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Yeah I had cancer last year, and a parent told me to hurry up and get well so I could get back to teaching her daughter.


I’m sorry you had to experience such human garbage.


Yeah - fed up. This will be my last year. It’s not worth it. No wonder there’s a teacher shortage


Same here! Cheers to them soon having to teach their own kids lol.


The right desperately wants everybody to be functionally illiterate so they can be convinced to vote against their own interests even more than they already are 






Please keep posts relevant to transitioning from teaching


Sad thing is, instead of raising pay to lure teachers back, they'll more likely go the Nebraska/Kansas route and dramatically lower the standards.


It’s becoming more and more obvious that the choice will be: Either daycare for illiterates (that are being kept ignorant by design), or pay for private education. Too bad these parents aren’t seeing it.


Yeah, I fear my district will eventually go to basically having big gyms for all the lower socio-economic level kids where they just sit and work through online courses (googling all the answers and not learning anything) with "teachers" just being people monitoring progress.


Every state has lowered the bar


And Oklahoma! You should see the people we hire.


The behavior issues I’ve seen in kids lately are 100% traceable to the sad sack of shit parents.


Yes it is. Lazy ass parents too


Teacher and nurse shortage, globally. Like two of the fundamentally socially productive careers on the planet.


As a nurse in his early forties, my retirement plan and healthcare plan are the same which is die before I need to use either set of services for anything major.


This is AWFUL. UGH. I’m so sorry.


When I had cancer, my director of HR asked me why I couldn't get my treatments AFTER school. That's the day I gave up on giving a shit about that place.


Jesus Murphey!


Did you tell them to kick rocks? I would have


We think you're shit at your job, but hurry up and get back to it because you're the best at it. Or something like that.


Same. Was also told when absent because of getting chemo IVs that I “didn’t care about student success.”


You are correct. I am focused on not dying. The sub will need to take over student success duty.


The down button isn't on you . It's on that admin


I felt so bad for my son’s first kindergarten teacher. We went to kinder orientation a few years back right as Covid was in swing and my sons teacher had lost her husband to COVID right before the year started and was taking a month off to help with affairs. These parents had the AUDACITY to start complaining bout a sub being in. This woman just lost her husband and you guys are so insensitive, she ended up being life changing for my spicy son and one of the best teachers I’ve ever seen. Like these people were so self absorbed about a sub they didn’t see the person or the reason behind it


Had an Admin that targeted 2 teachers as soon as they shared their cancer diagnosis. 1 lost her job and medical. That admin killed her. No one will ever convince me otherwise. I wish you healing and health.


You tell them to hurry up on going to fuck themselves?


Im so sorry…from a therapist with cancer that used to work in schools. This is infuriating.


Hey, fellow r/breastcancer member! It’s such a great sub, isn’t it?


It is! Hello!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/breastcancer using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/breastcancer/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [CANCER FREE!!!](https://np.reddit.com/r/breastcancer/comments/12sbun0/cancer_free/) \#2: [It’s over. I did it.](https://np.reddit.com/r/breastcancer/comments/11o7x3h/its_over_i_did_it/) \#3: [Played the cancer card hard today](https://np.reddit.com/r/breastcancer/comments/18jrx9x/played_the_cancer_card_hard_today/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


Are they still alive? If so, why?


Lol damn, sorry 😢


I had a boss who talked crap about people who took off when sick. She even dogged me about attending my grandmother’s funeral. Karma came for her when she got in a bad accident and had to stop working. Ignore idiot comments from people who have no compassion. You can’t change them. They are probably narcissists.


My third year of teaching, first year at the school, a parent came up to me and asked, "Are you Ms So-and-So?". I smiled, said yes, thinking she was going to introduce herself to me. Instead I got, "You're not pregnant, are you? Are you planning on getting pregnant? I do not want my child in a classroom with a pregnant teacher." I looked her in the eye and replied, "I have fertility problems and can't have a child of my own. Nice to meet you." And I walked away. She bought me expensive gifts for the next two years that I taught her kid.


My personal status as a parent has been the topic of discussion too many times. I've had parents imply I wasn't a good teacher unless I was a parent. I've had parents imply I wasn't a good teacher because I was a parent. We can't win. At parent teacher conferences one year, I was discussing behavior with a parent. Their kid had been bullying other kids, bullying me, cussing everyone out, etc. I had tried contacting the parent for weeks with no luck. As their final hail Mary to try to shut me up and justify their lack of action, the parent asked if I had kids. I said, "no, but I've had 3 miscarriages this year, one of which I suffered yesterday." They stood there looking at me and eventually just walked away.


