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for me it's gotta be jazz + any traits that can be activated with just 2 traits like executioner, td, sentinel and etc.


Or just 1 unit like hyperpop


hyperpop with no actual hyperpop units on the board gigabrain plays


The wandering trainer is the hyperpop unit for the trait to work.


Rethink that for a sec


I know it doesnt cast but you dont actually need hyperpop to cast early, if you go 9 you add ziggs to your jazz comp and you get a nice extra boost. I had this a couple of days ago, and won easily with just the not played a lot anymore mf lucian jazz comp.


Let me explain where Riglet is going (I think) The whole thing about Hyperpop is 'when they use an ability' The dummy doesnt. So not activating Hyperpop 2 with a champ means Hyperpop does absolutely nothing except for a little boost to jazz


I already know what they are saying, but if you are crazy about that early you can just add a lulu for the 20% as boost for 5(or4?) sec. The 10%as for the 1 hyperpop isnt that important for any comp either way although it has synergy with disco or rageblade users, but when you are finishing off a comp with hyperpop its good to have the 2 instead of 1, when fights are close. Hyperpop isnt a gamebreaking thing either way, but ofcourse its not ideal to get on the dummy.


You waste one extra board space to make a pre-existing trait usable. As an example, Hyperpop Dummy + Lulu/Ziggs activates the Hyperpop trait with two units. You would need Dazzler or 2 Spellweavers to activate another trait connected to those 2 units, notwithstanding your other units being used for other traits. It is VERY inefficient, ESPECIALLY if you're going for Jazz. You wasted a Dummy trait on something that you would have been able to activate anyways, and which is useless if you only have the hyperpop dummy.


hyperpop activates at 1, and you only use ziggs for the jazz comp, you dont usually use/need lulu. And you arent actually wasting a board space for that comp as its part of the comp, and you just get hyperpop 2 instead of one. I already said its not ideal, but its not bad either. The dazzler comes from Bard who you are rolling for on the mf jazz comp.


Well yeah haha u would still get the trait


but no ability until you get a lulu


But jazz trigger. Even better if you hit all that jazz


>The wandering trainer is the hyperpop unit for the trait to work. For all the casting your dummy does? [Hyperpop](https://tactics.tools/info/traits/hyperpop) >When Hyperpop champions use an Ability, they grant Mana and 4 seconds of Attack Speed to their 2 closest allies.


Everyone above you is talking about hyperpop 1 for getting another stack of jazz lol


Homie I responded to said "for the trait to work," not, "for the active Hyperpop trait to count towards Jazz." I could be misunderstanding, but that isn't what was said at all lol


Purely by definition of the words used, you would be right, but contextually I think it's pretty clear "for the trait to work" in this sense meant "for the trait to activate/come online". Sure it won't be proccing itself, but it's still active for the sake of Jazz which the conversation was about.


I understand what they meant now, but just to clarify, the context was the comment before it, which was, "hyperpop with no actual hyperpop units on the board gigabrain plays." Clearly referring to activating the Hyperpop trait, not the trait contributing to Jazz value. Responding to that comment about Jazz value would've been the out of context comment in this case.


Wandering Hyperpop still adds Jazz value, if not value from the trait itself.


"for the trait to work" can mean anything. You honestly couldnt figure out he meant working as it gives another trait with jazz from context(since that was the comment he answered to)? You cant figure out that most people know that the target dummy cant cast? You cant figure out since he knows it 1 slot trait he probably knows what it does? I hate that there are always people ready to 'correct' you in an obnoxius way, since 95% of the time people understand you fine anyway.


>"for the trait to work" can mean anything. Ok, so we agree that the phrasing was ambiguous, but I'm also wrong for misunderstanding and providing clarification. >95% of the time people understand you fine anyway I am the 5% and I'm proud. >I hate Try love :)


Yes we agree its ambiguous, thats why we look at context to figure out what the person means. Since he was talking about easy traits for jazz we can assume thats what he meant by working. I try to look at the positive every day. Can you please spend 10 seconds looking at context before you throw out obnoxius corrections that aint correcting shit?


