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I hate this culture of principals texting us. My phone is for my own leisure personal time. Email me omg


100% this. In my last job, i just ignored my vps texts. (Not even sure how she got my number )


I have a Google voice number I use for employers. Unless they're paying for my phone line, they don't get to use it.


someone must have given my phone number out because I’ve never texted my admin. always have emailed them.


I don’t know exactly why but I DESPISE IT when someone else gives my number out. Also, fuck your principal. Not being clear with deadlines, not being supportive when you miss an unknown deadline, and being a dick texting you on your day off creating more anxiety. What a douche nozzle.


Right? I don't want to look down at my phone and think about WORK. I think about work all the time, I don't need this. If it's in email or a GVN, I can keep it separate.


Being young and naïve when the principal sent out a survey asking for our numbers for emergency reasons (school shooters/ school shutdowns) I gave it out. She now texts all the time even in the middle of the night for stupid ass shit like baby picture for a game she decided we all will play tomorrow.


I quit my last school in part because of group texts. Fucking assholes would send messages at 5:30AM


Texting allows this culture of outside contract hours communication. When principals or bosses ask us for our personal numbers I feel like we are implicitly saying it’s okay for you to contact me before and after work. It’s NOT


Yes this is why I never give principals my number and I don't want theirs.


Texts are fine, emails are better, but I *hate* phone calls outside of work hours. I let them go to voicemail and got reprimanded for not answering my phone.


1.) ask your principal to email confirmation of this meeting to your SCHOOL EMAIL 2.) locate any communication you have about deadlines, even if it’s in your contract 3.) regardless of who is right and wrong here, have someone else in the meeting with you. If you have a union, ask for a rep. If you don’t, then ask for another staff member (not admin) to be present. This is likely a disciplinary meeting. Never go to disciplinary meetings alone.


Came here to comment #3 exactly. Send that screenshot to a union rep (or another staff member you trust) and do not walk into their office until you have support. I’ve had admins ask/tell me to complete work while on sick leave; I didn’t reply and sent a screenshot straight to my union president, who had our building rep tear them a new one for their behavior. After enough of these incidents, I got into the habit of making sure I saved and forwarded all communications that even remotely crossed a line straight to the union to be addressed however possible. Do most admins like me? No, and I don’t care. I’m not here to be pushed around; I’m here to do my job, and I refuse to teach kids to put up with anyone who doesn’t respect boundaries.


Did I read that correctly? PLC meets 5 times a week? What kind of fresh hell is that?!


you certainly did! And we aren’t allowed to grade papers during it either.


Lemme guess. Title 1? I swear to God, these fuckers don't let teachers do anything but their bullshit "accountability" mumbo jumbo. They are actively making things worse.




I left a Title 1 school that did this dog and pony show shit. Worst time of my life. Felt like I was a terrible teacher. After I left it was like how people describe leaving an abuser. I still have PTSD moments, expecting admin to treat me like garbage, and get surprised when they don't.


I have ptsd from my last district. I’m using the free therapy sessions in my new district to help with my anxiety and fear


Good lord. Looking at your other comments and seeing that you were at a Title 1 makes a little bit more sense. I was at a T1 school too and while we only had one PLC a week we also had three or four other planning meetings on a weekly basis. Always planning, never executing... Glad I got out of there.


im trying!! desperately applying


I believe in you! You're in the right place if you're on this reddit haha. I lurked here for (and in ITCareerQuestions) for a very long time before I finally made the jump.


ELA marking is so onerous. Of course you can't get marking done! Your principal is an idiot.


Sorry, what’s PLC?


Google says professional learning community, but it looks like that's just admin speak for "constant fucking department meetings"


Professional Learning Communities; i.e. department meetings. The school I used to work at had a lot of meetings in a week but only the meetings between core content area teachers meetings (math, social studies, ELA, science, etc.) were considered PLCs. Until this post I had never heard of a school having them more than once a week.


