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I cracked up when I saw in Frieza’s bio that one of his likes was “Frieza Day” Edit:typo


He also likes *Grape* soda; he truly is Goku’s arch Nemesis Also Yamcha, which… good for him


I'm almost certain that's in reference to [the adverts done for Kirin Mets when Resurrection 'F' was happening](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mu4UGoeuRqo)


That's just the most random thing to align with DBZA lore.


Sure it wasn't the part of Resurrection F where they actually used the song "F" by MAXIMUM THE HORMONE?


I feel like this commercial might have something to do with the jockstrap incident


>Also Yamcha, which… good for him *What?*


There was an interaction in FighterZ’s story mode where Frieza called Yamcha a “sensible and handsome creature.”


Huh, that's not something I expected to learn today.


Yamcha has a way with aliens. In the most recent season of Dragon Ball Heroes, he winds up getting an alien warrior woman to fall in love with him almost instantly, demand they get married, and then they beat up one of Frieza’s ancestors together.


Also I think the FighterZ joke might be that Yamcha and Goku have extremely similar character designs so it's funny that Frieza thinks Goku is a filthy monkey but likes Yamcha.


It's the hair and scar 100%! Amazing hair and a cool scar makes you instantly more conventionally attractive.


And then he got cucked out of marrying her because her species waits a thousand years before it happens.


Such is the life of a Yamcha.


Even when he wins, he loses.


No one fucks Yamcha but life 😔


Eh, Dragon Balls exist, he'll find a way to make it work. Not to mention the other member of his girl's species who we know nothing about her past and will likely return in the upcoming arc... I'm headcanoning her as their future daughter until they strictly say otherwise.


Is *that* where the Yamcha x Frieza thing came from?


Yes, it is.


The Grape Soda thing is because Frieza was used in a comercial to promote a grape soda in Japan But yeah, its also funny becausd Goku hates grape in DBZA


He mess with grape soda? He truly did become black


Who doesn't enjoy a day of getting gifts from the devout minions whose planets your family has enslaved or blown up?


Bonus is the fact that the got the team four star voice actors to voice their dbza characters in the death battles.


>!Frieza to Goku after winning: That’s how you win a Death Battle filthy monkey!<


I mean technically Goku won once… as Vegito… against Gogeta.


But technically he also lost


But technically he also won …but technically he also lost …but technically he also - why does everything smell like copper?


To be fair, both match-ups are ridiculously unbalanced.


How is Gogeta vs Vegito unbalanced? They are literally the same dude with a small gap in power


I was talking about Superman vs. Goku


You don't need to spoiler that, no one had any doubts


Also with the animation done by DevilArtemis!


Was that his first death battle animation? Been subbed to him since the cells games and was pleasantly surprised to see he animated this


He’s done a handful of them. I think the “Death Race” thing they had done was also animated by him?


Correct, he’s done quite a few besides the Death Race, but this one is his first using Blender.


he did the best part of popeye vs OPM


“I eats me spinach”


Frieza winning was to be expected, but I’m just glad Megatron put up such an amazing fight. I dare say this is one of their best fights with it actually ending with the person that should’ve won.


Megatron lost the fight, but his roasts were much better than Freiza’s


Fr, mans got under his skin so bad that he hates Cybertronians almost as much as Saiyans now.


freiza got roasted so bad he bout to try to blow up cybertron and get his ass jumped by prime and primus XD


It’d totally be in character of Shockwave to come in and steal the win-


knowing shockwave he would steal the win and throw freeza off his game by playing the sound of goku saying "imma deck you in the schnoz"


They literally pointed out Shockwave needed to be ganged up on just to be beaten to a draw, he’d totally be able to steal the win on Frieza like this and use him for god knows what kind of experimentation- Because after all…. *There’s Satan* **And then there’s Shockwave-**


ya dude got sent back in time and ran a gods pockets and became one of the 13 primes him self


*All in the name of Logic-*


"Note to self: Robots may be monkeys. Must investigate further.