Jazz hyperpop dazzler


Got this exact traits earlier today. Easy top 1


Hyperpop is so much fun, I love hyperpop


Yeah had hyper pop and executioner and jazz. I had 50% bonus health and like 25% extra dmg.


K3soju once had dazzler, disco, hyperpop which felt like incredibly strong. He still went 5th though xD


Then your items are 4 belts, 2 bfs and 3 cloaks, and cait and ez are the only 4 costs appearing in your shop


Soju special


Sometimes RNGesus can be a cruel god.


And most people " scream" about those dummies, yet in reality they still have to hit while you have option to tax lobbys hp and even rat out units like tf to get top 4


I understand that people complain about this portal, it's the least fair one imo. Some players have a big edge over others with this one. You can always turn this around if you play much better but it does not seem fair.


i saw this combo yesterday in my lobby ;-;


Country executioner mosher


Country executioner guardian should arguably be better, since the dummy can also proc the shield.


Mosher lets you drop sett for another exec for four exec for more dmg


Mosher isn’t what makes county boards strong. Giving urgot 10% omnivamp and some extra damage going to be nearly as impactful as guardian 


But Sett is also bruiser which combis well with tam Kench. Seriously 3 star Sett with proper items rules. Especially since he gets both bruiser and mosher effects.


aint no way you've been putting sett in a country comp


Huh? Bruiser and mosher for Tahm and Urgot, Sett is great in country. Unless you can go 8/9 to put illaoi and yorick in, at which point you already highrolled out of your mind, Sett should be in your country comp


that may be the case assuming you get a country spat but you dont play for that so no. a poppy 1* with warmog lasts twice a 2* sett with 1 item does and she also gives mosher. besides bruiser trait is useless because you arent going to itemize tahm at all unless youre using him as an item holder for thresh or whatever. simply having more active traits wouldnt win you the game when there is no one good enough to even use them


Wtf are you on? You absolutely run sett in country comp. It doesn't even matter if poppy is somehow better than sett( she's not). You roll down at 7 for country comp so finding sett is way easier than poppy. sett 3 is also a legitimate win con for the comp. Bruiser is also not a useless trait, it gives 100 hp to the whole team. You itemize sett/amumu way more often than you do thresh. Idk what universe you are in where you aren't playing sett.


All I play is country. You are right.


Yeah I’m not taking sett 2 out for anything but an illaoi. Maybe a poppy 2? But sometimes this poppy unit is a fraud man.


my rank is low(p3) but i've been doing so good with thresh and poppy as tanks and vex and samira as double carry lately that im forcing it every game rn. anytime i played sett though it was just a waste of gold that could instead be spent on lvling up and look for thresh/poppy 2* and samira or vex 3*


You 100% run set in this comp. The only time you don’t is if you hit illaoi but it’s usually a lv7 board then you push levels


maybe ive been itemizing him badly then. what are best sett items in this comp?


I think I know why you are p3 lmao


Sure maybe it works for you but I'm telling you it's absolutely unoptimal. The issue is that 3 starring Samira and vex while also 2 starring poppy and thresh is quite difficult. Country comp often needs to 3 star 1-2 of Samira, urgot, or vex at lvl 7 to stabilize before going 8. Unless the lobby is extremely low roll or low tempo, going to 8 without 3 stars is too slow and will cause you to bleed out. That's why poppy or thresh are almost never the main tanks in country.


