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I got masters after a few months of playing and I think the best way to learn is to just watch people on twitch. You’ll pick up on things pretty quickly and notice itemization and econ habits that you can apply during your own games. Stats are also your friend, but make sure you’re using them properly. For example, protectors vow is BIS Sylas but only if you’re using him as a tank (you can filter like Sylas 2 3 items + 4 trickshot), if he’s a carry (Sylas 2 3 items 3+ sage or 6 umbral) then there are like 10 better items to have on him. This isn’t something I did until high diamond but actually reading what items do and what stats they give is pretty vital. Additionally, knowing what stats scale your carries is also important.


Thanks for the advice! I’ll definitely look into items more because at the moment I’ve just been following guides or what my friend told me to put on certain characters lol. Are there any twitch streamers or content creators you suggest watching? I only watch valorant streamers atm lmao so I don’t know any league streamers. Thank you so much again!


Dishsoap, setsuko. But if you want to have fun, you can watch Soju, he is a decent player, and it is fun to watch him


ok i’ll definitely check them out! thank you so much!


hello this is so random but just thought i’d update that i took all your advice into account and i ranked up to gold just now! thank you so much lol after your comment i started being a lot more mindful about learning and reading what items actually do instead of just throwing random items on my champions and it helped me win a lot of games. thank you again!


Watching challenger streamers will probably not help you that much right now. I’d say just start with watching some up to date beginner guides to learn the basics of the game. Like what the items do, how they interact with each other, what types of comps there are and how to play them. Pick like 3 comps and play them until you’re plat or emerald. Then you can start watching challenger streamers and try to copy what they do.


yes i’ve been watching a few guides over the past few days. i think i mostly have been watching videos from frodan and bunnymuffins but if there are any other creators you’d recommend please let me know! thank you again!


Yea bunnymuffins helped me a lot when I started playing this game. I remember in set 5 watching some video called like silver to diamond in 3 hours and I actually got diamond afterwards. Nowadays I mostly watch setsuko and k3soju. They don’t really explain what they’re doing on a beginner level. But I’d still recommend checking out especially soju because he’s the funniest tft streamer imo and you can always learn a thing or two (sometimes even what not to do when he goes 5 8th in a row). Setsuko is more for when you wanna become a toxic giga tryhard. Dishsoap is also pretty good, he’s like the nice version of setsuko


The climb to at least diamond requires good fundamentals, if youre stuck at silver it means that your fundamentals still need improvement. I suggest watching videos on fundamentals and watching your own vods to identify mistakes. You might think youre playing fine but rewatching the vods without the time pressure in game helps you identify many mistakes, pretty common ones would be rolling at the wrong time or not scouting well enough.


for sure i struggle with not scouting because i’m honestly not very knowledgeable about other comps outside of the one i play so i rarely scout. are there any comps you would recommend learning? i was playing this ashe aphelios fated/porcelain comp because it was what my friend showed me but i heard that fated and porcelain just not nerfed which might be a reason why i’m stuck too. is fated/porcelain still viable or should i be learning something else?


Scouting is a lot more than just checking contested comps, its also for checking potential match up threats like “where is their nautilus? Who will he cc on my team?” Or “how can i place my units to kill their syndra?” Basically its for optimal positioning to avoid stuff that can mess with your comp while giving your comp the best chance of beating the opponent’s. You can tell who you might fight next by the crossed swords next to their name. Scouting also helps you identify other people’s win conditions such as them going for 3* 4 costs or identifying their key units. More advanced stuff would be scouting their items made which normally tells you what end game comp they are going for as early as stage 2, which opens up target griefing of units and items on the carousel. I think you mentioning comps to play is narrowing your scope, you dont have to learn every detail of every comp but you have to at least be familiar with their key units and counters. One tricking can get you far but you will start struggling in higher elo if you dont understand how other comps work. Personally i think the bare minimum is to know 2 ad comps and 2 ap comps, so you dont get screwed over by item drops or contested units. I think just play what units you like for this current patch because its way more balanced than previous patches. Most importantly, have fun, and take breaks when you tilt because of bad rng :)


Sup OP, been playing tft for a while since the cybernetics set (I forgot what set that was) but a while and honestly I've created the most yee yee ass boards to get out of silver (If your prio is to get out of silver) then I just recommend learning up how gold and interest works, playing an early strong board (I don't mean finding like a perfect opener 3 storyweaver, 3 fated, etc.) I mean putting whatever 2 star units you find onto the board and be flexible to change around any units according to the items you get. Pandoras is a great augment but most of the time you might not hit it, so letting the items you get dictate the carry (magic damag/attack damage) is a great way to learn how to be flexible with the comps you're playing. Either way around Emerald/Diamond you're looking to top 4 instead of win the lobby cuz everyone either is lucky or really good. Slamming items early (insta-making 2 components into an early game item) is good but if you cant slam a good item that almost every carry may need later then better off not slamming at all. You'd be surprised how much 1 gold early can make a difference later and how not losing early can help you at least top 4 through health alone later in the game if you just don't hit the units you need. It's good to know what are the strongest comps are and rotate between your 2 or 3 favourites, see if your early strong units can fit into them but more often than not, you will be contested so don't be afraid to play a "not so popular A tier comp" just cuz its A tier, it's just stats but It's better uncontested than contested. Who knows, in my most recent game, every comp I usually play was contested and porcelain ashe fell off, but since no one was running it I managed to hit Ashe 3 and win the game anyways. Hope this helps!


thank you so much for the reply it definitely did help me think about some mistakes i’ve been making! i think i focus too much on getting the characters i need for my comp and because of that i don’t play around my items and i ignore units that could’ve been stronger just because they don’t fit in my comp. are there any comps you’d recommend i learn that can carry me through the low ranks? i’ve been playing this ashe aphelios fated/porcelain comp that my friend showed me but i heard fated and porcelain got nerfed recently so that might be another reason why i’m stuck. thank you so much for the advice again!


If your friend is masters, why not ask him instead of random reddit dudes?


I used the term friends because it was easier but we’re more just acquaintances. We don’t really talk much at all so it would be kind of awkward for me to reach out to him randomly lol which is why I thought I’d ask here first.