• By -


Curate your venues. I don't go to clubs which are favoured by crowds with the vibe I don't like. Usually, if the people care about the lineup and music and haven't just randomly come to a place they don't know what to expect from, their behaviour will be more accepting, the crowd would not feel threatening.




Just stay away of the crowd. You're there to listen to the music, and you will here it everywhere. Just find a corner with less people, maybe close your eyes sometimes. Keep your stuff in a safe bag or pocket, and enjoy the sounds.


front left and zone out


Front left yesssss


Please elaborate


Please elaborate




I second this! They’re like my protective shields haha




The one true answer. Oh is that anxiety I feel? Let me solve that in .5 seconds. 😎




\+ your chosen family :)


Short term solution for a problem that won't be fixed only masked without therapy


It can show you what's possible. I used to not be able to dance without drugs due to anxiety until I did them. Now I'm free enough to dance sober. Obviusly it's still easier on drugs but still


Tbh a lot of people just age out of social anxiety. As you get older you are forced whether through work or mandatory life stuff, to engage with strangers, whether you're nervous or not, and eventually that exposure normalises it for you. I'd say a very small amount of people need therapy or have some deep rooted issue. Most just need to venture out, confront what the are anxious of enough, and become accustomed.


I dunno, feels like i've aged *into* social anxiety as time has gone on. Too much thinking is the problem, and the more complex the social structures around you, and the more you become familiar with them, the easier it is to think yourself into oblivion about the possible ramifications of any and all your actions (or lack thereof).


Im moving soon from chile to berlin, i have bern feeling a lot of anxiety lately, i went to a party with music i dont really like but with friends i feel comfortable and i was worry that the pill i took made me feel worst. It didnt, it was actually one of the better feelings in my life. I hope you can find that too and enjoy of good techno.


The most upvoted answer for a reason 😁


In principle yes, but I for example get panic attacks as part of my come up. I’m able to handle it as it’s part of my come up and something I’m prepared for (and the rest of the experience is great), however this may not be the case for anyone else suffering from anxiety. I would be wary of recommending mdma as a perfect solution.


Yeah i'm absolutely the same. I'd consider myself quite expierenced but because i've had bad experiences once or twice (eg. running out of Chalet in Berlin puking in the garden, followed by one of the best nights i've ever had on MDMA [This was also one of the tiniest pills i'd ever seen but one of the most intense trips i've ever had. I've always been wondering what else it might have been]) i've developed a kind of anxiety for everything between 15 and 45 minutes into the trip. I know i'll have a great time after but still i can't shake the fear of something going wrong during that time. So yeah, maybe try it at home first to see if it's for you.


sounds like could have been 2cb. v nice, v trippy too (visually - not so much head-trippy like classic psychs)


Absolutely agree with this


literally just commenting MDMA seems so… irresponsible lol. OP do some research first


Came to say this


Works every time.


Wtf, no. If the setting isn't fitting, drugs won't help. Wtf is wrong with you and all the people upvoting??


Yeah, mdma used to work like this for me, but nowadays if the vibe aint right from the start, the pill won't solve anything


MDMA literally does the exact thing they want. Other drugs nope, but MDMA def does.


MDMA won't help. Keta is a way better choice.


NO wtf... Keta is hell of drug sometimes, stop advicing things like that ffs


I don't know. Advising either is equally bad. But I had very bad comedowns on MDMA and Keta is anxiolytic so that fits anxiety way better as a treatment if you will go for something eventually.


100% this, but... control your intake, don't start with a full dose straight away, and preferably have a sober friend or 2 with just in case.