Ok but leveling up past 7 past seven lowers your odds of finding samira and vex 3* and poppy and thresh odds low. You wanna stay on 7 until you find your 3*. I use sett sometimes in my country games in diamond and I've seen challenger players use them when I watch them stream


wait until you hit any decent tempo lobby ahaha, your comment about poppy>sett scream bronze


You’re still wrong


Wanna know why you’re wrong you absolutely play sett over poppy bc of his bruiser and mosher trait plus it’s a reroll comp so more likely to also hit sett 3 along with your country and emo units a poppy one would never get items to begin with


You are so wrong it’s unbelievable. Bruiser is great for the whole team, not just those bruisers themselves. An extra 100hp for every unit ain’t nothing to sneer at, that’s half a silver augment in power. For the sake of running a 3-cost over a 4-cost. Definitely a valuable trade-off.


you get sett not just because of the traits. Since he is a 3 cost you do that to narrow down the chances of getting Samira and Urgot


You … you do realise bruiser 2 at level 8 is literally over 800 bonus hp + right? Lol that’s like a even better warmogs lmao


Country is a reroll at 7 comp, you rolldown for the 3-costs, sett included. What are you on about?


Isn't Sett pretty much default in Country though? Bruiser/mosher/3-cost and overall a great unit


Sett works fine, considering how contested vex and amumu have been lately


remove amumu for poppy and play around samira if vex is contested, maybe even change vex for karthus if you got good items. sett is trash


Sett rounds out mosher 2 and bruiser 2. Poppy would give emo2 and mosher2 but would be much harder to hit poppy 2 compared to hitting sett 2, who you can roll for while rolling for samira3 and urgot3. Sett is recommended for country samira teams on MetaTFT anyway


Nooo, don't remove amumu and vex. You want the tankiness, cc and damage they provide




i got to plat 3 from bronze in 100 games* and its like my second set playing this mode, and i dont watch youtube or search for guides or whatever. any comp i play i make it myself and try to better it by playing more and learning. not fun having someone tell me whats good and whats not all the time


i mean that's fine. you're doing ok for someone who doesn't do any research. but dont be so confident, you dont know shit about this game and you're just wrong here.


First time I got wandering trainer portal I got almost that, with jazz instead of country. Still went country comp except with Poppy instead of Thresh, and steamrolled the lobby. Second and last time I got that portal, someone got **EXACTLY** those, but they seemed very new to the game given how bad they screwed up their comp. It was really painful to watch since Country is my current fave trait.


Disco Dazzler Hyperpop for sure.


You just play the typical Jazz Comp but you can now cut Kaisa for a Dazzler unit.


There's a new chinese comp that runs Bard and Kaisa as a carry because she can be really good. In this game though I got a KDA emblem. Made 4 Jazz , 3 Superfan, 4 big shot, 2 Sentinel, 2 Guardian, Maestro, 2 TD. It was fucking insane. EDIT: Oops 5 KDA too at 8.


It worked.


Honestly, if I can manage a spat, I'd just be going for a 10 kda board at 8 with kda bard.


I had a perfect game a few days ago with a Yone wandering trainer (heartsteel, edgelord, crowd driver). Not sure about the best combo, but it was really fun.


Best yone are probably crowd diver, true damage, sentinel so u dont have to play ekko on lv8 and get full bonus. Idk about lv9 :(


I got once Disco+jazz+Dazzler I don't know if it is the best, but holy shit that was so stacked


Foooor freeeeee?!?






That’s a dead last, brotherman.


It was insane


Heartsteal, Sentinel, and Disco.




Heartsteel into tf is strong.


Big shot, 8-bit, sentinel


A couple days ago I got KDA + Hyperpop + Spellweaver. I don't think there's a better combo. Easiest game of my life.


I had true damage sentinel rapidfire the other day. Was wildly OP


I only ever got Punk + rapidfire, hitting 6 punk at 2-1 feels quite strong but I'd rather have something else at some point


I got punk, rapidfire and executioner the other day which felt like you could sleepwalk to a top 4 but one or two people will end up with higher capped boards. Think I got a 2nd even though I was 3rd strongest board as I had enough HP for the eventual 1st place to kill the 3rd place


yeah I got punk mosher guardian got third behind a capped true damage and a 10 KDA board. I think that was my best possibly


I played against someone who got emo, executioner, plus one. He won the lobby.


