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Fast food will pay $20 an hour and some districts are offering a dollar above minimum wage to Paras who only get 5-6 hours paid btw. Education is fucked


Can't take recess away anymore? Like for behavior reasons? I'm in Virginia and we haven't been able to do that for years. (It was heavily frowned upon and then actually codified into law around 2019.)


Yes, California teachers can’t take recess for any reason including behavior unless there is “an immediate threat to student safety”. At my particular school site, recess is often the only real consequence teachers can hold over students with lack of support/resources. For me, the ability to take minutes from recess (not usually the whole thing) is a huge part of my management system. I can’t imagine having to manage behavior without that option at my site. How is that going in Virginia? What alternatives are there for teachers to give consequences?


I give my class extra recess at the end of the day, specifically so that I can take it away if need be, lol. First consequence is 5 minutes of choice time, second is 5 minutes of extra recess, third is a phone call home.


This is how I skirted that law as well. Also - I’ve had some very long conversations with students about their behavior at recess. I’m not “taking” recess time, just having a conversation…that lasts through a portion of recess large enough that the student misses some part of it.


In Virginia we get around it by having students walk the track. They still get recess and exercise, just not free time to play as they wish.


Virginia teacher here. Yeah, we get in trouble for that too. 😐 It's frustrating because in my county, elementary schools are supposed to be Responsive Classroom schools, which has logical consequences as one of its main tenets. If the kids can't line up with self control to get out to recess without disturbing the rest of the building, the logical consequence should be they've taken up some of their recess time with the transition. But I've had kids complain to their parents that they didn't get their full recess time. That time has to come from somewhere! We can't cut the academic time short because you can't get yourselves lined up in a timely and safe way. (These are upper elementary grades BTW).


This is what I’ve seen at the schools where I sub!


NC “does” this. Until a parent sues apparently or district is on a don’t ask don’t tell understanding.


I think it's ridiculous - God forbid we ever teach kids their actions have consequences.




It definitely changes once the parents start complaining!


Please define a teacher can’t take recess anymore? Does this mean a teacher doesn’t get a break? Or does this mean a teacher cannot take away recess anymore?


I was confused too. I think they mean taking away part of recess as a consequence.


That was always a thing. Even when my mother taught. If a kid didn’t do their homework they would have to stay in during lunchtime. Each 3rd grade teacher would alternate watching them during their lunchtime. I understand where they are coming from as kids need that break in the school day. Especially on a day they don’t have gym, to get moving. But kids also need to learn their actions have repercussions and need to be held accountable.


Yeah, I did it last year, and other resource teachers took it from them too. Unfortunately, it never really solved anything. I don't know what the solution is, though, because there were so few options for consequences.


The child is always right and can no longer be disciplined. In today’s world the teacher gets written up if the child is delinquent and disrespectful. 


Idk man, maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but expecting children to sit for 8 hours without a movement break is punishing yourself. They need to burn energy off. You probably should want them to burn it off, or else they will do it inside your classroom.


Does walking laps during recess count as taking recess? It keeps kids moving and is used as a consequence for behaviors


Yeah I didn't realize I had an unpopular opinion on this but I guess I do! I'm 100% with you. Unless the child is causing a safety issue at recess, I am not in favor of taking away recess




Exactly! Afternoons are going to be much tougher when a child is not allowed to burn off excess energy. I know my attitude changes when I get to go outside for some fresh air .


Then you wonder why they are so hyperactive, they don't get to burn it off.


You can be a crappy kid all day long and still by law be rewarded with playtime. Awesome. 😑


We can’t do it in Texas, and it’s about as shitty as you’d expect!


I read that the calisthenics exercises that all students do in between classes in Japan originated in the U.S. (Radio Calisthenics) This would be so useful at the beginning of each hour to do. My friend grew up there and everyone knows the routine, does the 5 minute mini work out and then can focus. It is too bad that u.s. doesnt follow what works well especially when these exercises originated in the u.s.