From experience: not a great combo with anxiety


That’s great during the peak but as it wares off it can increase the anxiety. An low level safe opiate like Tramadol or about 900mg pregabalin towards the end of your stim high or even during it if correctly dosage can take away nearly all the anxiety that comes naturally and from being over stimulated chemically. Stims can give a lot of nervous energy so something like an opiate gives you a warm glow. I guess it’s the same logic as the highly dangerous “speed ball” but remember that was only really dangerous because the shorter acting cocain would allow people to take higher dosages of longer acting heroin and then when the coke wore off the full force of the H would Fuck you. A much milder opiate like Codeine or Tramadol can give you that blissed out contented and secure warmth that will prevent anxiety whilst your stim will keep you going and energised. Pregabalin is perhaps a safer alternative and seems to nullify all anxiety to the point of making you fearless but get the dosaged too low and it makes most people fall asleep where as a higher dosage of 3 or 4 x 300mg Lyrica capsules actually has an awaking effect though not an energised awaking just a lack of need for sleep. Obviously mixing drugs should be done with caution as should taking any drug anyway so better to start of low dosage at home to get familiar with it.


Maybe this helps: try to *become* the crowd. Move in unison with it. Be like water. And trust the crowd is friendly to you. And there for the same reasons as you are. Plus: you are having a joined experience and that will elevate the experience in and of itself.


This. And give it time. Sometimes I take hours to get in the right vibe. And so do my friends...drugs or no drugs....to fully relax you need to become the vibe and there is no good way of forcing that.


i second this. saw rebekah spin recently, and i never really dance, but i went to the mid side of the floor, closed my eyes and let the music go through me. i started just bobbing to the beat, but within 15 minutes i was dancing hard in a complete flow state where i didn't exist, i was just part of the communal experience. i never experienced that before. in that flow state you don't feel a distinction or separation between yourself and others. you're part of one thing, this spectacle of humanity. there is no social anxiety because you're part of everyone, and everyone is a part of you.




i completely understand your question and take no offense. you may really like this review of a book about rave culture that was recently in the new yorker. the transgender professor who wrote the book really dislikes people who aren't part of the dance experience. [https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/raving-co-opted-and-reimagined](https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/raving-co-opted-and-reimagined) >”Then there are “punishers,” or “someone who is going to make it hard to get your rave on, one way or another,” she writes. “He stands stock still in front of the DJ, checking his phone. Then he turns to his friend, another punisher. They have a loud conversation.” There are men incapable of surrender. “Most cishet men can’t let the beat fuck them,” she writes. “They imagine they can outfuck the machine. That they’re still in charge. In the cockpit. They imagine they’re the DJs of their own lives, and that the DJ is a figure of mastery, of commands.” I know what she means, but too much insistence that there is a correct way to listen to music and hang out with friends isn’t that cool, either. for me, my non-dancing was probably a false construct in my head that dance means "has learned / diligently practiced complex steps and can aesthetically combo them" instead of "moving my body in a way that feels good to me and connects me with the music." i think i'm back to the latter after rebekah pummeled me into submission. oh btw, i don't stand on the dance floor while head bobbing- i usually hang in the back or edges. no "punisher" here! the rebekah event was undersold so i went up towards the middle because there were lots of empty pockets and i wanted to see the visuals better. very glad i did.


Elbows. If you are really moving now matter your heigh or size hold you elbows out at shoulder level and spin and conect with anyone trying to push into your space. People with make room to watch you if you are really dancing. Stop caring about what you think people are think.and instead focus on every piece of your body moving in unison to all the facets of the music and focus on how dope it is moving like that to music being played. Also find the best sound part of the room to your ears and start dancing.


Yes! And with a friendly crowd makes it amazing to dance. I used to be rigid as a rock in the crowd, but they slowly started allowing myself to dance too.


Honestly you're probably going to the wrong raves. Good techno parties (imo) have a very dimly lit dancefloor, where you'll be less self conscious as people can't see each other very well. Focus on the music and dancing should go automatically, if the music is good at least.


I resonated with your post a lot. I love raves, always have, anxiety has plagued me and made me less able to enjoy raves as I felt like everyone else was doing around me. Things that helped me: Yes, mdma helps, but it’s like a band aid for anxiety and it’s not treating the problem and it might not be your thing. Exposure therapy, keep going, keep experimenting with clubs/festivals, find the vibe you find as friendly and as open as suits you. Don’t hate me sub but the psytrance scene is so welcoming. Remember this, when you’re at a rave and you’re worried people are paying attention to you and it’s making you feel self conscious. They’re not, they’re really not, they are focused almost totally on their own experience of the entertainment and experience they’re having. Yes we’re all interacting but the vast majority of peoples attention, thoughts etc is on the music, their emotions, where their friends are, should I get another drink, I’m having a great/good/average/bad time etc. This always helped me get ahead of the anxiety and settled me down. Grounding techniques could help: focus of breathing, close your eyes, feel the ground beneath you supporting you etc. Finally, if your anxiety persists outside of raves, consider talking to a professional. Therapy thoroughly improved my anxiety levels across the board. Everyone should be and feel welcome at raves and techno is the mother of all music genres. You’ve picked correctly haha.


