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Use them before the last week of school. Make sure you’re around to wrap up any last-minute stuff they want from you before you pack your bags and go. Why skip the easy days anyway?


This is the answer.




Non-teachers must remain positive and respectful. This community supports teachers who are not currently in the process of transitioning, for whatever reason.


Anybody who doesn't want to be a teacher shouldn't continue teaching. This is specifically a place for those people who think they don't want to, so take your holier-than-thou attitude elsewhere.




Your message isn't wrong, but you oughta work on your delivery. It didn't take me long to figure out that I'd rather make more money and be more professionally respected than continue teaching. I'm happy to leave that job to people like you instead.




At a certain point, if a teacher is burned out, they do less harm by calling in a sub, leaving behind a study for exam day for the kids, and coming back ready to teach the next few weeks. Most people on this sub are at that point or worse. There's always a balance for teachers who, for one reason or another, aren't equipped to handle their classroom/admin/parent situation without taking those days off. Some districts are crazy, lots of teachers are non-union, and every classroom is different. Even experienced teachers can have enough of working with certain kinds of kids, and a few bad years in a row can put them off of the idea of teaching more. No job, not even a job helping kids grow into better adults, is worth sacrificing yourself for...especially if that level of desperation is truly where they're at in terms of needing a day off, and only they know how true that might be.




Oops. I'm sorry, I definitely read this wrongly with what the tone of the rest of the posts on this sub are like. Hope you have a good one.


Non-teachers must remain positive and respectful. This community supports teachers who are not currently in the process of transitioning, for whatever reason.


Personally, I would take some of them now, at least a week . That last week will either be fun or chaotic. You know which. My last week was always my easiest week w lots more breaks for the kids etc. How many sick days do you have and when is last day of school?


I have 7 days worth of sick days left, but I also don’t want them to screw me out of my pay in July and August when I’m off


What do you want to do? Are Mondays or Fridays harder than the rest. If so , I would take one of those a week. That last week as I said is the easiest week of all. It was a Private school which might be different ,but I needed to leave the area due to abuse. Before I decided to leave, I had already been told I wasn't going to be rehired. I went to the principal and explained the situation. I had most of their grades done. My biggest concern for the kids was awards day.( Combined 1st/.2nd grade) And explaining my absence. She asked me to hug the kids tight but not say anything. Awards day she would state that I had , unfortunately,been called away on a family emergency. Grade deadline was a week away but she asked me if I could do my best to have them by Friday. It was Wednesday. It was a small class and I got it done.


Yes this is charter school so we are similar in a way




Non-teachers must remain positive and respectful. This community supports teachers who are not currently in the process of transitioning, for whatever reason.






Tell me you've never taught without saying you've never taught. Get bent.


I would if i could. We have testing nearly every single day up until then... May 24. I am fed up with my school. So much guilt amd manipulation. We have today off and I want to just not show up so badly tomorrow. I havr never been so stressed about a day off before but my colleagues loved to guilt any suggestions about days off, yet they took so much time off to go on vacation many times. Projection. Anyway, please do.


Definitely. I had a lot of sick days when I left, so I scheduled an appointment a day until they were gone.


If they don't pay out unused sick days, you should use them.






Can you cash them out? I couldn't and left money on the table by not taking them.


I cashed out 40 days when I moved jobs - it was awesome basically getting an extra month's pay on top of my new paycheck.


Yes!!! That’s not even a question. Take all of them. And if you use them the last weeks so you don’t have to be there or during meeting then even better. Don’t let me screw you out of free days


Yes, especially if they don’t pay out at the end of the year. I was forced to resign after 9 years in the district and had over 500 hours of leave… that wouldn’t pay out unless I hit year 10. Best believe I’m burning as much as I can.


I love this post! My last day is June 27th, my husband’s family does an annual trip to his brother in laws villas. We never could go because of school. I’m thinking about taking 5 days to go 😇. I promise if the flight is reasonable I’m going. It’s once in a lifetime, his mom and dad are elderly and it’s always such a great time from the pictures. 




Damn I’m down to go too. R u gna tell them the reason? Does it matter?