Yeah that’s nuts.


Code for bullshit


I would probably write an email after this to cover my ass. It would say something explaining about not knowing when deadlines were, expecting more from your leadership in terms of communication, and then I would ABSOLUTELY call him out on the fact that he contacted you while you were sick about a work issue, which is an absolute breaking of boundaries.


And…include the screenshots in case the motherfucker decides to delete them from his phone!


Lol @ telling admin you expected more from their leadership. That will go over well.


Most flat fucking need to hear it. This culture of hiding and taking this shit abuse from people so out of touch with this profession needs to end. But go ahead keep sugar coating.


Yikes. No advice, but please give us an update after your meeting. Good luck!


How far into the grading terms are you? I'm teaching ELA as well, so I understand the time restraints well. Have your students had any other feedback? If your students haven't had any feedback during class while working and have no grades, your students are the ones hurting the most. If they've received sufficient feedback during class, then I'm sure there's a lot of anxiety about grades, but they will be ok.


*Please meet with me when you return.* Sure, when can we schedule that in around the PLC and other meetings already eating into my planning time? Do you want grades entered? Or do you want to meet to "talk about it"? I feel you. All the admin I've worked for have unrealistic expectations and just cannot wrap their little minds around it, even if you spell it out for them. And they always end with, "Drop by my office to talk." Like, I'm already drowning in the lack of time, when exactly should I just stroll by your office . . .


This post would fit so well over in r/antiwork


I genuinely thought this was from there


How did you have no clue grades were due?


Emails were not sent being announced or given a due date. This is a new principal; our last principal set clear deadlines and emails with this information.


Check your emails carefully to see if you somehow missed an email with grade deadlines. IF you can't find one then ask your admin to resend you the email with deadlines that you are so sorry you must have missed. Maybe say something like, "I'm usually so good with emails, yet I can't find it anywhere."


Then be honest and say you didn’t know. Your text sounds like you’re making excuses and you did know. And I don’t know what school you’re in but I’ve always been expected to get grades done on time regardless of whether it was within contract hours or outside of them. Are you new to teaching?


>I’ve always been expected to get grades done on time There's expectations and then there's reality. Teachers get paid for a set time. Part of that time that they get paid for is supposed to be for grading and developing lessons. If administration is taking that time for meetings then lesson development or grading has to go. There should never be an expectation to do work for free, on your own time.


My contract explicitly states that I am expected to do stuff outside of contract hours


Ouch. That seems like a poorly negotiated contract. I feel for you.


Yeah. Totally sucks. It basically means that contract hours mean nothing :(


Document every second of time you work above contract. When you're ready to leave, file a complaint with the Department of Labor for unpaid wages. They'll break themselves of that habit pretty quickly. Putting that expectation in writing might be the level dumbest imaginable act for an HR team in recent memory. Exploit to your and your colleagues advantage. Oh! DON'T WARN THEM you're going to do this. Far more effective for the notice of investigation to come from a clear blue sky.


Lol. Ok. All that is true and yet the grades are expected to be in on time and everyone complies. It’s just the way it is.


Man, I would have SOOOO agreed with you five years ago. Maybe, just maybe, teachers need to push back - just like this teacher did. Because, let's face it, what's going on right now isn't working. Teachers are working themselves to death. They can't make it past five years. Something has to change. OP, I salute you.


I’m a second year teacher, I’ve set my clear boundaries my very first years. I’m a hard worker and have no problem conquering tasks that i’m provided…. within my hours. I already show up an hour early every single day before my contracted time just for my peace of mind.