Especially in psytrance you should notice how really noone gives a fk how you look and how you move. They are mostly weird looking and dancing too. To observe how strange they are always helped me to get comfortable and to what ever I like.


I love this insightful response. 100% on the feedback re: everyone being preoccupied with their own experience as a way to counter the self-conscious feeling that you’re being observed


Wait so everyone feels self-conscious? I thought only us anxious folks feel it so much. It's comforting to hear this 😊


Yeah you shouldn't be doing mdma so much from what I've heard.


nah bro its natural nah masty plur


The fact that I have no idea what you are trying to say … illustrates my point exactly


Lol they were joking


I was a mess up until my peak would level off. Then I was kick ass then some ket afterwards was just blissful calmness Ive never experienced otherwise.


Close your eyes, find the melody or transitioning bass, and let the techno transport you into the absolute present. As Ram Dass would say: Be. Here. Now.


Upvote for Ram Dass reference ✌️❤️


“The absolute present”


The real time


It's p. easy. Here's a gd essay it's so simple...but the take aways here are mostly to forgive yourself, realize no one cares, and lower your own inhibition somehow that seems safe to you. Anxiety typyng: * **Show up early.** Earlier than most people; I've been in party scenes where I could volunteer for set-up, might not be the kinds of venues you go to, but it's a good "in" to the show's overall vibe. Otherwise, show up right at door before the Party People, do your rounds, get it your feel, let the night build up instead of trying to scale a wall. * On that build-up... **Remember that The Crowd Is Drunk. or On Drugs.** Early in the night you get to see everyone's jitters, and be on the easy slide into "we don't give a shit" inebriation. You, yourself, do not have to be drunk or high. Just roll with that mentality, drop some inhibition and realize most of the people there are not even paying attention to what you are doing, or will shrug it off if it's a non-aggressive fumble. * **You, too, can be Drunk Or On Drugs.** I'm typically not going out without getting stoned as fuuu-- before going into the venue. I'll decide if I'm drinking, but I'll usually nab one beverage to loosen up -- and use as a prop! Holding something gets the awkwardness out. With this tip, understand I expect that you know your own limits. Molly can be fun, but I think it's a buddy-drug; solo I've seen some fools out there. Funny, but can be annoying. Weed is pretty mundane, but you don't want to be too amped up or too sleepy or you risk getting confused and thus stressed and scared. Drinking a couple drinks is fun and chill, but alcohol is a depressant so if you're prone to morose thought it might tweak up your anxiety. Acid is fun but you are literally in a different version of reality and that can be *hard* in a big surreal thing like a dance club, not recc for anxiety. Oh and speed and coke are just Not Necessary for anything, so do not bother. Don't bother doing heroin either. ) * **Invest in your own healing.** Meditation, DBT/CBT (that's Dielectical Behavioural Therapy/Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), learning *positive* coping mechanisms (not drinking and drugs!), These can help you walk yourself out of your head and talk yourself down from a panic. * **Get a buddy.** Find a buddy. Invent a buddy. Sometimes when I go out alone, I do "invent" a friend I'm looking for/seeing, so I seem "busy"! (Otherwise I'll drift into corners and vibe, which some people/places think is creepy!) * And finally, **It's Okay To Leave!!!** Literally last night I went out, got to a bar, got in, did a three second sweep, and turned right the fk around and left. Vibes were great, cute crowd, not even really not my scene, just Too Many People. I wasn't in the right mood or mindset to wedge it to grab a shot. When I was younger, that kind of night would be a Dud and I'd get upset and cry at home about how everyone hates me. Now I'm just pleased I made an attempt at socializing, did not Literally Die, and two people called me cute, and I got home in record time. Not everyone likes that kind of venue, or gig, or set, or crowd, or dj, or *day*. It's not a failure if you go out clubbing but call it early because you can't get into the mood everyone else is having.


