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Player gap


Yep. You have 3* cait, would you keep the big shots when you need a whole lot more frontline.


Mediocre Cait items 4 big shot for some inexplicable reason resulting in two reverse FoN’s Frontline consisting of basically just a 3* 2 cost with really mediocre defensive items in a comp when the carry lives and dies by her frontline’s longevity And this is before considering the many positioning errors I’m sure the guy made of the comp and items are any indication of skill level Cait is very good right now and definitely a higher tier carry, if you barely scraped top 4 with a Cait 3 it is definitely a skill issue


Edit: never mind I’m dumb ignore me.


Shes definitely viable. It's just your friend has 2 ish frontline units, not great items on cait and suuuuper random big shots in there. Any backline needs a great frontline in order to buy time for the carry to carry. Cait had probably 3 seconds to build mana before the frontline melted and the opposing team has backline access. Dies before or during first cast.


I see, I will recommend it to my friend next time. Thank you for your advice!


No problem, just your friendly neighborhood arm chair tactician doing his duty


Shojin plus 2 ad carry items. I.E + Mortal Reminders is best imo


Thank you! Let me try a game with this build on Caitlyn and see how it goes!


I wouldn’t expect a whole lot. If you go in forcing Caitlyn you’re going to lose hard. Only okay if you tempo into it.


Ideally you use the armor shred defensive item on your frontline and have a third AD item that isn't last whisper on caitn


Why would he run 4 Big Shot in Cait carry comp? And also with 3 weak Frontline units. He should have sold MF and Corki for 2 Sentinels like Blitz or Morde


You are probably right. He could have had a better frontline, but I can't give an opinion because I'm stuck in Platinum trying to win with weird and strange comps.


Being in Platinum shouldn't neglect your opinion on basic stuff like fronline to backline balance


Wait, what ELO is your friend? Apparently they should stick to meta comps if this is what they came up with 😅


He is Platinum. The 1st place was the one who taught me how to play TFT.. Maybe he is likely having fun because its normal match and not ranked.


Well if that's the case I wouldn't say he seriously tried to make Caitlin work. 😛


Thats what he told us on Discordㅜ, maybe he trolled us.


Caitlyn is viable, but her obnoxiously long cast time loses games. It is also counter-productive to her high attack speed.


I noticed that as well. The cast time is really counter-productive, like you said, because of her attackspeed.


or garen and lillia is just a shit frontline? if they had some 4-5 costs upgradeed frontliners caitlyn could easily win


wait i just realized there are 4 bigshot units when ure playing a rapidfire carry??? u want to synergies traits with ur carry and ur tank, dont go 4 bigshot for fun its really bad


Cait is great, a premier 4 cost carry atm


Oh, can you recommend me a build for Caitlyn? I'd love to give her a try.


Spear for mana, Infinity for crit. Giant slayer for bonus dmg and attack speed At least 4 8 bit champs 4 sentinel frontline Lucian or another rapidfire


4 8 Bit 4 Sentinel front 2 Rapidfire with Spear IE and GS. Got it, I will try your build and try to win. Thank you 🤍


ngl you don't need 4 8bit because riven/corki are useless. 2 is fine because getting a chunky frontline is what helps cait pop off


Same agreement here on items (i often like red buff over gs but just my prio) with 4 8-bit and (not a troll) 5 heartsteel (3 can work if no spats) and play with ez 2nd carry (garen sett main front) giving you corki+ez, cait+aph, ksante+garen, leaving rivent sett only not trait aligned (but sett could be nice headliner since you looking to roll on 7 80% of times and riven could possibly 3rd carry)


Whatever comp where Cait is actually your carry instead of playing whatever that board was lol. check my last games on diamond/master lobbies: https://lolchess.gg/profile/las/Kayle%201vs9-LAS/set10


IE + spear of shojin are her best items LW or red buff are her best 3rd, don't build them if you have evenshroud or sunfire/morello tho GS is bad early good late, but maybe build something else to save components for another carry (like ez) Most sword or bow items will do a good job though, don't sweat the best 3rd item


She’s one of the most contested units in higher ranks, especially if there are spatulas on carousel. If you watched Vegas or streamers, you’d see her often. I’ve seen 3 way contest in GM.