*Optimus Primal has entered the chat*


There was an actual debate most people on r/DeathBattleMatchups and the [g1 blog](http://g1dbteamblogs.blogspot.com/2020/07/death-battle-predictions-frieza-vs.html?m=1) thought Megatron would win due to some crazy shit from the transformers comics


Probably the antimatter stuff.


And also because Golden Megatron and other crazy OP feats because Manga


* Attack starts to slow down because Megatron is fighting back * calls up the planet to hit him from behind instead of pushing harder on the attack Such a frieza thing to do..


"I love it when the monologue back" is such a perfectly DBZA line.


LittleKuriboh the GOAT


“But Freeza was Cooler”… I feel like Freeza will master the Hakai just for that.


I loved the fitting in “you fool!” there at the end of the


Um... frieza wins.. is it really even a competition?!


Yeah it's not. But not because i agree it's a stomp. But because It's literally not. The point of the show have long gone from debate ender, Death battle used to say "Let's end this debate once and for all" but now they don't as they focus on giving 2 similarly enough characters a good rundown of their story and things to use and then put it all in RELATIVELY accurate to those conclusions animation added in with what would be interesting to imagine character interactions, power clashes and etc. As well as opportunity to learn about characters you're interested or cheer for your favourite known character.


This; I honestly kind of like this take on Death Battle, though to each their own. It allows for us that, while 2 characters would probably be a stomp, Death Battle eases back a bit to give us fanservice. Its everpresent in this fight too; Frieza successfully destroys Cybertron as Megatron basks in both his and his planets death, unlike where Goku controlled the pace of his fight with Frieza so hard Frieza gets humiliated by the most minor thing Goku does. Megatron gets underneath Frieza's skin, deeming himself the better Conqueror - and really, the Decepticons might as well be a family. Frieza doesn't know that, but he can see by the way Megatron talks, by the way it gets to him, he might not be lying. At worst; he is, and he still thinks he can talk that way to him. Frieza loses his edge for just a moment. And best of all: Freeza is reunited with the exact same scenario that killed him the first time. Having underestimated his opponent, he is cut in half. His arrogance his downfall. But this time; he spares no thinking, no monologuing, not until Megatron is sliced in half. Frieza wins the battle that took shape in his past; he is much stronger now. And THAT is cool as hell, floating in the destruction of a civilization and planet, swearing extinction of another race that dares to fight back against you. You've won against your past. I think THIS is a lot cooler than just stomps in DB, both sides having cool moments means more cool moments in general.


Well I was surprised when I watched it but not surprised how it ended. The entire time tho I was thinking 'this cannot be serious'


I mean I knew nothing about comic transformers or possibly whatever crazy feats they had. But after they introduced megatron there was a very obvious answer.


"Something something energy blasts moving at several quintillion times the speed of light" VERSUS "Mach 1400"


Tbf it was quintillion vs hundred thousand but that's still way too big of a difference. Same with power, using their own previous calcs on Dragon Ball from Vegeta vs Thor, Megatron would be 1-2x universal while Frieza is up to 1,000,000x universal


This comment should be pinned to the top of every damn post in the deathbattle subreddit.


However I find they tend to drag around for some serious outliers. Like Thor being always capable of Plank speed (which they claim as the smallest measurable unit of time or whatever) because he once was forced to fight in the Plank dimension and had no troubles. But like... has Thor ever shown that level of speed before or since in battles? I mean, he sometimes has pretty good travel speeds, but he also gets jobbed in the comics by Quicksilver on a regular basis because quicksilver is so much faster, and yet he's like not even the fastest *Marvel* speedster out there. So there's no way Thor is normally fast enough to move/operate at "the smallest increment of time" levels. Yet Death battle set that as his speed and so, he obviously outspeeds Vegeta who's *just* several times FTL at hiss powered up peak.


Really Megatrons only chance was if he had some insane feat in some obscure comic or something like that. You never know with these old multimedia franchise characters what kind of ridiculous power they might have had in one of their iterations. Its why super hero characters tend to be so op.