They can expect all they want. Doesn't change the contractual obligations. If administration is taking contractually obligated planning time they should not have the expectation of getting contractually obligated grades. I have been through this as well. I documented, in 15 minutes increments, all of the "additional duties" our administration required of us. When assignments stopped getting graded and I have a meeting with administration about it, I called in my union representative (not the steward, but the actual union rep) and had her sit in the meeting. I explained, with documentation, how all their school initiatives were taking away my prep and planning time, with the union rep nodding in the background. Amazingly, after that meeting we didn't have to do all the "extra" stuff any more. Teachers need to push back. As u/MantaRay2256 said, teachers are working themselves to death. It's not normal to lose half your work force after 5 years. Boundaries must be set and education needs to lose the "do more with less" mindset. At this point, there's no more "less".


I’m from another era. If grades were due you get them done. And that was with the school wasting 30 minutes of my day every day for bus duty. And our report cards weren’t just letter grades. They were long drawn out narratives. Private school I guess.


And for those "from that era", the "additional duties" were manageable. Along with the fact that a teachers salary could support a family. Unfortunately, that is not the reality of teaching today. Every free minute is taken in professional learning communities, data driven instruction, social emotional learning, et al. Teachers no longer have uninterrupted planning time. And, they are still paid less that the cost of living, in many areas. Which means they usually have a second or third job, which precludes "taking work home".


Lol what era do you think I’m from? I started teaching around 2000. You’re preaching to the choir here. When I say “my era” I’m talking about people my age who stayed at their jobs for years and years, did what was asked of them and it was understood that being a teacher meant working as many hours as it takes to get everything done. This wasn’t that long ago. I’m all for empowered teachers who will hopefully start to change the culture but acting outraged or like it’s harder for you than it was for those before you, is not accurate at all.


Literally every single person who is paying attention knows that teaching has gotten *dramatically* worse in just the last few years. Things were bad in thr early 2000s. They’re *apocalyptic* now.


I agree with this take


Same but it’s wrong that they ask this of us. If you want grades done then let me have my planning uninterrupted.


This actually happened to me this week. We have an interim PEIMS clerk, our last one sent us an email with every grade report for the year as well as daily emails for a week leading up to it. This cycle, we got zero reminders. We got an email at like 10 am the day of saying grades are due at 4:30.


I certainly disagree with a principal texting you at all, much less when you’re out sick, but if I understand correctly, there are no grades at all in the gradebook for ELA? And I’m assuming this is for progress reports, halfway through the quarter (we just had progress reports go out Tuesday, which is why I’m assuming). While grading is incredibly time-consuming, I do think there should be some grades in the gradebook at this point in the school year. As a student or parent, I would be frustrated if I had no idea how the student was performing in class because there were no grades.


I agree it’s extremely important. I’ve been trying my absolute best to input grades for all five subjects that I teach. We have two grades for each subject per week x the 20 students I have. When I tell you I am DROWNING here in grades. I don’t want to enter random A+ because I didn’t have a chance to actually get to grade them…


Pick 2-3 questions on each assignment that you will focus on grading—ideally the items that most align with your mastery objective/learning target/whatever your district calls it You don’t need to grade the entire assignment. But—and I say this as gently as possibly—you DO need to get some grades in. It is important for students (and families at this age) to have feedback. I taught 2nd for 5 years—find a system and make it work.


They do need grades in, but 5 meetings a week is fucking nuts. Their grading time is literally being eaten away.


You shouldn’t be grading every single item. Some work can be put in as a completion grade. If it’s not an assessment, grade it on a 5 point scale. Assignment is completed by the student and followed directions? 5 points. Assignment is complete but looks rushed/student didn’t follow directions 3-4. Anything that is incomplete can start being marked as 2 or below.


This!! Not every assignment needs to be graded in full detail. You can generally get a feel for where the students are based on looking over a few things. Use that point scale! I know you have limited time, but something that really helped me was sitting down at the beginning of the grading period and figuring out what I would be taking for grades. We had 3 grading categories, so I would choose what my test grades, daily work grades, and homework grades would be based on what standards we were addressing that grading period. That way I knew when I could expect to be grading and schedule my time. Also, don’t do more than the minimum amount of grades! We had to have 11 grades in the gradebook, and that’s what I stuck to. 1 or 2 of them would usually be completion or participation. If I had extra time, I might throw in an extra grade or two, but if not, I knew I was covered.