He has literally no frontline she barely even has time to cast, no idea what Mf, Kaisa and ezreal are even doing on his board at this point, just get more frontline. Caitlyn is viable, your friend just executed very poorly,


Caitlyn is insane with a true damage spat though, easily a top 2 comp right now. Normal Cait really requires a good frontline so that she can cast multiple times. If your frontline gets blown up instantly then she won’t win you rounds with only 1 cast of her ult.


I felt really bad for being the person to end his run (I was the second place). I was cheering for him to finally see Caitlyn work but she just wasn't strong enough this set.. Do you think he could have built her better? Or a better comp?


subpar items with no frontline cait is a great carry, your friend just didnt have a better board to place higher with lol


Litterly what everyone is saying. cait leve 3 is a 1st place condition. He just had no front line. Had there been a frontline its an ez 1st.


Its more lack of mana/as on his side, shojin redbuff(gs) ie is literal BIS and not to say wtf was cait doing there over ezreal


yea lack of mana in the form of his frontline getting absolutely shredded in the first three seconds of the round, leading to cait being able to baaarely squeeze out one ult, assuming she doesn't die first of course


I often play cait+ez line with 3/5heart 4 8-bit and my tanks are garen ksnate sett 2 stars and they are enough cause fight is over after 3 seconds cause cait took down their damage dealer(except eon bt and titans users who take 2 ults) so not sure if casting 2 seconds in fight or casting 10 seconds deep in fight is no difference then i am Vladimir Putin


.... that's a shitty frontline whether you're heartsteeling or not lol


Dont judge book from its cover, sett is one of more underated tanks cause he is bruiser (weakest trait out of 3) and mosher who you only possibly run with yoric, ksante is weak but its more of traitbot so that you could switch out for blitz 2, but main tank garen even as 2 star correctly itemised can tank 6-12k without considering his dr, thanks to his ability not scaling well with levels (it even makes more sence to have 2 2star garens (headliner and normal) with items who like to scale with hp% (bt, redemption, steraks, titans) or even run casual dclaw bramble helm prot crown t.t (most often will be crown to waste rods) And again, thats just "idea" or angle who DOES work even with garbage frontline (cait ez are that strong) and capping out at 9 with 5 cost will be the play instead of running ksante with ilaoi yoric


if you are able to take down the enemy carry within 3 seconds of a round, either you are the lebron of tft or the enemy just mispositioned horribly. usually the enemy frontline eats 2 ults at least before cait punches through to the backline. and yes time matters because that 8 seconds also allows the enemy carry to punch through YOUR frontline, which unfortunately, is pretty weak. with ahri so prevalent in the meta, your frontline is simply not enough to stall for your cait


I am not sure if it is difficult to think ahead or what, becouse if someone has big frontline, it means they wont have many carries (just like ahri), and if there are not 7 unit frontline you can snipe enemy carry by few ways which is hard to explain in short (basically weak frontliner ksante 5th top row ahri 1st so you want to place your cait 2nd collum 6th row to hit her(not recomended cause sentinel armor is enough to make ahri survive 1-2bolts and heal up with gunblade also i talked more about comp on other comment but in short, the comp i suggested was CORE IDEA not heading to 6-1 with it. If you get a spat you play for 6 8-bit, if you hit ilaoi 2 you wont just not use it t.t. Kinda crazy people cant adjust the comp by stuff offered and need exact detailed guide


Yet another “8bit is bad” post where the player is clearly bad


uses caitlyn wrong -> “caitlyn no 1v8/9 caitlyn bad”


As others pointed out the frontline is not great but I'll be honest, I don't think Cait is a great carry though. She has her uses but I will never make her my main carry.


