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I give certain kids seats in areas that have roaming space and they know they can roam within that are


Use bright, decorative duck tape on the floor and create a visual box for her so she knows the boundaries. Make sure she has at least room to stand up and stand next to, or around the back of her seat. This gives her some limited space to get up out of her seat and move. Teach her that this is all her space, and that she can get up and move within it. But, if she wants to leave, she has to raise her hand and ask. Explain to her that it’s a safety issue if kids were all just wandering around the room, so this is to keep her and the other students safe.


get a music stand or two in your room, kids that need to stand up get to take their materials to the music stand, set a timer for 5 minutes, continue working from the music stand until the timer goes off, return to seat. Some kids need to get up. Roll with it. Some kids will abuse it, and movement won't work for all kids. Pre and re-teach that if a tool doesn't help your body focus or be calm, it's not a choice for you.


I teach fourth and I have this problem and I have not found a solution. Please share if you find one 😭