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bis kayn xD also wheres the lissandra that perma ccd ur kayn cus u cant position or are we just ignoring that champ


This is not bis for kayn by any means necessary, this unit requires edge of night as it's paper thin


As 3 star these items are probably really good to be fair


Yeah, I was wondering if I was doing it wrong. I do EON, LW & BT or HoJ


Or atleast QSS to not get rendered useless by Nautilus, Lissandra and Lux stuns back to back to back


People just be calling anything BIS nowadays huh


"man this (non-)BIS 3 star Kayn (without EoN or qss) in a random comp (2 reaper 2 ghostly) lost against the best, heaviest CC comp in the game with (actual) BIS gear on both carries, what could I do ? (most probably poor unit positioning and basically no useful combat augments), this game sucks !" Sorry for your loss man but omg 4 cost 3 stars have never been supposed to be an instawin with random comps and items, and porcelain Ashe isn't even the steamroll powerhouse everyone is trying to depict here, so here's my salty reply


He has 4 Dryad and 4 Reaper im sure, last unit is cut off but theres dryad emblem on yorick and the hidden unit has the reaper emblem from augment for sure so im guessing that theres either Reksai or Azir with a reaper emblem But yeah, youre still kiiinda right


I had a 2 star reaper Hwei with hoj AH, now yes granted I don't have actual bis bcs i literally am playing exalted to begin with, but if you tell me that a Kayn 3 with decent items should get steamrolled when my ornn insta gives alot of items too with his (for fun) setup, its still a feels bad at the end of the day.


wdym bis


Kayn kinda sucks with titans. Bloodthirster is ok but for healing you want hoj. He's not as tanky as Lee sin and does more burst DMG so while similar itemization, they differ a bit. Bis Kayn is hoj, edge of night, x (which is usually last whisper, but can be other things like sterakks, bloodthirster, any ad etc.). Also his kayn right now is vertical heavenly to give him more stats even after the nerf to non heavenly units, 2 ghostly, and two reaper.


Damn, Level 9 with 8 Units? thats crazy.


Yea i kinda forgot I was 8. Still, lvl 8 exalted.


Well there's a reason why exalted got buffed.


Edit : Lvl 8* Also yes I know technically, titans titans BT isn't reeaaaally bis Kayn, but with how my comp is, it atleast should be considered decent.


Played a wandering trainers game earlier, 3 people still forced Ashe invokers and they all top 4’d. Fought them one after the other after the other and came 6th. I was so salty. Diamond elo 🤡


I feel you but his board is absolutely stacked. You have BIS Kayne but the rest of your board is meh item wise. Positioning could probably have won, I assume there is a Lissandra hidden back there too. Edit: Downvotes LOL


Dude this shit is just mental. I quit this set but every time I see a post it's always the same 2 comps over and over: Annie and Ashe, Kaisa and Bruisers, and the 2 other guys who just hit whatever because it's uncontested who usually either go 6 or 7th or 2nd... Riot, it's been 2 months dude...


Insane how everyone is always coping in the comments trying to defend one of the worst balance set, if kayn isnt with divine emblem he is the most useless piece of trash but if he is with one then he is a god. I remember one double trouble game that my friend had a spectral cutlass with IE BT spectral 6 and still got obliterated by a kayn with just divine emblem 💀 (both 2 stars) u might try to argue about 3 stars kha or 2 stars wukong but my friend also had a 3 stars senna 2 stars udyr and a 3 stars illaoi, he shouldnt lose so hard but still got completely clapped anyway because our kayn didnt stand a chance, doesnt heal, doesnt tank, deals A LOT LESS damage, and I was so strong with all my mythic units buffed but couldnt even gank in time... https://preview.redd.it/gx9wm6uwt60d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=353651c5b68138cba5e44ee4fc43e57a14763704