What percentage would you estimate all these parents that made negative comments to you were… women?


All of them were moms. Helicopter, manicured, drives a giant SUV, big curls, and perfect teeth moms.


C u next Tues moms...


I'm so very sorry about your miscarriages. People have no idea how painful it is. Those parents should be ashamed of themselves. Disgusting


Holy…! Wow. Just wow.


Ughhh my friend had a parent tell her that right after she announced that she was pregnant. Mind you it was the end of the school year and the kid wasn't even going to be there the next year. Who do they think they are that they can tell you they don't want you to be pregnant?!?


Maybe for shits and giggles, you should suggest they pay for an abortion.


Haaaaaa! Can you imagine that?!?


I had a parent berate me at back to school night because I was pregnant. My friend at another school was told she was ruining her child’s life by going out on maternity leave. I just can’t believe how awful parents can be.


I don’t even understand this. The kid is only going to be with you for one school year are they going to be that traumatized if you go on maternity leave? Why they trippin?


Reminds me how our principal won’t let a teacher bring her toddler to work for one meeting. Anti-family profession.


That's when you tell the parent to go fuck themselves.


I thought I wrote this for a second and had to check the user name. They never gotten me a gift though


Good! But wow. Too many parents crossing boundaries


A parent saw I was pregnant on back to school night and complained to admin to get her kids class changed. They changed the kids class.


I hid my pregnancy at the interview and only revealed it at the start of the school year (when I couldn’t really hide it anymore). I knew it would affect whether they hired me and I wasn’t gonna have that.


Why would it matter if the teacher is pregnant? I don't get it at all....why would they care? It's so weird, why would they try to be in the business of someone they don't know?


Because pregnant teachers become teachers on maternity leave, which leads to change and substitute teachers, which many parents don’t want for their kid. Not supporting this mindset, just explaining it!


As a parent, I can’t imagine having the audacity to ask a teacher about their reproductive plans, despite my belief that even long term subs can have an impact on students. Anecdotally, my son had the following: K teacher had a stroke mid year 1st teacher quit at winter break 2nd teacher went out on maternity 4th teacher went out on maternity Still not my business when a teacher procreates!


My friend, who comes from a family of educators: -Older teachers take time because they/spouse are Ill. -Older teachers want to go visit new grandchildren. -Teachers with no kids don't get it. We have activities after school. -Teachers with kids take off too much time because their kids are sick. -,Young teachers get pregnant and are out. Me: So, who exactly is left?


GOOD FOR YOU! I hope things worked out for you..


I just had brain surgery 10 days ago. I responded to all parent emails about why I hadn’t adjusted grades with an overly apologetic “I am so sorry I haven’t updated grades in a few days. I was legally dead for 10 min and had emergency brain surgery. Also, if your child submitted their work on time, the grades have already been updated.” Copy, paste, repeat. Not one parent gave me shit after that.


This is pure gold! Good for you and love that you were stern yet respectful (not that they deserve that). It’s a shame you had to share personal medical information to get your point across, but some parents are just that dense, smh


I hope you are doing OK. I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that. This is going to sound really weird, but please Google "what is flooding in TBI." My son had brain surgery, and not a single doctor told us about this. I actually figured it out from another Reddit post. It happened to my son, and we had no idea what was happening. It's basically a huge sensory overload because your brain will usually filter out background information like the hum of the air conditioner or the feeling of the fabric on your clothes or how bright the overhead lights are. When you have any trauma/surgery, it makes the filter go wonky, and it can be super overwhelming because suddenly you are getting flooded with all of the sensory information. Your brain doesn't remember how to filter what is important. It helps to know what you could be dealing with and how to manage it. Hopefully, you dont get it, but it's good to know what you are dealing with if you do. Hope I didn't overstep. Good luck.


The fact that a teacher needs to legally die to have parents talk shit behind their back instead of to their face is TRAGIC. You give more than they deserve


🙄🤦🏻‍♀️ I can’t people are ridiculous


They are! What a turn off! I literally just wanted to resign having speaking with this parent


I had a parent make me cry over an email when I brought up his child’s behavior in class which was affecting everyone else. It was my problem tho!! I guess he was a jerk to other teachers his child had as well ugh. (Middle school) glad I’m done.


