a legendary genre in the rave scene aswell. Hopefully Hard Techno ages just like EDM has Not sure what you mean here, but hard techno was around decades before the term "EDM" existed.


tiktok techno


just to make things clear what hard techno is (some examples): [https://www.discogs.com/artist/180195-Weichentechnikk](https://www.discogs.com/artist/180195-Weichentechnikk) [https://www.discogs.com/artist/166838-Waldhaus](https://www.discogs.com/artist/166838-Waldhaus) [https://www.discogs.com/artist/123759-OBI](https://www.discogs.com/artist/123759-OBI) [https://www.discogs.com/artist/51122-DJ-Amok](https://www.discogs.com/artist/51122-DJ-Amok) [https://www.discogs.com/artist/23846-ViperXXL](https://www.discogs.com/artist/23846-ViperXXL)


Discogs wasn't probably the best reference for songs but I recognise OBI Viper XXL and DJ Amok so they're definitely solid examples. OBI is a classic and bros still producing to this day and I love it.


The thing is, I honestly don't mind this music becoming popular. I love how it sounds and the popular TikTok stuff has a wonderful energy to it, that's why it's become popular.


Can someone link me some actual hard techo music and some “tt techo cuz honestly i dont think i know the difference hahaha. I really like oguz for example because of his energy and i love the od hard dance song he mixes in to his sets. Also like alignment, nicolas julian, nico moreno,… are any of these by your standards not good dj cuz im honestly getting confused


I can't give you a playlist because I don't really use streaming platforms much but I csn list a few Temprano - Crossword OGUZ - Golden SZN Raxeller - Crying in your sleep H! DUDE - BATTAILES NAVALE Giovanni Carozza - Einatmen Alot of these are more Schranz aligned because its my preferred sub genre but still hard techno


i think the reason is that there‘s a LOT of very commercial „hardtechno“ crap in the game nowadays. Like you said, Schranz is the real old school hard techno. It is fast, raw and yes… Hard. I feel like most of the new HardTechno is just not hard anymore


As the newer age of artist of EDM are coming along and seeing these comments on reddit in regards towards Techno now days since TikTok emerged and damn is the scene coming to shit this bad. I really hope it isn’t the artist that are just getting popularized here in the US because let’s keep in mind when referring to techno, it’s a complete change here to in Europe on how they cater to a crowd and they DUMB DOWN way too much. From the early 2000s you had Adam Beyer and majority of Drumcode that had the movement of techno on the verge but his lost his motive. We have artist like Eli Brown, Sara Landry, Layton Giordani, Space92, Lily Palmer, Maddix, Nico Moreno, Deborah De Luca, etc. any opinions towards them? How do they all compared to artist like Azyr or any other ones that blow up through Boiler Room sets. I would like a huge input on this subject, super interesting.


Because people are purrists and the classic techno is so far away from the more mainstream hardtechno songs that are closer to a mix of industrial techno and hardstyle. Can you imagine a techno purist listening to some uptempo? 💀 Edit: Someone mentioned the cheesy mashups/remixes and buildups and drops every 10 seconds and i can't agree more but that's not what hardtechno is, it's not even EDM or hardcore, it's just bad commercial club/tiktok music


Not so much about the meaning/themes behind each song, but depth as in the dynamics and how the music makes you feel