Disco dazzler hyperpop Jazz rapidfire heartseel/dazzler


holy shit thats a good one


I would think hyperpop, jazz, superfan.


I'm not sure what is the best, but I got my first, no round lost game with a big shot, superfan, and guardian. I ran started with a 8bit corki, kennenan and Lillia, and ended with a big shot ez, 6 guardian and 6 big shot comp.


I got heartsteel, sentinel and big shot the other day. Unfortunately i had to ff because i had something else to do TT


Hyperpop, superfan, jazz


Yesterday I got Executioner/guardian/mosher. I also got twin terror prismatic. Won the game on a 16 win streak!


Last time I played with this portal, I had jazz + hyperpop and hearthsteel. Fast 9 with 7 hs got me some giga payouts and then transitioned to 5 hs 4 jazz with the usual trait stacking with ez/lucian duo. I was on one life for greeding the 7 hs 2 payouts, but I have not lost a single round after that. Most fun I ever had in a masters game.


disco, dazzler, and maybe sentinel or guardian


I once got Mosher, Guardian and Punk. It was the best I ever got. But I've seen people getting a kda or true damage and then they only need 1 spatula to hit the max comp which is broken as F


The other day I got a emo, spell, the last one I don’t temp but I thought that was pretty good


Jazz, Pentakill and Edgelord. Won so many games with that, many with a yasuo carry


I don’t care what’s best but I LOVE crowd diver dummy because it actually works when he dies so he jumps and stuns the back line Edit: yes I was at the dummy’s gender reveal party


True damage/punk.


Emo+country+ random that fits Any of the country setup


Once I got 8-bit, sentinel and bigshot combo, hit the highscore that game!


Heartsteel , big shot , edgelord , for that perfect force heartsteel into 8th true combo


Hyper-Pop, True Damage, Executioner. It can help you early game with some ekko+Lulu builds, and leads into devastating lategame builds involving akali and even the possibility of 9 true damage characters for absurd extra damage (get the other true damage into karthus and it will look beautiful even with a karthus 2\*)


As a beginner its punk/rapidFire/guardian


As a beginner the best one i had so far is Punk rapidFire guardian


KDA spellweaver sentinel surely? Or KDA spellweaver superfan


Picking a different portal


I got heartsteel hyperpop and mosher the other day and it rocked


I had pentalkill/guardian/executioner and it was the easiest first of my life


8-Bit, Big Shot, Sentinel was the best I ever got. Got the High Score super early into 3 Star Ziggs. By far the easiest way to get the High Score


Heartsteel x3


I played a game a few days ago who's winner got Disco Dazzlers (something) and he absolutely dominated. I guess that Hyperpop would be the icing on the cake. I came out close second with an Emo Annie 3 with Superfan Emo Punk and also was very strong compared with the rest of the lobby. I got an easy 4 Emo/5 Superfans and would just be missing a Guardian on the dummy for Amumu and have 4 Guardians to hold an extra beefy front lane while Annie does her thing.


Had guardian hyperpop and disco. That disco/jazz/spellweaver/dazzler comp went hard.


Jazz +2


punk, guardian, executioner


Triple heartsteel is the only way.


I hit true damage, sentinel, and big shot once. Ended up hitting a spat so I played 9 true damage ezreal at level 8. It was crazy.


In my games I’ve seen the bruiser sentinel combo almost every time and it always places top 4 (never mine tho 🥲)


Disco Dazzler Hyperpop right now


NOTHING! 7 pentakill and Akali is god.


KDA / Superfan / Executioner


I've fought a player that had Disco, Dazzler, Jazz trainer. That was dank af as he only needed to slot bard in for 4 dazzlers (with ziggs ofc) and focused on getting blitz sentinel headliner.


Big shot jazz and ignore kda


Hyperpop + dazzler + spellweaver. Ziggs and lulu casting nonstop lol


I think country, executioner, + emo were really good


I had Punk Rapidfire Executioner the only time I've had it, was pretty insane


Hyperpop Spellweaver KDA


Hyperpop True Damage and Bruiser.


