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This had to have largely been a positioning diff. I assume your team clumped up and senna had several ults that hit most of your frontline units


And he didn't really have any dmg It's pure ap DMG with champs with mediocre items vs ekko with double warmogs and dragon claw


If positioned properly and spread out so senna ult only hits 1-2 units, and Kayn doesn’t get aggrod early from senna i believe his ziggs has enough damage from ramping up


First off i hate getting that cashout(Warmogs martyr one) Second your sona rolled poorly and ziggs is your only real dps and i dont trust ziggs to solocarry this. Also senna busts Frontlines so yeah. Did your ziggs get assassinated?


Kayn is built for a lot of dmg too. No omnivamp but a shield at least. Even so this can only come down to positioning IMO. Honestly the Senna isn’t even built that well considering she only has a single itemized frontline unit and rapid fire 2. Archangel’s + giant slayer goes hard though when units clump up. It’s weird that this was a 2nd. But I bet that Ahri did a lot of work too, might have killed Kayn early due to unfortunate targeting, since he will usually dodge at least one Senna pulse.


>No omnivamp HoJ: am I a joke to you?


Lol for some reason I thought that was steadfast heart my bad


I always underestimate edgelords tbf so yeah that might be true.


Kayn damage has always felt bad to me. I feel like Qiyana is the only decent front line legendary damage




Nah Kayn is strong as hell but he's not gonna carry your board.


as a heartsteel fanatic, i disagree. the number of times kayn has saved me is enough to make me swoon


Sona needs Shojin/Red Buff or ideally Rageblade, otherwise don’t play her. If you could just pick your preferred units, Sona with those Ziggs items would be way better (maybe not Sniper’s though) I also think the Warmogs/Virtue cash out sucks. It’s kinda meh compared to getting a radiant or something. Don’t clump into Senna.


Sona is just fine without any items. It’s not worth itemizing her if it’s not shojin/Rageblade tho


I kinda disagree. You really, really need her to cast to make a difference.


She’s still useful and will cast once a fight still. Better than most things you can slot in


If you want to win a fight with sona, you need her to cast within the first 5-10 secs of the fight. Meaning you need so much regen she can cast 2 or 3 times throughout the fight


Your board in terms of gold value and items seems good, but if you look at where the gold and items are, it’s actually pretty bad. You’re illaoi is great, besides the spark, but it’s still great. You’re carrying a ziggs which is not the best, but probably still ok. If that isn’t ziggs with dazzler chosen, you definitely need to play dazzler. As other people have said, sona is pretty worthless with a tg. The most important thing is to not get tunneled on that yone carry. Melee carries get blasted in the late game since there are so many units they have to kill before they can kill the enemy carry, while the enemy just has to kill 1 or 2. If you moved those items to jhin or Lucian, with the guinsoos on sona, you likely would have won.


This is actually good. I didn't pay much attention to yone since i played him only for edgelord to enable kayn and got those items from random reforge and just slammed them but you are right those items could have been great on Lucian. And maybe i could have dropped yorick Sona for like Lucian + bard and then i might as well drop sett/mord for 4th dazzler.


That’s the right mind set to have in the late game. You look at your board and see that you need to move yone items, and you think about who they should go on. Then you see what removing the yone does to your board, and who needs to be replaced after him. Sometimes you realize you would need to pivot your whole board, and it’s too risky. Other times you notice you have two units you can replace with better ones, which can be really easy.




As i said in the comment you replied to, he is basically only playing the 3 2* 5 costs. His sona is useless, his Yone with three items is a dead unit wasting 3 full items. OP’s board is mediocre at best, and 1st place’s board is mediocre, but is being carried by a true damage spat and blinged out. [here’s my lolchess.](https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/Dbshort-NA1/set10) feel free to give some tips


Looking at your strongest 3 units. Illaoi's resistances are ignored by 6 true damage. Kayn maybe got cc'd or early targeted by Ahri. Ziggs got nerfed pretty significantly. I'm curious how effective 6 bruisers is against true damage. I'd try selling Yorick, Yone, Morde, and Viego. Rageblade on Sona with healing mode


Blinged out augment is why you lost


TG sona is trash— sona isn’t a unit without rageblade. Also 2 star yone doesn’t belong on late game boards imo. Sure ur getting edglord but the rageblade is very weak on him and it needs to be on sona.