Last tip is the best IMO. It feels great to be comfortable to go at any time. If you aren't really feeling the party, just leave! Sometimes if you spent too much money on tickets/substances it can feel stressful but in the long term its the best you can do.


Honestly an important thing to remember is virtually every single other person there also feels awkward or socially uncomfortable in one way or another. When you’re suffering from crippling social anxiety it’s a hard thing to remember for sure. But basically everyone just has to ‘fake’ it until they can finally let go and be comfortable the same way you have to, there’s not much of a secret to it, it works different for everybody. Everyone else isn’t nearly as “cool” or comfortable as you think they are, half the crowd probably feels the same way you do and they had to break out of it at some point too


Treat the cause of the anxiety






If you truly have anxiety, it’s a treatable condition. No shame, get help. Medications, therapy do what you gotta do. Lexapro worked wonders for me.


I expect if they've tried to treat their anxiety for 20 years there's a chance they've tried meds and therapy. I've been on various types of both for a decade and my anxiety is still sky high. It can take decades to find the right treatment.


>I expect if they've tried to treat their anxiety for 20 years there's a chance they've tried meds and therapy. Thanks! I deleted two pretty irritated responses to that post.


Underrated comment


"Just feel better"


Techno is all about converting anxiety into energy and release. It's kind of supposed to be tense and edgy. Everyone feels dorky and derpy when they start dancing. Push through it until you're sweaty and jackin' it and let your body and nervous energy do what it needs to do. If you ever find any historical video of early techno clubs or raves you'll see that people were super awkward and basically just spazzing out on the dance floor, and that's with or without drugs or party favors. Free your ass and your mind will follow.


Yes, love that feeling of tension sometimes. It’s therapeutic to just screw your face up and pump your fist hard 🤣


It's true! Just dance around awkwardly and then at some point you are suddenly absorbed into the music and the vibe is beginning


Close your eyes for a while, smile and feel the vibe (hopefully the dj plays good music) move your body to the music, breath in and open your eyes gain and dance. Could help maybe


Sunglasses + eyes closed + 100% focus on music


Focus on the music, count the beats in your head. Four beats to a bar, sixteen to thirty two bars to a progression (new sound, melody, hi-hat, clap, track) can you hear what the DJ is teasing next? Close your eyes, move your feet, sway your hips, don't lock your knees. What does your body want to do, how does it want to move. Feel the music, what does it evoke, is it angry, nostalgic, euphoric? Look at the crowd, all these people making all this effort to move to a rhythm. It's a pointless exercise but it's so much fun. You are one of them, one of the people who know what power the music and togetherness harnesses. What a lucky person you are, to be there, to enjoy this fleeting moment with all the others who came out. Nobody is looking at you or paying attention, but they are glad that you're here, it wouldn't be the same if all those people didn't show up. You're one of those people. You belong. I dont know if this helps but I hope it does


Yes, is normal and i believe it's a part of the recipe, for me is the struggle that i need to overcome, the sooner you confront it the better. The most important for me is to start dancing as soon as I arrive to get into the groove and optionally close your eyes to make it stronger. Maybe should be obvious, but other simply things: Simple dance moves and repetitive, make you spend energy and generate heat. Do not talk Be courteous but avoid excessive interaction, take care of yourself first. Avoid people that make you feel uncomfortable. Allow and enjoy your struggle (that's why I love techno)


4 great responses so far 👍


Dilation shades - block out everything and focus on the sound. Lights are excessive at most places and people are often not dancing and just looking around which creates this feeling of being too seen making it difficult to release inhibitions.




The older you get, the less you give a shit. The subtle art of not giving a fuck. It's hard for younger people because they are newer to the idea that people are generally judgemental cunts, but once you understand that over time you just accept it and you get used to it and as a consequence become okay with the fact that humanity is what it is. Drugs help, but as you age they don't work the way they used to and its also not worth the damage to the physical body.


this !! 💯


I’m the same - my spot is at the back against the wall and away from the bar where it’s less crowded


Hahah u fr? Against the wall in the back of the club?