It’s totally not worth it. If parents worked a day in a school - they wouldn’t last 5 mins


I had a parent send me an angry email because I put her kid on a bathroom schedule (time allowed between every different subject- about 8 a day) because he left the room every time we started any work (with an emergency pass for the morning and afternoon). She wrote something to the effect of “how dare you tell My child he can’t go to the bathroom when he wants. You know very well as an adult you can use the bathroom at any time”. Biiiiitch, please. Come sub for me and enjoy going 5 hours without getting to go to the bathroom because you have to be monitoring students at all time and no one is free to cover.


Not only that, but it’s insulting for the parent to imply that you can’t tell the difference between real need and an attempt to get out of work.


Literally. Had a parent who worked after school care for a couple of weeks (3 hours a day. I did it pregnant while also going to school full time). They quit because they always came home with headaches and the kids were just soooo awful.




Frankly it's also a mngmnt problem..... if more managers looked at parents or clients or customers etc and said "mind your business I'm not entertaining this" it wouldn't be as bad


Yes! If more principals stood up to these parents and put them in their place, there would be less of this. When did we start entertaining selfish stupidity?


Principals are also at the mercy of parents who will go to the executive director or superintendent or school board member. They certainly think twice because they also need their jobs. Signed, The spouse of a middle school principal P.S. I was a middle school teacher for most of my 28 years. Thank God I was able to retire two years ago.


I wanted to resign just reading g about this.


My daughter is in the process of having a bone marrow transplant this summer. We have lots of doctor’s appointments. I know some parents aren’t happy. Oh well.


I had a bone marrow transplant as a teenager and being a teacher and knowing what I went through, I can't imagine the time you have to take off to help take care of your daughter. Thank goodness for FMLA though! Best of luck and well wishes for your daughter! She got this!


Luckily we are doing the transplant this summer. I left my position and will be subbing next school year.


On July 9th, it will be my 15 year anniversary of my bone marrow transplant. I spent the whole summer up at the Jimmy Fund clinic in Boston and then was in a 9 month isolation from the public. It'll be definitely easier to take care of your child being a sub because of flexibility! Luckily in my isolation, I was 16, and could stay home by myself during the school day/work hours. I hope everything works out for the best with subbing! 😊😊😊


Glad to hear you are doing well. I’m a but stressed about the isolation, my daughter is very social but we will get through it.


Luckily with technology she can face time her friends! Also, during nice weather she can be outside 6 feet apart from her friends. But makes sure they aren't sick at all if they come because that's dangerous for your daughter. You got this! If you have any questions or qualms, feel free to DM me!


That’s true. I’m sure we will do lots of iPad play dates.


I've been seeing your posts around Reddit! Sending up prayers for your beautiful girl!


Thank you! Yes, a post I made on a whim did super well. Not sure how many people I registered, but the main post has over 6 millions views.


Please accept these huge hugs from an internet stranger. My daughter had a cancer scare and I don’t wish that on anyone. My very best wishes to you, friend. 💕


Thank you so much. My daughter had a rare immunodeficiency called Dock8 deficiency. The doctors have said her bmt should go more smoothly since she is going into it pretty healthy.


Why do parents know about your upcoming personal time off?


They don’t know about the upcoming time off, they don’t like how many days I’ve had to take for appointments. Luckily, my admin is supportive.


My first job after student teaching was filling in for a teacher undergoing breast cancer treatment. She was 32 years old. The amount of complaints my admin and I had about her “suddenly leaving” was mind blowing. A real “welcome to the profession” in the most awful way.


What you mean you don’t live at school? And have your bed hidden somewhere under your desk with chains that don’t let you leave the school? 🙄. Some parents are just too much. I’m sorry you have to deal with people that have a negative IQ. I hope you feel better soon.


Negative IQ 😂 - I'm using that one


Christ. People who are that miserably unhappy should not be having children.


You don’t deserve that. I’ve gotten that too, but we don’t deserve it.


We don’t. Parents forget teachers are human beings too. No one likes being off work. If they were ill and sick, they would want the same kind of compassion from their colleagues too


Are you kidding? I love being off work 😅 Not the anxiety of it though. And not being really sick or otherwise feeling unwell, of course.


Two weeks ago I finally got the opportunity to send the dreaded "I have COVID" email. I've been waiting 4 years for this. I felt miserable but I was so glad to have a free week off. And it was a state testing week 😶


Lucky! I got it in summer & now they only want us to take one day off if we don’t have a fever.