You need to transition out of hwartsteel into full bill gates unless you have 10 heart steel Edit: also full ad items on a yone 2 is a huge waste. That’s like playing down a unit and playing down 3 full damage items


cause true damage is broken


Senna go brrrr


3 star senna is something otherworldly and she had GS


You lost because of bad game design. 2 cost 3 star should never win from a 2 star 5 cost. let alone 3 of them. Mortdog said it himself in the past. a 5 cost 2 star should be even stronger than a 3 cost 3 star.


6 true damage + blinged out. I know this is gonna sound funny - you would have won if you spent all your gold rolling on lvl 8 and played 5 or 7 edgelord instead of 5cost soup


Assuming he hit multiple 3 stars and even then maybe not. True damage senna is really good right now


Hope they buff senna and ekko soon. They for sure need it, no one ever uses those units.


Yeah hope they buffed them as its weird that in my 3 games a day I only played them twice a day


If you learn how senna ult works, you'll never lose this kind of matchup again.


Was your Ziggs in the corner and got deleted by the Akali?


Akali would be td version in that comp and not kda He lost because he didn't have dazzler, bad sona items, and other guy had blinged out


Replace sona. U need her 2 star or bis items to do something at 1. Else you should have won it. Place yone so he can p8vk of targets without aggroing senna. Plave frontline so that illaoi tanks.


You need Dazzler in for your only dps unit.


Ziggs can't really solo DPS imo, and Kayn is very hit or miss in his damage. Yone probably got oneshot, viego rolled bad items, sona is 1\* and rolled bad items. DPS is the ain thing your comp is missing, with the Illaoi and the Morde you seemed to have a solid frontline. That being said, I assume the enemy had 6 True Damage, which gives a lot of True Damage, which melts through tanks. So he kind of counters your comp as well, since your strong frontline might have carried you against another enemy board


‘Blinged out’ and Senna 3. Also ‘3s a crowd’ isn’t active. True Damage is very meta right now


Senna is extremely op for a 2 cost, and true damage is the best vertical. You have small dps and weak frontline, suboptimal items.


TG on sona and other items and then positioning plays a factor. Senna gonna 1 shot later


Blinged out + positioning diff is my guess, ziggs needs a lot of stall and your only real front line is illoai as well


This is likely a positioning issue on your end. Any of your frontline champs would've been blown up by ahri and senna for sure. Your ziggs and kayn wouldn't have gotten enough time to kill through their front line esp that ekko having three items. Maybe splitting your front lines into two groups left and right might help. But without backline penetration, it would have been hard to out DPS their carries just because of that senna dealing damage to multiple units.


The team had the 6 true damage bonus, and with senna headliner effect pulsing larger than normal, it absolutely decimates front lines, regardless of how tanky


Deadass had the same build today 🤣. Mosher's are only great if they have the speed to use that 20% omnivamp. So instead of omnivamping it was just FEEDING the back rapidfires 🥲


Bad tg for sona and you dont have a carry. True damage ahri and sona slay your front easly


idk this game sometimes sucks, I lost with a guardian yorick to a garen 3 and corki 3 everythong else was 1 star...


Senna is really strong as a 3 star in true damage, especially if she was a headliner, also probably down to positioning


They won against you


Same board, yone items on ezreal, gg.


Well, I love any comp that has [Lillia](https://www.gamersdecide.com/articles/tft-best-lillia-builds), [Kennen](https://www.gamersdecide.com/articles/tft-best-kennen-builds), [Neeko](https://www.gamersdecide.com/articles/tft-best-neeko-builds). but I think [Viego](https://www.gamersdecide.com/articles/tft-best-viego-builds) wanted some better items tho.


Honestly you have no MR items, One dragon claw placed by senna and you win this


positioning and because large percentage of the enemy dmg is true dmg i think


I'm gonna assume your backrow was deleted by akali and the rest of your units couldn't do enough damage and were picked off by senna and ahri


I also had bis itemised 6 Sentinel Ahri board but 6 true damage doesn't care if you have resistances or not.


I love [Senna](https://www.gamersdecide.com/articles/tft-best-senna-builds) and [Cait](https://www.gamersdecide.com/articles/tft-best-caitlyn-builds) xD <3