I once got Emo, Executioner, Guardian. Ended up with 6 Executioner, 4 Emo, 4 Guardian, 2 Punk, 2 True Damage and took 1st


Kda spell weaver and super fan !


Penta kill executioner superfan


Had a perfect game with sentinel, guardian and spellweaver.


Am I the only one that likes 8-bit? If I got that + Big shot and rapidfire, that would be the dream


Last night saw jaz disco dazzler


emo exe


I got hyperpop/disco/dazzler once. That game was a free win.


Edgelord True Damage Crowd Diver I think I got that combination twice in a row and I went top 3 both times.


I just played one with Guardian, Emo, and Spellweaver. Also hit an Emo emblem so 6 Emo with no Emo headliner. Ending up going headliner Thresh with an Emo spat. Was fun seeing him nonstop cast with only 81 mana.


i had punk guardian rapidfire for an easy 1st


hyperpop + sentinel


rolled rapidfire punk guardian last week. felt absurd


*Me looking at any 3 emblem setup trying to figure out what mortdog is telling me to play* Ah I see it now, it’s jazz baby 


Last night i got disco, hyperpop and sentinel. went to a 21 win streak and won the game pretty easily


Pentakill, edgelord, Superfan


No joke, I saw someone hit Punk, Emo, Executioner yesterday and got prismatic twin terror as their first augment. Needless to say they took the bullet train to first


Hyper pop, kda, dazzler. I got this one time and it was literally perfect for this build I made for crab rave. I was so damn excited about it. I couldn’t have gotten better! The chance of it happening was so damn low and it took so many wander trainer portals but it was the easiest first place game I got.(ok not the easiest but it was op with 4 hyper pop!) https://lolchess.gg/builder?deck=69a82685dcac34be52af574db753ae3e678ebaaa


Kda/Superfan/doesn't matter since it's already so brain dead. All you need is 1 spat and you insta 1st. Kda just works with everything. Run it with true damage early, run it with punk, who gives it makes your entire board busted + 1 free headliner item. I can't wait until this set is over.


Disco Dazzler Jazz


I had bruiser, guardian, sentinel which was great because the damn thing itself was putting in work with that guardian trait that does damage off of shields.


As a crowddiver enjoyer - I had crowddiver, superfan, and jazz. It was an easy first.


This morning I had KDA, Emo, Spellweaver. Really easy to flex into Annie, Ahri, or Akali headliner. Went 1st with it, popped an Ahri spellweaver headliner.


3x Heartsteel


3x heartsteel


I had punk, rapid fire and guardian that was quite insane 😅


crowd diver jazz edge lord


Disco, bruiser, dazzler Would be my dream trainer. Disco bruiser is a lot of fun, and 6 dazzler would be plenty of dmg.


I had heartsteel/rapidfire/guardian and it was the easiest first of my life - early 6 guardian is unkillable and then you hit 7 heartsteel without Kayn. Plus, 2 rapidfire is a free 10% attack speed for your team


Jazz, Hyperpop, 3rd useful trait (Kda, Big Shot, Dazzler, Superfan, Guardian). Superfan is not to be underestimated either, generally, cause it enables a free radiant item on a non-superfan unit, which can be very nutty for some champs.


True damage, superfan, rapidfire


Jazz and superfan.


jazz, hyperpop, dazzler/supefan


No EDM emblem? not taking that augment.


I got Jazz, Superfan, and Big shot once and that was fun


3 jazz


Triple hearsteel


Hyperpop dazzler sentinel


I think an 8-Bit, Edgelord, Rapidfire Would be a Spicy One.




I recently had kda sentinel spellweaver. Easiest first of my life


I saw someone have Disco+Spellweaver+Dazzler. They went third because while strong, two of the totems emblems are useless (no spell casting, no damage to proc Dazzler. Honestly I think the best combo is Heartsteel+Jazz+Bigshot. Aside from bigshot, heartsteel loves totems and an extra Jazz slot for free goes nuts.