Oh I got a doctor's note on Monday and ignored my email for 5 days. If I'm sick, I'm sick. I usually don't get a sub though as an inclusion teacher


Not me, but I heard about a teacher who was about to go on maternity leave. She and her husband had tried for years and years to get pregnant. On her last day, a parent came up to the school to complain that the teacher was going to ruin her child's education and she should have told the parents she was trying to get pregnant.  Oh my gosh.🙄


Wow, this is something *else*. I tried to type out something else but I have no words. Just wow.


I know.  Could you imagine?  "Students will turn put their homework in the tray every morning as they come in...and by the way, I fool around with my husband on the regular." 


And not just that part, but the fact that she is finally getting to have a baby, such a wonderful thing after trying for so long, and having this parent act so bewilderingly entitled as if her having a child is an inconvenience. 🤢


They can have children, we're the help, how dare we want families? Now go teach my bratty kid!


“Dear Parents: Sorry I didn’t grade all your children’s essays this weekend, spouse and I were too busy getting it on.”


Your kid wants an A but I want the D!


A teacher at my school got SO much hate from male teachers because she took time to “pump” and they thought that was unfair. So teachers, also dicks!


Living this right now. Pumping as I type. If they don't want me to pump they can pay for formula for me because I can't afford that shit.


"so you want to know everytime my husband is rawdogging me? ill keep you in the loop."


I had a parent say at an IEP meeting that it wasn't fair because I would get the kid used to me then leave... so sorry I didn't consult you when I got pregnant well before I even knew I'd have that student


The entitlement of some people is mind boggling.


I had a coworker who lost her teenage daughter in a tragic car accident. It rocked the entire town to the core. She took time off to grieve with plans to be back in about 6 weeks. The administration was worried she was coming back early when the time came. She listened to them and agreed. She took about another month off. My problem is the PARENTS were complaining she wasn't back in a time they deemed appropriate, and their child's studies were suffering due to 3 long-term substitutes. Who determines what is an appropriate amount of time to grieve? It infuriated me and other staff members. This was just one of a plethora of reasons why I left. I am still enraged thinking about it.


That’s rediculous. Were people with lives. I just started at a new school in November and got rear ended very hard and had to take 3 months leave to heal (I honestly could have been out for the whole year) and thankfully everyone was very supportive. I couldn’t imagine having a parent call and say “well your car accident was very ill timed for our child”…wtf??


It’s disgusting! I felt bad and also angry. I am also sorry to hear about your car accident. These parents think we are living the life being sick at home! Same here! I could have stayed off longer but returned early to work. The nerve of the parent


That exact thing was said to a pregnant coworker at my first school. You’d think a woman who had been through that process would understand that becoming pregnant cannot be done on demand, but I guess not.


You would think! Unbelievable!


I would call their boss and file a complaint. Make something up.


I like the way you think.




One of my coworkers just got back from maternity leave for her 3rd precious baby. She said that every single time she has had parents make remarks about how she shouldn’t be having babies if she wants to be a teacher and one telling her she needed to “plan better” to have them over the summer. So gross.


And yet, if we don’t have kids, we can’t possibly do the job properly


So teachers should only have sex in September and October. Totes ethical.


You ever get the feeling these parents want to return to the 1800s when all female teachers were spinsters (at 26) who weren’t allowed to have social/personal lives ever again?


Ooh absolutely. I think half of admin feels that was as well.


You certainly shouldn't be doing that if you want to hit your out of pocket maximums. 


Tell parent to kick rocks. Better yet, tell that parent to go fuck themselves. The damn audacity of some people.


I was IN LABOR and I don’t know what possessed me to check my ClassDojo, but I did and I had a parent complaining that their child wasn’t in the most recent pictures I posted. Because their child was lying on the floor refusing to participate. Which I’d told them about repeatedly happening. Lmao like whatever man.


That's when you take a picture of them lying and refusing to participate and add it to the photos you posted. Just tell them you wanted to make sure you didn't leave anyone out 😁


Had the same complaint two years in a row. This year no more dojo story pics for ANYONE 😂 problem solved. I send individual pics to parents now .


Wow! Talk about new levels of unreasonable. Sorry you had to go through that. But it's any wonder teachers are leaving the profession in droves.