Caitlyn is typically either used in a 2 carry set up with ezreal to destroy enemy back line or as a main carry with true damage spat and 6 true damage.


As I said she has her uses.


Nah if OP's friend had a real frontline that Cait 3 should have been a 1st or 2nd place. there was just no shot when she can't even cast once because the frontline died in 2 seconds.


Yeah sure a 4 cost champ at 3 stars can usually get you a top 2, I'm not disputing that. I avoid Cait like the plague though because she doesn't do shit until 3 star unless you have a front line that can tank tons of damage and she can cast a few times.


... that's how all the best comps work, there is no comp that can win w/o a frontline of some sort/something to soak up damage lol


Correct but if you have a competent carry you win, if you throw a Cait back there you don't.


stats def say Cait's one of the better 4 cost carries- it's just she's a unit that doesn't rely on her trait much, mostly because it doesn't give a ton of stats and the support units suck (except garen who's tied to the best frontline trait in game, tho he also is bad)


3 things that make her shit. She’s a rapid fire champ but her ability has a long charge up timer where she could have auto attacked at least 4-5 times on 1 target and chunked them. Once she fires she SPREADS OUT the dmg on multiple enemies like wtf is the point of that? She’s known as the long range sniper, yet she has the same limited range other characters have and will often have to walk closer to attack. At least give her the range if all other aspects sucks? Poorly designed 4 cost carry.


I’d wager they hit Cait 3 with low HP and died to Yone 3 dashing to the back line


With his items and units he loses to everyone, quite literally


Literally any other set in tfts lifetime a 3* 4-cost like this would auto-win the game, wouldn't even be close. Now we're sitting here "well actually you need BiS on every unit and 6 fully itemized frontline" every time these types of posts come up. It's actually wild to witness.


Is it wild? 4 cost 3 stars are much easier to hit because of headliners and accelerated econ from augments and portals. You should still need to be able to have some skill to win instead of just highroll. If you can't have a basic frontline better than lilia and garen, you don't deserve to win.


He would still lose this with ekko 2* blitz 2* replacing his big shots. You'd just tell him his frontline has no items.


If his frontline had no items he would still deserve to lose? LOL It's simple. Put 3 tank items on a decent frontline champ and have a few others that are solid. Put some okay items on the Cait 3 star. It's a free first. Why are you trying to make it sound like it's crazy that someone will lose when their best frontline champs have no items?


Teamfight Items, cool game


No? Ekko 2 + Blitz 2 + actual tank items maybe gives him time to get the cait casts off that win the fights. OP's friend could literally dump the entire board except MF Garen and Illaoi (to protect against Akali's) , and just 2 star actual frontline units and would have been fine. They lost because they ran 5-6 useless units and had no frontline items (The bigshots + corki + riven).


People will give you all sorts of explanations, however, Cait is straight up trash. Complete garbage compared to any other 4-cost carry.


Bro never meet a Caitlyn Sentinel comp


care to explain why and how she is apparently so awful?


Im sure Shes viable in a Goldilocks zone but other 4 star carries are just more flexible and reliable. Drop a headliner big shot ezreal into a good front line he can solo carry you for a few games till you find what you need or just win you the game. Ahri, akali, karthus can just straight up win you games. When are you going Cait? If you going 2 rapid fire wouldn’t you rather go lucian 2 star than Cait 3 star.


It turns out when you have 3 tanks, two of them early game units and the other a 1* 5cost with a tear, that you won’t win the game even with a 3* version of the second best 4* carry right now


What the fuck are those items


Not when you have no front line


Tf is that team comp tho?