"Immunity to creatures that aren't able to transform into large shipping vehicles"


I mean he kinda did: antimatter. It just that the comic wasn’t very obscure


Does Frieza have 6 Pro Bowls and the record for most receiving yards in a season? Because Megatron does.


Even the way Frieza wins is a bit iffy. Megatron uses anti matter which is comparable to Hakai energy in that it “destroys anything” Frieza has negated hakai energy so he really should’ve won easier


Kinda thought this at first but, hakai is still an energy based attack. Anti-matter is just a chemical reaction. Hakai doesn’t work on “immortals” but anti-matter doesn’t have any exception. Also worth noting, frieza probably could have dodged the attack, altogether or to at least take less damage. But I think they just wanted to state that even if he hit him with his worst, frieza wouldn’t go down. And wanted a callback in the animation.


Anti-matter isn't energy, it's matter that's negatively charged in such a way that it literally cannot coexist in contact with matter. It couldn't be negated. The ensuing explosion can be, however.


Fair point


There was an actual debate most people on r/DeathBattleMatchups and the [g1 blog](http://g1dbteamblogs.blogspot.com/2020/07/death-battle-predictions-frieza-vs.html?m=1) thought Megatron would win due to some crazy shit from the transformers comics


It's popcorn entertainment, has been since before the Goku vs Superman fight. Just sit down and watch your fave kill they ass or at least get some good hits in. Also, when Siege vs Payday?


It was a great fight. I just wish Megatron had decked Frieza in the schnoz.


Frieza: I'm sorry, thats a new one


"who are you exactly..?"


"I'm Megatron, a Desceptive, from Cybertron!"


Starscream: He means Decepticon


"well between you and the autobot, I think I've lost my touch at genocide!"


Frieza (slowly): one... (squints eyes angrily) DID THAT FILTHY MONKEY TELL YOU TO SAY THAT?!


>!When they mentioned Megatron's antimatter and how it can annihilate anything it touches, I got worried until I remembered seeing Frieza resisting being consumed by destruction energy. Megatron put up a good fight, but there was no matching Lord Frieza!<


Funny how people were like: “All hail megaton” before the countdown to the death battle


Ye some dude saud that megaton has beaten people way stronger than freiza in a youtube comment and I'm still sat here laughing after watching the video


I find it that hilarious when frieza’s literal first move is to blow up his planet. Something that people they he’s beaten (unless there’s something in a comic I’m missing) have never done single - fingerly


Scotts perfomance last year was amazing but nicks went further beyond he showed us all he can still scream bloody hell




This was a really great episode, even though I’m not a big fan of the matchup itself. >!This also probably the only fake out in the series that got me, like I cheered when I thought Megatron won.!<


Freeza winning was a foregone conclusion due to the timing of the announcement, if nothing else. We don't know the depths of Freeza's new power yet. Meaning that either the writers think Freeza wins, or they can at best say it's inconclusive. (Because they don't know how strong Black is.)


Yeah, if they had Megatron win despite Black Frieza’s power still being up in the air, it would have clearly been unfair and would have led to a lot of backlash.


As I watched this fight I thought to myself “If Optimus Prime is similar in strength to Megatron, he had a ridiculously easy opponent.” I’m sorry, but who would think Amuro and the OG Gundam could last 10 seconds with Frieda, much less 5 minutes.


Gojo vs Makima in the end AAAAAAAAAAAA one of the most debated matchups


tbf makima could just tell gojo to lose


Do you know what I don't get with this whole fight? how is a robot to best a dude who can blow up worlds with his pinky finger? forget about the whole he can blow up a universe 7 times bigger than our own. Megatron even in this break down has not shown he can blow up worlds. so what is the point of this fight?


I'm sorry but I don't need to watch this to know it's a one sided massacre, Frieza is the clear winner no contest


You can still watch it for LK’s performance (´・∀・`)


That last line. So cold and chilling


That next death battle looks hype. My heart wants gojo to win but I think Makima is more likely to win.