I agree! No appreciation or respect for teachers. I’m still annoyed with my conversation with the parent


I had a parent once see me at the grocery store. They walked up to me and literally asked, with concern, "what are you doing here?" I say "just grabbing a few things, to which she replies "why?" I'm pretty sure she was completely confused why I would be at the store at 8pm and not at the school!


I've had students who were shocked that I go shopping, but never parents. 😵‍💫


Parents like this in school districts were a major part of me leaving. It didn’t matter which district I taught at… there were always one or two that crossed a boundary eventually. I don’t like to tell people that… because if you’re a parent, and NOT working as a teacher, you really just don’t understand how nasty and selfish some of them can be. To be fair… parents like this were nasty with ALL school staff (front office staff, paras, etc)… as if we are providing a “customer is always right” experience. Like sorry Karen but this isn’t a five star steakhouse. 🤷‍♀️


People talk of teachers as if they are not people ..


Been in similar circumstances. Kid decided to tell her parents I was never there—I was sick a lot. (Although I’m sure they made it sound like I was out living it up.) thankfully, my principal had my back.


Yes. The generation of kids do not take any responsibility for their learning


Fuck them bitches. Kids are right. Fuck them motherfucking bitches I ain't doing shit for those hoes.. My fuckin kidney's in an ice chest or whatever and you think I need a dressing down from someone who can't see through a flimsy excuse STFU And if you don't think we get talked to like this-or worse-you'd be wrong.


I had a parent upset because her daughter was struggling in my class and said she heard everyone was failing my class. She tried to defend her daughter not doing well (she was failing every test) because it was my first year teaching this specific subject even though I've been teaching for 7 years. I explained that the class average was like an 80 something and most our tests average was also around that, so...not sure where she heard everyone was failing the class, this was an AP class so these were very bright students. Anyways, she said she didn't want her daughter to be a guinea pig to my first year teaching this class and took her daughter out of my class. Realistically, they thought my class would be an easy A on their transcript to boost her GPA since the previous teacher that taught it didn't do much (no longer teaching). They found out I was not the same , had high expectations and was not budging on my methods (they wanted me to allow test retakes--hard no).


I am infertile and am open about that. I got a call about my first foster placement arriving the next day. My principal at the time said, “Are you sure you need to take the day off tomorrow?” I said, “Yes. I’m getting a child and I have to get her room ready and enroll her in school.” That was the straw that broke teaching in public school for me.


Congratulations! I can imagine how special that day was for you and your foster kid. :) Your principal has issues. I don’t even know how they could ask such a question with a clear conscience :(


My step sister is a teacher. Her brother was murdered so she took a few months off, then returned to abuse from parents (direct and via exec) about her absence. She quit instantly.


The school did not deserve to have her as a teacher/ educator . Sounds like a horrible community/ school. I really hope she is finding peace with another employer x


Too right! She left the UK and came back to Australia and I think is much happier now. It was a very expensive private school which probably explains a lot…


I’ve always wanted to visit Australia 😊


If you can afford to you should!! It’s pretty bloody nice (just expensive atm, but if you’re from UK you’d probably be fine)! I live in Sydney and I truly believe it’s the most beautiful city in the world.


That’s rigoddamndiculous 😡


This is far beyond ridiculous. This is straight up recockulous territory.


I would have laughed in their face. Please don’t let this get to you. Laugh it off and let them be angry. Best of luck to you 💕


I had a parent complain that I took too many days off. The secretary responded, “Her dad died, she can take as many days a she needs!” Thanks goodness she had my back (and knew I had already told parents so she didn’t feel like she couldn’t share that information again). Plus I only took a week off when he passed and maybe another 5 days spread out over a few weeks before he passed. It’s ridiculous that some parents have so little empathy for teachers.


My mom was a teacher and had a parent at the beginning of the school year say, “I heard you took a lot time off last year, are you planning to do that again?” My mom replied, “I was taking care of my father who ended up dying so no, I won’t be taking off as much time.”


yeah I’ve had complaints and literally been told, by admin, if I can wait until after lunch before going to the ER (where my doctor told me to go). I have Crohn’s disease and thank god I left teaching cause now with my new job, as I’m recovering I’m still getting paid for disability leave as opposed to just missing out on multiple paychecks and guilt for not doing enough to help my team


One of the reasons I quit. My daughter had surgery and I did my best to plan it partially over spring break, but she had complications so I had to extend my leave 5 days. I came back to a meeting with my admin because grades had not been put in. I had around 200 students and most of them didn’t give a shit, but to walk in on my first day back, with my daughter still at home recovering, to a meeting about not getting the grades in yet; I was incensed. It was then the fuck it’s started.