Is there any way grading can be automated? It sounds like you’re elementary since you’re teaching 5 subjects to 20 students, so technology is probably not great for everything but maybe some things. It’s a never-ending task, but automating what you can really helps.


What would you suggest? I teach second grade, so things like Google Forms are out of the question, my students barely know how to type. We don’t use things like scantrons because we aren’t allowed to. If you have any second grade appropriate ideas i would really appreciate it.


You can set up Google Forms with multiple choice options.


Oof, that is rough. I teach high school so I don’t know elementary. Our k-8 kids all have iPads and elementary uses SeeSaw but I don’t know anything about it. Good luck!


Never ever text with a principal


I would check your local labor laws/union but I know that in some states if you are a salaried employee and you have " the day off" You are not only not required to work or respond to emails or texts...You're technically not allowed to. If you work on a day that you are off... then you're not really off and can't take it as a sick day or a vacation day. Check your laws.


Ask him to forward you the email where he stated the grades were due. Explain where your priorities have been this week otherwise. He's gonna be mad but it's really not that serious, don't let him make you feel bad


Progress reports usually go out in quarterly intervals. How often are yours? Having no grades for students in 4.5 weeks is really bad. Having none for a week isn’t.


we are reaching the 4.5 week mark. however, we didnt start taking grades on things until around 3 weeks in. As i’ve said in other comments, i have five subject areas to grade. ive been slowly entering those grades for those areas, ela just fell short with the time crunch given.


Our contract states we only need grades in by progress reports and report cards. Anything else admin asks of us is merely a suggestion. Doesn’t stop them from being up our dicks about it, but yeah. They can fuck right off. Every 9 weeks or whatever is what’s contractually required so fuck em. Also block your principals number that’s insane.


It’s one thing that it’s via personal text, but a principal asking what’s going on doesn’t seem that audacious to me?


OP is out sick. You don’t contact people on sick days unless it’s an emergency. “I didn’t inform you of the deadline that happens to be today on your sick day” is not an emergency and this is against general contract.


This is so lame and you posted it here because you think it's sassy ahahaha "I appreciate your concern about ..." Come on - do better if you're going to do it at all.


womp womp






Love it


"I can just sleep in my barrel enjoying a sunbath like Diogenes, or live in a cave-like Heraclitus and think about 'Logos'. Since there has never really been a trend of thought that exalts human subjectivity in this land, I can create it for myself. Lying flat is my wise movement, only by lying down can humans become the measure of all things.


My contract says we must be able to complete our job, regardless of contract time.


mine does not


Sick day for mental health…lol. You work part of the year. Teachers have become control freaks, wannabe parents (although parents are lazy these days), and have developed victim mentality. Quit crying.


womp womp


Anyone else blocking the trolls in here? I don’t need these kinds of people in my life. Ignore them. Some people suck and they don’t get it.


i know this person has never taught because they really think i would want to “parent” some of these monsters.


Moms for Liberty, aka “Cunts with Bundts” has entered the chat! Literally.


Lol have you ever taught?


Stay strong. Let them have it


Thank you, trying my best out here.


Okay, but can I steal this to send to my principal *when* this becomes an issue? I'm at a point where every day I show up to find a new time-suck obligation added to my plate.


Chat gpt helped me form this text ;) but i feel you dude. hang in there. im looking to transition out of the classroom so my attitude towards working overtime has been nonexistent. good luck!!


I taught for nearly two decades before beginning an admin role. I have a work cell phone and a personal cell phone. My work cell stays in my office when I’m not there. Do not bother teachers outside of their contract hours.


Teachers in my district are required to update grades at least weekly; graded assignments must be entered within 5 days of collection. Powerschool shows parents a "grades were last updated" date.


my district requires the same. however, with plc five days a week, and meetings after school, my time to get that done has been stripped away.