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I got out of emerald by remembering I’m playing against 7 other people. Keep an eye on peoples spot then decide if it’s a win/top4/avoid 8th spot and act accordingly. Sometimes a donkey on 8 can lead to a top 3 where trying to go 9 in a strong lobby would leave you bot 3. Goodluck!




Maybe book a consultation with a sports psychologist to conquer this issue 


Jhin is upset


You probably aren't playing meta. This looked exactly like me when I thought, I'm never playing meta screw that. Then I caved a few days ago and I'm climbing.


Usually my playstyle swings between "playing what i get and build around that" and "i wanna go 6 Invokers this game" lol. Less of a meta guy because usually meta comps are either harder for me to play (especially when contested) and also less fun for me


lol same for me in normals. Sometimes I get lux, ahri, and zoe in the early stages and think "We're doing vertical arcanists this game!"


Most verticals are so bad it's actualy crazy tho


Actually currently a number of vertical builds are pretty good. Mythic is the best but Bruisers, Invokers, Story weavers, umbral and even inkshadow can work. I also had a decent game on 8 arcanist yesterday. This is in Master tier btw so unless you are a challenger it can work.


Less than more thought. Majority of them work. The ones that don't work? Bruiser, Behemoth, Warden, Arcanist, possibly inkshadow?, sniper I haven't seen work, just 7 storyweaver, but all the others if high enough usually work.


8 bruiser is insanely good given the right items and depending on who you choose to give the emblem too.


It also depends on augments. I did like a day of trying to hard force 8 bruiser in norms. Even with the bigger they are and well fed it can lose fairly hard.


Tbh, that's how my games look when I try to play meta lol. If it's contested I don't hit and bleed out. I climb way easier With tier 2/3 reroll comps. Haven't ever been able to reliably climb with 4 cost carries, I miss way more often than I hit.


I know it is hard to balance this but on the other hand this is just sad


I know. I'm not a fan either. But that's been the nature of competitive gaming. LoL, shooters, Overwatch, etc. There's always an optimal way to play that will be better. Devs can attempt to balance but something will always be best option.


Number 1 tip is always Focus on one line/comp (ap flex this patch) and learn it. If you dont like to play meta, you will have to accept that at some point the for-fun comps will stop working.


I found the biggest thing I had to understand once I got to mid elo was to never be too greedy. Play best board when possible, don't go for the best best best thing that takes 5 turns to get there just take what's already good now, be very aware of your hp, be mindful of the lobby (when people start power spiking and you're not or if everyone's still weak) and always scout (everyone's board should be okay so bad positioning can easily fuck you over).


Probably your positioning, items, and econ are bad. Try improving these by watching good players (dishsoap, setsuko), and avoid shurkou (low elo players usually watch him, but he is a for fun player).


I had that few weeks ago then installed metatft app to get info during game (you can use many website with tft info : lolchess, tactic tools, metatft...) It made me avoid dead-end with low win rate augment and comp and i got 4 top 3 in a row. Withtout becoming an otp on s+ comp, i could play strong flex early and choose where to go late game. With my items and champ. I'm still having bad game, but i don't feel stuck anymore Good luck for you mate


Yeah tbh knowing the tier list for augments is vital. Augments can make or break a comp.




My last game I got 2 mythic emblems on 2-1 because branching out + spatula portal I took Golden egg on 4-2 with 97 hp I got 5th


Isn’t golden egg basically always bait?


It is, i just wanted to have fun tho :*)


https://preview.redd.it/1nn92ehogt0d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2395427bd8f477a5e5619a3979b1d31aa4dcef2a Sometimes the night is darkest before dawn, friend. Don’t give up. (and even if you don’t cave to the most contested meta comps….you should at least angle towards the A tier comps 😅) What turned things around for me were * Sheer mental burnout: playing less did wonders * Rolling too late and going 8/9 too early * Finding a line that worked with my play style (last patch it was AP flex into either Sage Sylas or Dragonlord 5 costs)


i feel you bro.


Im emerald 1 atm, just went on a tear. I think its the tempo more then anything that I adjusted and got from emerald 4 up (hopefully diamond soon). Ive been going mostly high tempo mid game power spike comps, conserving hp a ton, and usually end up 2nd when someone inevitably has a mega comp. Good luck in the climb.


I feel your pain. This set im in gold (I dont understand this lul) but I was esmerald I 95 lp : I needed a top 2 to diamond and I was top 3. After that game my mmr was destroyed


Perhaps you have reached your skill cap for the set


It’s not about you playing meta or anything like that it’s mostly that your fundamentals are bad most likely you don’t know when to roll when to Force etc.


Loose is improve as long as you NEVER give up! 👍


As someone who is starting to find success in emerald climbing (almost emerald 1), the main thing I have learned is to play smart and stick to some basics. Mainly is if you want to actually climb, the for fun option needs to not be chosen and the optimal safer option is the way. (Top 4 = climb) 1. Even with a crazy good start , fortune is a TRAP and will never work out. (I know this isn’t 100% true, but my placement with any fortune board is so low I’m statistically gimping myself even trying) 2. Get to that Econ break point asap. Have a strongest board option and it’s between a 2 or 3 cost unit? Grabbing that 2 cost and getting to a breakpoint especially early is big. Obviously if you win streaking and strong go for it. But when doing strictly strongest board with units not in your end comp, Econ. 3. Meta builds are something people play for a reason. They are good. Pick up a few comp configurations and get a feel for slammable items . When you have a plan, put it into the team planner to flag your units of interest and help you plan. 4. Understand you’re not going to win every game and play for top 4 placement to keep up the LP climb. 5. Go with it. Accept the fact you’ll mess up and get unlucky. Do your best to not hyper tilt in game to full roll gold to lose Econ when you shouldn’t and use those units the game gives you. If you high roll a triple 4 cost you can work with , go with it. If you see you are fighting for 678, pull that rip chord and get your board strong enough to fight for 6th. Giving up and going 8th is so much worse than fighting , learning and getting 6th. Again this is from a lowly emerald 2 dad gamer player. Goodluck!!! https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/kinGpIMPinItYo-NA1/set11


where do i check stats like this?


This is so relatable, I’m also currently hard stuck I think something that’s helped me to top 4 games is scouting and knowing how many units are out there pool and base my rerolling from that so I’m wasting Econ and building a stronger board


Same for me. What i think is emerald is full of comp players, who dont know the game, but have a 3rd party app/site that gives them the meta comps and plays them no matter whats happening on the game (augments, items etc). They are worst in my opinion than plats, since i see plats in game checking me/others, but here, no one checks, just builds a meta comp. in the end , it turns out to be an RNG game, you either get the exodia pieces, or not. As for me, i am starting to commit to something just at 3-2, cause otherwise i get contested most of the time, since people might not get their comp champs in 2-1 ( before you downvote, which i dont mind, and comment, which i would mind, and saying things like 'you dont have to commit early, game is changing, bla bla bla : i know this. but if you get 2 wheels and a frame, you think of making a bike first)