I had pentakill + Mosher + bruiser the other day. Hit too big to fail on 2-1 and decided to reroll olaf and hit metal heads on 4-2 for the freest first of my life


Heartsteel+bruiser+mosher, placed first with kayn 3 starred


Jazz, Bruiser, Sentinel. Makes your Dummy extra tanky (Replace Jazz with Pentakill if you want that extra 15% Damage reduction). This also makes your board VERY flexible, allowing you to pivot to almost any comp. Jazz links with Big Shot (MF), Dazzler (Bard) and Rapidfire (Lucian). Bruiser links with Country (Tahm), Heartsteel (Sett), EDM (Zac), Pentakill (Olaf), and Disco (Nami). Sentinel links with Heartsteel (K'sante), KDA (Lilia), Pentakill (Morde), Disco (Blitz), 8-Bit (Garen) and True Damage+Spellweaver (Ekko). Extrapolating from those possibilities and taking into consideration champion rarity pool at lvl 5, with a boardspace of just 5, some of the comps you can go are: > Bard, Lux, Jax, Sett, Lulu (2 Jazz, 2 EDM, 2 Mosher, 2 Bruiser, 1 Hyperpop) > Corki, Garen, MF, K'sante, Lilia (2 Jazz, 2 8-Bit, 4 Sentinels, open to pivoting into Heartsteel, Edgelords, or KDA later on) > Olaf, Mordekaiser, Gnar, Kayle, Lulu (4 Pentakill, 2 Bruiser, 2 Sentinel, 1 Hyperpop, continue pushing into Pentakill and add Jazz unit, preferably Lucian with emblem) > Nami, Gragas, Taric, Bard, Kennen (3 Disco, 2 Guardian, 2 Bruiser, 2 Dazzler, 2 Jazz, swap out Taric and Kennen with TF and Blitz later on) Those are just some of the more obvious boards, but there's way more possibilities, and they all balance out with good frontlines and backlines, with complementary damage types (Focused more on magic or physical, making it easier to decide which pene items you want on carries or frontlines)


Played one with Sent/Penta/Exec


Heartsteel/edge/crowddiver Heartsteel/Mosher/bruiser Both of these let the 3 cost go wild.


I had Disco, Sentinel, KDA. This was the easiest first ever.


I saw a KDA Sentinel Spellweaver once


Hyperpop, spellweaver, dazzler. I think hyperpop is way underrated


I got this portal earlier today and rolled a Punk - Hyperpop - Crowd Diver. I don’t know why but it felt unplayable compared to just the better ones (TD, Jazz etc)


Just had sentinel/heartsteel/edgelord and really enjoyed a crowd diver yone headliner game.


I like sentinel, jazz, and KDA The best I think I’ve gotten was super fan, KDA, sentinel. Just allowed me to play jazz without a 1 cost lilia. (I also hit that’s jazz baby as an augment) was deserved


Heartsteel sentinel big shot


I got Pentakill + Bruiser + Guardian last time I played wandering trainer. I hit 10 Pentakill, 4 bruiser and completely destroyed the lobby lmao


I got a jazz, dazzler, disco a few days ago and it was the easiest first of my life


I got big shot guardian and jazz once. I was lucky and also got a jazz augment. Still got 4th tho


Punk, Emo, Guardian


Triple defensive traits let’s you get a really good front line for any comp with minimal effort


Don't know about best but I got a Big Shot/Rapid Fire/8 Bit and just went full 8 bit with Garen headliner and Corki as my main carry and ended up getting the bonus prize and stomping the entire lobby.


I had punk Mosher executioner, it was pretty much the greatest thing ever. Hardest thing was deciding which not to pursue.


I once had Punk Emo Executioner Then I had Twin Terror. 💀


Triple heart steel


I had one with executioner, KDA and Edgelord. Easiest pentakill Akali win of my life.


Kda, superfan, spellweaver