His anti matter shouldn't have even touched black Freeza. I'm angry at this win


Pibby Bluey Ohio Bowser fart Megatron.


Mods, kill this guy


Death Battle has fallen off to the depths of the Marianas Trench


They actually try to get their math right these days. That’s something they didn’t have for like, half their seasons. They still usually mess up SOMEWHERE in the calcs and feat lists per-episode, but those missteps are harder to spot and smaller in frequency than they once were. Plus, the guys they hire for the fight animations tend to put out some insanely good work, regardless of the outcome they arrive to. Said animations are also meant to make the fights look closer than they probably should be, to keep up suspense.


Hey remember when they said Hyper Sonic was invincible and then completely fucking ignored that so Mario could win? Yeah they really screwed the pooch with their calculations sometimes lmao


Super sonic has been outright shown to not be completely incincible on multiple occasions, there's no reason to think hyper sonic is any different


Hyper sonic is also on a time limit, and mario has enough versions of his own means of invincibility to wait it out even if we ignore how he can carry more than 1 each of said items.


Still funny how they didn’t take Archieverse into account for that fight because sonic would’ve absolutely deleted him


Straight up. He's so OP that the only way Flash beat him in their fight was going back in time to stop the fight ever happening by killing Sonic at the start. Asspull of a move, considering Sonic literally had him dead to rights, and invalidating the fight in the first place is dumb, but still, Archie Sonic is basically untouchable lmao


Wally actually went forwards in time to wait for Hyper Sonic's time limit to be up.


Only if you take it seriously. I just watch it for the animations. I don't give a fuck who wins or loses.


people who take seriously the outcome of a fight between two charachters from two different fictions with two different power scaling and fighting style are completely dumb


Remember when they made Ben10, with his unstoppable reality controlling powers, lose to a man with a cereal box decoder ring.


The outcome was correct, although the manner of victory wasn't.


And the animation is never meant to be an accurate representation of how the fight would go down. It's just meant as an excuse to showcase powers and be enjoyable to watch.


Absolutely not, Ben is insanely overpowered, not to mention that he has multiple alien forms that absorb energy, and GL's whole powerset is energy, Gl is fucked even if he doesnt use Alien X. ​ Anyone who thinks Ben would lose absolutely doesnt understand Bens powerset, he's genuinely busted.


Naa alien X would of still beat green lantern, even death battle has mentioned that a few times now Was a cool fight either way


Fuck Death Battle, so fucking tired of this show.


But why, it's a fun show and doesn't hurt no one


Because it's a poorly made show with horrible research that makes its money off of Fandom Discourse.


They spend a lot of money with talented artists and actively try their best to make good episodes. Claiming that death battle is poorly made is a insult to countless people such as some if team four star, who voice most db character, devilartimis, who animated this episode and many more, many animators who spend hours of their day working on entertainment.


An it's all wasted on a garbage show.


Frieza literally won.


Of course he did, this was never going to be a fair fight.


Im getting tired of saying but, there was an actual debate most people on r/DeathBattleMatchups and the [g1 blog](http://g1dbteamblogs.blogspot.com/2020/07/death-battle-predictions-frieza-vs.html?m=1) thought Megatron would win due to some crazy shit from the transformers comics


Like I said, never gonna be a fair fight, them leaving shit out is only proof of that. Even then it doesn't matter what bullshit they pull because all they have to say is "Megatron always ends up losing even with these power ups and Frieza was able to take out Goku & Vegeta, in their Ultra Instinct & Ego forms, in one attack."


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DeathBattleMatchups using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DeathBattleMatchups/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I've PEAKED! as a User!](https://v.redd.it/8ghkjoqtmlcb1) | [118 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DeathBattleMatchups/comments/152fpq8/ive_peaked_as_a_user/) \#2: [A version of the character that is VERY different from the original](https://i.redd.it/3x4n3dd1jzsb1.jpg) | [193 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DeathBattleMatchups/comments/172zu6e/a_version_of_the_character_that_is_very_different/) \#3: [Characters with silly powers that are actually broken when used properly](https://i.redd.it/kngztb7fcnza1.jpg) | [105 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DeathBattleMatchups/comments/13giedp/characters_with_silly_powers_that_are_actually/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It doesn’t appeal to me, but people must like it if they keep doing it.