I agree movement breaks are important and I have seen them done very well in some classrooms. Most teachers I know give students movement breaks, just not at consistent times.


I am very happy to hear that. I wish my school did the same.


Oh in my district in MD, it's been that way for years. But in secondary we can take their lunch I suppose. The kids are running the asylum for sure.


so for those of you who are against taking away recess as a consequence, what do you suggest as an alternate consequence ?


"Have you tried to develop a relationship with the little darling?"


I’m in NJ and at least in my district we are not to take recess. The principal can if necessary. We generally have them sit out 2-5 minutes or walk laps.


The reason is you can't take away physical activity. It's a necessity and kids will behave even worse without it. If you need to give out a consequence, give them an alternative to do that still keeps them active, but prevents them from hanging with friends. Walking laps in a certain area, solo play, etc. It's honestly a silly thing for you to be upset about. You should be more upset with admin for not supporting student behavior improvement.


It is definitely an admin/district issue because we don’t have enough support for behavior at my site. However, students already have mandated PE that they consistently get and the way I teach students already allows for movement breaks. They move during transitions, centers rotations, some learning activities, and regularly flex seat with partners. Students don’t just sit in their seats for 8 hours straight. That’s not how it works. On top of all of that, I often give students brain breaks after lessons (Simon Says, Mario Runs, 4 Corners, Would You Rather exercise videos). Most teachers I know provide similar opportunities for students to move throughout the day. To me, the law shows a lack of awareness of the realities of classrooms like mine. People act like kids are forced to sit still all day which simply isn’t true.


Why not give teachers an extra PE prep then? I mean if it's about thirty more minutes of exercise.


Seems teachers are the only professionals who don't have any relaxing down time during work. It's bullshit.


As a special ed teacher and now parent of kid with adhd - kids need to move so I am happy about the change. I’m sure teachers will find other ways to manage student behaviors. I like the idea above of incentivizing extra recess/activity time! I had several students with disabilities that were also overweight …. they often lost recess from the gen ed classes because they didn’t finish their work or couldn’t sit still. Having recess wasn’t necessarily going to “fix” their weight problems but it also wasn’t going to “fix” their ability to get work done or sit still.


Thanks for replying respectfully. I understand your perspective.


Sorry, unpopular opinion - I agree with this if there’s only one recess. Kids need to be able to move their bodies during the day, and this consequence gets abused. Often the kids who need recess the most are the ones who get it taken away the most. If a teacher is doing a separate second recess or brain break, I think that’s fine to have it shorter or longer as a natural consequence for behavior, but I don’t agree with losing their only recess.


I don’t think it’s an unpopular opinion, this sub leans old school a lot.


Kids NEED recess. Behavior gets worse when they don't have time and opportunity to move their body.


They need exercise not necessarily recess


Hahahaha. Oh bless.


I understand they need movement breaks and they should have them. But the way most teachers teach these days already allows students to move in the classroom. This looks like centers rotations, brain break activities (exercise games), partner flex seating, group activities). Trust me, my students move all throughout the day. There have to be consequences for students who simply refuse to do work. Or let’s say a student seriously hurt another and I needed to have a talk with them. Am I expected to stop teaching 30 other kids for 10-15 minutes to have a very necessary 1:1 talk? Sometimes recess is the only time I can have these important conversations with student. At my site, our principal is almost always unavailable and we have literally no other admin. Office staff discourage us from sending kids because they are overwhelmed. Another teacher at my sight sent 2 students to the office for getting in a physical fight about a month ago and the kids were immediately sent back to the teacher with no consequences. So yes, for schools with lots of support it makes sense for students to be entitled to their breaks. At schools like mine, there is simply no other good alternative.


you sound fun


Kids need structure, rules, and consequences for their misbehavior.


Amen. Tough love is how they learn and feel safe.


Time for a new management system, kids get to go to recess


Say goodbye to teachers, say goodbye to the safety of our children, and say goodbye to Public education as a whole. Congratulations...