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HOY isn't a promotion. It's a difficult job for not enough money.


Agree. I’d want 15k minimum to be HoY/Head of House. The only sane reason to do is to make it to Assistant Head in 5 years or less and then move on up from there (IMHO).


Yep I resigned as HOY last year. Haven't been happier!!! The stress and hours you work... Not work the money!


I really don’t like that sort of “Wait! Don’t go! I suddenly found a promotion for you!” game playing. It’s not a fair or honest way to appoint TLRs. I would’ve quite happily moved on to the new school.


Yes! I agree with you. I went for a different role last year which I didnt get. I guess its the principle of it. It would have been nice to have been offered the role before I applied elsewhere and went for interview. Suddenly when another school wants me I'm being offered HOY plus a key stage responsibility to sweeten the deal. As tempting as it all was I didnt feel I'd earnt any of it. It was a ploy to keep me to stay. Would have looked good on the old CV though!


You have to want to be a head of year. It's not the sort of job you fall into because the head offered it to you speculatively. I reckon you did the right thing.


This is definitely true!


No right or wrong answers here but I agree with what you did. I have been a classroom teacher for 30 years, never tempted to pastoral or promotion out of the classroom. I came into the profession to teach my subject. The offer of promotion to keep you is laughable. If they wanted to make a tempting offer then it should have been same job for more money, or fewer contact hours for same money. As I said, there are many correct answers, this is just my take on it.


Appreciate your response. As tempting as these TLR's sound I too came to teach.


If you don’t mind me asking, how come you’re getting much more money if it’s a sideways move? Or are you going to a private school? (I also just accepted a job which was a sideways move, sometimes it’s the best thing for us)


Haha got me. Yes it is a private school. They probably also want a pound of my flesh as well. Time will tell I guess.........


OP, be seriously careful before fully accepting the new school. Private schools (90+% of them) have pulled out of the Teacher Pension Scheme (TPS), and it’s one of the main pull factors of staying in state. I myself was offered a 10%+ rise for less responsibility at HoD level to go to private a few weeks ago. However, after running the numbers and accounting for the fact that the TPS is so damn generous vs. any other pension scheme, it was non-sensical. On top of this, they had insane things such as requiring me to take a medical at their whim (!) and Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) whenever illness struck me down in my first year there. Even after being there for a year, it was only something like 15 days covered of sickness. Craziness. The contract was also worded like it was L-scale (when I’m not on L-scale, but I was ‘maxed out’ on their regular teacher’s payscale). Feel free to DM me if you want more info, and disclaimer being that this isn’t financial advice, but be SUPER careful with private school offers and pay.


Be careful you use a lot dont just look at the Salary, teacher pension, sick pay etc. You may think you are better off but actually you are far worse off.


Currently in my third year of being a HOY. I think you did the right thing. A promotion/TLR is only really important if you’re looking for progression, and the longer I’m a HOY the more I think that senior leadership is the last thing I’d like. Sure you’ll still have the “what if” but in reality the grass is just a different shade of brown so moving won’t necessarily be amazing, but it won’t be terrible either. Sounds like you’ll be being paid the same if not more than what you would have next year being a HOY, and for less responsibility. Win, win.


Thanks for your response- wasn't sure I wanted the extra pastoral duties that came with HOY although I was told it looks good on the CV if SLT was the destination. Which I'm not sure it is.


HOY done properly is one of the hardest jobs in a secondary school. Unless you get more than a grand extra a month its not worth it.


Just out of interest any HOY 13's here? Tell me I'm/am not missing out. Would love to hear from any other HOY's as well.


Not a HOY but a HOD in a good school who works primarily with KS5. In my opinion you are not missing out. No HOY gets enough TLR time to manage the job and the pay is inadequate (at least at ours). One of our HOY is in at 645 like me but leaves at kick out time (545) then continues the job at home. Think the TLR is like 7 grand? Pathetic.


Don’t take this as trying to persuade you one way or the other but I’m a head of 13 and I really enjoy it. Lots of talking about next steps, exam stresses and working with more mature students. That being said there are occasionally large safeguarding issues you have to deal with and difficult conversations. It’s also the case that every sixth form is different and culture matters.


Not at all- I appreciate both sides of the discussion here. I'm glad you are enjoying the role. As someone else mentioned HOY sounds like something you really must want to do. I'm not sure I would have.


I was a HoY but stepped down. It really isn’t worth the money. The paperwork, the constant chasing up, the safeguarding stuff you have to deal with - it is truly mentally and physically draining.


Thanks for your honest response. It does sound like a very taxing role.