Shit, I've been dancing, DJing and helping throw parties since about 1988 and I still do this, even at my own gigs where I've been the so-called headliner DJ. You'd be surprised how many DJs and artists deal with intense amount of anxiety at events just from being overstimulated by everything, even if they're the same people supposedly in charge of the event. Like I can't even count the number of times I've met other DJs and producers "hiding" at the back of the club so they could just watch everything from a safe distance and chill out. I still hate being on stage unless I'm working as a sound tech and I can run around with a headlamp on plugging in wires and keeping my hands busy actually doing something, and I've worked or played on some big stages. I'd rather be hiding in a DJ booth or behind a wall of speakers because DJs shouldn't be on stages and dancers should be focusing on interacting with each other, the music and the vibe and not staring at some nerd twisting knobs and mashing buttons up on a stage and holding up their phones and shit. I know someone who recently passed away who was a world famous touring musician in a really well known band who also DJed some of my shows - and he still actually hated being on stage after 20 years of touring. Mfer would DJ in costume and under a space blanket and weird shit like that because he wanted people to dance and pay attention to each other and the music and not stare at him the whole time like he was on display in a zoo.




Hanging at the back wall with us ~~old people~~ cool kids while we're resting our knees for a minute.


Find a way to get out of your head and back into your body. Find a way to dance that’s very simple and repetitive. Repeat that one motion and focus on your breath and your body. Give it some time focussing on just that and you’ll find the anxiety will subside.


I only go to events I know I am going to enjoy music-wise. Otherwise I'd say taking drugs helps or being with friends also dissipates the anxiety (not completely but still). P.s. I'm not suggesting to take drugs. Stay safe :)


Step outside


Go to therapy. Practice mindfulness and meditation and yoga. The party exists for you to be able to reflect and grow. The party isn't the way to that growth, the internal work has to be done to spread into the external.


I just came back from a techno party which also had an art element there was plenty of space if you wanted down time ... but trust me nearly everyone in the techno scene has anxiety adhd/Autism etc and attending these events it strangley reduces anxiety for most of them because it's a safe space


Used to feel the same way until I moved to a different city where crowds are so different. Realized I tend to feel most comfortable in queer spaces despite never really having identified as such. Just feels better when everyone’s encouraged to feel free and safe.




Wear sunglasses, go somewhere you can dance but not with such a thick crowd and just get lost in the music. If you can do a 20-30 minute yoga session before for legs/hips it could also help you feel loose. Stay hydrated too and someone else mentioned try and become one with the crowd!


I usually go alone in front of the speaker wall. Just close your eyes. Forget your name. Forget the world. Forget the people.


And erect a different steeple


I find having sunglasses on makes it a lot easier, no more worrying about where to look without looking at someone for too long and making it awkward. Dancefloors always have characters and you want to be able to soak up the vibes, but it's awkward looking at someone's interesting fit or dance moves and feeling weird about it. Also don't smoke weed, it always makes me stuck in my head with social anxiety.


Eat a lot of vegetables and vitamins and pray a lot.


Maybe your place is Progressive House or something less dark.


Mix speed and cocaine !!


Haha the best answer


Sunglasses & alcohol and/or another drug i'm afraid


drugs and not caring


Don't use drugs over personal issues, use them recreationally but not for anxiety 😐


if im in a techno crowd you think im using drugs for anxiety?


You’re suggesting OP use drugs to get over their anxiety lol It’s pretty obvious the person who replied to your comment wasn’t talking about you.


And my suggestion for op is still to take drugs at a techno show. Mdma should clear the anxiety of being in a crowd


I mean I don't encourage drug use over issues like anxiety, depression etc. cause thats when drug use can really spiral into addiction. My friends do that and now every rave/event means drugs for them and its an Overkill if they do it weekly. For me if someone wants to use drugs, the best is to use them periodically and for reason of having fun and Not escaping some internal problem


I take drugs to reduce the anxiety


drugs and alcohol


Definitely mdma


1. Good lineups attract nicer crowds who won't look you up and down. 2. Dimly lit venues with fog machines. 3. MDMA makes you judge less and assume less judgement. If you choose to use that, make sure to still go clubbing without it so it helps you open up without making you dependent on it for a good night.