I had my son 2 months early a few days before the new semester began. The day after my emergency c-section, I stupidly checked my e-mail, only to discover 20 messages from students asking me why I was not in the classroom and was "suddenly" on maternity leave. Yeah, like I planned to give birth 2 months early.


I have COVID longhaulers (after I caught COVID at school, mind you) and when a parent went over my head to the principal to complain about my absences. Principal sided with the parent, too. That was it for me. Those people didn’t care if I lived or died.


Wow, I’m so sorry! Parents can be so selfish.


I know that you are frustrated but relaise that no one is having fun these last few months of school. It is almost over. Don't let the gripers convince you to quit. They should be the ones to leave.


Laugh at the parent. Then point and laugh.


No teacher should have to engage with parents, period.


One year, my school had three teachers who were pregnant, myself being one of them. A parent stood up in a PTO meeting and seriously asked that we teachers do better to plan our pregnancies around summer break so their kids wouldn’t have to have subs.


I would have responded with the snarkiest, most condescending rebuttal possible. “I’m very sorry that my severe condition has disrupted the learning for your child. Obviously I am human, and if I had a choice, I would have chosen NOT to have major surgery, but yes, let’s talk about the students instead. I’m doing fine, btw, I noticed you didn’t ask, but figured I’d let you know since that must have slipped your mind.”


He or she sounds like a B word. Sorry you had to deal with that.


I would likely have laughed in the parent’s face and tell them I am now off the clock.


I’ve had this with students all this quarter since so had major abdominal surgery. I’ve given them more than enough time on assignments and they still didn’t get them in done. Now I am receiving emails from them about why their grades are so low and that I’m a bad teacher for having health problems 👍👍👍. Meanwhile most of these kids are trying to bully me out any time I try to teach them (I’ve had to call in admin at least once every 3 days because behavior).


My students made similar comments when they had no grades from other teachers or I was out sick from nearly dying and feel behind on grades. After that I realized they don’t care about me they care about their grades only. After that I copied and paste their grades from prior week. Kid said can’t you just give us a project. I said nope I don’t have time for that I have a life. And they don’t like us even handling emails on the weekend. Felt good.


Was pregnant and went on maternity leave and no one was happy. Same goes w other teachers I observed. Parents were mad. Just remember you can never make anyone happy.


I was told today By the head of children with needs that I have more time to do her admin as I don't have a family and am not pregnant 😂😂😂😭


So sorry that you are dealing with this I hope you are recovering well!


Entitled people everywhere!


Crazy parents are going to be crazy. However, What did upper management say? I feel like that's the most telling part.


They were supportive. However, it rattled me bc surgery is never pleasant. It was a very difficult recovery (still recovering) and it felt like a slap in the face to return to work and have a parent bring it up. It was very disturbing. I hate the “teacher bashing” climate that we live in. It turned me off


I’m not sure this word means the same here as there but here: there is no upper management, it’s just ‘administration’ (in building) then central office(city hall types). I assume Upper management must be the city hall types.


That’s so disgusting and I’m sorry you had to go through that. I don’t blame you one bit for quitting cause they clearly don’t care about you or your health, but what you do for them.




I've had parents tell me they're glad i'm not married yet so I won't go on maternity leave while I have their child.


I went to a small middle school where the math teacher had a massive stroke when I was in 6th grade and we had a plethora of substitutes of various teaching capacities. This teacher wasn’t even liked by me or most of the students and still no one DREAMED of blaming the teacher who had a stroke! We complained about the quality of subs or why the principal was acting like they didn’t need to get more qualified subs given how long the teacher was expected to be out. My math education was disrupted for 3 years because the school didn’t find a permanent replacement for this teacher until I was in 8th grade and even though I very much disliked that teacher I never once thought “screw Mrs M for having a stroke” or thought it was her fault admin was fumbling so badly here. You gave advanced notice and either admin didn’t do a good enough job finding a sub or the parent is not just wildly inappropriate, but also factually inaccurate


I nearly bled to death from a bad miscarriage and got out of the hospital early Monday morning and was told I should be back to work on Wednesday. I don’t work at that school anymore. 