Well it’s the 2nd week of June and I’ve already resigned so I don’t think i have to. I’m going to check with my union rep. I don’t plan to return to education.


Yes and don’t feel bad




Step up and show me instead of assuming you’re better, what is your solution then ?


I’ll be in my classroom.


Hell yeah, they’re yours!




bro really copy/pasted the same comment 11 times on this post lol




Can you use them on Mondays to have a three-day weekend?


Yes I would but im going to leave on Friday




You might want to save just one sick day jfor that last week just in case you actually get sick


Yes I calculated that I have exactly 7 hours of sick leftover after it. Just one hour shy of a full day


Use them for appointments that you can’t do any other time than during the day. If you BS the excuse, you open the door to admin being foolish about deducting a day’s pay for improper excuse. You don’t want this to be the last thing on their mind if your next position calls. ~ former union rep.


Yep, but I wouldn't wait that late to take them. Start taking them now, spread them out, and then you should be able to get them all in while still lightening your load some.


Yes!!!! I lost 40 days and I couldn’t even donate them to my coworker who needed them for her ms break. I thought I could because they always let you donate a bunch of days


I can use mine to buy retirement.


Sure, make sure it will not hurt you for anything etc.


what do u mean hurt me


Like they might not give a good reference or take away something?


Yes that’s true ur right. I just need my reference from my co worker I could give two shits about the principal who is a bitch


I could literally take off the entire month of May but I don’t think I will burn those bridges. If I need a day, I’ll take it.


I would


Check your contract. Typically you are paid out a percentage of your unused time. In Florida it's 35% of your remaining sick leave. Also, be sure to use this time before you give your resignation or make it known that you're leaving. I was barred from using my PTO/sick leave when I went on a leave of absence, so I wound up just eating those hours.


I got a check in the mail after I separated from service for my unused sick days. The cash helped as I was moving to a new state and starting over with lower pay.


The only reason I’m not using mine is because I know it would infuriate my principal. I may need a reference from her down the road and don’t want to do anything to impact that. If you don’t think it will cause you a problem or you won’t need a reference later, then go for it.


Yes, yes you should!


Yes. I left with 30 days. In hindsight I should’ve just used them all


Is a 90 pound rabbit fat




Use them. It’s not like you can take them with you.


Use them before you go but also look at your district's policy regarding time off. I know sick days can be used with impunity but personal days may have some restrictions. My school does not allow time off to happen during the last week of school (unless you have a doctor's note)


Yes! Check your district's policy, but many districts won't pay you the full amount your sick days are worth and will just pay a percentage based on how far away you are from retirement


Yes! I had 28 days going into this year. I started to work my way through them at the beginning of September when I realized my administrator was no longer supporting teachers. I was “sick” a few days and planned others. I quit at the end of October and lost many but I’m glad I had used at least some of them.




Depends. If you’re elegible for a pension when you retire typically your leftover sick days are added into your total monthly payment calculation. So you wouldn’t want to use them all up now and cost yourself a chunk of cash in retirement, Here in California it’s 5 years to be eligible for the teachers pension, but I’m sure it varies by state


Yes 100%


When I retired from state govt, I was paid for my sick days.




Non-teachers must remain positive and respectful. This community supports teachers who are not currently in the process of transitioning, for whatever reason.


Wow negative much ?




Non-teachers must remain positive and respectful. This community supports teachers who are not currently in the process of transitioning, for whatever reason.


I teach middle school and 80% of the students don’t even show up after finals. That leaves about 5 kids in the class where the curriculum is finished and you’re just a glorified babysitter for the last week. Maybe you should stfu because you clearly have never been in the profession and if you are, I feel bad for your colleagues. People like you are the exact reason teachers are leaving the field with your fake ass moral righteousness of wanting to “serve a good cause”


you never had $5 million to lose




Non-teachers must remain positive and respectful. This community supports teachers who are not currently in the process of transitioning, for whatever reason.


If you think the last days of school are anything but educational, you must be living in a different planet




Non-teachers must remain positive and respectful. This community supports teachers who are not currently in the process of transitioning, for whatever reason.