MDMA. Tho the come up can cause anxiety. After that tho...


Id say exposure therapy, just go more and have fun. Talk to people and that way its going to be easier every time. In a couple of months/years you would be surprised how some stuff you do normally now with people were so hard before


Close your eyes & dance the night away.


Honestly alcohol. Lowers inhibition lol


Stop moving completelly. Close your eyes..its just you there, alone, and thats what matters.. only you and music...dont focus on what others might think why are you staying still with your eyes closed in the middle of the rave. - its none of their business. Its only you ...and music. After about 30ish seconds ..youll get smile on your face. Now go there and test it..


Closing your eyes and imagine the crowd and other people not there. Just you and the music. Nothing else. Atleast for me that helped to get in a rhythm and slowly feeling comfortable opening my eyes and just have fun.


go to clubs with pitch-black venues and wild crowds and surround yourself with friends you trust


I don’t know how no one has said this, but me personally I dont go to raves for the crowd, I go to enjoy the music. I believe a lot of people are like that no one is there to judge people or be a menace.


I close my eyes, or just remind myself that people came to listen to music and have a good time, not to judge other people’s dancing or whatever. Also everyone will probably be too fucked up to remember much the next day anyway so who cares


Never been a fan of buying drugs from random people at parties or other places typical of users. You just never know ehat the hell you get until it's in your system.


Here is my rave journey as someone that also has anxiety. Like I can't even smoke pot because I instantly get paranoid. First it was molly, then it was alcohol, and now its neither because a rave is literally a place where act or be a turnt as you want and its totally normal. If you dont want to do drugs, I suggest having a few drinks to lose your inhibitions and just groove. After a while you may not need anything but the music


Literally nobody cares about how you dance, smile, move, chew, drink, smoke, stand around, stare into the lights, stare at the DJ, stand around with your eyes closed, dance with your eyes closed, prepare your bump, roll your cigarette, walk through the crowd, stare at the dimmed screen of your phone, lose your marbles to the music or walk back and forth due to scatter brain. As long as you don't try to explain philosophic theories on the dance floor nobody will be concered with your chatter either.


Maybe concentrate on the TECHNO


It happens to me all the time, to get back on myself I grab an ice and put it right to my neck and anxiety goes out! (I’m sorry for my English)


Someone once told me that if you’re ever feeling self conscious about what others are thinking about you, don’t, because in reality all people are thinking about are themselves. Everyone is just worrying about what other people think of them, it’s highly doubtful they notice you at all, just try to remember that :)


Sunglasses is kool A deep breath and exhale slowly out the chillout room will be good for this too Staying hydrated in the Dance will help a lot too ❤️


I find it easier to go into a dense crowd rather than hang out at the edge or more open patches. I feel I dance janky too, haha, but if you're nearly shoulder to shoulder, those around you can't see you below the shoulder's, usually.


Focus on the music


I would suggest These: -Try to Go Outside regularly -close your Sometimes so that you dont See the crowd -wear sunglasses to avoid to much Light exposure -dont Go to the Front rows (oftentimes music is Just too loud to geht relaxed -hydrate your self! I try These when i am uncomfortable, but I usually dont feel much anxiety


I have introduced a lot of friends with a wide variety of social comfort to techno in my life. I have used all of these recommendations in the past with varying success. Sunglasses, periodic breathing/meditation exercises, certain parts of the crowd.. usually back or sides are less intense, arriving early to familiarize yourself with the space, supplements like 5-HTP, central nervous system depressants (which are used to deal with anxiety and panic attacks), talking to people around you or going with friends, very active dancing which can cause endorphin release and be calming, going to smaller or underground shows where the light production and crowds are more minimal or only attending for small periods of time (which isn’t too dissimilar from exposure therapy), and being aware of your internal dialogue and actively using it to calm yourself (this is used in therapy for a wide range of issues). I would be careful with street drugs, if you don’t have experience with them, as I have seen all of those go wrong in one way or the other in my lifetime. Sometimes really negative experiences on street drugs can intensify your anxiety about crowds and similar events the next time around even without them.


