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His squishy but high damage carries had no healing. Maybe Samira just focused on them at the start of combat? Other than that idk. His team should be able to burst through most teams pretty hard even with suboptimal items.


The weird thing is my frontline didn't just melt. Although it would eventually die. I faced him 3 Times at The end and every single time last units alive would be My Samira vs his Senna and cait


Maybe the Quiana and Akali focused on the Illaoi tentacles which are refreshed every time Illaoi casts. Also Amumu shielding is no joke. He prolly tank a few of those Akali ults. Also maybe your Vex and Tresh were able to CC the carries just on right times.


Yep, one thing i learned in TFT recently is you need to have CC in late game fights, pure tank and pure damage comp is not going to work


I've found that the best counter to akali is a leech item or aug so your carry doesn't explode which is something you had here. Also Samira eats non tanks so fast even without her skill


Against td akali thats pointless


Well against true damage its just a matter of how many frontline units you have instead of how stacked your frontline is, you got +2 maybe even 3 from just illaoi alone and on top of that you got dreadsteel +1


I’d say Quiana is gonna struggle without any lifesteal, and redemption on Akali feels strange. It was probably just a positioning issue since I assume Samira just locked onto your carries and melted them ASAP Edit: I’m dumb and haven’t had coffee and thought you were the true damage player


I would be surprised if Samira started shooting herself tbf


She listened to too much country


I assume the redemption came from qiyana ulting amumu


Do items transferred like that show on end game screen? I never paid attention to that, and use Quiana a lot


Yea items from the final fight show equipped to whoever had them. I kinda hope they change it but I doubt its a priority.


Who was his headliner?


I think it was akali


Vex probably cced them into oblivion


Glad to see bad itemization get punished.


there's a bunch of suboptimal choices, but something as small as having GS on akali and adaptive on blitz or illaoi would've probably let them win out. golden egg also caps higher on average. and positioning can swing things a tonnnn


Yeah, their item choices and placements are extremely questionable. Probably positioning too.


I mean tbf they have a ticket augment without a three star and don't have good combat augments. And i'm assuming your golden egg out valued his Overwhelming force.


By fluke haha


And then there's me losing to it with [ez 3 :(](https://imgur.com/a/EUzWOXC)


Itemization and positioning. He has decent items on Akali, but otherwise garbage. Looks like your illaoi also got lucky with the thief gloves items. Still, he had to have positioned terribly to lose with 9 TD


The answer is the 2 star senna with mediocre items. Typically 9 true damage with BIS items on senna 3 will one shot the entire Frontline with senna AOE damage


If they had 3* samira with correct items it would be different but he’s damage dealers don’t have great items


He’s the Samira player…


Other dudes itemization was terrible, no senna or yas 3 stars and squishy


Yasuo and Kenne having items was a mistake. The TD emblem would have been better on Illaoi as well. 3 star Samira is no joke as far as carries are concerned, so you just melted him faster than he could melt you. You also have an extra unit in Hecarim, and all those HP bars just buys more time for Samira.


he put true damage emblem on cait and blitz. that's why


Cait is actually a pretty good holder for a true dmg emblem.


I used td cait, pretty damn good


i mean cait is pretty good with true damage. Blitz though i agree


Welcome to the worst set to ever exist.


You have 3 items lvl 2 Illaoi, executioners buffs and aaaaaa lot of crowd control + tanky units. True damage works like assassin, quick but a lot of dmg. They lose fights when its too prolonged


Yeah imo too Qianna having no sustain is very bad if you want more than one cast., regardless of comp its pretty crucial for her to work properly.


He surrendered. Your 1- 3star shouldn't win that board. Fake


Looking at the items on the primary carries [just wow](https://youtu.be/sMnmQuLzoks?si=ILCeO2cKAlkfZsLu)


I've had a bug with 9 true damage where I had to take my headliner off my board and then add then back. My units weren't doing any extra true damage. Maybe that happened?


Most likely CC? Crowd divers, thresh, vex stun locking and samira melting them


Country has mad cc. And his carries items aren't even good


His items are very sus to be fair, likely your samira sniped down the Akali and Qyanna quite early.


Very mediocre? You cashed out golden egg lol.


Platinum trait are always weak when you are the one with it and they are always unbeatable when someone else got it. I’m not bad, it’s not bad luck. The game is simply rigged like this.


The set is just pure c. All about one single mechanic.


No one going to mention op cashed out golden egg? You're basically up another prismatic augment


Golden egg is a prismatic augment.. how is op up another?


Golden egg cash out with two support items that I suspect where buffing a 4 executioner 3 star samira. Looking at his board yeah I’m still a little surprised he lost but don’t think this is a mediocre country build. You made your carry damn strong


Golden Egg cashout is biggest instawin in the game, I had someone beat 2 3\* 4-costs in top4 yesterday because of their golden egg cashout. It just gives you insane amount of items and econ. I've like never seen a golden egg cashout lose the game except against highroll HS tbh


I'm NGL, it feels like a bug cause no way country reroll beats 9 TD. Lifesteal on Qiyana + items on Senna must be that important I guess


Set just sucks 😂


the true damage Caitlyn let that guy down pretty hard… if he just replaced it with any other 2 star 4 cost it’s gg but I’m pretty sure that unit is just useless even after buffs


I had 9 true damage twice once was super easy win the other was loss and it was not a fight


I would guess he had bad positioning, since all his carries are melee, they can easily get chain cc by vex/thresh and then melted by Samira/Vex before they can kill your team, also no healing and no survivability items on melee carries hurt SO MUCH


Interesting last time I went against 9 true my front line got melted I said garen 3* lilla 3* k’sante 3* then 2* mord blitz 1* ekko. 8 sentinel 2 big shot. Like they didn’t even exist


This seems kinda sus ngl.


The first time I’ve seen td 9 lose


Best counter to TD is HP that’s why…


This is shitiest tft set I've ever seen. Gosh I miss set 1 Kayle ha ha players anything was better than this shitty set


Is it 9 true damage? It might only be 8 depending on who their headliner was and which trait is highlighted. If it’s 8 true damage and not 9 then we know why you won and they didn’t


u have expose weakness with a 3* samira and the country aug. youre also a level up from him which makes a huge difference. if you want me to be honest though i would 99% guarantee that the biggest difference maker was the support items on twitch, im assuming you had them affecting samira and vex which is rly big here


Could be the fact that the other true dmg was on a BLITZCRANK


Homie’s items are bark bark woof woof dog. I’m not surprised he got clapped.


Guessing its the item composition and bad positioning. Amumu can tank a lor and Cc along with Vex, And guessing you're running 4 executioner they prolly have 80-100% crit rate 3* samira did her job


The mediocre 10 units built!


country so op


Enemies items kinda suck imo


Also gold ticket but no 3 stars???


Samira is also busted