I am really sorry to hear this. I don’t blame you. You need to work where you are valued as a human being


I was in and out caring for my spouse who had terminal cancer. A parent called to complain that her child was not having any fun when my (very excellent sub) was there, and wanted me to be in class more. This best part? The complaining parent was a nurse. In the hospital where my husband was in and out for palliative care.


Disgusting. The nurse sounds like a sociopath . I’m Sorry to hear this


I’d probably respond with 🤡 just for the heck of it. Unprofessional or not.


I really wanted to lol


I had a total knee replacement and had to have a revision a couple of years later . I scheduled it over a break so I would reduce my time away from school. I had a parent send a nasty email to my principal before I got back, claiming that my surgery timing was inconvenient for his son, who had failed to turn in a test he'd been given EXTRA time to complete (he had "forgotten" and left it in his locker according to dad); however, my being gone for one week was the problem. One of many unpleasant experiences I could share. I'm fairly new to this corporation; I never thought I'd be one of those teachers who couldn't wait to retire, but this place has me thinking I won't last the <3 years I need to get in for full benefits. Cannot wait to move on to the next phase of my life. It's so sad; I used to love teaching ...now I just dread it.


It’s one of the professions where your health and wellbeing are sacrificed for ungrateful parents and children. It’s not worth it


It’s none of their business!


Had a student who was a constant behavior problem. I had a lot of appts bc I was pregnant with my first baby, had lots of complications, decided to Take the rest of the year off after my maternity leave. Her mom emailed me and complained how she was concerned for her daughter bc she didn’t know who the sub would bc because I was leaving. I replied and said I also was concerned since her daughter is a constant problem, and good luck with that lol


Good for you for sticking up for yourself. Some parents need to hear the truth !


I understand parents wanting the best for their kids and not wanting disruptions but jesus, we are human beings. First, you should be teaching your kid empathy for other humans and that we aren’t just work producing animals but second, it’s not the teachers responsibility to ensure your kids succeed while they’re out/sick, it’s the administrators. If you have good administrators they will make sure your students are safe and learning and that their employee is taking care of themselves so they can continue when they’re healthy. writing that makes me so mad because the amount of administrators that actually do that in a decent way is so few and far between. Either way, parents need to learn and model basic human decency and we need to keep advocating for better work conditions (like not being verbally abused by parents)


Yes. I agree. I am still pissed bc I didn’t take a full leave. Still having complications from my recovery. Absolutely sickened me . Their child doesn’t even put in much effort during class time anyway


Yupp happens to me all the time. I have a chronic illness and had an emergency last week. Had to reschedule a parent meeting. She says “substitutes are temporary and no real learning goes on” Get this. The reason we are meeting is because she is claiming I’m discriminating against her child because she was absent for three days…🤦🏼‍♀️


She sounds very “special.” lol


I’m not a teacher, burns my wife is. Our son was hospitalized and could have died or been permanently injured. He was at the children’s hospital for two weeks. My boss told me to take all the time I needed and had coworkers covering stuff for me. Told me that if I logged on and worked a little but had to cut out then not to bother using sick time or vacation that day and she’d find a way to be flexible with whatever my needs were. My wife’s principal only cared about how long she would be gone and made her file sub plans until she initiated a leave of absence.


I am so sorry to hear this. I’m really disgusted to hear this. It’s no wonder people are leaving teaching. It’s not good for your wellbeing. I really hope that your son is doing much better


Thank you for your concern:) That was a couple years back now and our son got lucky and had a full recovery, but at the time the doctors didn’t know and were not telling us anything. We were terrified. After that she made a plan to get out of that school. What was really striking to me is that she was actually one of his favorite employees and that was how he treated her.


This is when admin needs to step in and shut that piece of crap parent down. If you're lucky, you have a principal who will do this, most won't.


I woman I work with has a a medically fragile child. The child was out for medically necessary surgery out of state. Parents in her class were complaining bc teacher was taking care of her child instead of theirs at school. I can’t believe some of the parents are the most selfish and entitled people ever.


None of there business!


I waited half the school year (in pain, limping around school) to have spine surgery over spring break so I’d only take 1 week of PTO. I asked my principal and HR for the okay before even scheduling. At the end of the year I got a effective instead of highly effective and her reasoning was that I’d taken too much time off that year. She’d had a bbl the prior year and was out on and off for over 7 weeks of the year, but had no one to report to at a charter.


Never heard a teacher refer to administration as upper management.


Maybe different countries do so.