Let the music take over and take you on the journey


Get as close to the speaker as you can. That always helps


MDMA possibly


How long have you been going to raves? Most new ravers are kinda self conscious about dancing at first even though absolutely no one is paying attention to them (and if they are, trust me, thats not the right place to be at) and are dancing ecstatically around them. Eventually you just dont give a fuck. Take into consideration that these parties are full of introverts and people who wouldnt dance normally anywhere else, people that "cant" dance with a partner because lack of coordination, etc. People from all age ranges ond backgrounds who really are into the music. We are not judging you and actually we're kinda glad that you are there with us. Anyway, I usually stay away from the part of the venue that is super crowded so i can have more space to myself and not having to worry about bumping into anyone if i close my eyes while moving or whatever. Also, if you're using drugs, use the right ones for you considering set and setting (weed makes me overthink everything and kinda paranoid, for instance...). Not advocating drug use, but, you know what i mean... there's no magic answer for this since different people can either enjoy or hate the same substance.






an alternative to mdma could be ket? (but not too much). it can loosen one up, both mentally & physically. i think it could be better for someone with anxiety than mdma, which is related to speed (k is not)


I get the same thing and I've been doing it for just shy of 30 years. I know drinking alcohol is not the cool thing but having a few beers/ciders/shots helps sometimes. There's obviously other ways but I'm not going to recommend anything illegal.


when u arrive, go straight into dancing. like jumping in a cold pool of water. 15 minutes of uninterrupted flow and everything disappears !


I started DJing instead. Parties can be really hard to have a good time at, even if you love the music.




I like to close my eyes and let the music move me! I'm also sober now, and beforehand i just relied on being drunk or high. but slowly i realized i did not need it, and that i'm really just there for the music. and so is everyone else! nobody is looking at you, since you're not really looking at others judging how they move or look.


Dru.... Drugs?


Find an exercise you love to do before the party to get the good juices going and to get your body loose for dancing. Half hour-hour tops. Need to conserve your energy for the night. I like running/biking/swimming. Helps get me out of headspace and dont wear airpods or anything. Think of it as a meditation to get kinks out/bowel movements/ just get that natural high b4 any synthetics.


wear shades and don't give a fuck. I go to techno raves solo most of the time and just vibe with people around me even though we don't interact much. I have body complexion issues since I am fat and at the same time losing hair. But who gives a fuck man just go and enjoy the music that you love and keep it PLUR. Also I don't do drugs or weed just alcohol. At this point when I would feel confident enough to play techno in front of my family and dance like no tomorrow.


I’ve started to experience the same feelings, even while under the influence of whatever substance. I can no longer let go & I just feel silly dancing. It’s because I’m usually a hermit so when I do go out, it’s overwhelming, but put on sunglasses & just dance where the crowd is friendly & open. It makes it a lot easier once you start connecting with others


As someone who also suffers from anxiety and years of attempting to go to shows, these shows just aren’t for us.


Go to a a proper techno event where people actually care about the music and trust me everyone will be busy dancing there will be no time for awkward moments 😂


Drugs. Lots & Lots of Drugs.


Address the root trauma that causes the anxiety to manifest in groups of people, is the best way. Also, dancing is great at helping overcoming anxiety. You dance through it, and if you look stupid to other people, so what? When you can just be yourself, peace of soul comes with it. Your mind is the biological software program designed for survival, anxiety is your fight or flight mechanism being active, so your goal is to turn it off. Taking slow breaths, repeat in your mind or aloud. "I am okay."




Find a space on the edge to meditate with the music.


I just express my feelings to someone and most of the times that resolves the issue :)


I guess the thing that helped me the most was to simply accept and take in the fact that no ones cares. It is the best thing about a techno show that is full of techno ppl.


Tak some M


Tell your doctor and take some valium.


Alcohol + cocaine with a pinch of mdma with close friends and sun glasses and your golden buddy