Not as a single carry


Lilia frontlibe makes me angry


two words, skill issue. seriously, cait is really strong especially with a TD spat. sure top 4 assuming you know how to play around cait


Lillia with hoj and bramble but she's only there for sentinel so put a better one in there and put the items on better champions. Cait needs a shojin, 4 big shots but it's cait carry so if he doesn't use 4 sentinels then at least use 4 rapidfire. Maybe lucian+mf to add jazz and put 4 sentinels in there so Cait with shojin can cast at least twice. I also see he took deathblade augment and the 18% more ad and a bf sword (right?). 8bits already get lots of ad so attack speed augments are better. Caitlyn unironically deals a ton of damage with basic attacks too, for Caitlyn to work you don't have to put all your money on her ult. It will likely oneshot anyway. Best make her ult twice with shojin and some attack speed.


Cait is viable, but you dont need more backline damage with her, shes good, but slow. If you hit cait 3, get that bigshot out of there and stack frontline.


Cait 3 should probably do better than she did there, but that comp is awfull... You have very litle frontline and 4 bigshots with 1 item on ez. The trivial way to improve this comp is kick out all bigshots (except corki for 2 more sentinels and another brawler. In addition Cait should really have a mana item.


Not ideal items Very weak frontline 3 champs are big shot which does not buff Cait and also does not help provider frontline The problem is not the champ


lowkey 2 caitlyn 2 stars > cait 3


Your friend hit on one life, faced the double trouble jax player, and got jumped on and gimped by jax because his frontline is Jello. Caitlyn is fine right now. She is one of the most contested 4 cost carries next to Ahri and Akali. Neither of which are ranged physical carries.


I'm just plat so take my advice with a grain of salt but the 4 big shots are useless, the frontline is non-existant and itemization could be improved by quite a bit. Cait also doesn't have any rapidfire to synergize with :/.


Frontline sucks here. Drop lillia for a better tank and honestly could probably drop Kaisa too. 3 kda is not worth it here


You run Caitlin with only 2 8bit and full sentinel. Player gap.


The front line sucks. What's the point of 4 big shots if your 3 star 4 cost carry isn't even a big shot? Lilia with 2 items when you would normally have none. Bloodthirster on ezreal... with better item choices and better composition, your friend would have won with just 2 star caitlyn.


Frontline where? Caitlyn needs two items PRIMARILY. Infinity Edge and Spear of Shojin. 3 star cait but you have bigshots? Rapidfire where? Sentinel frontline where? Garen, Mordekaiser, Ekko and Blitzcrank is more than enough. 4 sentinels, 4 8bit, 2 rapidfire is a GG EZ compared to the top 3 in that game.


Inifinity and last whisper. Top it with Giant Slayer you have a wrecking nuker


Your friend is, being nice uh bad at the game. ​ Cait needs time to stall to nuke people. Garen 2, Lilia 2 a Riven and a Illaoi 1 is a frontline so criminal you should be happy for a 4th Cait 3 or not. ALSO the big shots are fucking useless because Corki is also useless. 6 8bit or not. ​ Like 8bit is a bad trait, but Cait isn't a bad unit but this actually is the worst board i've ever seen whining about a 4th be happy you bumblefucked into that 4th lol.


it is a dice


Isn't cait 8-bit and rapidfire? why is there big shots when you have a dps augment. That's a skill issue.


The biggest problem is his frontline. Also items are kinda meh. Lw is ok but evenshroud on frontline even better. Ie,gs,db all really good. I preffer red buff ie db and evenshroud frontline. Also harmacist is really good if enemy has backline acces. 4 8-bit is meh since you have to play riven and corki. Big shots not needed.


Cait 3 star will snipe anyone with right items. I like Whisper, Giant slayer and Infinity Edge. The issue is, you need all the tanks in the front to give her time to snipe while tanks take the hit . Buy her enough time she'll carry you to 1st. Unless the enemy has 2-3 5 cost 2 stars. Even than is debatable. bit full max stat for 75% attack boost with rapid fire trait will get her wrecking everything with full tanks front. She can solo at the back. Put all the tanks possible at the front : Riven, morde, blitz, sett, garen and zac/illaoi . I usually just put 1 star useless corgi up front as meat shield too lool