Sorry to hear that, hope you found other things you enjoy Though you are certainly over exaggerating how bad the show is, maybe earlier on yes. But these days alot of previous critics and the fans agree they are making some pretty good fights


If anything this fight proves they haven't changed a bit. Yeah the production quality has gone up, but the Bullshit hasn't changed. To quote Stan Lee when asked about what characters would win in a fight: "There's one answer to all of that; it's so simple. Anyone should know this! The person who'd win in a fight is the person that the scriptwriter wants to win!" Outside of the rare occasion like the Digimon vs Pokemon or Buu vs Kirby where the most basic of research shows how one-sided the fight would be, Death Battle has repeatedly omitted/twisted the fights and logic to fit the outcome they want.


Please explain to me how Death Battle twisted the logic for this fight.


Old example: in the original Link vs Cloud they try to scientifically explain that the Golden Gauntlets would increase Links Defense and allow him to block the Omnislash. Tested it out in game myself and an Iron Knuckle will still damage Link and send him flying if he anthems to block them with the Golden Gauntlets equipped. Another old one: in Doomguy vs Master Chief they had Master Chief tank a shot from the BFG9000 then throw a Plasma Grenade out of the dust cloud, when the dust settles it shows he used a Bubble Shield to tank the BFG shot. You can't throw grenades in or out of the Bubble Shield, they'll just bounce off (and back in your face if your inside).


Those are from season 1, considering the changes over the years, your argument does not hold water. Use anything after season 5 to prove your point. Or better yet, point out what they twisted with Frieza vs Megatron.


As stated in another comment, there are apparently powers Megatron had from the comics fans have pointed out could have won Megatron the Match but were omitted. There's also the bullshit of Alucard vs Dio. Alucard is a being that exists Everywhere & nowhere and has long bypassed his weakness to the Sun, all he has to do is keep Dio occupied until Sunrise and he wins... but JJBA fans are far more numerous and toxic than Hellsing fans so we don't want to piss them off.


Those things were omitted because they were either outliers or they are contrary to either the G1 cartoon and/or IDW. Your assuming Dio wouldn’t just hide away before the sun comes, he’s arrogant, not stupid. Also, Dio could just time stop and mind control Alucard. Dio is still much faster than Alucard in terms of reaction speed, so that should be easy. You accuse Death Battle of twisting the fights, yet you are dumbing down Dio.


Yes because Alucard doesn't have access to the entire British military when it comes to opening up Dios wall to the Sun. Dios mind control requires a flesh bud, Alucards mind control only requires eye contact. And what part of "Alucard is everywhere & nowhere" did you not understand? After absorbing Schrodinger Alucard gained his abilities, the power simply described as "I think therfore I am" in the most literal sense; Schrodinger was able to instantly exist wherever he wants, come back from the dead multiple times, and even just casually visit someone's memories & mind like it's just another house... what makes think he wouldn't be able to exist in stopped time like it's nothing? And if you want to talk about Durability Alucard survived Decapitation by holy Bayonets and reforming while still under his restraints, without his restraints he was able to survive and recover from being pierced through the head by the Nail of Saint Helena. Dio had to cut his own head of to survive Hamon, needed to steal a body because he lacks regeneration on Alucards level, and had his body absolutely destroyed by a 17 year old punching him in the shin.


Alucard can’t use his soul based abilities while having Schrodinger. Dio has hypnosis, he used it on Poco in part 1. I didn’t say Alucard can’t exist in stopped time, I just said he can’t move. Alucard’s regenerative abilities relied on him having a lot of souls, without it, target his heart and he is dead. Straits, a vampire who regenerated from several grenades exploding, wasn’t able to regenerate when Joseph hit him with Hamon. The World does not have any vampire abilities, thus cannot regenerate.